I RIDAY, FJIO1HAY 16, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PAGht _. 1A M1wYYrrrr rr - I w rw r I - r. w.r ...r Y , r1 i Foire Lookout Of Sou Watches From Mrs. PI.aul Beard,y fr , . okou r is one of the few womien worktcr. In the federal forestry servicet. She keeps house in "miss> house" on the tjeak from < ur Y spring to late fall, wvhen l takes up her studies at Arr ° ~la. The tiny glass house ine which she lives gives her a view over four states. It is lashed to the rock with heavy steel cables. Entrance is by a twenty-tooti Jadder. lI the Women's league at the table in Un- j ain, Dorothy gorn, '26, and Leona 3dean H amilton of it.' She stated that the pupil of nize indivdualty and personalt. .t a o aiversity hail are requested) to call Kati- Aurand,'26. "rie refoiees and um-; today-thre product o: a rce whoseI Then te atmosphere will be created j wel le me Kiuhiman at 627 to make ar- pices will meet with Mirs uth lin- JellIs IJf alue rule i individual freedom -is rode- ,rich says, "It is worthwhle to makoi Cli1 eling Of irub~ men ts for hours to( sell. ielson, of the department of physical endent, ad should be treated as a the effort-and to sacrifice." a ~~~~~~~~~oo Seniors are asked to leave their or- l irteoffice of Barbour tgynasimttacr'bdin.oe Mt tTt (lrs for clips and gowns with M4ack (licuss thle refereeinrg of the first Speaing onl the eaher and lis "E.(jation", said the Dean, "Is thlllMmer of Sigma~ Delta Phi, so- und (Co. ias soon as l)o5sr~le. gaimes of the tournament which will he j atitude in the classrpoom, Dean ean oly possible wva Y of bringing out or men's honorary dlraatic and orutoi - o y une played tomorrow afternoon in iBarbour j-Hailton adressinig the monthlyI the prsent cvilzation somethi )iiK cal assocain, met. fr te yesterday ( louses which have nttre l the g}ynmasiumr meeting of thfeschool of Education! great and lasting. This alone will afternoon at. Foser % his mneetng " sli)s r sgnig ut.by he ouh Al huse whchareentrin Tursday afternoon said,Yo musi. kep our civilization from crumbling was held for the purpose of allow ,,. ,a ii Ua i. ari'eask cilin send (i hem im-, tems in th wjnmetbe it to be a person, before you canmai all reat civiliations li h cuam u h emest e 1oehri " "51]Yt t lie flice 1 la uJea expected to hand in at the office of b e fit to be ateacher. I, Iin back o" bled in the past. Above all li,, TOv-fan informal way. the gymnasium certificates of' the heart ; Yu* I cching, you are not~ apprcia- r oret what it feels like to be and lung examirnations of fill the mea- tjV6 of the things you yoursef do niot pri~l, M easurre your own require- ' Drawig Instruments. Some second v °r I )ca-rs of their teams. If theo eamina- 1)0ssess, you will have treneniuj meus by your own psychloogy. The sets at. a bargain at War'.- v. r ions -were taken t the beginning of difficulty in your profession. The kin I teacher ust see beyond, over, a dI __________________________ '. ~FOR BAS-KETIBALLro iiw hudhv-- nlli bv.eitn ~ri~l. the year, duplicate copies may e s fame- hud hv-- ap bveeitn uriui"* SHUBERT Niht, 9741.00 - ~cured at. the health service. No play. classroom wvhich1 contains people ho hI conclusion, viss Ilamiltoui sai, MICHIGAN PoP. Malt sl Ti , eferces andl umpires for the wom" der who hag not had the required exam- do things because they want. to, ant Truth is the moost important thing hra ndSE r . (-' int'lose lbasket ball Itournamnt. nainwill be llowed on than ftogr, inot ecause they have to-seems to to bring into 1the classroomn.if yo I The B ntIeCompany weree choghenof olythirrepres entativesstoe plpilwophosorthatand.pfrs hmenweremchsen by thoughtesofatonly inAlboophomanesandofthisn thetpupilf wilis seel tuatas aun as' i the h,us'e teams at a mneetinig held i variours houses are ecilgible to play ex- speches".. ofyouisilYoug-asyoug _ Oscr Wids's rttrt Ccmcdy Dr~nm a vr~ysierday a fternooin in ilam'on r rn- c cept those taking light gynnasiumn or Dean iamilton emphasized the (sal the pupil himself. Then a commn 1 "Lady Windernere's in iatimy thro combined crriculiini of l]igt andE that. the life of te schoolroom shoulj undrstanding will result. Magr, In- arhlirney, Plot, pigram Th~issleie ioireom nd- rretive gymnmasum. riot be divorced from tie life outside terested pupils will be yours. Rcog- and Hiert Interest t o s m c y t e l p r i e t o i t il h r n e h t e n n al i i sic"al rThm atioum, is as foll mX s : ori Ithe previosly announced gam es o othy ~lo , 23,llelu 9liler othToorrow's contests, Pi Beta phi play- t IValdrcmmn '22, Doro'thy iAppold, '2411M. ing Adella Cheerer house at 1 oclock. o" 1 F llizaheth Lanver', '.41, Ilizaeth i mi,j Lawr and Heical Books at Wahr's '2-lli,- em- icide, 'd.C a cae I Iimboora- University Book store.---Adv. Spci al Sale of TaffeaHats in'C(olbrS , a $5.00 0 i Mrs. 1' u Baro' aidj jr elif home of gla-j fore 4 M'cock t oday on the htl- Tremendous drama, gor-. _... . ,Eridayand Saturdav ) Febru ary 16th and 17 t K__ I I. Paymlenrtson.me-lbrship pledges for I lie Womei 'a league will be tokeyl fon3 :30 to 5:,30 o'clock this aft- eroninl Nova Lovewell's office inl har"bouir gyninasilim. Remlinders or' pledges (lie have been sent ouit. I letin board in, Ba rbour gynasiumil. The first meeting of the (lass will be beld Wednesd ay, Peb, 21, inm }Trbon ' gyminasiumn. There will be a cast rtTecarimsi for E the Junior G iris' la~y at9 o'cloc- t omorr'ow rmiomning. M~omuczm2 who have chang ed theirE place of residence this semester are asked to' notify AMiss Shermnlallmat f leie geous spectacle, het alvaVs lhuman. Stupendous 'scenes of regal splendor as a setting 'or Elhe age-old sto TV of robin H ood and his mrerr p bandits. r lti: , s _ a-S F i p PAUL 1B. DICKEY, Class of '06 prominenrt in College The- airicals and 'a~hlctics portrays the role of Sir Cup of Gisbourne D)ANA RICHARDSON 115 EAST LIBERTY ST. Ofliceo ours of thme and rgraduatef office of the (lean of women. campa l.ign toffice (of the Women's leagule ~ Avil b fom to:xWclwhevery af- Chaperones for the (lances this weer ill b from end are as follows: Unlin,,Fi da--- ____All'Ms. 1+. C.- lcam'l t; Saturday-viss SeOolld hand(]hooks may he bonghlt 'Aartha Hills; Armory, Friday-Mrs -or exchanged between 1 ii and 12 g ates Adams; Sat uirdiy---Mrs. M. t,'cl r _an(l3 and 4 olclock,, in the I Cake. league roocnniin r..rrve } ,tvn h il. H I__ .. MENU 00 t \Vn ldorf Salad S e eadlee Roast, Chicl en Roa~l;t Beet' All Nvomjnnmhoi()wj-5li to join the 'cAu s- in pdlygrout11nd woIRk which, will legiven .atW2 oclc Wedewsdlay aft- _ ?ii:ill0Ofl rdai 'e retjuestE'.l to s;izgh be-. olokWednesdlay evemning, 1seb. 21, int t he- Alpha Oimiicron Pi house. WVom1en Who wishl to sell candy for i A.larm 'Clocks I ~\.M aA1oI Y'ot tI oves 11,i l 110to NOW PL AYsIik4G C ' I tici ;all+4; nOl ves Matinees 2-4 Adults 50c Children 25ce ! 1 I Evenin , 7-9 Adults 75c Children 25C A\ppli'h*a atnd Too~i Cocoa N- ll-k ( 'offox, Suit "THRU SAURDA Y Gu'air anteed, ------------------ ----- -------- --- - - --- 7-7:- Sales!1 98c This is the &tnday Dinner of - Secial This XWeek Flynn ' S Bo'arding House w r q ,fr .. .., I t j l'k fS ' a ,/ i/ 'e } ^ f , ,, } ,;; Sri i; % "+ l 1 I f " + _ , i ., ,, '; l ' .-e1 , [nj li k' ( n ;I;?. . ; , , Ij iJ 'Ip1 i ;^ ! ! - {I ' - + ah C v f, ° , . a \ \ F.u ' .,_ 1 ' 3 i db 1, ° t ,, ' Cur rewals are like those mother cooks and on]ly $5.75 a wveek i t - A C j Owl PFIONI--- t I 18-W 607 HLL ST. TODAY AND SATURDAY MNAWdMIW An nteresting, Picture with an P i anigStar! TODAY: A: ?NI). SAT"URDAY GLO IA S~W AN SON Guaranteed--w even at Sale v Prices! JIowv pralone'10110is morly bait. Ii takes "hIigh q+uality" to. make lowpm'coanly inducement. If you newALL ab~out woolens, ALLabuttailoring, you canl hazl by clothe(,s anywhere.. 1 i tYou donz't--thlen our Saleo bcesa11~h~' m~ Never s'o'bewitchingly app'-ealing!. NNfeer so gorgeously gowned! Could a- pretty American heiress hoo happy falling inI love-, with wild young Span- , ishe aristotrat? With his hot Spanish passions, his Span- ish ideas- of womeni and lhom- or? Gloria, in this warm, puls- ing romnance, will show you..--.--.- I iandsomoc, Tony Moreno is tier' lover. a g i f AND) A STLRONG SI'PP lN(A CAST IN om~oar owni good regli- lar stuek. Sth lat, h-ea omi' gurain 'Iso r A, / r ?,-07 "MyAmerican'Wife" i ii i i '+ t ja c , c ' - t , j''j 'A dxLY f Y h p/ y .3! ...s' 'u .- , - .1 1 J)EI) TH NWLETERPSHR I III ° = 1