1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAQL 7 PAG~ . COMMITTEES FOR JUNIOR RP E ANPNOU lily, which i to he given NMarch 21.1 i'eliea;:r>Is1for t ho pjroduvt ioll 11.1V, hegan11. xTho mus1ic co((1111:11Il'e'con- ~iust:; O.' II l i ll 1 iN Ia , chairmni lioc:e; lyric,': 1)oroth" Jeffrey, cha irn. m111n, iLorraine ri1.ce, i Tel en Loeew, Dorothly l(wopp' Irene S wain and _A1 i1Sheldlon; aclvertisi:11 M 1ia Willis, chlairnian, IElirabe1th , (irsoll o±l tiW okvc 1e]1, cha irn i l,;a lv Aovor', I,ncille 1ilIit ny, 1)111; i Gadfrcey, IIel- i+I1 I I O\Va rl, !lilnn Taylo];r, c11 iea' (,I Sr, Ei;1jlizabhI Cli1a1i, J sepine1 (' )]?1tf(,I, .And roy Carpe;lnte11[r ,hud -A 11n 1: iriin ; porertyv:- SU('hFitc c uir- 111;:, !)tiff'v Cb y C ev':" 1 (1, 1Miria in 1ticli'ill '"ir ,; 1 "\'Vley1, lanche I1yviliwt.f -..r)ovi y lHkhop, 'h: rhlt" e Erinn :11d 11 )Onis Cheste-rfield; 1publicity;! I'LO: 'amel a I Brow n har1Ma1 nalt OSet- mary J", i wrence. Calthe'rfne Sta iIol-( Iis g.c ieral i a a?!1'11 th)i pl a )11y. l ulirau,,,sa Is rce schedtiil Is15f101 low": ll chru:es1ad (c1Atat 4 'I '1.lik Monda d T:.1C 1uesday1.; ol lec~ (:1101115, hom Ill'an and XvolnAeli, :at. 4 W- (lOm~ Wo \Ve d"Idy .111d iterne; 's nti I )! lSt' I ll 5 O'clock 111lie Ssliy 'lay C rieciaji1 danceers at 7 O'clocK Wv2'i (laiy ('venfing at1ld 'l ci or~us es nd E"vast ati9 o'cloc~k B OX ISatu1rday vmorning. Next Pedi u WdedyI:e w~il1l he 5olhe01ie ill tic (andy hioot 11 at1. 1nIivcr,-it y 1:h1llto ecllet tthme.!,1111-, ion pllay lai of onle dollar from all1 tbhose who h1atlve not already la id it. _Tl'icket s for the la c11iy ma;y 1)eordered by mail flrbi iFreida .1lockhoff, 103) ()a'1.1and{ Avellue. Announcements concer~ning the .cost of admission Wvill Y be posted 50011. 1 INSIDE THE RUiIHR VALLE YMINE WOMEN COMPETE WI'T H SiJoeon wome)n lh'ave)b(en clioen lo l'':s r Ali s, '28, Lu~eryf1 Smat'4, 1 melon 1,-- ti r, '2-1, 1.Meryl St'h:ll , '2f1 Virginia Cronlin, '25, Marnn ale, '2(~, I eokdya Puopowska, '-'6, IElirar hot h Parrott., '246, 1ngrid Alvin, l'rances HuI'nt, KAnaWheele, '2 A lice Young, 2. Ii. llartwlg, a16 lktrguter'it e White., Due to a re(;mst from Syrac onso imi vorsily, regarding thie contst be"tween iXI ichligarli a a ad.Sracus e, tifteen vO- meW l ilech disidle inst(end Of the us - intl tenlare I to make Ill)the tas : All will fire "hbll only the ten bet.t 5tcr le are t0 'o hcolunted. The rniflc1 teamn of'thte I iniversity of Maryla ml aslkedl for tenl, nemljers on each team with Only thenIlive best scores to (110114t. In ichig;an's coiltest with Ide- pauw university; the regular number of tenl woflenfwill compose050each toant. tie liractic o during the pre seniit seinseter is schedruUd for Tuesday .v- enin";s and Friday afternoons inl rooni ":0 Ellileering hbuilding;.; legiimdninr; Sunday, the Roev. it.A. .jin:) of tihe (Congreg tinal 4Ht ol w xilil deliver a serie s of loerur11 son- "t;10115'upon the problenms of todlay dli.-' (ai ,sed ill mtoderni flct:ion. T hp topic of his; ecire Sunday, Feb. 18, 'Will hp: ''Ilit I'' or Ihex 111oblem or'iBls iness. _A eek later, on the 25th, his talk Nwill he of the prohiecm of Home, as deailt with in "'This F'reedomn". Mfarch 4 he will discwss the hook, "One of Ours", aind the piroblemn it und -rtakes, the detiny of man. The sories will #be conclnuedon March .ii by 'an e s amini nti on oif the Tus-Aion olf pvt-eitt dany religion set fortit i n Tie 'Ctlmd- 1t 1had ink is tire cause of a large_ part l your pien trouble. Ink costs little. Our special ink- Iv iii a lipa y s fork ins your fountain, pen if not mixed ivith a other inks. RIDER'PS PEN SHOP Pen and Ink Specialists ii3li6i titial li e li i!IliiJii lllilii1 N C O L L E G E IN N 5-iren a~u oO NEW VoR#K 'I'i'Iph,.neMurray Jill&o I .. 7-7 Copyright Ktadel and I lerbort Fppel. 10JlIp 1h) siucv ot-'kelill v.no inc a1. 1ecklinhus'n waiting for lift to tlieke miut of minne. Low er photo STUD)ENTS DANCE All'GYM TODAY! .I)an~cing ,and other forms r-of tmus~e- 1110111I will fealtulre thle pa~rty to01be giv- enl by the "Wenl's Kducai iona l lub and P'i IAlaluh)(hl Thet,women'shonorary educational society, at S o'clock thlis eoning; in Blarbour' gymnasiumn. All >tuitlt4taking courses 4in education:C a i'e invited to at tend. "rile adn is:nion fees Ire 25 Gents5 for wollien and .2r (elts tor' 11101. "Day 6y day, in eve ry way, I am at your servlce",'JJMMIE, the ad tak- en. Call* 960.--Adv. LA ST TIE rF TODAY IN I TROPICAL.1q-)VYE; ____________ tlOW 1ul1I('rlnea11 f:i1' 1 g4w f;yh een two iniimesin -: lie Ruit triet W11LL (A VE C~OURSE 'IN RIFLIE Mtany pictures beaning cn the itmes in the iT jh Ruhr district, which "France has seized in an effor't to c'ol- PRAVCTLCE TEHS SE" EESTERs ect reparation aaymi~it ., have been r eeoived, but they have dealt with thne cities and the exterio;"s of the mines. T11('40 otiUos, JIst 'CCii7(1, ;Snow 1 1w, beinning class in rifle practico The minfers have adopted an~ attitud~e 0 will b0 givenl this 5einestcer. A .! 'trilkes have occurred, hut these have women who are interested are {o afailure., (llosetd to report td5 Major Willi;. ~iilpaml lBetween 1. and 4 ,Celoclk Priddy afternloonl, Feb. 23, in roo411m :130 -Engineering- building.1 11, v a Classified Ad-l..it pays.-A dv. ot i } Office houi's oft wtmudergradilate IAT 'T''. P ' HE ATE .E1 'campaign off cce, ti' the Woraent' qleague Iwill be from 1tto 8 oloek ,every art I j ruou 1 1 ' I iiee-ody econI hand books 1imay Ie.bought, F 1 ' or exchankged bllw eeon 11,and 12 1 o'cloack and > -antd 4 o'cl ckl, in t1li I I league room in U niver;4tv 11,1l. 1i~e 4rc=d-G-loria Swans5on in ";,y American Wife " leather f Thloeewill he a c'esl i'che+av; 1 t i r I uPshern, Comedy, antI flnter- 1the Junior irls' play at: 9 o'clot: ' national Newsq. 'ti nri O inter'ior 0f thei- mines, ruiners and~ the conditions under which they work. :) "piassive resistance'' to hamper the French invaders. In -iany instances e('n11led. French officials now fear I he in - Iersent mode of procedhi i- has been 'lime Y. WX. C. A. (lisemussion gr-oan on industrial problems are cordially' in- idustna]l problems, will meet at 8 :80lvif (ed. o'clock Sunday afternoon at( the hey-- oif Rieverend LeWis, 407 Past Kingsley . There will niot he a meet ing; f01's street. to meet the Rev. William 1'p Y. WV. C.'A. cabinet this 41teniiou am; for'd, of the Church League for Ant was a nounced. Members will b no- d1,:ii l vial Demn-'u-y. All interested in ifildof the exacet dalater, M. YOUR PRIVATE ~L~7 NT. PAER Out Representative will be at the. HOTEL _,STATL..ER, -DETROIT on the, following days' during the, coming season, with Saimples of Ready-m~ade Clothing Furnishings, Hats & Shoes -FEBRUARY* 19, 20 MARCH19,20 APRIL 16, 17 MAY 1,1 ti'cnd iGfol I'e R'eenikment ofthie UWardiobe"' " i BOS TO N '7.MONT".'3R?;BOYL STOm., N EWPORT shouhi11101ot l) ''cheap. ' It, isfrilly to use so-Cl14led ''ceap"papers and enlvelopes for youcr personal con- 'respondec. -,It onily Imakes you look: ''Cleio 'in your correspond ai~- ea t" s ees. .\Your writing paper is You youtr."olfI, s(1lisp0lhe Vi,' best. OU'l I fined it, her'd. Th1 e1ersona Ily eloe d kind. 0D. MORRILL 17 Nichul~s Arcamde- I'' l sat ~ill nery , Typewrit er Sfone Z20 ELLEW~i VE.. MATINEES 2:00-3:30 7:00--8:30 Nk ajes~t it: -Shirley ,MaTson ini "Pawn Tck t Nmber 210;" comedy and news fe"at'e. Qrphm--Regisna-ld Denney ai* Rth ~iClifford ins "Tropical L ]ov(,;" 'oIme(ly and flewsy IWtierth- Douglas Fairbanks in I"Robin flood;" and Pattie Re- view. Garrick (Detroit)--Al Jolson in "iojho ;" a Shubert jroduc- Ilion, I Shubrt - l\iclli ;an(Detm'cit) -w r 13Uilrtele comni iy in Osca r Wilde',s " Lady Win drnere's Fan." fWon ii whohave ('bahigeti iheir I pila:e of res,,idenceoi is 50 a5raie! '";5askedto notify IMiss heatu'maz M"eo wdalo lt°a a Ii W\omnuM11) toi i >' ell ("'1111V for t~lthe Women's league aLt Uih(' t a 111o iii 'iu -' i-l'sity haiale 'tlWt dt en i at ih j trine0 Kllinumn :. . J ' ''1 f i r i,, , . ' :< .m 11 Spanish Passions and Love in Silken setting--with Q-LOPVI'A r a It ZA N SON ANT) ,ANTONIO MOR0N IN 11 ;IAY AME RI CANJ 'Ih Hree-bhaton waiit is b:apc to stay, a d the fan:- !)utton out lit s ha o 'e go i(' heway ofifih' peg-I op I roils(r, ol, 01 liendays. e' p ''sptia 1I iliagin (hle cm'ea Iion of dimmtIy tIlirc:'-but tin suits tor' well-dresised col loe-e men. The Hl-iccof (it nator i isuit' i~ul 1y large, and tf he C mal it y :,f ritiiuiusdiis of'the saime limit;mi: i'iitlitit ~o405 1hits? ot'verSut \V('ilak;'. 4)Y rehestti'a OI~rCTEL)10VU ELASCO ..mcl4 ~OTT _DUNLAP . _CLAW. M.GIREE1'E - (40ftntl~ lIMl, AL SO11- P A IZtn "M ( rU VrLEAE'A IAJT IQ OfA "V 12'%r n A 'I7T" 'flI A * f