*THE WEATHER CLOUDY AND LIGIIT S-NOW TODAY Y Sir 1au :4Ia I Section One VOL. XXXIV. No. 105 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, M!CHIGAN SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE, FIVE MICHIGAN HOCKEY, SQUAD DEFEATS VARSITY STAGES FAST CO3IEBACK AGAINST STELLAR NORTIfERN PUCKSTERS QUIRK AND REYNOLDS STAR FOR WOLVERINES Fate Of 560 U.S. Prisoners Rests .With Clemency. Board Leavenworth, Kan., Feb. 23.-The Houston rioters. The first seven ov- hope for carly freedom of approxi- erseas soldiers were reached late to- mately 60 1ita prisoners in var s day. The hearings yesterday and to 'ios Uite Sttes}peitetiaiesress(lay, were conducted behind closed tous United States penitentiaries rests doors and no information as to the largely with Maj. Frank Ross, and individual cases was given out. Maj. James Stansfield, members of the The work of the clemency board, special clemency board who continued it was pointed out, should not be con- their hearings at the federal peniten- strued as forecasting blanket clemen- tiary here today. The board will cy. Some of the military prisoners, it make its recommendation for possible was said, could expect little mercy, commutations and remissions of sen- because of the nature of their crimes tences direct to the war department. or because of their prison records. Speeding up their work, the army Confinement records of the majority, officers today reviewed the cases of however, have been excellent, prison 42 men, including the remaining 32 officials said. 'DRYS WIN VIICTORY IN CAMPUS BALLO T WITH FIALRALLY LIGHT WINES AND BEER PLACE SECOND WITH 1,698 VOTES TO VICTOR'S 1,743 641 DESIRE REPEAL OF THE 18 [11 AMENDMENT Country-Wide Returns to be compiled by Yule News in National Referendum TO PURDUE, 24-20, IN HARD_ CONTEST WOLVERINES HOLD SLIGHT LEAD UNTIL LAST FEW MINUTES OF GAME SPRADLING, HAGGERTY j LEAD IN FIELD GOALS Boilermakers Play Fast Game Taking1 Advantage of Poor Shooting of Mather's Nen lilinnesota Team, Lead By Pond, Puts Up Stiff Battle To Retain Clean Slate Staging a sensational coeback af- ter Friday night's drubbing at the hands of the Minnesota sextet, the Varsity hockey team defeated the Gophers by a score of 3-2 last night at the Coliseupi in the fastest game seen in Ann Arbor in several years. In handing the Northmen their first trimming of the season, the Wolver- ines displayed a brand of hockey that was not to be denied, and held the upper hand throughout the contest. Coach Barss' aggregation cane on the ice determined to avenge the 7-1 , beating of Friday night, and set a pace that was too hot for their opponents from the opening whistle. The Goph- ers put up a great battle, but the smooth teamwork of the victors coupl- ed with some brilliant individual play proved to be too much foy the Minn-.. esota six. Tile game was replete with thrills and the brand of hockey exhibited by both teams was of the highest caliber. Referee Nick Kaher, who has been in the game for 17 years and who has played professional hockey in both the United States and Canada, said that the game was the best exhibition of collegiate hockey lie had ever seen. Beresford Scores First Jim Beresford drew first blood for Miclbigan when he shot the puck past Schade, the Gopher goal tender, after three minutes and 30 seconds of play in the first period. The score was made during a lively, melee in 'front or the Minnesota goal. A few min- uaes later, Pep Reynolds narrowly missed another goal after guiding the puck through the visitors' defense. Af.- ter eight minutes had elapsed, Beres- ford again shot a goal in which some excellent teamwork on the part of the Wolveirnes played an important part Three minutes before the end of the period Captain Pond, Minnesota's bril- liant pilot, took a pass from Thomp- son and shot a pretty goal from the sidc of the rink The period ended without further scoring. The second session started with a rush, the Wolverines being determin- I ed to maintain their lead, with their' opponents equally anxious to forge ahead. Early in the period, Captain Eddie Kahn was laid out for a few moments, but was not seriously in- jured. After eight and one half min- utes, Dan Quirk took advantage of a break recovering the puck after a Minnesota man had lost it in front of his .goal, and shot the disc into the! net for Michigan's last score. Play Is Fast Pond attempted a number of long shots in a desperate attempt to put his team to the fore, but Weitzel Michigan's goal tender, was equal to the task of stopping the flying puck and the period ended with the score standing at 3-1 with Michigan in the lead. The period was featured by thrilling hockey, both sextets playing like mad. The Gophers came back strong in the final period and rained shots on the Wolverine goal. One minute af- ter the period started, Gustafson shot a. goal after receiving a pass from Pond. Kahn was again laid out for a short while, but remained on the Ice. The Michigan rooters were given a severe scare when Pond narrowly missed shooting a goal after Weitzel had stopped a shot. Weitzel was pep- pered with shots for several minutes but none of them went into Michi- gan's hoop. With five minutes to play, both teams displayed great hock- ey and the contest became most sen- sational. Reynolds' phenomenal de- fensive play and the teamwork of Quirk and Reynolds featured in check- ing the furious attack of the Gopher The Week's News In Brief ;National In spite of President Coolidge's public support, the oil business be- came too involved for Mr. Denby, who gave his resignation, to be effective March 10. His resignation relieves the President of retaining a man who insisted that the leasing policy was to the best interests of the nation, after it had been repudiated, not only by the Senate, but by the administration. Senator Wheeler, who would like to see Attorney-General Daugherty follow in Denby's footsteps, said that if Daugherty hadn't made money.out of the oil leases, lie "was a bigger fool than the people of the United States give him credit for buing." The President is now looking for a man with mining and engineering experience to take the Navy portfolio -in other words, one who can oper-j ate the oil reserves. When asked whether lie would en- ter the presidential race, Governor Al Smith of New York, said: "I am IDEAL NIV ERSI YEARLY STATEMENT ISSUED REGENTS EMPHASIZE CUL. TURAL YALUES STATES 60 PERCENT OF BUILDING PLANS DOI Raps Building- of Fraternity loi Too Far From Cati- pus ATTACKS POSTPONE R EVEN UE16BILL VOTE Amneniment Itestoring Excess Profits Tax Defeated by First Ballot Cast. SIGHT TO INCIEASE ESTATE RA.TE POSTPONED TO MONDAYI Washington, Feb. 23.-(By AP)-- The revenue bill withstood sucessful- ly all assualts in the house today, the most determined attacks in the form of an amendment submitted by rep- resentative Frear, Republican, Arkau- sas, 157 to 74.' A stubborn fight for the amend- ament which would have reinacted the law repealed in 1921 with slightly dif- ferent rates to prolonged consider-I ation of the measure that leaders pre- dicted a final vote on it could not now be expected before the latter part of I next week. Democrats, however, div- ided on the question, only about half of those present voting with the Re- publican insurgents for it. The estate tax section was then taken up but another fight .impending for increase of these rates, final con- sideration of it was put over untilT Monday. Several minor amendments, none of which passed, proposing to allow tax payers more time in which to correct returns questioned by the treasury, were defeated in short skirmishes prior to the fight..on the excess prof-. its tax. . Bloomingtson. nd., Feb. 23.-A field, goal by Duggan in. the last minute, of play gave Chicago a 26 to25 victory over Indiana in a Western conference Voters favoring "retention of the Swecial to The Daily Prohibition amendment and Volstead Lafayette. nd., Feb. 23.--.Michigan act as they now stand" were found lost another hard fougnht conference in the majority by-a slight margin game, to the fast Purdue five, 24 to when the final count in the campus 20. The game was close from thei referendum was made after the close start with Michigan holding a slight' Well-Known As Archaeologist Lect- ' of balloting late last night. The light lead until the last few minutes of play urer of College De wines and beers ticket followed, close when Spradling sunk two baskets andi France behind, with those in favor of complete Robbins one. in TheWolverines passing combination AvE FELYrepeal aconsiderable ways behind was not working (uring most of the 31A) :lolI E ELONG T1)Y T IO The actual count was, for enforce- game and many shots were missed Omnient, 1,743, for light wines and beers [ during both periods. Robbins, the Paul Pelliot, professor of the his- 1.695, and for repeal 641. Purdue guard, took advantage of theseI tory, literature, and art of Central After 10 days of voting during the; initia period threw three long baskets Asia in the College de France in Par- first week of which the modification- which kept them in the running. is, will deliver a lecture tomorrow ists were in the lead, the students and Mather's men started the scoring afternoon in Natural Science auditor- aculty of the University of Michigan when Henderson sunk an easy shot. ium under the auspices of the Univer- have declared themselves in favor of Spradling put one in from the foul sity lecture series. M. Pelliot has fnforcement of the present statutes! line and Haggerty followed this with chosen as the subject for his address regarding the production and sale of a long basket from the side. Rob- the cultural and religious contacts intoxicating liquors, it was announc- bins comes in for his three baskets at and exchanges of Central Asia. ed by those handling the local ballot this time, but Doyle and Haggerty M. Pelliot has spent a great many last night. The total number of votes were able to tie the score at half,. years in making a study of the arch- cast was 4,082. The drys began theirl 11 to 11. aeological remains of Central Asia, victorious rally Thursday afternoon Michigan took an early lead in the and it is due mainly to his efforts that and by night were in the majority by final period, and it looked like a vic- we are able to understand the history IS votes. They continued to advance tory for the Wolverines. but Spradl- Sand the civilizations of the far cast. *romthen on and lef little doubt as toI ing's three baskets sewed the game During the Boxer revolt. in China, he 'he final outcome until the end of the up for Purdue in the last few min- performed such noteworthy service tote, finishing with a lead of 45 bal-Eutes of play. With a four point lead that he was made a holder of the tots. Purdue played a stalling game until Legion of Honor. He started his ar- Vote Thought Representative ,the final whistle. chaeological career at the age of 21, Refuing to 'comment on the out- Haggerty was high scorer for Michi- and a few years later was placed at some of the voting, one official of the gan, even though he was closely cov- the head of an expedition which was -eferendum contented himself with ered. Deng played a great defensive, to investigate and make excavations :he following statement: game 'holding Gulion. Purdue's ce.. in Chinese Turkestan. It was at this '-We have left no stone unturned to ter scoreless.. Spradling and Robbins time that he discovered the famous secure a representative vote. We be- kept Purdue in the running with their "Grotto of a Thousand Bhuddas" from sieve that we have succeeded. Our: baskets. Robbins getting four and which he took more than 15,000 manu- main source of votes have been the Spradling three. . scripts, many of them originals, writ- ampus booth, individ'uvi ballots clip- Summary: ten in Chinese, Tibetian, and San- oed from the ipaper, and collective, PURDUE (24.) MICHIGAN (20) sc'it, and from which he was able votes fronm campus organizations'.- Our SpradngT.......F....... Haggerty to reconstruct the exact living bon'- 'voters have included the most prom-' Tavis.... ....... F ..... .Henderson ditions and beliefs of the Bhuddists rnent professors and .students on the 'Gullion ...C.......... Doyle! of the seventh and eighth centuries, campus.: We estimate that something I Robbins........0..........Deng IA. D.like 20 nercent of our total figure was WV P11M Kirke An dents' ideal university in which will be treated as men intel ually as well as socially, the unfav( able influence of jazz bands and I many proms and hops, the building fraternity houses too campus, and 'the place far from' of an aestl education in the lives of future c zens were among the things toucl upon by President Marion L. Burl in his annual report to the Board i i a 4 3 j « S' S fii}' 1 : DAY IS APPOINED T PUBLICATIONS BOARD game here tonight. A frenzied crowd Prof. Edmund E. Day, head of the of 3,500 spectators watched Indiana's economics department, was appointed hope, of a conference championship go yestei'day as a member of the BoardI in Control of Student Publications for one of thIe greatest basketball con- the remainder of the year by Presi- tets e plaes hero.ldent Marion L. Burton. Professor tests ever played here. Day will fill the position on the board. + L.I .T '4]Of11t-Wt by P f F N entt of th, (:; from women, showing that the women students have taken nearly as 'great in interest in the question as the' 'ien." Totals Compiled by :Yale News' The result of the" Michigan ballot; together with the figures from the rest of the colleges in the state, will be sent as soon as they are all compiled to the Yale News where the national total will be ascertained. This result; will be published March 25, it is ex-; pected. MANY TICKETS ORDERED FBR IIINIOR MRCS ' PLAY Substitutions-Purdue, Taube for Tavis. Michigan, 'Landre for Kfpke, Kipke for Landre, 'Field goals-Purdue, Spradling 3. Robbins: 4.Taube i, Wellman 1. Mich- igan, Haggerty 3, Henderson 2, Doyle 2, Kipke 1. Foul goals-Purdue, Spradling 4, Taube 2. Michigan, Haggerty 1, Hen- derson 1, Doyle 1, Kipke 1, Referee-Kerns. Umpire-Berger. 1 1 WOLEIEMAT MEN BOW TO0 BADGER 6RAPPLERS~ not a candidate for any office." Trans- Regents is'sued yesterday. lated, this coy remark means that Al "The student," President Burto is waiting patiently for the Demio- 1" cratic convention to woo hi said, "by virtue of existing tradition and perhaps because of the prevailin A refrigerator car, containing bond- organization of the entire eduaton ed liquor estimated by police to be system in America, in reality, in spil worth approximately $200000, wias of what we may say or aim to do, found in the railroad yards in Den- treated intellectually as a boy an ver. It was consigned to Cleveland. socially as a man. A curious' co trast in these respects exists betwee The House rejected the Mellon English and American universities. A plan for the reduction of income tax English university man is housed b rates, and substituted the Democrat- his college. He must be in his ow ic plan. Taxation will range from 2 room each night. He must be In a per cent on incomes of $5,000 to a a certain hour. His college feels r maximum surtax of 44 percent on in- sponsible for his conduct. Socially, i comes of more than $92,000. Asked one sense, he is. a boy. what the President would do about it, Americans litellectual Children Representative Longworth, Republi- "On the contrary, the American co can leader, shrugged his shoulders. lege student is independent. Whethe he lives in a dormitory or not, he 'doe The nomination'of Walter L. Cohen, largely as he plases. Socially, in a negro, as collector of customs at rather astonishing way, he. is a ma New Orleans, was rejected by the Son- "When it comes to the real busine ate. He had been proposed once be- of the university, conditions are quit fore by President Harding. reversed. The Enghish student 'gOe to classes or not, as he chooes. Ter The House has caught the investi- time offers many real opportunitie gation disease. Two investigations- 'for broader ing his interests and wi one of the Shipping board, andone of ening his horizons. The vacatiol&n i the aircraft industry-have been p o tines"for hard studf. ' He has inte posed. -ectual"pfustilts and pursues theti Mentally;'he is a man James Cox, former govprnor <"Iri America; the student must go I Ohio, and presidential candidate in. plasses regula rly, must follow a ci 1920, announced his willingness to j riculum rather rigid, in the hope 'C take another try at it. forcinig sone continnit, orrelatloi and concentration. Iitellectually, I Dartmouth college, founded in 1766 . some respects; he is a boy. and aided by the good offices of Need Beautiful Campus Franklin, John Adams, and other of 'We may make attendance at classe oration Afates, had pcer for in the upper years entirely optionm our national fathers, has a place for for those who have given proof, n securedy o its faculty if he can be merely in marks, that they have me secured, according to its president. !tal capacity and serious intellectua interests. Education then will b United States' Atlantic fleet has come an active affair, at least for tb temporarily gone out of business. Its chosen few." four capital ships, the Wyoming, Utah, An ideal university will have an e Arkansas, and Florida, have been feet upon the students, the presidex found incapable of maneuvering. So continued, "if the campus is beautift all that's left are some submarines and well kept, if the buildings fa and destroyers. clean and wholesome, if the entire a pect of the campus is one of orderl A report by the Department of Jus- beauty and dignity it will inevitabl tice shows that 115,000 cases, arising t produce similar qualities in the mind under the national prohibition laws, and lives of students. If the studei have been prosecuted in federal courts- occasionally if not constantly is sul during the last four years. jected to the influences of thoughtfu scholarly conversation, if daily he se Investigations disclosed that Phil- beautiful pictures and hears good inm adelphia could deliver on a moment's sic, if every time 'he turns around bi notice 1,050 machine guns, 7,200 rifles, meets some one who is redlly aliv and 15,000,000 rounds of ammunition. if the campus is saturated with nob An army officer declared that with i traditions and breathes an atmo this supply he could hold Philadel-i phere of sound accomplishment, phia for two weeks against local, state here and there are silent renindel and federal forces. .of the men who have frequented the halls and gone forth to build a be Henry Fletcher, present Ambassad- ter world, if the moment one touch or to Belgium will go to Italy to suc- the campus he is instinctively con ceed Ambassador Child, resigned.) cious of its breadth, liberality, and h Charles B. Warren will be the new manity, if the whole place sounds Mexican ambassador. These two ap- I clear note of distinction, if at one mo pointments are said to precede a gen- ment there is unmistakable eviden eral shakeup in the diplomatic corps. of moral fibre and at another ti: warm breath of human understan Strikes and lockouts last year cost ing, if scholarship an(d learning a employers and employees .$703,839, prized because of what they are I 575, and took 20,551,140 working days thnmselves, then the university from the ledger of industrial product- alive. These are the intangible real ion. ties' of university life. They are ii = life breath. Doubtless they must con Foreign I gradually and with age." Praises Michlgaa Traditions Howard Carter, director of excav- The idea that state universities th tions at King Tutankhamen's tomb are tax-supported are only places fC has been officially forbidden t enter those "who cannot afford soMIethin the tomb, and it has been put in better" was also refuted by the Prei charge of a local governor-a man ident. TMichigan has a past that having no knowledge of archaeology, is attempting to live up to, he sai and thoroughly unfitted for the task. The place of the fellowships in cre The real issue in the squabble is the tive art that are bringing great me disposition of the relics. Under the in intellectual fields to the Universi law, the contents of unopened tombs and the using of available salari belong to the Egyptian government. jIfrom vacant chairs to bring men pron ttwo percent, which shallbe;inent in their fields into associatic exceptItw~fen,,wh ,ha 1 with the students, are methods t Tirailinrg 16 to 9 at tile hail , Indiana came back at the start of the final period and with dazzling offensive play scored 9 points before Chicago could get started. From this time on it was anybody's game with never more than a point separating 'the'twoi teams and the lead see-sawing backj and forth. With a one point lead and! three minutes to play Indiana attempt- ed stalling tactics but Cheiago broke' this game up and Duggan tossed in the I - - I I winning score.: OHIO STATE WINS, FROM WISCONSIN,_SCORE 27-I31 Sloocial to The Daily Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 23.-Oio State up'set the (lope tonight by! trouncing Wisconsin, 27-13, in a fast and furious game. Miner and Matu-j soff starred for Ohio, while Elson a nd( Gilson looked best for Wiscon-! ' sin. Miner and Elson were the high' point scorers, each making 8 points, r ei vacan oy iroi. r. . OCOL o Me rhetoric department who is now in Europe. , Professor Scott will again assunme his duties as a member of the board on his return to the University next fall. Symphony Plays T'his Afternoon 1The University Symphony orchestra,, with Mrs. Marian Struble-Freeman, violinist as soloist, will offer the fac- ulty twilight concert at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditorium., Samuel Pierson Lockwood of the School of Music will conduct the or- chestra. With the exception of the Beethoven Symphony, the program is of a lighter vein. First Symphony...........Beethoven Rondo Capriccioso ......Saint-Saens Mrs. Freeman Ballet Music from "Les Petits Riens".. .................. M ozart Three Dances from "Nell Gwyn".................German The public is cordially invited to at- tend this concert. It will begin on time and the doors will be closed dur- ing -nunibers. Minnesota Plans Relief Campaign. Special to The Daily Applications for tickets for the Madison, Wis., Feb. 23--The Badger twentieth annual Junior Girls' play, wrestling team defeated the Michi- "thank You, MaJdamn", which the classa gan imat men here this afternoon by a score of 16 to 4. Wisconsin gained of 1925 is giving March 18-22 at the its points by securing one fall. one Whitney theatre are coining in rap- forfeited bout and three decisions. idly from alumnae and Ann Arbor res- The Wolverines secured decisions in idents. the 115 and 145 pound classes. The bouts for the most part were slow Printed application blanks . were and uninteresting. The Michigan men sent out only to alumnae, but the gen- continually fought defensively, seldom eral public, including students and taking the offense. The fastest bout townspeople, are urged to send in or-: was in the 158 pound class when Greg- ders until March 8. The box office or of Wisconsin threw Ferenz of sale will be held March 14 and 15> at Michigan with a headlock in their sec- i Hill auditorium. nd overtijimn eriod. This waos the , ,I : i ,z i! ,i { .# Six performances of the play will be given this year with the opening night Tuesday, March 18, given in hon- OJIU~~~~~ 0VIL1I 71JL. 11.5 %Val 111 only fall in the meet. 115 pound class-Defoe, Michigan,a defeated Hanson. Wisconsin, on a} s_ extet. . wCunningham, Ohio State center, scor-I TeamiworkGood ed 7 points, and showed up well on; Reynolds was the outstanding star the floor. The play was nearly al- the game, both on the offense and ways either under Ohio State's bas-: efense. He and Quirk worked to- ket or in the middle of the floor. The, ether in passing combination that score at the end of the first half was, 'as well-nigh invincible. Reynoldsj 16-11, in favo' of Ohio. howed himself to be an all-around Ohio State continued her vhirlwind erformer of rare ability, while passing in the. second half, and lyi uirk's game showed him to be one close guarding held the Meanwell- f the quickest men to develop into! coached players to a lone two points,i star player in Michigan hockey an- while making 11 herself. :The home! als. Although the work of these two team outplayed their opponents in a ll en was brilliant, the entire Michi- departments of the game, and were in an team played great hockey. Cap- the lead from the first to the final tin Kahn and Jim Beresford played whistle. Slightly more than 8,500 per- heir last game of hockey for Michi- sons saw 'Ohio State win her fifthI or of the senior women. All univer- decision. sty women may apply for tickets on 125 pound class--Forfeited by Michi- Tuesday night while the remaining gan. performances are open to the public. 135 pound class-Holmes, Wisconsin In ordering tickets, patrons are ask- defeated Gillard, Michigan, on a dec- ed to indicate a choice of two per- ision- formances. Remittances should acc- 145 pound class-Rose, Michigan de- ompany all orders, checks being made feated Zoedtdner, 'Wisconsin, *on aE payable to the Junior Girls' play. All decision.' orders, with a stamped. addressed en- 158 pound class-Gregor, .Wiscon-, velope enclosed, should be sent to Ed- sin, threw Fereuz, Michigan, with a na Kadow, 1503 Washi"enaw avenue.?I headhock in .17:21. 175 pound class-Plettner. Wiscon- H d alsin, defeated Goebel, Michigan, on a Hindustan Clumb"decision.. Elects Officers Heavyweight class - Bieberstein,' Wisconsin, defeated Mead, Michigan on; a decision. Hindustan club, campus Hindu so - _ ciety, held a meeting recently at which Chile GoverneU by Ministers officers for the coining semester were Santiago, Chile, Feb. 23.-It appears elected. A. N. Ryar, '24, was chosen the government will be administered president and M. N. Molik, '27, secre- by three cabinet ministers pending the { i.f Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 23.-Next Wednesday and Thursday have been set ' aside as 'the days on which the University of Minnesota will conduct its dive for Minnesota's share of the $176,000 asked from American stu- dents to aid in student relief in central Europe. Russian relief will receive the great-