,________ IIIF MICHIGAN DAILY SG1 EVENi Horseshoe Champ "' nurmnrn ZiLOSES 'O INDIANA MI C h IG7AN-7 To Defend mTtteFISHER l Is PLSE -- xWITH YEAR'LINI3S (Continuied from Pag-e Ono) I~C anf lsecnd ii'the 401 yard free stryle aptdin Clitirchman and Moore di- viddindividual honors for the ve Michigan and Cornell first met in an tors. indoor track mncet in 1920 when t he Wei olverine tank nienf led hy jformier won with 4X2 1-2 points against 0oach. Brown will' leave tomiorrow129 1-2 netted by the e.iaterner~s. TIhe hmorning for Evanston, where, tomor- ;next year Mtichigan agi iwon bly ex- row night, they mieet Coach Torn Rob- aectly the same score wi~in 1904 the afson's great' national natatorial ag- Varsity counted out Cornell, 49-2>. girgation.' Although Michigan is not I___ 6onceded1even a bhare chance at vie-.I Miry there are several events, not-;caseditAtnnais ihan Michioan ably the breast stroke, hack stroke. iset out of sieliganwoK.u lilun~ge, and, fancy diving, in which i~ie ;olverines are expected to show _$ i nylnea ihgnlobd t6o advantage. t(",;11(;oosed the li ivslf' y ; 'of 1)e- Th 111011 eiuho Will make i(, 1rin, ioiiWsin:1917, dur~ing !:non-C on- nil Iho events in which lthey Nill (I t cY hoedo h ai "S 1' n us ha e ollow11 911011,w d lib )y aa Io 1 y O t,(hl an . 'l( fleestycs.Smih ad Sarl I oilersmad I ni b~ u~s tt aliel13 Yard free style, .Hubba rd and r1-10 .-('1 oal. .-,u.li; 20 y}ard bre;ast stl')rok,. MifElz#'% iiie-r u1nd1 lans on; 150 Ard back 4-lto, IHubbard ; plunge foristance.C uomn(1 MOCd 4t1a~ il Kea~rns mad Eliott;, fancy dlvinlg,Pa.p- irta:2:: pllg f (- £ ngtl h' acid IiIdnc-r; rtelay, Vaupre, tiC 'u '~l I. ;d.() ' The result", of lf theindiana meet fr1; cd i>:t2;I5 .'50 'a' 1o1- 1.{ yrdrdy, ;won by indiiana trL. i1V> :jtt ~1. ii'tlt: f I''l~~it11 , ..slIx,, :>ii lil'll n mr:re hu c - 1 {ti ~ I r ui:i.'ii:1:2E.; a , I ins': 2VD 1; B.a .:Ie ~ ~ly Pl ,gn h (X Ya l ng 1(,' ~ .-" I" . i .: _ , Al I i. i e , l fer 4l' .. iis t .i ' o1. tx ' A. -Al f rrv vr I y: i e' i " el r G41) , 1 rd tioc :0:1: : f sa l e r:... 7. A. >1 x"# , 1 r 1' of Practice before t"heir trt u xvrtbssse wt retenuacelo"e hiiniself onl the floor so well as l t'1i ilTerrgeles ob dwt hi -, , lul e ))'ov( t"'when next season. There are nmany pttlsoldhlprvd-teWl othe'r good men in the (defense (de- verne it ealho uadi P artnwnit Och as Kinley, (Therm -t i9.rIanext ntr iger, Ste oins, Roess, Thompson, B~ak- netsssio wlb hdfr er, and He1(rnsreiri, Ole latter two being I tOO rnext two wveeks, closing onil\Marchi stars oui last year'is All-fresh footbarll' 2 the right biefore the i1iehigan-Iowa team. All of them are good st icke r > can ;b unic overedi. The latter is sti mark. Both of them need a. great deal1 and] have given evidence of .;,ing pos- encounter. APPr-oxlimately 10 letiters will be wardedl,fthe receivers being We me whowill heave displayedi the most- comrn ine ability and improve- m""',i trough the locourse of the Sea- son according ,to the '1dgemtet tOf ( 'ach Fisher, (Continued from Page Six) can guard and' play forward with eq ual. success. Although a little light in xi'eight for future work, his speed 1will be an asset when hie gets in faxst- er play. Reece is the best shot on the squad and has an uncanny eye for hit ting the basket. His work has been con- sistent throughout the practice ses- { sionsi and With hris advantage ir weight should make a ;Wood mranl fr the Varsity withini then next fee y earil lBesides I hc.re two not (' wort hys. Ithe freshmnen tutor has four men in Blum- pus, Hlildebrand, Price, a'nd Rtandcall :' Ito have possibilities. ' hey are a littl uI omdiore in comiparison to 11w first, [ o, hbl. a re,,o ji i becau',e of thlaA 1<:of eipiefli(,uo ii 1 si bias - ketbiall s"ifone s. '[hey are fairly wvell :lulilt anld hav e hanidledi themiselves" creditably in t~lhe oracti: se:aslows.} C'nc stand(Ait rs )tit(-I I 0,; noigl tla (candida~tlea or:i()v ,Job, rME}F.rdg ---u , : g dotiC "113('li cit o' ~xl~tof t1 = 'laiz yt ; r ,u lji:)\4 ;>CI t ~itr !,' ,' 11 5?a'. ii act I On s1I:i ~ ' .5 toe r 3Iti. Ifletl. iA$ a .' aI ( i rltls(I I Ci til hK. 4 . 014 S 4 a7 . f l IOy ibaut is rgrai'iuFiito lie:f~l lo-vers of the Wolve\iit'lw~I~t O t ion alid they 4shold tit, in wce. I In' ' tinie . 31,t . 1l tx r oj! alld illmor arc I 114; only o01 hor l itof i :1 :wt!_iout,0 's ijioll lie Itip-oIf ien. 't'he it Work iVi comIInndabIle, but I hey do fooit aijis S.- You'll find a .a youIrgst('r a80(to(1es nlot hanleI SCHIROP3RACTOR 661s~ t INn1"l S' Ik Bldg. H lloirs, 1.6 pan. Phone 401-3 I ~Far All Occasions w Call 343for reservations G0019 BU-NCH at the B'lue-Gold Lunchq. 65 frrURCI r . , F'ran;, tat Lil a hi n i ohn t ;.N i! gook' WL Ir: a~~ ~~ atIi1; Ia t:i6 10'5£Li.Iti*01, .'z Ti~I U }j Il :,',i ot, i,; ~ I~):3eI w Veo-sago { 55 5'i u l t s . ~ l e i MIS S SS : II d$ 5h i r r S' 6i: a .;~ 4OLVMH L (,I~b~11.118EC r lliei' ON3 t. ________ ______ of'ey Ends Sad - ' CH LN i -I11: vDia-mondCareer - Afmtfl1e4 R1*t".. Two Caratiperv lmwncharge fo-r Brat day, 2Fc. efmts per wd44-d per day if charged fill' bep~w 'agoLtkims.GAuLed, CCU Ua~ner Rat: Tw.I.'. ceatnparln LEOPIARN to the following boxes are at the Daily orflice: R.S.H., V.1)13.,' K.MA., L.E.B3., K.D., xil. ..,,5C., C:1.S., L.C.S. WA NTF I ATED-Men for summier sales- in inship proposition;ear ings alp most .unliii~od for ainbitils feb- we :absolutely g'uaraneemoe 'a $5 daily, Several UJniversity f'eb lows have made good at this and can tell 'you of. it. Call Jones, A]-,, 1c4el 1-otel, anytime Monday. 99 ROOM,1MATE_ IMMEDIATELY. Excep- tioaally pl~asaut and convenient Io-7 catLion,. E. Huironi St. two blockni fromn campus. Second floor su ite, well lighted and furnished. TwC o ot $4.50. "Fellow' of quiot, -'su dioulvi character dlesired. Call i2l--I. 98-2 A ROOMMU'ATE wanted by Soph.-Lit., froit- rooin, first floor, very large. w ell fturnishzed, victrolac, righlt:at. -rps ., . -t" ,. . .. -. r~ , . Wind- 1 w*,y, 1-z0 aui 1t7;:w Minl- wt1 h ' iC °Inx~2~ Tr (('ou1t in ned, from f-age Six) When '('oa('ir Fisher took is,,firt =9d ;hl to i . -w oayi g puuA fo1r styany c llo~eda air (:orli]eiIsai- look ;fitt Ill Otis( lr'os lli an liiskt'i 1, W tllXO c crzt r'e for NE LOAR ,- T Toney, E O MR~E The Yankees; won the firtst two IN STATE DEATHS "° " ° -""gameats. Mc~xraw called on Toney in- LOST-One birowni, lea ihr " ( 14 tbool4 the thtirtd game to stern the t idO of iLnng eb. 19.-Deathsi Mci conitaining ablouzt. au(I0,,and a b~k defeat. .Toney aniswered the(call ea g-; igali dui'ing the year 11922 set a ,i1cW leat -1%her nz~otebook onl a Soiuth S,- erly, only t0 blew up' in the third iii- low mark of 11.2 per 1,000, Michigan -r; Ficider return -to 99-1 (Greenl- ing and hear himself called iin. Jewsaelci eu'netreid hw wood tand obtain reward. 719 - state es relievedaltment. t held thehYa. ::lit tes elevd lntapl 1(4d he au iThe previous lowmlark of' 11.1> 11cr LOST-P'air -buc~tkle g-loslles at At'- k hieteins etthmfr1,000 population was set in. 91 mory Frda~r. antz I. Ey ;verthe, victory Tlone-v 1ho-ned would be his. D~espit e increased population, deatl hs m iioy n Fria i Nni . FindSI (1,81t StIll ctnfidnt ToaL-y could I ea--i the l dropped from 44,18t', in 14121 to f-8. insid in hiteink.Findr ('~la truth, :\ll-F& Vw selit.it -back- at thelduig e at er 25i.Y ankees iin the s ixth h4L1tlt. ''olety Data 'compledC~ by the Met ropolitaii LOS t-- - ,go~l earring-.Intweet) ,failed to last: out h firJlst inniin . [Life Insurtan~ee onipany of New York, 108 hRill and 70t I luron. l+R de Bazirnes again rehieved hm :,ind doll the 0inilicatk s alfl ht05;ooi-1ctt c a l -.l . L a0di e s e r c e t i n t h e g e n etr l ( e a t h l LOS"'-"' illh persocn who) tookladies Toney ywas an intteresting figure and ; rate ill the U"1nited M~ate's aitd ('anadi a ,starl pitche". 1li0 will be missed, for 1922 over that 01: 1921. home, one block hlid( the Union1. Write box CW ,, from' cai mu"s, 1)4- Veryresnb.I care Daily. 99) , ML ' Iw- -4K 1i u w , a ,fit t r+. N'fr It contains all that is best in chocolate; the pre sugar, the finest whole-cream milk in the world i fxrni cows that gaze in the .emerald green fields of Wisconsid and drink from spring-fed lakes. Only this combinatioii can produce the whole cream milk you wan# your' child to eat. Eline's represents strict adherence ±o an ideal d- manufacturing integrity which has inspired their efforts for more than 50 successful years. The keynote 'of' this institution is best expressed in the inscription, on the entrance gate This model institution was builded by Eline's to produce chocolate and other foods soy that we shall help develop for this great nation strong, healthy and contented men and women. r WANTED-Well heated double room or suite by twvo upperclassmen in! quilet home. Will pay $3 each. ,Give, particulars. .Box 1R. .-.,-97-3 WANTED-Boys for 'morning routes. You do not have to collect your route. Stoff let News Co., 110 F Washington. Phone 3f,14. 99 WANTED-Young;anzd healthy nmen~ weighing about 150t pounds at the University Hospital for blood don-, ors. See Dr. MorrIt1. 9:lk WVANTED-Young lady wants nice, comfortable, single room in private homse near campus. Call Univerl city, 37. _ - 93-2 Is \The idealism in the above inscription is bo-rn of the firm conviction that permanent happiness can came: only' from usefulness; that usefulness is measured' in terms of service to mankind. To render the greatest service to mankind is= to create a food product of superior worth within the'rane of the most modest purse. Eline's Bars render aver positive service to mankind. They supply in concentrated form for 5c orlOc a perfectly balanced ration of food. They contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, Vitamine s in correct; prop portion - that- stimul!ate,; store and build, up muscular tissue - that4, nourish the red blood corpuscles =- that, provide th-e 1body with jPowtr to operate the human engine. .line's is a pe.:fect food- for the vigorous, the weak, the old, and thc yourng. Buy :lie's, with the complete assurance th.a it is honestly, made, contains no substitut s, no a -ILc ial i'ls. It is rich in flavor, per- sutasive in aroma, delicious to taste, yet costs no more than comnmon chocolate. On Sale &rwwe--cad1c sizes WVANTED-To work tfor boaid. ,I hlad considerable experience in naurant. Box W.MJ FOR SALE '7O'11'.SALE-'1olding T I fiamonl T, w=ter wit- li lt111case and extrayao.of type. Used le ss thiree mnont. r Tf. s8 -1,1 F OR. SALE -A.1Cownoei'piano, conidition. Very reasonabile I) ~onot care to ,;tore. 50P At Ph'1one 12i17-j. FO l SALE--Reingttoy, Port, Typetwi-ter s. Student tie? I3LACRC, 432 TI-TfOM PSON, i fi ve 1(es- r-,.-lJ1 )IX') 4T cta~j-f i - luillm. Filnde(',c:19. 87.1,1 eral r- TON GHTrfI}E ype- wad.TO IGRICK it. 0to'20) two t = (Fsnt111Pei havng _ Feb. 11' t. Werto,-$:).>o , than; A. D). T14. on gold tcap1. Phone 12S7.E .t 9.4 Ifliit' rom J Rlecord'41Smashing' Yeairs, Catsio4Thear'e, New York Cty, lin fo un t'ui pen. ('all 1-121.-.1. CAR(L CBEtNSM SCLCM D RU P )1'st .-CREO' UICLCMD RU P 99-2 - -1I RIIMVAR[) t) -fider' of totitse-:shell1- iler. 001 pair of' gilasses.,('all 2S? --M. 99 L ANR O -} pus. C"all 1720-T. 98-2 rea- - MISCELLANEOU'S - 94 t~1N T STUDEN'S---IIeated sed< tar ... .... leaves Prltlaty nihts retum'ning Sun- -Fl ay night. lRl.Ih'arates. Phonte AD;.1 94-J. 97-2t V1D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tlon. E. NORMANT' ~(IifII, tea('hter of . O'S violin, piano theory. Studio, 307 N.- 2 1 Mai, Telephlome6:11.-M. 94-21 N AVE 14O-N:Y ON OUR COAL. Shtare - ~ t do VIXM . vz _. . w%, mE %/x'.. k