THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday urinsg the University year 'by the Board in entrol of Stude::t Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial ssociation. The Associated Press is- exclusively en- t ied to the use for republication of all ears dispatches credited to it or not other- ise credited in this paper and the local ews published,-therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ichigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- and Street. Phonaes; Editorial, 24~4 and 176-11; Busi- i .......... .. I- 42 nmunications not to exceed 300 words ned, the signature xnotc necessarily to r. in print, but as an evidence of faith, notices of events will be published in Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if t or. mailed to The Daily office. Un- d communications will receive no con- tion. No manuscript ยข#ill be returned sthe writer encloses postage. The Daily not necessarily endorse the sentiments ssed in the communications. A COURSE IN REAL ESTATE Agitation by members of the Michi- gan Real Estate Boards for the es- A OLLI tablishment of a real estate course at Michigan should stimulate a keen analysis of the situation todetermin THE FI EEKj whether or not the installation ofaISOE. curriculum in real estate is really de- sirable. The Cloister Wherever attempts have been made "Brother, thou hast secret sorrows.", to formulate a program of study lead- "Brother thou hast guessed aright." ing to a special certificate in real "Tell me them and I shall help you estate, such subjects as business law, Speak them in blank verse tonight." psychology, mathematics, surveying, physics, and geology are mentioned "I am sinful, fat and sinful, as requisite subjects. These subjects And one time within my life, are now being taught at the Univer- I saw Papa sleeping peaceful sity, but the student wishing to pre- And I stuck him with a knife." pare for a career in the realty pro- fession has no way of knowing which "0 my brother, aren't you awful! subjects will best pepare him for suc- Look, my very sandals squeak. cessful work in the real estate world. Don't let all the brothers know it, New courses such as courses in real Or they'll give your nose a tweak." estate law, contracts and specifica-! tioas, roads and pavements, could be "Yes, indeed, I am a demon. added to the list of commercial sub- Watch me pull my wig awry. jects and should prove beneficial to Now I'll make a dreadful facial those students wishing a highly tech- ( Grimace and then shortly die." nical knowledge of realty operations. The real estate business is now past Wait a bit, the lovely hero the stage of hit-and-miss transac- Has to stand and let the spot tions, buying by "hunches", and sell- Aureole his hair and profile. t ing whenever a small profit is to be (From the wings, "Dont let that gained. In the larger American cities drop! real estate corporations with sur- *** Old Grad. prisingly large capitalizations exist. , At present they are hiring young men ('ontributions centribuions. of an intelligent caste and training * * them in the elements of the business. 110 4W SMELL But the time may not be far distant I found n. rase EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL, News Editor.......... ....Paul Watzel City tditor...---.r ..James B. Young Asistant City Pditor .........J. A. Bacon lEditorial Board Chairman.......F. R. Meiss Fight Editors- Ralph Jlyers Harry Huey 1T. J. I tershdorfer R: C. Moriarty H. A. Donahue J. E. Mack Snorts Editor...... .........F. H. McPike Wome~n's1EIdito.. ,. ... .Marion Koch 1,1;- a; M r ine Editr..,-. A. Donahue Pictorial Editor................Robert Tarr Music Editor.................E. H. Ailes CAMPUS OPINION IEditor, The A.Michigan Daily: Your leading article "Photoplay Chinaman" which appeared in The Daily yesterday seemed to justify the unfair representations made by the motion picture producers of Chinese life and manners 1ather than to lend your support to their immediate elim- ination. While the article agreed that such a portrayal of things Chinese is an injustice to the Chinese people, the article went on to say that "all char- acters of a photoplay cannot be he- roes; there must be some with defi- ciencies or undei-rable qualities". It continued to say that "after all, it is like telling a novelist how to draw his characters,-for at basis the movie is a story." Such statements show the misunderstanding of the real obje-. tion in the eyes of the Chinese peo- ple towards the misrepresentations of the moving picture industry. It is conceded, however, that in a. story or play all characters cannot be heroes, nor do we wish to appear to advise a novelist in the manner he draws his characters. But the unde- sirable elements should not be por- trayed at the expense of friendly na- tions by the ignorant screen dramat-' ists. However, we do not mind so much if a film actor or actress imi- tating Chinese personality plays the role of a villain or a vamp, but what we do op ose is that he or she acts contrary to Chinese custom. In most of the pictures ordinary Chinese or persons playing the part of Chinese' wore mandarin robes that were worn by Chinese officials more than a doe- ado ago. In* the picture, "East is; :Wpst", a Swedish actor portrayed the part of a rich China.;e restaurant own- er and purposely *walked with a gait that purported to be the Chinese! manner of waiking. There are nu- merous instances in which our peo- ple, customs, and life are wrongfully depicted. The above mentioned exam- ples are the least objectionable, yet: serve as a perceptible contrast be- tween actual conditions of Chinese life at home and the conditions appearing on the screen. In short, we take ex- 1ception not to the undesirable roles in which Chinese characters take part but to their manners and ways of act- ing which are totally opposed to mod- ern Chinese life. No sensible person believes the screen to be a medium of instruction t to the public. The American people as a whole have so little knowledge Princeton Triangle and the Penn Mas- que and Wig are experiencing good fortune in their yearly attempts. Yet it must be realized that they receive the most talented support in their re- spective universities, and in the case of the Triangle ,an alumni member,- ship, with yearly dues, makes possi- ble the financial solvency that it en- joys. To all appearances, the Masque must direct its energies towards local- ized productions, uich as was present- ed this year. If in time it can de- velop to greater things, then the old- time policy may again be acceptable. There seems to be but one alterna- tive, and that is to disband altogeth- er. For the present, at least, th pol- icy adopted this year must be adher- ed to if the Masque is to continue as a Corner institution. LAST EDITION OF M IC H IG AN S ON G B OO K :-: T :-:E ..,,,,."AAMS BOTH STORES t CLEANING AND PRESSING Ordinary words-but they have on extraordinary meaning when backed by the service offered by s The Ann Arbor Steam Dye Works Master Cleaning 204 E. WASHINGTON PHONE 628 Lowell Kerr Editorial Board Maurice Berman Eugene Carmichael Assistants Thelma Andrews la cy Armstronju Stanley M. Baxter Dorothy Bennetts . Sidney Bielfield R. A. Dillington Helen Brown Ii. C. Clark A. A. Conable Bernadette Cote Evelyn I1 Coughlin oseph Epstein .T'. :F1isk~e John Garliigh ouse Walter S. Goodsped Portia Goulder Ronald Halgrir. Franklin D .Hepburn Winona A. Hibg~ard Edward J. Higgins K1'nnth C. Kellar Elizabeth TLieberniann John McGinnis Samuel Moore M.1. Pryor W. B. RalFerty Robert G. Ramsay Campbell 'Robertson J. W. Ruwitch Soll J. Schnitz 1rederic G. Telmos 1111ihn Nf. Wagner when they will require that aspirants for positions have a good grounding in the fundamental principles of real estate law, property valuations, and the other elements of the business with which a proficient realtor should be familiar. In a nation of expanding commercial activities such as our own, the real estate business is likely to grow to unsuspected proportions, to become highly specialized, and to demand of all entrants into the business that they bring with them more than an ability to guess. With these things1 in- mind the urging of the realtors of the state that the course in reality be installed here deserves serious and profound consideration. by the wayside Fairer than all its sisters Sweeter than all its kin I knelt to inhale its fragrance And touch its petals In silent worship And passed on. I thought of it ever afterward One day I returned But it had withered away Its dry leaves drooped And the petals I had touched so tenderly Had been scattered Afar 7ZEKE. t C ETROIT UNITED LINE$ Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE ((.astern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- 6:t ain., 7:00 an., 8 :oo a.m., 9: 0 and hourly to 9:~o5 p.m1. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor) '-9 :47 a.m., and every two hours t0 9:47 p.m. Local Cars East Bound--7:oo a.m. and every two hours, to 9 .00 1. in., :oo tp.m. To Ypsilanti only- " 11:40 IS.m., 1:15 a .. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bund-7:50 a.m., 12: 10".1. To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim- ited cars 8:47, 10:, 7a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Umited at 8:47 p.m. .i - doe Parker's Famous Dinners SERVED SUNDAYS FROM 12:00 TO 2:30 - BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 960 By Degrees Little senseless letters BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER ONLY 'A PLACE TO WORK Advertising...............John J. Iamel, Jr. It is gnly through a slow and pain- Advertising..............Walter K. Svherer ful process that the world is learning Adrtiig..........'arence I. l.aVrotthe desirability of clean and attractive 1 'ub ,ction............dward F. Con lini Copywritig. ....avil J. m. Piark business establishments. Men who \cueat i.n..............I own end 1. WolfeI own spacious, luxurious homes go to A ceont.... ........... L, 1canunont l'arks Assistants them each night from cramped, dark Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton offices where those homes were made; C eorge Rockwood Jamnes A. Dryer Perry M. Hayden Wn. H. Goad possible. Fugene ?.. Dunne Clyde L. H-agerman Win. Graulich, Jr. Uenry Freud grWhile the worla's business is car- John C. Haskin Herbert P. Bostick ied on in drab, unattractive places,E C. L. Putnam D. L. Pierce E. D. Arnantrout Clayton Purdy the world's leisure requires adorn-1 Hlerbert W. Cooper 1. B. Sanzenbacher ' Wallace lower Clifford Mitts merit. And why? The average man \,Wiliam if. Reir. Jr. Ralph Lewright leaves home for work shortly after Harold L. Hale Philip Newall 1 Wm. D..Roesser Ph___N__ awakening in the morning. Ile is at his work until evening, when he re- turns home, spends perhaps four hours with his fan ily, and then re- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1923 jtires. With this a continuous sketch ~ of hi a existence, the average mran Night Editor-JULIAN ELLIS MACK sn sencey te a a many k ________ ______LYspends nearly twice as. many waking NO PY NO PLA hours at his place of business as in Annexed to one's name Makes a common title Into one of fame. * * * THE FIRST "DEAD HE When the Persians sailed off i Leaving dread Marathon inr Toward Athens they raced In the greatest haste The enemy's town to delete. flarsli. AT" n retreat retreat 11.)23 1FEBRUARY 1,923 4 5 7 S 9 1 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 1S li 20 21 22 23 24 ?r J27 27 25 W~e do all kinds of Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at . low prices for HIGH CLASS W'ORK. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Stre.t Phone 179 Read the Want Ads 'SUNDAY LUNCH Service a-la-carte with TEN PIECE ORCHESTRA From 6 to 8 -1. "1' But the Greeks sent a youth of feet .Who kept pace with the Persian When his message he said quick fleet: His last breath sped So this was the first "dead heat". ARISTOPUANES. * * * FOOTSTEPS IN THE NiidT Epmetimes at night When I am dozing My i * My mind of China and things Chinese that they are easily misled .by the false repre- sentations of Ihe motion pictnrp.5 .un- less such a state of affairs is done away with instead of a ,gradual change, a gross unfairness has been done, and will be done to a people of a sister republic. America and China value the long and unbroken friendly dealings with each other and they will see that the misrepresentations of the film producers shall not stand between the amicable relationship which both countries cherish and respect. F. K. W. EDITORIAL COMMENT ION E '2111 PARKER'S CAFE t Corti IWEL L BUILING A man coining to the University with special- ability or knowledge in a certain line usually feels it his duty to enter campus activities in whichs his services may be of value. On the whole, the student publications em- brace' the most interested writers of the student body, and certainly the \Trsity teams represent the best ath- letic powers, while other interests such as the drama call - forth the most able students for participation. ln the case of musical activities, however, this is not the case. 'Ihe best Imusicans of the campus are too often not found in the band, the Union orchestra, the Opera, or otlyer musical activities. The best musi- cians are usually found in the student' orchestras playing professionally upon the campus or in the vicinity of Ann} Arbor. If an individual possesses sufficient talent to be able to earn money. through his tntsic,, no one can deny that it is a perfectly legitimate and enjoyable way to work. But the ten-j dency has shown itself in regard to the great majority of those who play professionally, to forget entirely that they are enrolled in a University where othersare; giving of their tal- ents for its benefit. They adopt the: policy of "no pay, no play". A number of Michigan's musical ac- tivities need the services of just such men as those who refuse to serve unless they are paid. As a result, these activities suffer just as would football if the entrants refused tol work their long hours each day with- out recompense. The quality of Mich- igan's musical activities does not af- fect only Ann Arbor. It affects the opinion of outsiders concerning the University wherever the Band, the. Glee club, or the Opera travels. If the group or musicians who com-, Prise the best talent on the campus would consider themselves more as stidnt and lessa nrnofeinnnsu his home. It seems only consistent, then, that men should carry into their places of bussiness at least some of the beauty and attractiveness characteristic of their residences. A certain prominent doctor has placed his valuable collec- tion of oil paintings in the rooms of his offices, not so much for the pleas-: ant surroundings they will afford his patients, as to make attractive for' himself the place in which he spends many hours every day). In the case of a certain corporation the decora- tion of its offices repaid the stock- holders not only in personal satisfac-, tion but also by a 30 per cent increase in the efficiency of its employes. Other instances of such artistic pride in places of business might be found, but they are far too few. To (build 'beautiful homes and then spend two-thirds of one's waking life in drab and unattractive business sur- roundings is a practice which future generations may gradually brand as foolish. But the sooner Men realize that their places of occupation are also places of abode, the sooner will our metropolitan commercial districts cease to be on the whole an eyesore to the community.f The latest in banditry arrived when two thugs upset tradition by order- ing their victim to keep his hands lowered in order not to arouse the suspicions of passersby. Technically, their game cannot !be called "hold- up". Have you slipped on the icy pave- ments yet? Well, never mind you will! The engineering colleges through- out the country have grown consider- ably since such an elaborate guard was given by the French to the fifty engineers sent into the Rulr. Even 75 chickens .were not enough to satisfy last Sun- da'sdnnrdeans Mr Half in this world Half in some other Footsteps Come along the street--- Light scarcely heard * * -4 Like the fall of leaves to nisi-- And stop Beneath my window Then they go on Falteringly, lingeringly, As though the owner of Were lo king back - * 4 Then they sink away Into the silences Of night Sometimes they will go * * * Unhesitantly away 4* * Wither I do not care. You have waited all week day; MAINTAIN .LO('AL LOR (Cornell Daily Sun) For a period of about 30 years the Cornell Masque, following the customs of the lay, has in some form or other presented its annual production. It has gone the rounds of dramatic inter- pretation, and the successes it has encountered have varied from the neg- ligible to something approaching gen- .n uine achievement. Taking all factors into considera- tion, howev;-r, the Masque has not been particularly fortunate. The or- ganization has entertained the falla cious idea that it must take its annual trip to make a reputation, whereas, in order to be a success that reputation must be gained before the trip is un- dertaken. Witness the result. It has never enjoyed the undivided approval dhem of its audiences, and several years ago the most elaborate tour ever plan- ned was forsaken when but half com- >leted. The Masques production this year, "Ulysses of Ithaka", marked a radical change in policy, one which may eventually estallish the organization- on its proper basis. The play was written for Cornell; it was localized o that its appeal was directed to Cornellians and Ithacans. An indica- tion of its influence on the two aud!- ences 'before which it was given may be seen in the fact that the Saturday Z night audience was more appreciative, or at least more demonstrative, than for Sun that of Thursday evening, which con-' tained the greater number of Juniorl Week guests . Obviously the produc- tion would not "get-away" before an unprejudiced house in Kalamazoo or Oshkosh, but here in the University' femut~r, environment the humor was under- femurstood. A If the Masques can gradually build up its organization in Ithaca, taking have been ordered for today, as special features at 50c! M1 Arcade Cafeteria Upstairs, Nickels* Arcade ft.ow P QUALITY. F^ of C' 1, w . P~tf Q~ QUALITY.* R O MIRRO FEATURES Spouts, Handle-ears and Sockets, Hinges, etc. are welded on with pure aluminum. Rivet- less, permanent, no-burn knobs. Inset lids .)f ccnvex sauce pans and- kettles prevent boiling over. Stamped metal, same uniform thickness throughout, no %veak spots. I lygiene Covers, Easy Pouring Replaceable Handles. No-Burn raised bottoms. No sharp corners to catch dirt. handle-rest ears. Full Why not enjoy it. Do not read further. capacities as listed. These and a host ofc line. They help ma good-housekeeping. JNO. Famous Mirro finish. Beautiful Colonial design. other unusual advantages are yours in the Mirro ake your work efficient, and efficiency reflects FRESHMAN MUSIC R1EHEA C. FISCHER CO. II I U