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February 23, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-23

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- .-


year's graduating class to find an act-

tet i souwon of the problem.
____ ___ ___ _'Tat the newly formulated plan will 'E CAMPUS OPINION
S IL NESAER O hE e a success is a foregone conclusion. J____________
Ale feasibility of the scheme ha I - YSTRA
V Cl ;RS'i'Y OF 1IIIHIAN reay been proven in such sucetsuIi WAS A ROLL- HELP -EUROPE
1l.hcd efvery morning except w'nd a ro schools as those of Harvar d, Yale, ; DAY-YEFAHl To The Editor:
trrl of Sudn aiiruhaions. htcag, and Columbia, where it haes goTieaacfstEtoalaswl
" been in operation for years. And al- This guy Favrot seems to' havego as speeches are apt to soon be for-
fenabrs of Wetern Conferraece F:ditooial easy more than 200 of the 340 under- it into his head that lhe's the business gtten. And the problems with whichi
s~scrttan _ -classnien have signified their iteuic-on mgr of the New York Times or some- we are brought to solve are left tin-,
e to e e fr esubliatise o ofa ll new' o participating. The faith of the face- thing. This idea of getting out a paper solved because of our transitory *.i>
tcho~es credited to i or not otuc wist ulty in the. ultimate success of the, this morning is the biggest kick in the' because we are looking only to our
ditd n tianapr nd helocl e~auu schenie is evidenced by the appoint- teeth-oh, well, come around and' own welfare and forget that we as
sd, thri.
- - ____- ment of an advisory board from their hear _what we really think of loin, it, students owe the world all we can
F~frtere4l at the postoffice at Ann Arbor. number to supervise and direct thef everyfh ting. possibly 'share from roir small and
'ig, s second clae matter. Special rate-
poastage grantedf by Tird Aliisant u' t ,work of the students. And that ain't the half- of it. Yes- very slender billfolds to aid our
str ienal,,srgln rtes
ubscription by carrier $3.50; by ]fail The most important advantage :of terday was a Bank Holiday, as theystr gigbohrs
do.~:An ro 'es ulig the plan-in fact, the real reason say in the old country-which is as Now I realize as well as every otherj
rd . ct. jt which led to its adoption-is that it1 much of a holiday as you can have, stdent that philanthropic work call.
?ha. , io,& l 14a n1+ 4 t gives the studentts abundant oppor- ]Even the pstoffce closed. And that.notYbe ery gr a u f nk o~eg cqie ean oc nrb to s ontig u ig n n tprwhen g.we a rcon-
9fn ed communications, not exceeding 300, in the classroom into actual practice, Well, just in the middle of our dark- student has limited resources ;wich
c will be' published in Tre aily at
'I ertion of, the E'ditor. Upon requtt, without the formality which .must et hour up came a bright-faced Cher- necessarily renders his altruist.. tof
ruhm itycofdoeunt atial.' renecessarily' surround work in the' ub of a tryout and ;'Said,; Spedbia for, almost nothing.
________-_____ ' -practice court. In the various groups you, Mr. ,Cowles" n a most respectfl Across the Atlantic are miany'coun-
EDITORIAL STAFF which will be formed under the club; voice. The respectful voice helped to i tries in which the conditions for ell~!
Telephone;, 92414 and 76-MI system, questions of actual practice! cheer us and the letter set us -up 3 cation make it necessary for students
_ ,vill be brought up and discussed with something tremendous. This person to starve themselves partially (andf
AiANAGINO3 EDITOR .I freedom which can only conic can 'write to Cowles just as jolly what can we say.,about some of ou!
HARRY D. H-OEY through informal meetings. In a way, often as she wants to.i American students.) in order to se-i
the discussion clubs will corresponda * s I cure some training. There are stu-g
waEitor........Rohl. B. ra,.rr te various scientific journal clubs,i HERE'S THE SPECIAL dents whose clothes are nothing but
ty liditvr..........,..J. G Garlinghouse, except that work will be confined to The twenty-second of February. 1.atters (and we can find some right
Night 4dtora; actual practice, rather than to theory' Dear Mr. Jason Cowles:I here in the United States) just be-
if. Alias A. a. Cnrable or, original research. My book of good manners doesn't cause they know the sacrifices which
A. Rillin'ton I. E. fiske1
ify C. Clark P. M. Wagner It is fortunate that this new devl- say it's improper to write to a strange devolve upon every individual who is
eas "editor.......Ralph N. Byes opmenrt comes at the present timie, for, gentlenian, 'and I'm all alone, and I earnestly endeavoring to secure a
asptty's Editer.......in ohsaHibbard,
unay Mngazfre Editor,......1. Lie Turleenj in the present school, the system will just had to talk to sonie one; so II worth-while education. Some of the
taic t didtor..........irRuth A Howe ll Hav n dony
eitnt C'tv dihraeveth CKanl* opportunity to become well pickedonyu, Mr. Cowles students can not enjoy any music .just
rector Michigan New Bureau.. R. A.Ramsay1 established, which would be imposs- Of csourse,. yu went to the convoca-; because there is no possible nicajis of
Eiitorial Board. ible uinder the coparative disorgan- don, Jas-, Mr. owles. If you didn't, producing music, and yet we listen tot
ul' >;iastein AdM erman wise ization, which must obtain in the per-, you should have. We needed your the Wonder Six in the Ta-Room cv-
'Assistas o od of 1physical growth and develop- help; and I was so lonely. The crowd ery evening and think nothlng of it
C Baetekc R S. Vansaield meat into which the school is'soon to ,wa~ s o large, JTson, , dmean M. while in the Central Powers, clubs
m~a Bicknell E. C Mick Dtr vils htmt'azYre ou>e l pednxp;isrte~ hc
men Boxer Verena 'Moran"e.,w~. tht hnsm n ouhdaepednfo ntunnt hc
sigrtBoninc Harold Moore several of the audience turned around can be sent frothn America at very
irnarte .t 'eiaPe BACK TO THE FAR M surpt'ied" to, 'ind> soe "'ne bi~nd little cost. (A,,lpartiular xampfle oI
W. a~i ReinaReihrnn~them. Didn't you thrinka the .little oasis this is seen when Jhn M. Russel.
zraul l chih Ed.rieShouer
S~llnvC. A. Stevens ,. When the fact was brought to the Yiny Dr. Farrand's pate was cute. It the Manager of the Michigan Glee;
toig vdueorth vv- I t souqaeI'an rattention of the American public ev- lgavehhi' such a distinguished ook, clubs, displays a letter which he- re-1
x-." Ken al am mi R S oed ,ei, r m . M n ol n c u iIu
tiaz Kd,Marie Reed "l ral years ago that the populatioui of ike a Van Dy'ckt.you know. -IIrked nre rmaMnoi lbi ut
tabth iebserman W. 1. WValttoir - thrracmuniei hscoty the way he held his coat; by the lap- ria requesting his aid in procuing
els, you remember; so much better for them a mandolin). It is appalling
HlIJ8INESS 83'AFF wa Scraigwt us aig""~~ than by the pockets. And Mr Burton ow unappreciative the American tu-
Telep~~ou 9611ty, there were those who prophesied (didn't seem at all sure that he hadn't dn s o elydm eiecp
_Ithat we were headed towards con-I fogotten his-necktie. a few who work on Campus activiies.!
BU71INES8 MANAGER wercial ruin. Soon, said the gloomy The audience apparently liked thei Much talk is being made of the poor
LAURENCE H-. FAVROTr ones, will we be a nation in whicht way Dr. Farrand took all the re- students over in Europe, tat soon
-' Pu'inethe citizenry is centered in congested r vponsiliity for what he was about to# there will be -n oportunity for'th
verislig..........Pecy . ayden metropolitan districts, and the greatI say, and applauded him for, his sa- [Michigan men ad women to contri'i-C
,..........W. <u",er open spaces of "God's country" will gacity. Mr. ,Christian's foot bobbed in utte, to succor. But let us think. Let;
...........A. S. Morton lie unilled and go to waste; our 'and out' from behind the organ desk us think it over. Do we want a tag-
......tkn wrenc d ierosperity will soon rte unerminred I until he moved farther back, day to help .tese student? Do we
ratis-ant by' the ruinationt of this country's; I left when the rest did, Jason, and iWantogvendytrcieoy-
W.ettat Ca'el N .lon rasic industry-agricifltuxe. walked behind a long train of people (cept? No, e students have tob m"ake
anm Caplan M. L~ Ireland. This pessimistic philosophy was' in ,headed by a couple that weren't un-, every cent count. 'Ioweveur, there is,
aa. Cnhaion uyrond arks part true. Stories of high wages and ,gry., an alternative.' Students are always;
®n " r ' inS ¢yon an aite es,.trseer lf i, be' ei in I feel better nwJse You don't willing to spend a certain amount eachj
Nit I xe I1.,. e flt1 ekfraueet nd ee;i
~ Fi~ Wes~ he j~yrt ed t the lri mndif I write, do you?ekfraueen n ur s
' ' ili .L7. hi s 3 '", gricr $ kr9l"mind wherew a'ai h oeign student
a ft. e'R L. wi :lr s i i t trenadthousancls of farmh boys ,. TheIncess of Rh an Roe. hl ~taiadtl f'
left the 'plow~ to go to' work i the s * * who is struggling harder thane are.'
ity. Coupled with this was te to- The Rover Boys' "Vengeance, No,24 nstead -of havng a tag "day let ts,
f_ stable condition in which millions of After 'searching fruitlessly th'r the hv apu eeralIoeee
-1TTtl':TyBI 23, 1924Amrca',y~s returnted from the department store on main street fnri,nignHlladtini(rc'tw
__ _- -btlfed of Europe. 'Returiig to Silas Marner, the dastardly villain gti o hscus)wee1dbp
NgtEditor-RAY BIL1LIN1GTON I civilian life, the former doughbpys whilo left them to starve on Tadpol fle Cte'eand will °enernmerfsa
iht___were restless, averse to being fed' Island, the Rover Boys cae to a thlecubwl 9e eoiu
tunes, and where theoedy cub
AROU ISIiNW PUBLIC IGT I down'" to one 'place and ocupaton. halt.I will put on a one act pay, and wherei
['hose~~~~ whitene h1Sosn This tendency was more evident among "What," gritted Dick between i ulcsekngscey(rbt
bbs ebae Tursay igh hoingthe men who had left the farmi" toi clenched molars, cani we do now?" o hm ilcnrbt asekr
ibbsdebte Tursay ighthopng answer their country's call: they ad' "t.The -bird, is- flown" -despraired Tom.o. ths )willro riquiteaovelaeI.am
d covnfidently expeting " god, old-l tasted f adventure, of the city .and oaf. 1.;, 'lbe danumned," :quoth the runt ,et~ httemmeso hs r
hindrow and much vitpueration travel, and the yearly routine o ~-Sm
the part of the two :professors,!hug -And reaping seemed dull to them. Further eolloquyelicitedno solution ganizations, r inidlly a cnribuet
tat havwillbeen qwilling topcontribut
st haebeeuiedspoitdal Then there occurred a nation-wide to thne probleuni, and the thrain wedd - their services if and only if some re-1
judicial temper of th contestantsI exodus from the farm to the city. their way honmeward to prepare their, sponsible man who is now in Central
d at the dispassionate methods of Recently a survey by the Unitedj latest giant dirigible for a trip to Nic.. Europe, preferably Ian alumnus, is
,umnt mplyed Thsewho went gae government showed that condi- aragua to rescue their bewildereddegadtouehemnyshees
er for enlightened on one of the! tions were altered. The influx of pop-I father, who as those who read "The fit to aid the poor university students.
sat problems of the world todayi uilation in the cities ceased as sud- 'over Boys on the Capsule III" will jWk p e fiiitvmno
t have been deeply satisfied by the, denly as it had begun. Actual statist- Iremember was lost when Silas Marner spirit, men of humanitarian lprinciples.
1l-informed -sincerity and. acumenI ics showed that again workers and threw him from the lost balloon into The opportunity is here. Start it and
ich characterized the remarks of f not work were scarce in muanufactur- the tropical jungle, the campus will respond.
;h Professor Hobbs and Professor1 ing centers.- Farmers, on the other' Fte:ing one of the latest model C. J.
sson. hand, were no longer crying for man- 'street cars that came thundering-
'hte merits ofMr. Bok's prize win- nua labor to assist them in reaping 1 swiftly down upon them, each boyiThe unsightly woden brrier that
g plan for the establishmient anid their crops. Conditions have drifted drew out a nickel. "What Make the was erected to shut off te' entrance j
intenance of world peace have been ! ack'r to normialcy; the population has &famous Riover Boys ,pay?' chortled the from Whitechapel into Doning'street'
ued and without a decisive victory1 swerved back to the country; and the contductr, "Ha a not much." Of from mobs when Mr.Lloyd George

either side. If one can estimate ~ dismal prophets of nationial disaster c~ourise e knew it was the Rover boys. was Premier, has been removed by
result by the 'applause accorded! have been stilled. "Thank you, sir," spake Dick mod- the new Prime Minister a~t his daugh-
speakers, both of them w'ere; The reason for the back-to-thefarm estly. ter's suggestion. Its removal is a
ally succwisful' in presenting their movement is obvious. With their ar-! "Yes indeed," smiled Tom benig- I reminder that a Labor government i7
~.To anyone whose cast of mind rival in the city the farmers lost their nanthy. Iof the people and therefore should
Slosrion must have seemed utterly independence of entrepreneurs andI "Hell yes," broke in the runt Sam. need no barriers to ward off its fellow1
vincing. To those who still ad-!I became employees. Figuratively ; At home, all three dashed to the men.I
1i1it13 himt to contemplate without speaking, they had crawled from the garage in the rear where huge vol- -
r'or. the obliteration of nationalism,' !:a rge to the small end of the H'orn. of uimes of binoke and flame poured front
e. to the Rooseveltian idea of Plenty. Accustomed to work in the !the windows.
erica, first last and all the time!" open air and under the blue sky, they "Our ship is lost," wvailed Dick. ' Twenty-iveYears
fessor Hobbs 'certainly was con- found it disagreeable to labor in dingy "The insidious work of Silas Marn-
ive. factories and t'o breathe smoke laden er," gritted Dick. A o At ]Jlchiganx
he value of the debate obviously: air. High wages and easy living prov- "I'll be damned," stammered the .
ends not upon any personal 'tri-: ed bubbles that burst. The farmers runt Sam.
h for the contestants, but upon its$ found that high wages are inevitably Read tomorrow how Silas Mlaraer' From the files of the U. of X. Daily,
I acy in promoting enlightened accompanied by an excessive cost of !is caught. February 22, 1899.
ght and pltc hsdiscussionofinentn'liig Diiusoetewetbc.Wallgo.
poiis.Ti sthe sineondtime- to their plow; they riilso eeyturnedntobthe * * *>:gui. A petition was started Monday at,
year that the League of Nations open country; they resumed their po- CRITIQUEE a meeting of the graduate and under-'
-Partisan association has hlcd a sition in the greatest of occupations.' At the Dodo Plays last night. Cowles' graduate, students asking the facul-
ic meeting for this purpose. Bear- '___________(l_ id 'well' in time title role of the first J ty's pernmission to establish a chapter
in mind the enthusiastic response After four years of sleep, several= one, the second, as the author of theI of the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity, el-
rded both Mr. Wickersham and hundred seniors are considered; suf- first renmarked, sotto voce, was aj egibility to which is based upon four
rsday night's debaters, it is to be ficiently rested to be cast out into flue; breezy thing; the third, as all agree, year's scholarship. The society was
Ad that the association will con- : cold world. Tinme to wake up, order was not q-u-i-t-e up to the high stand-, founded at William and Mary College
e its efforts to arouse public inter- ! the canes, caps and gowns, and other ard set by the first play; the fourth3 in 1776, and now has chapters in 401
n matters wich are of vital con- paraphernalia which denotes,, the was by Rober't Frost. ;American colleges and universities.
to all of us. , awakening.' The dramatic force of the second

..-,.. a-... .





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every two hours to 8:55 p. in.,
11 n. im. To Ypsilanti only, 11:40
p. mn., 12:25 a. mn. and 1:15 a. mn.
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a broad, blunt toe, in an
oxford as gentle as a diplo-.
mat -and. as invincible as a
battleship. That's the new
Delmar !

Genuine Cal-in
Iwalnut brown







4 i 1 7 8 9
11 _12' 13 14 15 1H
18 19 20 21 23
2i n 27 28 29


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" _


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(Where DI. U. R. Stops at state)*






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01 ANm1.C'I F KT(N 1 AIJRT' NGhiE

th the announcement of the for-
:n of a system of discussion clubs,}
e composed of members of the
' classes in the Law school, comes
-ealization of disconcerted efforts,
ding over a long period of time.
able students in the school to,

What fun it is to go sliding and
falling all over the public walks' this
glorious 'winter weather. Ann Arbor
fhas an ordnance for keeping the wvalks
clean and safe but far be it froni the
city officials to enforce a law which'
would deprive the general public of
this enjoyable outdoor sport.'

play. was le'ssened for some of the The University Whist club has' come.
audience by a vulgar voice that ex- !to the conclusion that 15 or 20 meni
claimed, "Duofold!" 'when the hero!I cannot nmake a flourishing whist club
bounced onto the boards in a Greek! and a hot nmeeting was held Thurs-
rig. (Panhellenic, as the author of day night to try and decide whether
the first play renuarked, also sotto to go on or to give up the ghost in
voce.) despair. A number of hot speeches.!
That isn't all, but the column's full.' took place with the result that thej
Mr. Jalsonl Cowles club unaninmously decided to take a


I _


lease of life, to fill up its ranks

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