SIX, ---" THE MICHIGAN DAILY FEIDWAY, F[. LRCA ItY 1;12;',.2 r ....w a .-. .. ,..: .. y . I . _ 1 _ _ i OF, VARSITY HOCKEY SQUAD MEETS MINNESOTA ICE TEAM TONIGHT is Footwork Is litDTVAPR i Helping Him Star 'V}IJI VWIII Out Of The R TR RI OA i } Wolverine, Swimming Team Will Face Indiana Tank Men Tworrow 1;(( . Titlr CiSfAt't.1N! t E tea.0h Thai s ~IVI . Preseut. Sti'ong nIachinle and his 'absence c'er"tainl y Li4llEIi1 A gaiit (gopier I('k NOUTIVEWN AW,,'VFC'Vt,10"l IMSE's PAY-No, 1''1N f 'Vieh i ga n's va rgity hockey teaml mneets tMe strong Minnesota sextette ,it 7:30 o'clock tonight in tha irst en coun ter of the two game series witli the Gophiers which 'will take place at tile coliseum., Contrary to general belief tlmtIn' eligibility hats wreckedl the chance4i for- the loam's victory, Coach Bar99 Jtates thiatlhe is placing the strongest, nd 1 itesl. (leveloped Wolverine hockey term of the 'nresenlt season o11 the ice tonight. Although Lindstroni will bel una1"ble to play because of hiis schl.1 astic fall, several of the mien It first tholight ineligible have worked off condlitions and will be able to report tonigiht. Henderson is the lean upon4 whvlose( shoulders will fall the heavy work. llo wll take Lindgtrom's place a1t center and the coach looks to Will, for aL lot of aid. Flosking has stalked' out of the ju1ngle and, worked off all of his doubtfuils, giving him the right to fippear in uniform. 3fia )116 iLay layt :Ca)tain MacDuff, veteran defense l man, has but one condition which hel cox octod to work off and be ready toY play by the time the gamne starts. It is likely that the able clef cusp,- man will be seen in action in both games. Mfacfluff and IKahn form one o1: the greatest pair 'of defense jnwn in thc,, Tard water world. Ini every game this s3eason, these two men have acquitted themselves with credit to Michigan. If Captain MacDuff returns to the lineup it will lower Minnesota's chan- ces to a marked degree, but in case he fails to come through, his b~erth will he filled by Petermnann.E Comb remins in his place at goal!I whteelbe has performed so remark- ably all season. lie has figured in ev- ery Wolver-ine win in their first seal :ion of, Varsity hockey. Beresford and Anderson will be seen at the wing p)o- . sitions where the speedly pair have taken their places-in the combinations!. 'whichl lars has worked on this year. Thee men are both experienced and~ need no initroduictionl to Maihe and Ilue. hockey fanls. Hlosking will be used as _a spare this evening and ifI AlaDuff does not play, he ''will seet plenty of action._ News f'romi Minnesota has3 it that Pond, wing, has joined the famous ralnks of ineligibles. Hie was one of the~ outstanding stars of the Gopher will not he of any benefit to his team.' f ond yas largely resp)onsible for t he pair o1r(defeats handed the Wolverines in the two game rrseries phlayod at M in- nesot a on 2:1 and 24. It" is not known whio will replaIce the valu1able wing in the coi jg seris. artlett,, another st ar winug posessi- ed by the Gophers, is at Owh hight of hris playing a ad is lookeod for to fill- "Pisli the thrills. Wyatt, sta'd((U nrsc m an, is also going good at. I his tinlo as his rinning matv le iggins,. S;iiad who hAs beb playing a stelad, gm at goal this season f'or minnesolla. has been improving right along but- lhe hlas not as yet reilchied the xpr- exeert- ofhis Michigan opponent Combs, who, ill the secotid game of1'we .ai iary pberis, nmade 25 stops at goal.t Coach lBarns has been lkeeping his mien at work as munch as possible dur-' ing; the last few weeks and he feel., able, at least, to break evren onl the series. Tickets for the two games will go on sale this mnornring at the Athleitic' Association ticket office in the Press building. MICHIGAN 2. f v.:-.. a. - ,. s. In ~a iiini~ 31a i ~ icr II Na r ;~.41ow'lN . ~ fior BItEIlrM "ricletl f'or t'he' M ichligan-Indiana m 2ing of the meet will be xperiencetri; swiminng meet, 'wiihl will take inl the narrow witii of lthe, locl pool' li.lCC lomorrow a ft ernoon at 2:1C, o'- 1Becanse it is hlt IX J fe, rom side 1 clock, goi on sale at 9) o'cloclc this ;side it may be ifouind .net arv tou norning it the Athletic otlice. Fii'ty swiml two lionu at al timeo r ;[I her Ctan (ents5 wilIl be the admission charge, jthe 'usual quartiet,. relying upon ac-; and the small capacity of the "Y" c (urat Ie timnug to a ward Hta~s ow-, noel1 makes it. necessary (4 limit thed eveer, this Neill havo to 1?be donle inl bit jmow.a............ Vi'I fn.........R l'uriluc...........4 Indiana.........2 ('li ago ..........2 Ohio State .......1 \1 1, r0 1 "S 4 e 7 nlumber ol I i('kotsput o0l Oticia Is o1'the At blot ic .1s0('iatiofl EI'~r('t lfron Hloiet C r atlyl v'ca i 4 dby the brillialt I expect the alloltment. of tatte-boairlds accorsding to At111 showing against the *.,o erfut \''' -n- to g;o in a hurr'y because 01f tie fact i vials, ainal deci. sin ive *,V, (Ie:llay iilt ('oli., .. tli:t the 'indiana meet, Nvill be not onl11i shill-, o1!tweevola Mal:t hey xx ill lixatilAli.; \:rM'' ,ae \ichlig;an's5frat tlakmeeMt inthe hBottle ;oo il ice be~ttxe hall s(Jtlad on 1the s~u s! l moad trip oi ))1, but. because it will be the fi rasl holI ncilinen 11E: hev (Il.-. thi l!'ouollinel ot'!orie- 4Ton f' (Kiqt ic competition iiityE bls looke kd ;at, ihi wtei;e'n a1[ f"It'(mit 'i."Yltnr1: iit u at 11%:-x'11wich Michigan toeam has enteredl. Contrtary to thb .niti sl tlllorl-mv off!it ; and\Wisn']- . Ili ;SC v*ral Men i ulliblle Big.'11 n lank me at. Madlison Mondltiay nI31 =.Whlile tIhe ineligibility siftationi11a..1 wiiir basliot haf Ai. the (Ufin(I lisif~of S j;itiI 031' I ('eft ie \ V'i euslrat hler in tblie; ein ;c''s have liOVi E ii lt Al;,then hidlnot do(le- iid \01ta .t le i irch (t'oaeh Brown is not pessimist:ic test, alid Ifihe fcii ja inheolp of ible Squad I[or he Trip j or the probal o ftcoine o01t' hetoo I imiit.I(4 toat won Id -K!. Itis c e!-JLtinto [0 lil iter'('aill- "'Vent . Timne I ialIs held ye'st£trdaya f- aith an {event. awill Vt '. i pk( I 'a per, t'cll.IIPON I 0k t trnoon show that the NMai.,e anid IBIlui~ieret',povcen (111i govlit ', I il ti!, l let Ilcrson , and lpeilia 95 w; vill Lw a)L~e to offter the IIoosiers Soma esion to d(l ltil St el iier oilfit he r.Thei II( e r"t of t I eu licompetition. particularly inl theyiTn th ilel reii ai' 1nee !'1iin ctj [ialitie0. 10 anid 221yard free styles, the plunge Al b11ot ic .a sooci. ih'pcl ca mig'coi tor distance, and the 200 yard lre"Ittenesit ( What m Ileasue C1(4IIsc eess istor ~i';st roke. Michigan does not 'OII~f'del r te xeexa for' Nl ich i ga a(on this tI i is ha rgely de-' victory to Indiana in a single event, cause the limlitedl *pend('Ult on biow well theo new \Voel- j10or a comparison 01' aver'age Wolver-; sol(d Ireclntdes, ' eIriO OhlIelsi ve wori s on 5'0l Ci'i1iine timles with those mnade inl th1l1 n chance that adali~ floors. if I tlgged y is bach inl shape I diana-Northwestern meet, won by the ( haIsedl at the entl he is, :;lir to mtake tholexaize and ile n latter. by a scor'e of 43 to 25, shrows blefore the mneet; scoring Ill('111110 1111(A1lor'e formid- h ie Michigan inen to <.verage up wvefl, atilt, thlanl it a pi' a ied a gain st. thbe Iad- While C oachI Brown has not yet do- geri-;Ilee tWedne .da.y nig;ht. whon the {initely announced the men who' will ' Host1 Mat hei''s men1 couldh do t~vas fourt' Otart a gainst the hooesiers it is proJ Heaold goals and thr'ee ofl' i he long- ;able. that Smrithl and Searle will hot1 FLt tosses. .ltner showxed that hie is coin- !(ff for MilchligatnIi the ,10 tand 100) illy r'apidly to t he front by his Ox- yard free styles, huibbard and Papen- Plan ts hit it ion aIgainlst AiIten n vc:1I's te:0,111,:uthi in thle 220 yarid free style, IKer'j fighlt jog harid a l I *lethgi4WtthI more :.nul H ubbard in the 1,50 yarid back than a atinfirI' 1lea3 mro of :iiue'ss ill tro4ke, 1Ilydo and I fanson or- M heliil- 1~ i brleakin ill) Upl0 in layi5at ,i~d seen-" r orin the 200 yard breastsioe ilg tOle;)aillor his own teamil,lbuit fo i- Kearnus (and(1J (411,pr'ovided the lat .t Cl to ig wh len (telast qu0ick punch would1(vaciii orriect h1is eligibility, in the' hav~e plt'ed I he hal in osi ion o; plunge f'or distance, lfildner and Pap-oe 'luhi h ac iig n niiL W R {MAichi gan root ets \ednea } ''% y. ; ; f r 1 , ( .. :_. , , ':, . ., ,, ,; y $q 4 " $ help thestor c After a hearty meal, try its friendly relief and comfort to the over urdeed lstomach. W GI6ER4COMPH ,for men MPsnce1&4 ol I. / r 17 -A - r . il_,42' I It is the beneficial and satisfying sweet for old and * grdon Ts -made of Oxford, in a fine tailor-like way, with sound big buttons put on to stay. The shirt has ani attached collar made by the expert Arrow collar makers. The cuffis are of the French model) or they have single cuffs which young. And the cost is very small. It's a fact! Many ,of the suits and overcoats now~ on sale are marked below their actual cost to us Hart Schaffner Marx and other fine makes ommom WRIGLEY'S HEW 6 "It, Me - -, C.; - tw- - rMPPERMINT FLAVOR _ L.V 5 Try the New P. K. I lit - 11f6J 9 .1 UA lamt~ _ site . n rce cre .t eaeari " w-w" -