THE MICHIGA N JDAfLY .... ....w.. I campus boxing circles, hav ehee- OAOII SULLVAN and are slated to iincover a fasta maI edfrG o nds at150 poundsC PLANS RING SHOW SNavybxr nan :n exa^ lf ne ofthe former I1 Arrallge Seven l~outs Bestween mototai"ni,, onlly,(wlC ope th pose "l lnl in a i i ~ P0 I li" ial~ lo~l I al' 12t Entry blanks for the fourth annual12ft nheolvatan wilb Aut Ciy araho, t bi bhiin e-able Ito (defeat thleir M"varoon opponent. formance than, i he did at t he Purduo treat, Saturday, April 7,,ara being sent if 11: e is not ale to turd in at better per-t out, by the Irish-American Athletic smil"Ect xvilmen he failedl to go over 11 feet. club, whlich stag1es this event each 1i tilte hidgh jumTlp IPurduje won from ea. tChicago laszt week by a, leap of 5 feet,i The race w Nill a gainl be from . Pontiac k 5 jclies. MAIcE llven and Smnith hlave( through Il:irxiiglxam, Royal Oalt, F'ern- olllo iio f eet: thli: year and wwill1 do thlat.# (talo, fhighlanid Pairk and D;etroit, nIo t or bectt l° in competition. Or the course being along the Dm ie=, \an Orden and : -iides have beer. hziflway, oItherwise known oi, woet;l- 1 consistently puttinug the shot more than wrd a venue. '['he finish will be at ' to feet and shuctld hbe able to d(leet os PetlOlowhre the Pace flniShed (hiag' entretes in this (wtent as the , P i2 j 1lM l r~(,:.; w ere defeated last Saturday A fllilext s fron'all citiciebtWe(ii New ,flyax #luwof .36 fe Let,. Sinxee. York andl Chicago are being invitedl to 'll Martin t I lot he able to heat Stitt in. Partiepa Ic, as well1 as those from Mon- the q (uatrte}r if the Chicagoan dloesn't trecal, Tofonzto and ~ithe other principal'dijn etterI than u (.the s comIlls hah, cit OS Of eastern Canaxda. It is( (zbeen doing. "Martin t clipable of ma7k- n , (r h least-;75antners ,will (tt> . o.Ilc'i:, (;w1I t(':c);anuulshould do s~imti i I h'; ea ~s evnij nin delsi t (Ni 'lI'age's. C apta inlBu rke ('hae Ieis 'I'. harl, ath~letic ccemmxitte andII Wittmnan should be able to take( 8" xatma, wx~'o bhas the race arrange-'lar'Ik care ot the dash;les in good shape. :ial- !S .:t ill chnrge, anniounces that ten Kipike hlas replaced Miller onllthe rte-ndlorf and Rteinke will, find a close place fl1'zes, , 0teaxT pize, and s25 met±- Varsity and..viii E o.:5('l : t huxx 'wwt x('tlO.t Il- fi I 'ogpliin thohalf' mile, z!a w~vitt bo awarded the runners tis i'sIthoE Wolve rinze-I 'u up] ;0' ('0! ' #I U ,n wn vi lno deut i. be able Ito doife4 i.# mn ?l, mpnleitfi frtheam rz it 1 nCy iling Ihey tltnisselves, to the «'._n ias.,, y~ar byvthe ladstone A. ii. fit t Iral in ite. tl mi-onto(, istf (Xj(eted to7be spirited. f, AklV ! TO IWNEl:\l "I~d' l(~l}.Ii' hgin entries for theeot will 0110 (;f 1t)0nat iona lly lotown lathl- !I'I! 1'liCM~ i' , ,4ol lovs: olash- -Capf. hur e cand t( iCe; xWho will 1)e a i-lsro starter.Oin the nil ic .lowen and Atinu-- t ; hlaldfDais, 922 rinPd~( ' ~llc 01 ellot', Illinois \r t. O 1110W liitii- im 11owv ufan Arendte; hal aril- ('. ',lia Chicl(agos.won;Il Mlrel i 3cr cilwho a xvon all Buin; Ih luret( etaT ' Ilt I.( iik; 4'--NMfttI a ? ll(.llI('Tink ; I('Lr it nl.'drkt~ll)13 alt, :k t ' laiis Oi Jo 'r o ;:alhot flatt ,., l :i.\il LI a aUIIO-X Il( 7il orib.H ltd)k(of I is e'a t=, 'nto f Ws Y; w ihiaroev $1 l~ ig nd11lw ill rest. 1 broulghit th At hictes tles iriii ; CetT ~y blanks (an per .eulple areonrlsale a t. Wahin'S andi'* Teielwila mt: 2 ;2itsinI hni t'oi .Grauhanm's ooks~los. Slafft ickeI s at .(.'clock tO'itiiht. icc cairmn at t~le atleti ~ 1i cents a number will aals o 1)fl(' i tocara a#.120 Wayne County :tli'~ ttSc it riluil(ling , Iletroi#:. lEntries for the at thedane. ('(.acon01 Monday, April 2. No plost en- Dulsolan ~br t 1505 will be accelpted.' All athletes The "Si andarl" Loose Leaf Note Knoole, '211, Imelbers or this year'; MI-st be registered and in goodl stanld- l.Ioiok. All sizes at. Wahr's 1Utiiver sity footballi teamn, ar'o at the Txivesity, In', in the A. A. IT. which sanIctionls theb(,ookstore--- Adv. hi'iit service hospital. The 'ormlerl; u-ceo vei'ingfrom Ta severe cold while rBUY YOUR l FO UNTAN R IDER' S PEN SHOP IN COLLEGE INN The otj 'e akersw i)t he muc U;Of u aI fast ur,, of the fer, ths RIDER MASTERPEN.w _ It costs Sno vmore for czarqerviee. Il-pair parts mid. REPAIRING of all awkes ofpn.- "RIDER'SFRPE" .. " t ry A J r ' l . . SHE WAS.A LIAR - S(tirad I e gt11t ) SHE WAS A H YPOCI TE SHE WAS ANCEAT-- (nnd bewitd3Iug) otiihiave 1)oon 1)1:4 Oheda ga in aw! ''' ha~ve alays Wta'l l l 0; ,1- %.r11001 or thIll imare of theo pil- ion Iitat I ing i vil be chiangedoi' - ler tis mma tc, 1)0111 asiun t unuiitirve iii amaizteur circles Iai . mnonir it hanveo)t hadi.6. chlance to dispi :1 y timeir 1VaIre(Ss inOcethat time., Sophomore"',a.)11(1 res iima.lm tle third go a.t 122 poundls. These0 men are beginners; at the manly fart Anmi have givenm'considlerable pronmise of lecozli u lfll. : ofivet illn lte ri g game tl if theoy cont inue their txaiinijig. Littli:-; s>known as LoWhat to cx- ied fromn then iIn threir first public - alj)earance, but it is certai to lbe a succecss from start to finish with the i-e.shmnan' having the edge on the sop hoaorve as a result cif_ past en- ont (St(;IiiiI. 1an loluliv,"n.ot 71)5;prl-- i'-eu l th tl l 11 coiflitiolls 11inht: m'g'ht t ( .).15 E:c ; l- F Ilt a x-w i ' b e I-ilio~~tt1w- 'oi-e t1 he mlatch(Iistarts. Sll1iva'i, s i;al ?7o ;~ii ltfd',~"iag liltl ii- anall 1-camauils boxing 1 uurli'lament, 11rovlflijuhe mcii xx' l ill tira imm. If it 'is decidled to ho1( l on, Ithe show vwill h le lint0on iin canjunc-tion with I fitoe In- trmmulral Ii'flt~nemt pr~ogra.i I wrtr t i; l'inI- o ImI For the benAii o01 at icnt ;, a Rem- .Iin~toii Por-t able0 1yl)'w iteVl iabeeim piac odl im Lang Mll, I brough lio hecon- tesy of Stacy It. 1Hlack, '24 .1 Si lmt: agenmt for thmeReumington comipanly. It YET NO (ONE tLWITD HAND A*GA1NST HR- WIty "THE FLIRT" _ ' 1 WVIll tol. you tile ajestic Next Week. Counters. f CSL be uselat a11 tiliies Hlopsel andi Yott, newcomers in ceptiomm of Sundaly. xvitlm he ex- 4 IC LAS SIFI E oflits CLOSES LOSES At 3 P.M. ADVERTJINPG A 3 P.M. WOLVERINES LOSE TO GO+IPHERS, 6-3 (Conmtinuedl from Page One) by the hard ice anu. lack of exper- fence, showed promise of developing into a capable pivot. Beresford and Anderson displayed several flashes of form that showed the outcome of their experijence andi coaching this season. They hlavel advanced steadily inmder Coach Darss' ttelage,. R Aichigan will face Mlinnelsota againr t his evenling inl the second gamtie 'of t11e present series. Suttntaiy: ,_ MICHIGAN 1MINNESOTAj A nderson ....... R.'W.......Bartlett B~exesford------..L.W------.Pond (C) ' -londet-son .......C;.....---Swanson. MacDuff (C) ... -. L.D:........yatt Kahn----------Rit.D..........Mann Comb ............G........Graham I / - I I -ave You Visited th~e New Wc Carry Best Quality pear aCt Extremely Low Prices. A new shipment of Neckwear, all popular colors arid stripes, arrived. Silk and Wools, and Pure Silk Ties. Lost Something? Let a "Daily" if led ad find it for you.--A iv, MIVUOAJI WAJLY CImWiU4 tes.ToCOeto per ward a day,, pid is advanec Mlui- tt , cb&r t or first day, M~o.' Miunium tba-ear~& , 20c. Three dents Mer Word per day If charged. White. sp ch dargad fo at rotei at Go pm apgu Us.. Cs bbd, chairged oulY to tbose having iitw ea. J&W au Tw.o1v geats ptbi*m, without m trat, paiOa civ a ncse. Z asa ti.' hltter hasu unolemgone a. mninor nose Values up to $1.50 at 85c each E i I . I WEL ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF TOU3ACCOS AT CU.T RATES% N(ITICJ. REPLIES to -the following boxes are ait the Daily office: JSIIV'.D.13.,] F.MV.M., L.H.IL., K.])., .11.13., C.S., C.P.S., L.C.S. WAN TI) ROONIMATE ITMMEDIATELY. Excep- tionally pleasant and convoei't lo- cqation,-" E. Iii rou, St. two lI.ockn.- from c amplus. Secondl floor suite, weoll lighted and furnishedl. Two at $4.150. Fellow of quiet., . ;tuoi.ll charaicter desired. Call 524-,J. 98- z WANTED-Wll heated double room or sulite by two uppcrclas~mtAinl quiet'lhome. Will payr$3 eaceh. (rive piarticulars. Box IR . )Ii. 97- 'WANTED-Young and. healthy me ia %veighing about 150t pounds at the tiiversity Tospital for blood donl-' (i-s, See Dr. JMorrill. 97 -3 WATED)-Yourn; lady wan s ic 1fe, comfor°olable-, sing~le room inl jprivts "e lfroiiif near caimpis. ('aill (aver-; -- ___- Goals: Micigan, Mac'.Tuff 2, lien- dem-on 1; Minnesota, Pond 3, Bart- -~ ~~*ilett 1, Wyatt 1, Bros 1. _______-Penalties: Michigan, MfacDuff 1 mm~- LOST-Fountain pen with broken cap, ute, Henderson 1 minute; Minnesota., this Imorning between 9:30. and 1t)1 Wyatt 4 minutes, Mann 1 minute, CMLS LUCKY STRIKES CHESTE FIELDS I iLarge Package 13c Carton $1.28 -.Thirtiet Anual"IMay Fsiva HILL AUDITORIUM-I-ANN ARB3OR FOUR-DAYS-May 16,11,Y8, 9 --SIX UNCEO SOL OISTS1 GIUS EPPE [DAN ISE, (Ba rit, o MEirl'llROPO."I'PAN OPER~a lA COtMPANY IBENIAMINO GGI,Trenor 3 ~'TROPO LITA N OE4RA COM PA NY, JEANNE GORDON, Coni1rallo SUZANNE KEENER, Sopralo' FLORENCE MAC BETH. S opranI o CHIC'AGO OERtAC'a yO CHAR LES MAr'RSHALL, Tezw ERNA RU.;BINSTEIN, violinis A X)ISTiNGl."iiS:1hF~ AiSt -I1'll ° ERNEST. SCHELfLING Pfiist A ItENOW N113) V I RTIJOi4 I LT OP THEJ METROPOLI0TAN OPER-A iOMPANY CLARr EN/+CE EHyy II.I ,4ar'iiiw ORGNIZAT NS THE CHILDREN'S CHORUS (ho500 OCES-) . THE CHICAGO -SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (70 PLAYRS bxetxx-een lill St. and 'ITappt Ha-ll.: I+ indor please metutrnmto 9:21 Churcm1 St. LOST-A while gclol wrist wAatchl, oba-' long inl shape, Monday ijimtoli Maynard sI roe:elfar Libel-I y. I h-- S w , rd o ffereo l lP one 2111-W . 97-2 lLd e ' b o n c r c~ S coat at frater-nity d oance last 551- uirday evecnini,. Rowa u-A - flea;.~ ca]l1 16. ~ it LOST-Cmo lx, ita~i Itill And itror- ittnn. Finder call -439. I,,boralt- warol. 98-2 LO)STi- --'ounta iii VertIhaving Pultl j{,1. A. 1). Al. on goldt 0;)p. Pliomi 1287.' ILOS'I-'Jwo five oolat-c IotI1kh-o tj. jNotify Plazna. it26;If 97-2 LOSTl----C rO'o-i founitalin pon near (:ammu- B~artlett 1 minute. Substitutions: Micigan, Petermann for Macbtff, MacDuff for Petermanu; Minnesota, Bros for Swansonm, Swan- son for Brtos. Referee:H-amiil tonm, Detroit. Scor'e by ])rlods: Michigan-------------23 Milano Paper W.D. C. 'Spec1a1 $3.00 LIBERTY TOGGERY AND SMOKE SHOP 2216 S. STATE STIREETl ('OIRNEI'lr le' 11 AN D LIBE1'3iT I 6i Final Clearance 1iy 7.0-1W-2 pius. ( alt 1720-3. S-iJDE:NT wahings Wanted. Sag~s- ! FOJR R f. i: fiio11 guarateed- 1.Phone 261,V1. 1I VClt RT7-S!3'a: 11 lio-atosty l;Ie or Corduroy Coats, Sheepskins, O'Coats and all winter garments Leather and Suede Jackets FOR SALE I ( 'licap. 5 I2 1;( sIiLibet Iy. 1Cal 11870 I . 14-21. IfOR SAI.-Folzling Ilainniond Tlyke- writer with leath~ler case and Iwo F{OU tENT-Lar-ge l"ih. w'ar'm roturn, extra set[s of typo. i'Used less M~tai, Verym-soh'.Cl 1- or evenl- ithre-e months. Tel. 2884-R. S-2 ings. 4,30i9 \asiltonarw. 98-2 1001 SA Ei-l3uedc(her -AAhMOely Sax- BOARD opione. sedI one month. $65. Px- (coptionflI buy. Call Joe 1619-11. 1BOARD-- At Green(-';, lining .hootis, We (serv ' holfle imadiecakes, pie, brown anint'breao(l. 812 1I.Cat Ii- V~lt ,1tl.I-Renlington i Poiable erine. -944-, ''ypexvritoirs. Student dealer MSCLLNEU tLACK '1 2 THO3CMPSON, .1129-. ICLAE g S) 9-1( Lj INT S'C[l'(l)N'l'S hIcetd sedan TYPEWRITERSleaves Fr-idaty iighls r-eturining'Sun'- (ay night. ]tailt-oaol bates. Phlonle rV'WIVRTT14'l1- Rmingtorn. $15;i,: 394-a..9!7--2 'Aviator's Hclrnets and Driving Glovxes CONDU 0R EARL VINCENT MOORE G EORtGE OSCAR. BOWF N I "TOM WYE" and "BRADLEY" KNIT COATS AND SWEATERS Plaid Blanket Shirts, Corduroy, Moleskin and, 0 1). Wool Army Shirts AND FREDERICK STOK GUSTAV HOLST Distinguishe'd- commiposer-condluctor who' will come from England especially to conduct time Americtan premiere of is "hlymn of Jesus" wvhich will be suing iby thme C(hhomo'aUnion at ,the Thu lay E41vening Concert, COURSE TICETS $5, $5.50, $6t $7 (If "Festival Coupon" from Choral Union is returned, deduct $3.00) 1. Sit hseri bers of record to 'Pafronii Tickets" may secure old locn. don tI~uf order reaches offie on or before ffarch 3. 2.Orderg from ot her suhseriberx iwill bef fled. andh filled in orr oi*tf Wool Blankets and Auto Robes Olive:, $;15; '-ammnond, $25;, L. C. Sithf~ ,$35; Royal, $40; UInderwvood1, l. NOlItMA-VTON HlTlI lE3I, teatCher 01: $-l0; Corona, $25 up; .a few new of I illliniteo-.S i,87N the earlier model $40.. Renting &rjMatin. T1elepimone (611-M. 9 4- Repairing. LET US do your laundry wor-k. First. 0. T). MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade class hand work guaranteed. Phoni . 9-'2569. 97-7' "WKeed" Tire Chains, all sizes, at lowest prices I 7v'tli ,,T i. . r.- u;r rrr sr ^~ " i 1Ct.. I w