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February 18, 1923 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-18

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r lo MIN(y NDAL

±The Y. W. C. A. discussion group on Low Prices Fail i
W'0 N'S industrial problems will meet at 33
WO Er TA S SCR 'clock this aferon tthie home To, Lure Buyers 1
HI HI Rivl 0 ftjE K IR6 II1_ treet, to meet the rev. NW Illiam Shot- 1'houth the numiiber of books sold'fo d of t e C rc a le f r r- itIl W l el,;L tg b k ex h ti
-- i dtistriacl Democracy. All interested in
I ~this yecar was not large, the insitigant-
OsA11HAt'( htI (i 4*Wi -i lsri1poIllS r i _iC . Iors of the plan believe that a tino bef i
Ti (A ~ ~!AA N) i~SI ~ginning Was made towvard the permani-
WIN T;casi lygonlwr v~
The las inpla, oatld orkwil eut nstitrtion of the excimug;e.
---- i nici. for the first t tino at 2 o'clock. #r 'rpLeaguie hoo o xc hange cofldi'(1-4
011t, C Wedne l). ';. 1, ii~an Ii'hr gym6. ed rin Barlioui' gypinhiilcorrespond.1f
p1}i ' ja y ams o e nt1me asum e-to the one at the l~nioin,5fWh iel
ba~ei tdlIeuaaueu. hl~lyeiera.Las vila hie only 1oment. It Nwu'
a ~n~ii auargm ia aaesof thec "lass hiasketballi houghl i I a t he lini vrsil y wonted i
WIiNui'giesW i'( 1 l ml' wi teams 111will be chosen :atlthe regullar.,would-be more than eager to nc nr$
;wo frfei lt res. ha k1 11:hallrlra~ cs on11 ''lday ifl ik-it amuch lower pi'itC I1haoi
Tu ae e'he et (ana abu ginasin ll Who arcs try- I wotild he paid at the book stores, bin
and R fappa ka ,npa ( u 01 ma, w iCh ing)1 tiorW mtnis :t tet(l to be pre-( - OR y a ,coma iaraively: sxmallI ;nutnhf i I
enedwih sor ~'i-~~nf~vm SII.took ua dvatage .f01 te )foppotunity"
of Delt a Gai!ma , was1 , not waIe1 -'--' eosWrIt a ('I ha Ily exehz(ug;
its goo? work i sing. Thoy' )elta; There xwill be a meeting of Altsjies ed, but we're left, at tihe gymnasiut}1
Gamtaam usedta1lb se1,-cornered I at I4o'clock tonlorrow in the pariov 1with Iflie prices do thaat pun)irhs-rst
pa5s witi UC'C. rsids t \a) of l1iarhon r 1gyninasiim. Ilftthol nioney fasked(lfor.
pa Delt a played -a . low ain.' daring T- his plat ii itina tes <,4tei* iddllle
the firs- lfb11, 1171 : I 1tI le ill in lv 1 'lie a bilnet of the Y. W. ('.A1. Will m n n oi8w fy Ii0 rc i
lat, tha ll. Ma I-r1i5,uat~rded we; I ~ll ;d;cleet w i h iss I 2Olise lflliist o frm end tll eold Imlfuere cut- igh ])rke
Won 1111 gliV 21~7 at a ( 'o II() ho N a tt IbI Iuent depa rtmn it: at5 Te -no eplall, Will heb ed hy l 'the~
4l+11t1d i I etl I 1et sv I ~r isi: i:hscore oclok tday i thae1liry pon the sec-, Lea"oe next ye ar.
tIf . : I to 12. 'holie L An ii 4s l4' nw )of't.. ' old floor cof !la'l ha.('oo'k huildliig..- ,,-;.---~
t and 1+, 11:Ia1I Jll 1 ?,lk I la. ('i Omega II (IorliglDean Je an, lamu-i~l ion 0oe 11'1,;l. lHE SO1I. ) ii VSO)RORITY



Arcaide -" Billie TDovo .Ind ,,(n
C0haney itu "All the BrothlerA
Were Vali-ant;." comedy, ".1,
'lrailor Made(Cha ffour;" and
"The EHlrt.;" Bull Niotliana itn
'"Glad flag."-
l10 rpheumT- M i 1yirI i2o in "Lit,-
Upe Lordi1?aunteroy;" comedy
and news.
Wilert.- Clorene' V ider in "The
Real .-Advetuire;" Sntub Pol-
lard in "ig Up."

71ALA). MNAE COUNCIL , he furnished by Rhodes orchestra. weeks ago, is almost completed. The
REVPO T SUB ITTED Miss Zelma Clark, social director of nrhadsoutialrisadt
REPORT 1.'UB ITTED;M ata-artha Cook. dormitory and Miss fWtl ceiling aabove veeetlhe ayss are .A
> . en C. Bishop; of Helen Newberry re i- few dlays mtore ill be required tio
%ninunee,- league Earnings For Firot: dente will -chaperone. -'IcoinpPet t he remaining work.
senhles~-frr.i19n'2. 3Tiekets can lbe obtained -attWahr'! _
- ~~~~andtI rahamn's book stores for $t. plyoliea orbetye
'Net earnings of the University o[ rte' -t sqanadkehad
j i ch ga l~ -t m o h i s e e t rD c r fi g N a l o p e e the year 19 23-2 3w ere $1 721,n ova 1, T nterior. , orating in A lum ni. 1ide- Then ifs a fllem ington. Call sB1 ,
I ovewelh., '22,, undergraiduate .:secjre.- Mnrial hall, which was :Matr~ed six 4.l2,Tflmpson. I1:18 -.--AdN1.
_tarpy, tieported aL the Alunnit councili w
mt ing held 'Jan.' :27; A f1ledge of*
$~{~~was paid to thb Council, le~a ing
a balance on hand.. f
'.Phe individua t 'i:tnis.;of , t, report
Iare as follwows: Candy, $261. '19 flower hhw aar 13. eo
Teg Gownsho
shw $2. 1aar. .~.l" rn
I (astl& proitn~ttce, p:$2l&4-C ; genttral,f 719 EAST UNIVERTITY AVE.
f$1589.,36, ma king'a total of $33'2 1.86. No+.}y
t onparison can' b,,&ade.-. i °Eyt; wi tih
F the earniugs of'. the League for the'
'same period last. year. ,S eil -d y ae
DANE AYARORYM'hday, TuesdayWednesdy
ownsfor Sot
-Niei~lsorg f$enior society havean
# aounce l plaits f'r'-a, benefit dance to
be gh'~en a the Armory on the lfter- . A te.rijoori anCdEvenizi11g WTear.
nlooniof WaAtnglon':s -birthday, F; N.i. I
22. al~ts iv for tiff- affair 2which will! - -A .. . .
1)4' gA'veiit for be1 'Womren'ti League will'

CUa rrick (iDelt'ct)--- "CTangelritle,
a. mulsical .colnedy 5starrinig
hinli. ander'son.

(oxlitIitt('4Ii 1,)tlI ~'ll Mio 1 V 111I- ' 111bnt 1'f-, o -tII(, /,(,h [ l11 AII~a nor?-
diil- 1fron Dlt btlIl I y a!i: ority will give a a. ltISIik '1t04)1 ll I
idre 69 ll i4 (I {'r V',)h e a t l'1 4 )4 1 4 1 1)11!'I. 1I 1 ' -ul .
Adt'lia (hcvr itet~ill o tPi, eD e an Marlx 1ITuli()m wIll Jbe 11al home'
el.Phi aiti I lic11\'w Itt'p'v r(si-< l.1) ii versily wmn fro11' .1 4 t) A
d (lt ' StFrhll''e1 1i t:l)) i A lw 4 +14)t'vk 'I'1t4';(jaV aUlt t'-it i :11 a l let' 1'P5
dIc.Ia.1 (.5, 1 142 I lill ittreel.
POitli orlre ta-~vsIni- I")WI% l-t '1,t'~I' IIII
lIl' in1111' ~ rit 5011 las ii s{D r''v ili ! t o MisVs[ (.,lm i berIM Wc-''dtrr. recordeI or
)ttlY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a 4114'e)leftlhoe. ' lA sWithi iitfl ienza, restinied

18(+ r i Iify 'haves 1 h ae . Iph 'h ea NI'~ti h r er iIhi i. Pet~rou ) -
55'~~3~~t~l rompt tot e utaileill.t Weiih
01 baud11:11 Loon'riler! '4l 'i.aro'' whlivhutel copn i 'e
I ''war-g4oig1 to wl 1I() (1hew olfej i ,, rfi
Il m' tlie ais to r the ben3eftof1''the--
tl i~-iEW,. v ofll'.ilir an 1 l t u111 14--
itig-fiind. ''Thc.I)'c4 ' 01' 11;lot ionis % Tairni - Back Fruiam New op
a7 imc ,e tait va'-i-i 01 Ilie artiiis ortue.; Ion i,. expe"(cted ) to r rn to Ann Ai
:imal will tI ake ordters itl this Way. tr 1br oti 1he Wolvierint- I hls morun
Ileors will al o be-receiv( (i l by iponte. froi m Ne-York, wherk- Ie 11:s bee
I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~13 s-Oi-tIC i~ylta~tl((.-fr01110 'h fneo_ itl 'bt~xinO5e-


I . . .'... . - ..--,


Miss ManhattanSpring Creation~s
Are Displayed at G+oodyear's

r1 -... ... . .. -_ ,_ s _ L .., -

c'nit . i gn ti ce v o f te M n v' l lague I
will 1w Crothf, to ;1 o'ciuk veory ate:
Wome n twit) lire ('TOntg('llthei!rl
as;ked i«)not ify Mi's sitcermnatiithe

l7 ,.
1 ;'-'
r j' o
''9t E r1 -


Pecond ThmdnT)(boos nmay lie Ilonghi
or excamnged etween 1 1. and32
'o'cloc . and al4oclcin theI
casil ct tic dimeiinh will Ibe held
1V14 1 Se. Vih tiiq I)secntly Ior' Ihe
Mt'ou oen 'alea gaoa 1:0requested ~ito call
~ be wemi an 4 vlo*li uteda :-;at

Fo recasts

Of Spring

In The

New, frocks




Colle'ge vomnen are the mo- si fastidiou~s
lwhenr it comes to choosing their clot6hes.
That 'is vh) we have exercised, such. cx-
ac me care eind good taste i6 selectingr r
stock~ of Spring frocks. We mvould be
delighted to shoo them to )you (at any,

17 Mf~~ reses tha tmj h
ihing for. innume~rable iliffereiit .o-
canos. It is simply made to emn~ha-
lliZcj.he slend~erniess of the youthful
figu~e----an art for whicl.il M aly~
Iiajtaii's designers are juLstly famouts.



rf f $7N50


a4 . '
U *

Capes of
H l lR.-S a. cape that's really a
LIlittle more.thn ca1)e. Note
the. irregular side panels which airc
so Much a fe-at'Ie of the season's
Rtyles-Just 'one of the 'djsonctivc
.tauches1 .which characterize all Ms;
Manhattan Nvraps for springy.





_ 'mo.



Thru S WA

c {

.. ! fJ, lA
// JE


I t

j' J

Pr~w a

Ilie Star




/ Ra



for Eery Wear,
.T EARLY, everyone needs a
INCoat like this-substank'al but
Secjied1y. good-looking, :too.,;- It
hovers in the background ..of every
outing costume-it is equally correct
for mqtoririg -'o r a brisk ytramp in

The Tri"pIYUseful
3-Piece Suit
~ ELDOM has a vogu~e been so
'' uivesalyacclaimed as hat, of
the 3-piece suit. As interpreted by
Miss Manhattan, it may be w~orn Fany
time during the dlay and even to an
informal restaurant dinner or to 'the






C ootumaoA w t4 fir. n w

."r n



',' I

I :l

- I

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