Avi4a u
Figh That's a t
0p'raStars Dont IIJLD iLhJ
Do Nuthin' Els'But' MORFr rriPRirw
Daily Men
Wild Names
I' '
Duesselorf, Feb. 5-(By A. P.) -
Rapid strides towards realization of
French aims in the Rulr are being
made daily, according to announce-
ment from the occupational headquar-
ters, which point out that from eight
to nine trains of coal and coke, -or
about 5,000 tons, are leaving the oc-
cupied area every 24 hours for Bel-
gium and France.
These trains are manned entirely
by French civilian railway workers
imported for the purpose. In addi-
tion there are some 12,004 railmen
now famiiarizing themselves with the
operation of the German lines.
The French maintain that the trans-
portation shows improvement, coal
and coke being sent out regularly in
barges, by way of Strasbourg. Twenty-
five steamships in all have been re-
quisitioned and manned by French
and Belgium sailors. The river fleet
includes hundreds of barges, many of
which are already loaded with fuel.
The French pin great hope upon
this movement of fuel by water, but
admit that the 'system is not yet
working as smoothly as it should with-
in a short time.
Essen, Feb. 15-(By A. P.)--Trafflic'
through the Rhine-Herne canal, an
important artery for the transporta-
tion of fuel from the Ruhr, has een
blocked by the Germans. The block-
ade was carried out by German work-
men who sank a barge in the canal,
thus effectively tying up the water-
Dusseldorf, Feb. 15-(By A. P.)-A
company of French inifantry with
n1achino guns occupied the Essen city
hall today, simultaneously with the
declaration of the 24 hour general
strike against the recent' arrests. The
electric plants continue to function. t
Trouble is again brewing at Gel-
senkirchen, where feeling is running
high against the occupying forces.
A French officer was accosted in the
street and beaten by a mob. The
French made several arrests. Many
officals continue to ignore the orders
of the French, and one of them, the
Burgomaster o Blankepstein, has
been sentenced to imprisonment.
E. Mortimer Shuter, who recently
returned from a short visit to the
University of Wisconsin, will returr l
the latter part of next week to Madi-
son. He will remain in that city, di-
recting the Wisconsin annual opera
for five or six weeks.
Mr. Shuter started rehearsals on the I
Widconsin opera' during his recent
trip. This production will make r4
tour of ten days during the Spring;
vacation. It will visit cities in Wiscon
sin, including Milwaukee, and will alj
so play in Chicago. After completing
this work, Mr. Shuter will return here
to start rehearsals for the 1924 Un
ion opera
BUCKINGHAM "Say Rabs, cover that story at Hill
Auditorium t'night, will yuh?"
"0. K. Johnnie."
Hitherto Unpublished StatisticsMay Working for the love of labor an)
ilie volutionize )modern
Education not for pecuniary gain has its com-
pensations. Michigan Daily report-
ers do not address the editors as "mis-
DR GEORGE A. MAY HONORED ter" or "sir". They are simply "John-
BY EDUCATIONAL FRATERNITY nie", or "Bob" or "Bye".
To promote friendship among the
Presenting stntistios that are ex- staff of the publication this semester,
pected by leaders in the field of edu- a sheet was posted on the office bul-
Scation to produce radical changes in, letin to which the whole staff, some,
t80 or so, attached their surnames and
present teaching methods, Prof. B. R. nicknames. There are quartets of
Buckingham, head of the department Bills, Mikes, Joes and Bobs, and num-
of research of the school of education erous Dicks, Eds, Steves, Toms and
at Ohio State university, last night Jacks. i1
addressed75 members of Phi Delta 'Yet some strange cognomens appear
aon the list. There is a Tex, a Duke,
Kappa, national honorary educational a Silver, a Chin, a Chet, a Hersh, a
fraternity, after the initiation banquet Count, a Deadwood Dick, and even a
held last night at the Union. Ku Klux Bill.
Professor Buckingham presented
hitherto unpublished proofs compiled
by the department of research of the
fact that large classes produce more
successful results than small ones. He
advocated the employment of assist-I
ants and readers to professors who
would handle large sections, as theI
best system in the light of this new1---
development Reorganization Would Bring Navy
At the initiation ceremonies held and War Divisions Into One
earlier in the afternoon, Assistant IMain Office
Prof. George A. May, of the physical
training department, was initiated in- CHANGES ADVOCATED WILL
to the fraternity. Among the mem- BE BASIS FOR NEW STUDY
hers present were 15 delegates from
the Detroit branch of the fraternity, s
including L. J. Spain, deputy superin-i Washington, Feb. 15--(By A. P.-
tendent of the Detroit schools, and Details of the proposed reorganiza-
S. A. Courtis, dean of the Detroit tion of the governmental departments
Teachers' college. as worked' out by Walter F. Brown,
The faculty of the School of Educa- of Ohio, ex-officio chairman, of the
tion will give a luncheon in honor of oio, oxgrfssio caim fte
Professor Buckingham at 12 o'clock joint coeonal co btee ap-
today in the Union. pointed to consider the subject, and
-recently a nnroved by President Hard-
Frank D'Annunzio
Frank D'Annunzio, distant relative'
of the famous Gabriel, has forsaken
the operatic field to become a boxer.
D'Annunzio probably figured that as!
opera stars are fighting among them-
selves most of the time, he'd be noi
exception, and so decided he'd get
paid for his battling.
Administrative Board InvestIgates
Student Records to Compile
Dismissal List
Along with the grades, notices of
warning and probation are being sent
to those students whose work for the
past semester has proven unsatisfac-
tory. The exact number of warn-
ings and probations placed on stu-
dents this semester was not available
last night. However, according to
Register Arthur G. Hall, the number
approximates 300 of each, varying
little year by year in proportion to
the number of students.
In speaking of the number of de-
linquients, Dr. Hall -said that more
warnings and probations have been
lifted this semester than ever be-
fore. The administrative board of the
literary college is now culling the
list of students whose work has been
so unsatisfactory as to cause their
dismissal from the University. "Out
of this number", he said, "there will
be a few who can present perftctlyt
valid reasons why their work ha not
been of a satisfactory calibre, These
people will be allowed to remain on
The complete list of delinquents has
not been fully prepared and . conse-s
quently thenumbers dismissed and
allowed, to remain are not available
Unavodibale changes in elections of
courses in the literary college may be
still made between the hours of 9
and 12 and 2 to 5 o'clock today in the
office of the Registrar, room 4, Uni-
versity hall. In cases where the elec-
tion is changed without sufficient
cause, a fee of one dollar will be
Grades have been' sent out and
should arrive at their destination not
later than . this afternoon. The sys-
tem whereby students could have
their grade coupons delivered by spe-
cial messenger from the postoffice as{
last year, cannot be worked out thisS
year on account of insufficient help
Puppets Prove
Offering what might be termed a
rther pleasing entertainment, Ra-
chel Sewall and her Marionettes en-
'acted eight short playlets of many
different types last night in Mimes
The first part of the program, how-
eer, was dull. In order to picture
these small creatures as the real act-
ors an almost impossible stretch of
the imagination was necessary. Miss
Sewall's interpretation of the charac-
ters was good but she seemed to lack
the abiity to make her actors reallyl
speak. The second part of the eve-4
nings performance, though, was much
better and during the last few scenes
these life-like little creatures of the
miniature stage hopped around and
seemed to be almost alive. The Ital-
ian opera selection from La Traviata
was especially good. Even the lips of
these string-manipulated figures moy-
ed and one had only to imagine him-
self a witness of the actual opera.
The circus scene which concluded the
program was by far the best offer-
. In comparing Rachel Sewall's Mar-
ionettes with those of Tony Sarg
which appeared here last year, it
might be said that Miss Sewall's were
less entertaining perhaps because of
the fact that her characters lacked
reality and differed so slightly one
from the other. Miss Sewalls inter-
pretation of the various characters
was monotonous. It was difficult to
distinguish which actor was speaking.
A similar performance was also
given yesterday afternoon in the
Mimes theater. T. E. F.
Edwin F. Gay, '90, president of the
New York Evening Post company, will
be the chief speaker at the Washington
'Day exercises to be held next Thurs-
Comedy club will hold tryouts at
4 o'clock this afternoon and at 9 o'-j
clock tomorrow morning in Newber-
ry hall for parts in its annual produc-
tion at the Whitney theatre, March
28. This year the play that will be
given is "Mr. P im Passes By", written
by A'. A. Milne. Only students already,
elected to membership in the club will
be eligible to compete.
The entire direction of the play is
under the supervision of Prof. J. Ra-
leigh Nelson, of the engineering Eng-
'lish department. He will direct the
rehearsals, design the settings and
costumes, and choose the cast. The
first rehearsal is scheduled for next
The'Comedy club presentation of
this play will be the first in Ann Ar-
bor First produced in this country
two years ago by theTheatre urild
at the Garrick theatre in New York
city, "Mr. Pim Passes By" has since
become popular and has been played
in many of the larger cities. It was
originally staged a few years back
by a London cast in the Gaiety thea-
tre, Manchester, England.
Milne's work is a whimsical comedy
of English life. It is a three act play:
taking place on a July day in the
Marden House, Buckinghamshire.
Milne, himself, though born in 1882.
has come into prominence as an Eng-
lish dramatist only sinces the war.
Last year he had three successful
plays running in New York city at
once, and several in other parts ofi
the country. Today, London is draw-
ing nightly crowds to his perform-
ances of "The Dover Road", "The Ro-
mantic Age", and "The Truth About
Prof. Lane Will Return to Work
Prof. Victor H. Lane of the law de i
partment, who has been confined with
influenza during the past few days,
will return to his duties today, ac-
cording to a report given out yester-!
senate etracts from Position on
Wood Resolution Favoring
Lansing, April 15 - (By A. P.)-
The attention of the legislature to-
day was focused more clearly upon
capital punishment as an 'issue than
any time since the beginning of the
Proposals to legalize electrocution
for first degree murders were intro-
duced in the senate and house yester-
day. The house acted favorably up-
on the Pitkin capital punishment bill,
in committee of the whole and ad-
vanced it to third reading. It will be
on the calendar for passage early
next week and then is when the bat-
tle will come.
Senate Holds Back
The senate retracted somewhat from
its position of unqualified opposition
to the Wood resolution, proposing to
submit the capital punishment ques-
tion to a referendum by lifting it from
the table, where t was sent Tuesday,
and placing it upon the calendar for
consideration in committee of the
Interest in the capital punishment
measures was heightened by the ap-
pjrearance of Allan W. Kent, assistant
prosecutor of Wayne' county, at : a
hearing before the house and senate
judiciary committees yesterday after-
noon. The Wayne attorney stressed
the need of the legislation and com-
mended the senators' earnest and
thorough consideration, butt he frankly
admitted that he does not know
whether capital punishment will re-
tard major crimes.
Kent Is Frank
F. W. Steere, '12E, president of the
Steere Engineering company of De-
troit, addressed the meeting of the.
American Institute of Chemical Engi-
neers last night in the chemistry
The talk was concerned largely with
the present great waste in energy,
and the necessary change that must
take place. Mr. Steere stated that
the gas industry has remained prac-
tically stationary for the past 50
years, but now, because of the clean
and efficient utilization of gars, the
country is necessarily approaching a
gas age.
ing, were forwarded to the joint com-
mittee today. At a meeting tomorrow
the committee is expected to take up
the proposal and at least use them
as a basis for further study.
Outstanding among the recommen-
dations is the proposal to consolidate
the War and Navy departments into a
department of national defense and
to establish a department of educaton
ahnd welfare. Others include:
The transfer of all non-military
functions of the war and navy depart-
ment to the Civil department.
The elimination of all non-fiscal
functions from the treasury depart-
The change of the name of the post
office department to the department of
communication, which would be ex-
pected to develop and extend tele-
graph and telephone communication
for the public benefit.'
The inclusion of the general attor-
ney's office, now independent, in the
treasury department.
Stephen Q. Hayes of t
house Electric company
burgh, Pa., will speak a
Tuesday, Feb. 20, in Nat
auditorium. The subject
ture is "Electrical Engine
pan", and will be based
periences while doing s
for his company in this4
in Austrlia where he hE
the past two years.
Mr. Hayes has been wit
inghouse since 1894. In
made general and comnme
eer which position he has
He has done some specia
the government, and has
contributions to scientific
throughout the country.
The lecture which is
he Westing- I
of Pitts- ON IT Ul COURSE
t 8 o'clock.
ural Science Dr. Henry H. Rusby, dean of the
of his lec- college of pharmacy of Columbia uni-)
versity, will deliver an address here
ering in Ja- on Saturday, March 24, in Hill audi-
on his ex- torium on the regular University ser-
pecial work ies of lectures.
country and With the aid of stereoptican slides,
as been for Dr. Rusby will speak on his most
recent trip, a journey in the wilder-
th the West- ness of South America in search o?
1909 he was drug plants and medical herbs. This
ercial engin- is but one of the many expeditions
filled since. which he has headed into various
d work with parts of South America in search of
made many botanical specimens.
publications Dr. Rusby is reputed to be one of
the most widely read men on the sub-
being given sect of pharmacognosy in this coun,
Engineering try and he is already accepted as an
the general authority on the botany of drugI
Besides being a scientific explorer
40 HOURS, of note, Dr. Rusby is a well-known
I author in the world of science, hav-
Ing written several text books and
manuals on subjects of a botanical,
Li-(By A. nature.!
een ragingj
irs in the.
company 5 ; lapNESE MIGRATE
at the postoffice. j day morning in Hill auditorium. Mr. He gave as hirs pinion the beli
Gay will arrive in Ann Arbor Wednes- that the death penalty would hav
day and will remain until Thursday deterrent effect upon what he calle
ii VVafternoon as the guest of Dean Henry murders of impulse. And then h
2. s Wis,1111sASndNwent on to point out that the extrem
.M. Bates, of the Law school, and Mrs.';eat ntesauebosmg
penalty on the statute, books migh'
Bates. I make it exceedingly difficult to ob
The topic that Mr. Gay has chosen t!in a conviction for first degree mur
for his address is "Our National Pol- der-
T'he senate failed to reach the ex,
More students in the Colleges of ,ides." During the war he was active
in governmental work and closely con- pected vote upon the Bahorski gain
Engineering and Architecture receiv--ing bill, the question of whether on
ed all "A's" for the final grades in nected with the administration at of the sections of the proposed meas
their studies of the past semester Washington. His main work was with ure interfered with the freedom of th
than have in any semester in the six, the Council of National Defense, the press to print the news of actual hap
TTnited States Shipping board, and the'penings being referred to the attorne
years during which records of this War industries board. general for an opinion.
sort have been kept. The names of After his graduation from the Uni-
24 engineers and one architect ap- versity in 1890, Mr. Gay studied in CONTINUATION OF COLD
pear on the list Europe. In all he was abroad 13 SPELL IS PREDICTED
The nearest approach to this num- years before returning to teach in the -
ber was recorded for the first semes- Harvard school of political economy. Washington. Feb. 15-wt(By A.P.)
ter of last year. The fact that there I In 1906 he was made head of the Har- --A continuation of the iresent
are 160 less students enrolled in the yard graduate school of business ad- coal spell east of the Mississippi
colleges this year makes this year's ministration. After the war he went was predicted tonight.
record an even greater achievment.I to New York to join the New York The temperature continued to
The students in the engineering col- " Evening Post. - fall today in the southern and in
lge who have received an "A" grade ( the Atlantic states but there was
in every subject are the following: Law School Recorder Ill a reaction to some what higher
Ernest J. Abbott, '24E, Werner E. I Miss Katherine Murray, Recorder temperature in the Missouri Val-
Bachmann, '23E, Ronald C. Boucher, in the law school, has been ill for: ley and the Rocky mountain re-
'23E, Henry W. Bousman, '24E, several days with influenza. gion. -
Claude L. Clark, '25E, Richard G.
Clarkson,- '25E, Sadaichi Dodo, '26E,
Tom S. Edwards, '24E, Robert E. h m.
Fisher, '25E, Fred M. Freeman, '25E, Ch mres C es W e l W ith
Leon E. Frost, '23E, John E. Good-
rich, '26E, Waldo K. Greiner, '25E, Hop Burlesque And Satire
William S. Hearding, '25E, William S.
Herbert, '25E, Alvin Herzig, '26E, '01-
af Y. Jensen, '23E, Aaron Levin, '23E, With the whirl of activity that actually did happen in all the frivo
Rensis Likert, '26E, Donald E. Marsh, marked the passing of the 1924 J- ity of the week end.
'24E, Edwin F. Smellie, special, Frank ' Hop a memory and with normal life' Another feature article on the Ho
H. Spedding, '25E, Clarence J. Swi- and the grind of study once again is called "Much Ado About the 192
gert, '24E, Robert H. Young, '26E. settling upon the students, the J-HolI Hop" and is written by Hall DeWees
numbevv r ow,_!_mestat _appea __,_nrs today '2bxIt is a fuuristic.vie
under the auspices of the
Society will be open to
University Actor-Authors
Show Talent In Dodo Plays
Of the four plays presented at the
Dodo playshop, 716 Spring street, last1
night, two were extremely well re-f
ceived while the other two passedS
with lukewarm commendation. All ofT
the settings, executed by the mem-1
be:s themselves under the directioni
of Mrs. 0. C. Johnson, were attrac-
tive, and the costumes designed by,
her, especially in the morality pla-J
"Life" were uniformly good. She andR
Mr. Johnson, of the rhetoric depart-1
ment, were the directors of the ser
ies. The acting was not so finished
many promptings being necessary.
First honors of the evening indis-
putably go to George D. Wiler of'
the public speaking department. Play-,
"Life" was a truly enjoyable modern
morality play, undoubtedly the best
of the evening.
"If She Sleeps She's Not Awake",
a filmy puppet play in blank verse by
Marie M. Paryski, '25, was more at-
tractive in costume and setting -than
in content. Scoring second to "Life'1
was "The Confessional", by Prof. E.
S. Everett of the rhetoric department.
This was a farcical confession of the
"caveman-Freudian-movie emotions"
that young people of today possess.
Norma B. Bicknell, '26, and Cecil V.
Wicker, of the rhetoric department,
here confessed to one another wit j
equal prevarication, each falsehood
being so mingled with truth as to gain
hearty response from the limited audi-
Omaha, Neb., Feb.
P) -Fire which has be
for more than 40 ho
plant of Armour and
here late tonight thre
destruction of the On1
yard when several wal
ed, spreading the flam
wooden pens. A chain
direction of the wind
- the destructive danger'
number of Chimes that appears tody 5 Itiaftusicve
ISSUE BLANKS FOR will act as a means of prolonging the weekend, house' parties and a
SOPH PROM TODAY bliss of the week-end just a little all the Hop guests can enjoy a
longer. It is delightfully and purely, preciate.
a J-Hop number, and departing guests Fiction Satisfactory
Application blanks for the Sopho- 'with copies tucked away, will have a Deviating; from the paths of
more Prom will be given out from 2 lasting keepsake that is as character- glory, there are other storie
istic of the Hop as the home town girl other pictures in Chimes thatc
to 5 o'clock today in the booth on the herself. 'ceptionally good. Prominent,
main floor in the Union. They will The cover is a black and yellow and especially prominent among t
j also be. distributed from 9 to 12 ano blue creation, with a couple in the a play by Kurt E. Rosinger, '24
from 2 to 5 o'clock tomorrow. i close embrace of a dance, silhouetted Rajah of Bhagal". It is writte
It will be possible for members of against a golden moon-or is it a charming, easy style, the ac
the class to pay their dues at the spotlight? It is drawn by Halsey well distributed so that interes
same time that they apply for tick- Davidson, '25. its highest where it should be
of t]
11, th
and a
es ax
are e
in fa
4, "T:
en in
st is
e hig
atened the
iaha stock
Is collaps-
Res to tie
nge in the
of the con.
New York, Feb. 15--(By A.P.)-
Agreement has been reached between
Brazil and Japan for the migration
to Brazil of 500,000 Japanese for the
purpose of colonization, the Brooklyn
Daily Eagle said today it had learned
on good authority.
Under the terms of the pact it was
understood that the Japanese govern-
ment is to pay the cost of the immi-
gration, above $8 a head, and the Bra-
zilian government is to take care of
the Japanese when they arrive, dis-
tributing them to agriculture sec-
tions where they are needed.,
Prof. Arthur L. Cross of the his-
tory department will address the
Washtenaw chapter of the Sons of
. .
ets. The dues must be paid in full,F
both for the freshman and sophomorq
years, before applications will be con
sidered by the committee.
The applications must be returned
to Mark Duffield, '25, chairman of thI
ticket committee, before Feb. 23. The,
Prom will be held on March 23 in
the Union ballroom.j
"Perfect Behavior" Parodied '
Leo Jay Hershdorfer, '23, takes up-
on himself the task of contributing
two of the major articles in regard to'
the great social. function. He coop-
erates with Thornton Sargent, '22, in
laying down a number of rules for
"Perfect Behavior at the Hop". Thqe
very best manners to be used in at-:
tending the Ann Arbor Poultry show,'
est, and it leaves satisfaction in i
Again in the lines of fiction is
short story by Anna Halliday, call
"The Dull .and the Green". It is
typically breezy account of Leag
house life, and it offers interesti:
reading for those who know as we
as. for those who do not know.
Then there are some serious ar