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February 16, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-16

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IPublished rvery inerning except Monday
dlurinlgthetlUuiversity vea, 'b th(e Board in1
Member art Western Conflerence Editorial+
The Associated :Press is exclusively en-l
titled to; the use for republication of allI
news dispatches credited to it or' not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
Entered at the postofficea~t Ann Arbor,
Mlichigan, as second class matter,.
Subscription by carrier or mail. $3. so.
Offices:,t Atari'Arbor Press Building, May-
nerd Street.
Phones: Editorial, :24 and 176M; Busi{
Communications not to exceed goo words
if signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, but as ain evidence of faith,
and notices of events 'will be published in
The Daily at the discretion of the E*ditor, if
left at or mailed to The Daily office, Un-
signed communications' will receive no con-
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage, The Daily
dloe: not necessarily enidorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Telephones 2414 and 178-H
NeLw3sFEditor ....., ......Paul Watzel
City Editor..........James B. Young.
:asiit~ii. City LFditor................\. laca.ui
E-ditorial Board Chairman.......EU. R. Meiss
Night Editors- HryHc
L. li1erhdorfer R. C . Moriarty
U. A. Donahue J. E. Mack
>norts Edito r...... ......F.. McPike
Women's Editor.. .......Marion Koch
,Sunday Magazine 1!ditor.. 11. A. D) )naaue
P'ictorial Editor..... ......... Robert Tarr
Mlusic Editor...... .. .........E. H. Ailea
Editorial PI %-aud
E'ugene Carwichael

Chicago with the track me~ and can beVO
counted upon to bring back a vic-__
1-ockey, the team crippled as are iIi
those in basketball and swimming,
will be, a local attraction today and ' THE FIRST WEEK
tomorrow nights. Meeting Minneso- IS ABOUT OVER
tata aledtwcvitrosover therm, the Wolveriens will give CONCENTRATION
everything to wrest at least one vic- Thinking, thinking, thinking,
torv, possibly two, from the greatf Lights are blinking, darkness sink-
Gopher sextette. ig
Thebasbal tem i dut gttig ;I alone sit on the cold, gray campus
down to work, with the annual south-i bench,
emn trip but a few weeks distant. Thinking, ever thinking, of the girl I
Coach Fisher has a good squad out, left at home.
but he needs more men. The spirit Blinking, blinking, binking.
that carries teams to victory can be The Moon Man winking, shadows
shown fully as much in trying for an slinking-
atfrletic squad as in playing on it. As I sit there thinking, long and
Michigan needs baseball men. Why wer
not try for one of those pasitions that woneiar awnein nta
brings not only individual fame but, girl I left at home.
what is incredibly more important,' Ringing, ringing, ringing,
glory for the University.: Hours are striking, night is passing-
Four Michigan teams will slee ac- Yet I feel no joy or wish for sleeping,
tion tomorrow, the largest number of{ And Ii wander homeward, thinking, as
Wolverine varsity aggregations that despondent as before.
have ever gone into competition on as Regnitte.
single day. It is the opportunity for***
every Michigan. man to see two of "I have done more grafting than any-
them, and show, by his support, that one else," said Luther Burbank, chop-
the Michigan fight which 'the teams ping down another apple tree.
display, is not theirs alone, but an *
intrinsic part of the individual make-
up f echMicign mn.Last night. .1 went out. .With a..





(Ohio Lantern)
Not a thousand years ago on this
campus the average freshman hated
his gym classes as much as he did--
and still does, for that matter,-his


B ri

0 0

* 0


drill periods. These two requirements
stood out on an otherwise pleasant
schedule like a sore thumb on the
hand of a basketball player. Ile whole-
heartedly and sincerely hated gym
because of the tiresomeness of going'
through floor work, in which he was
about as much interested as he was
in the outcome of a checker battle be-
tween two natives in the general store
back home.
iBu'. now there is a different story to
tell. One finds freshman after fresh-
man enthusiastically discussing the
gym classes, which seem in many
cases to be the most interesting part of
his sch'edule, The reason for this

110 T T R C

yr w.em.... ws r.wr+ rr+w s ...


corn '-mete reversal of attitude is that
the student is allowed to elect his
gymnasium work in the special line of
athletic activity in which his inter-
ests lie.

'Twras then. Real nice. .An evening..


Thelma Andrew.
Stanley 1M'F, axter
Dorothy Bgtnnetts
Sidney ]Bielfield
R. A. Billington
Helen Brown
El. C. Clark
A, B. Connablt'
Bernadette Cote
r vo - 1. Coughlin
Joseph EV stein
John (;arlirgh t,

Ronald Hflgrin:_
sFranklin D .Hepburn
Winona A. ib bard
Edward J., Higgins
Ihlizabeth Liebermann
John MoGinnis
SamIuel Moore
W. B.' Rafferty
Robert G. Ramsay
Cam p bell Robertson
J. W. Ruwitch
Soil J. Schniti
l Frederic G. Telmos

All5 an.AGRMrto
AClyde L.J-Hagerman
JohiiC T-lskrHer1. 'BostickJr
E.D rmnr.i. ClaytonjX:P'urdy 'ak
W, ssistantBSanebce
WallacetFloerk Alfnor.Mrto
Cr. L. RonaesserPirc

As higher education continues to
evolve, the tendency will undoubtedly,
be to place more emphasis on the
graduate school. In proportion to the
increase in the enrollment of our
American universities they seem de$-
tined to become mediums of common
education rather than higher educa-
tion. Consequently, more and more
students who are seeking specializa-
tion or who wan; intensified training
turn, towards the graduate school as
a means. of fulfiling their noeds .
For, a century after the origin of,
our republic American univer-sities
Were few aand atltlit~aw a~l i ,; rsct-
ed to those who could ql a iift iu
cdally and live' p to a ,,tri-kt muxllt
tual standard. The highi c-hool te
occupied the. position which hasno
been usurped hy thse I'gt,,univ'ce1 x-
But after the Civil War. the .ideas of
kthe political revolution i h n u tia r vos i l rans an
first given vent to in the ;.i enI
century, began to crystalline in i s
national life. One of the attendant_
results was the birth of the vinoiO.i ,1
idea of education fort all which n*ow
permeates our intellectual system.'
The success of democracy, depends
to a certain extent upon the fulfill-
ment of this tidea. More people are
being educated now than ever before
in history and this is makting for su-
perficiahity in the instruction received
at universities, and making impera-
tive the fore.r nmof ninteinsified ra vin-

Eleven o'clock ..Ra'n. .Tixi.. Fare..
She said.-Good night.-T'aint Fair..
Dear fem,
I comes from de east. I got a girl
hack there, that is, I had a girl back~
there. Yah ought to seen her-yon
know one of them mean goers whc
thinks America is bounded by Hobo-
Ren, Pronx Pa!rk. and the Brookyn
SBridge. Las't month I springs it on
her that I'm going to get shot up by
cowboys and indians" She acts out
e eo ions-.--oh boy that part was
nice.- ( re liow Ilucitt
1'sji~Uix' - wite~ oher 4niltells
e'-tod in my love affairs and who ever
this girl Ann Arbor is---She can bvc
i3_-,all to herself. Say ain't thata
E coldl one? B. V. D.
" " nt"b~S-on* *a * ?~a~os

Boxing seems to he thc most popular
sport chosen by the first-Year men,
for 331 have placed this on their
schedules. Other sports, in the order
uof their apparent popularity with the
students, are: hi skcthail, 'wrestling,
track, jiu jitsu, and fencing. In ad-
dition to these shorts are, of course,
the footralI and baseball teams rep.-
resenting the freshman class, but
I'which. are not given as a Part of the'
physical-education curriculum.
Taking gym dloes not seem to he an
onerous task when one is allowed to
select the sport in which be wishes
to receive instruction. There may be
nsome psyelioloay in the mere fact of
nalowving the studlent to elect his work
yrither than to telIl him that he must
t (_ke a ^o<csuoill rhVsi("'ileducat'ion.
s n nnm' event, the departm.--t of phys-
j( .l oil 4c('iton is not tll aTh'xhear that
I t. o'nce w-r.7nin. e m'rls of the stu-
dt. anrd th?.^tailr'v'.'of gyT lhas
hah'~ci'rrb- ~v

Read the Want Ads'
Ann Arbor and Jackson
I i-astcrri Standar d 'imie)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
o :co a.x, 7 :ou -.lan., 8 :oo0a.m., 9:0
iiin and hourly tog:o5 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (hx-aI stops
j .est of Finn Arbo)-9~:47!a. m., and
,:very two hours to 9:47 p.m.
Local Cars Fast Bound-7 :oo a.'ti.
,:t vecry two hours to 9.00 p. m~.
s r :v p.mz. Tn Ypsilanti only-11:40
T7o Saliire-=-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West B(-and-7 :5o a.m.,
12:IiJ 03.10..{
Tob Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim-
ited cars 18:47, I 0:4 7 a.m., 12-47, 2:47,
4:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.Im.
4 56 7 8 9 10
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 27 27 28
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of hats at
lowe prices for HIGH CLASS
617 Packard Struet Phone 1792
Schedule in Effect October zE, 1929
Central Time (Slow Time)
D) X X D
P30,. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 . Adrian ...12:45 8.45
1:15 8:15 - ecumseh ... 12:15 8:15
4 :70 8:30 . - Clinton . . .. 12 :oo 8:oo
7 :s5 9:j5 - Saline .. 11:15 7:15
:. ,.r nn =XrborLv. 10:4S50=45
! ? (curt: Ho, e Square) A. M.
I)-1ailk.Y,.X_'l0aily :exeepts Sundays
1 ar1 11r~i12\~- l:.. amih-' rrd ~~i 7
B:'-; ,.- ll., i,LTOT . oprietor


. . . . . . . . . . . ..

, v



{, t! ~ 'at thefre 7s
-o miore ceiirteoiri ac* t1an raising'
Gne'o ?hot wien oree c r5kto a lady
on tlhe ~rept, or Wll e" 'la(ces where
hats ar-rrA rt rornvcO It {enotes a
c ert?}n dlifference t,)wcrd won
v,1-11chv fool is (Ne tbem.
Ye?. we are .,ilu to admit that
th re are times when (lhe acf~on is
P%(, "j~oef wkword; andiwe
never wish o seem more a-:kwavrd
'lien is our nat-ural bent.For this
e on v-cre e.by endo'rse the move-
mecnt that is on f cot inl iffarenti part.


Where Cleanliness
Is a Habit
o housewife's', kitchen -was
c-amre spotlessly clean than
1. actories where Connor's Ie
',eam is made. Modern equip-
ment and eternal care Insure
perfect sanitation..
You'll enjoy Connor 'sa
more because you know
how it is made. De-
-mand it -.by name!-

~iee.Mrils' U - D
'.: Fw-;lF 3NGION

,; a

r.~C)week a special treat.
Call your dealer and place a
standing order.



A . . ... . . ..... ......

IRIOY.FE R RY16, 1023 i>ng until the student reaches the grad?-
--uate school. Hence, in the light o-f
N ~b E'to-L.J. -ERSHDORFER= present tendencies it seems almost
- _____-- ----- --- safe to say that the graduate school
THAT SAltIE OLD FIG~HTS I is fast becoming the prime medium of
Thiis is Michigan's busiest athletic' higher education and that it bears the
season. It is only natural, therefore, ':same relation to,the university in our
-that interest in sports which, during intellectual sphere of today that the
the fall and spring, is centered upon? university did to the high school fifty'
but one or two type~s of athetics years ago.
and is correspondingly concentrated, I_________
should be divided to a greater extent. INTERVIEWING THlE INVENTOR
However, the existing situation in
Michigan athletics calls for a spirit of' Thomas Edison is an inventor,.lHe
supprt everbefre eualed. has contributed more to they scientific
Hepprt eto bfore s etballled.atrate development of modern civilization
Ileetoorebasetbll as ttrcte ithan possiby any other man. For this'
practically all of the interest of the resn hnToa Eio eert
student body at this time of the year, resnIhnToasEio eert
takI ed his 76th birthday this week, muti-
with approaching baseball andtrci tudes of reporters travelled from all:
coming in for a small share. Now a ~'so h onr oitriwhm
new situation exists. Two new hsports,
swimming and hockey, are recognized i I the course of their conversations;
and l eandn teirmerted har ofi 'with the Inventor, the reporters act-
and emaning hei merted hare i ally did strike once or twice upon
-attention.- scientific suibjects. Casually they
Tomorrow- afternoon swimming spoke of inventions he might be work-
snakes its formal bow before- Michi-1 ing on, and once even a helicopter was
gan en nd ome, te Wlveinementioned. But on the whole, the in-
aquatic squad facing Indiana here III
what is not only the first at-home!triwcnendM.Eio' pn
ions on opera singers who - were out-
contest, but the first Big Ten meet inclse ya turinrsI th
which a Michigan team has ever par- homsd y aesthuthnernatinthis
ticipatedl. There will be but 150 tick- hmstruhu h ain i
cets sold for this event, but it behooves viw ontemdrnwsarth
evey 'oya Mihign sppotertoRuhr situation, Coueism, a second
maey a ciattmtosuppretoer ofterm for President IHarding, Ilhe dis-
makean ttept o scur on ofcoveries of Tut-ankh,-H-amen, the fu-
these coveted pasteboards. In Indianatueoprhbinad isfvie
?Michigan faces a ,powerful aggre-a- movie stars.
-tion, faces it with a team that has Amliueo eotr ng-ta
suffered the fate of the basketball 'well not have travelled so far to in-
-quintet-wrecked by ineligibility, hutteve ThmsEioonhee-x-
with the same fighting spirit that car-et.Ara rbt oteivno
vied the Maize and Blue to victory: on his '76th birthday might have been
lastfai, th sae spritthatthegained by giving the world his beliefs
court squad is carrying against great i eadt h uueo i w
odds, the spirit that will mean, if notfelofsin.Sulytswud
the inning score, at least a showing hfiedofencr fecSureycthisgwol
than -will give birth to a great'pride hv enmr fetv oigfo
Thomas Edison than a lengthy (Us-,
in the hearts of those who witness the cu'ssioan concerning everything from
meaet. Those 150 tickets go on salefapestpils hrs
this morning and the rule is "first ;_faperstophlosphrs
comne, first served". Every man should'
try to 'be among the first.I It is claimed that rain can no-w bo
The basketball team meets North- produced artificially. If anyone can
western, at 'Evanston, for the second invent a way to stop the rain, he w ill
111ne on Saturday night. Badly trip- receive a handsome reward for his
pled, but with that same fighting spir- tobefo h i egebsbl

L !






"HASTE makes wastE
IS very true
FOR many things.
WE all know that
IF ice-cream is
DOWNED too rapidly
A severe headache
IS the resultant
FEATURE. Also then
WILL be a number
OF lives wasted
ON this campus
IF some of these
SHEIKS don't stop
THEIR speed long
ENOUGH to fasten
T lE -ansome goolsi
"I like to hear
THEM tinkle".

of the country to break dow~n that
social edict which requires the doffing
of one's hat when speaking to a lady
in a street car.
True, this only a start, but if it is
successful other similar unnecessary
actions will soon he condemned. WThat
a picture a man makes when a lady
speaks to him in a strteet canr. Gener~-
ally he is holding on to a strap, for
it is in this position that all can see
and sp~eak to him. One hand clasps
the strap in vicelike grip as the car
lurches along; the other hugs sundry
bundles to his side. A lady smiles and
speaks. The ha-nd holding the strapa
re instinctively starts to raise the hat.
B,t no, a sudden swerve causes himt to
cling tighter. The other arm then;
but it is aso in use and he cannot let
the hundes crash to the floor. Per-
haps he can wait a second until the
car rights itself, but by that time she
ha.s tunned away, undoubtedly censur-
ing him for rudeness.
Another method is to how the head
until the fingers can touch the irim
of the hat and raise it; but this re-
quires unusual contortionistic ability-
and at be;t the effect is nether weak.
W,?rr the custfom' not so deep rooted
we believe thlat it might be forgo ten.
les.- There is no special reason why a man
Should attempt diifficult athletic feats
t when a lady speaks to him. 1-I can-,
not do it gracefully or wth proper
metlease accompanying. Were it
no' for custom she would much rath-
-, .' return ?-er greeting nat-
zski. urally.
If *his first r, form go'es thron cii we
u-iu-'-(-nl -al ope for (Akers along the same
ruenilinestbings 1-h1ch the nuin-
sv~'us ook onetiqluette seem not to
~:a-e ~oled.Tlhn qreston of shlaltng
l~an:' whn trorluie'l is, for in-
e 'KI i sU'.no sr ~otini,- th ? mlight as well
x'--ci b dc!edonce !?Pd for all. Shall we
T,-o,~ o ail Nwe rot, and if so. wvhere?
i' ; S ~'U -li p e wjorr'elve-, oii the ouit-
) I Ii1; '" f t -e i 1OZT ii Nwhen walking
~ 'i~-.x-r wth a l1{ry or ellV'n?-O an ld l iastoill
E ,ict > ?~ ? end walk on the in oroneit'ier side,


------....r- -

Z 1



,. . ..r ...r"w



Lihe evolution o'

f a dip]



There's. hard .work ahead



before you can play this horn
Ordinarily a diploma doesn't turn into a horn of
plenty overnight. This truism sums up a good deal
of the. advice you seniors may expect to hear.
People who know best don't want you to be 'in-
patient. They say you can't expect to run things
from the start. Are they right?
To answer that question, look back to the time
when you were freshmen. How many. in your class
won any worthwhile campus honors that year?
And why should they? What kind of a varsity
teamn would freshmen make?
AVyell that's the way many people feel about
seniors hoping to run the business world next year.
Tihe ambition to lead is all right.. But- in business
as at college-first must come the try-outs . Then,
if- you plug hard, the scrub team. Then, when you
show you've "got the stuff," the varsity.
But through it all remember this: the harder you
work on the scrub, the sooner you'll make the
varsity and the better, you'll cover your position.
W~ork hard. Keep fit. Don't get downhearted.
Remember, the team will need new blood some,
dlay-maybe next game. When your chance comes,
be ready.


"HEH, heh."

45 45 *

i;h. Icc S on. )2QI' ~)

Doe vi s t trhe 7-ou a.
rmonA to appe ar 1,t

an Instifiution that will
be helped) by what.
ev'er helps tlw


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