i i, 11 r-TEP C- J A L- _______________________________________a-- - Several close battles featured t1he0 10soc(ity vs.i. e-gae cut2 Detroit Junio~r( O g i.e.Ii-oU openzing round of t1he finals in the in-jMa. ter-fratern ity basketball tournament held Tuesday night in Waterman gym-- Al Lu inuse'i;-yr r Breaks Ice ecor 40 Yrs O I : a I !~ CHGN h BUYs YOUR -.. .--m 0 th 8e Varsity rolled up thec 6i F 0' r'N ,4R N EN nasium.,'he results: Sigma Nul, ,2 Theta Delta ChIJI 0;° Beta '! la c)Pi, 19. Phi Sigmva Kappa, 9; Laim'oda Chi Al, pha , 11, Tau Dleta Phi, G6; Acacia, 20, Sigmna Aph~a psilon, 43, Phi Mtu Al-. pha, 15. Theta Vii, 14; Phi D~elta Erp- silon, 2,); Alpha Rho Chii, 14. The schedfule for tonight i, 'al rml- low)«vi: .6Goelock, court j, Sigma Nit vg. 1; ±at 'theta Mi; 6 o'teh)ck. colnrt 2 Acacia v..Phi1 Mu Alpha. Itesul tsof the iii (erci,l g O- pla- yed Tiiesday night aro: junib r el- gl~rin I -3r , 2.froshlu34 it, ; eniori onpineeors, 21, sophomore ('ug-nprs_,I ri~e selill-fial round will b- lheld tonight at 63 o'clock, cocurt 3, ;union en- g-ln(Ceps vs. sop~homuore lis; ti o'clock,I court 4, senior engineers vs. fresh2 22-Lan engineers. Tlere will be t pn'-.r .tv il C' l, i - I ct e' ppi' w 0 I Ii IM'.l OCre it h1as ever made aga inst vt'Im11 Leah in the piast 22 years Iowa 107-0. 'Do yon know that the only time < ' r:: (camep plcei ed an all-time all- A-Ilct ('a ('a 10 1 i c :Were Conly three XV~ ~ ~~~re a'U~n: yrsb't(0 nd two of it ;u:-e'~.ih ~almen, R eston anej >-'.f1 o ? '11)' l rW XX (,!.ernll player - . (S- as o n n;: Inl a Varsit3 tefoni t-aln whioch part1! (ilsatod in out 'ie c eupeIi11t it iou 22('onkwornco gme. 'IhSA , i-oll"*i~t yeW - Of these the Wol N -:'11('., l7avo "Vogel c12 4ull; sand los 4 ,I71\ li1(17 wh i 10 ( C'tig). tl - ,' i ain, o ol Ohi +i ue 1+X1111, r,fly, ;t loted '.t difcatorj :1: Jc-,l( ,r ; 1 r': 1','.ioek 1.olighI alt I ih. I'vc,, '11- I up s() II~~it 1ljoccIt he "Itiluenc( + }f t-z of ( 1 All .-i sell inter- I t1qft is ('il t ct:fliol; eve 10'ilvited t) lwaT t h- e i s r n"t r ~ e t h in Z? L e t a " 1 . ily " i ,a s - M'ld ad find it 1 rouot.-A dv. RIDRSPWSO - AT - :N COLLEGE INN The only Penmalter.; in the~ State' of M~ichigan . ?anufacer-,rs of the Famous RIDER MASTEWPEN4. It cost.s no more for our se-'ice. R epair parts and RE-PAIRINC- of all makes of pecns. "RIDER'S FOR PENS's - - - - - - - - - - I'ntili U (11871ld N b-o )'U 71 ii 7IA'117 ) i l('is0'xl a i K i'; of 0)-' afis;t .'. i" l' 1n- £ - 1 jh11{ d''t ' ('{1')! (itf , 7 -0j...Cy for xf l ,ll vor T ( ' .::b 12111 ;t.: e - "n- ; , -u t;'!'tf-.I' 11h ) . I's ir; lslsUiS" i p 11-hi t rie k'. i i - I i 121_ i) ]I I1 -- C an't'. fit"s. Two C.nts per wc -d aday ~~ naxts.M- 4 f L%, n. charge for first day, - '6. M inimudm day cf' r G', ,2%u r7°. z at C er 'g &ate 11US .CIUSrified, charged only tinov- ui: ifL5 F0R1} I~ i u.l(iOifatQo o Voofli Wil be \'acid,<- 1 1. + -f: (dInt wo o /th.y lers e oNewew :-f1 y- .. n-- '2 - -. -- edl. Reasonable. 1122 White St.! -989-M. ? I2OR RINT-Four room llooleI i 1UiP - -' - <1axrmet-furnished. Just right. for ,tlll:. 'nb-is a-'ivt'-- _15z a." m11arried couple. J. K. Malcoln'.I(ridl h-'2 t2. , e I0 for i t,7 11 - vvh- I 1 (it,: it :Se-7 : 17 (17 1. 'I'o'i ? i 1 ; ( 1 t 1, ~ 7 '1 =c 1 1,1-i f -1 it 2 li : '. - d - (S i 4 -'80v.;11 ,'1w , - va' fi -y - - 21 , :1 Is' 'vh 2eju= u1' g7 I7W-J71171 at S A 4l1 X; + fl~ 8(1 6wi1l, .r[ a 'oornei' .. -Advr. ' k__ - 7 1 LUNCH _'7 "A StitchXi1 ime Saves Nine' PHONE 525 --FOR- Expertf Plumbing 211 So th. Fourth -I 9 . i , et ., ily Festival 602 E. Liberty. Phonje 1723-XI. SINGIAE. OR DOUILE ROOM A NI) SUITE. ONE-I-IA F 1BLOC 'K VtO i\ I CAMPURS. VERY ItEASONtABLI,. 643 TAPP'AN. (iALT.~ 1582-24?. 95-3 FOR RENT- -Large double room for students or business men. Stea-ni heat. Plenty of hoot water. Phone; 1134-M, 422. East Washington. 94-3 FOR RENT- Stearn heated suite or room two 'blocks front camrpu.. 4 Cheap. 502 East Liberty. Call 870- A iM. 94-21 ROOMS FOR EIGHT BOYS-2 suites, '1 double room, 200 N. State St. ,1248-J. 94-41 400OM FOR RENT-Cheap-near cam- ,,Ps-present occilpant must leave --- Qall 2987-7. 94-43 :i~lQ RENT--One suite of two rooms, near campus. Phone 2105-R. 94-3 FOR °R1NT-Small room, well fur- nished. Steam heat 426 Maynard I_0 ST-- A vXi t' 71: Xxr't oXiii:-> ail- G1 a i'd offs (i'('J. t i i ' n 11 x. 96 ing cu-a 'encx' sod i<<<= i iI 0 carI's. Itew;aioi. 524 !l'orL-,t. vxe. )OT---Or sti'raved fron'i [a ' ra INote'book 01c'O;tl8PLa Id1 'o nr1C Notes. Cal sul l at 2 i ). I- ar.LOST--W~atch 851(1 chin~, Xvitii comb attached. Pi K. A. (-hi' T, along- (iiagonh1 I waI .('oilW'Ih, 209)4,. at 6(>. 1'f. ill..95 -2 LOSTI- -- A Large :-;.e Eioler ion ni a in Ja.NateSt1130 l( A I 1Wlud n- ;g1-av ed. ('all 91-Jait, 719 oaland. i ...L AUDITORIUM-ANN ARBOR t. r p 4 . E Mky ~ 171 18; 19- SIX CONCERTS Ol_. OISTS , s ¢a "fly 7 v «Ct ago. Vtzlue(1 'IS keepuix . 'A'e('i, li1(1Ct' : St. 95 LOST-Fountain 1 0-ni lui ±w-ight ia I-; A. ID. M. on P-old cap. J'hon c 12 87 FOR RENT--Double room for two, 6- boys. 417 East Washington. Phione_____ _______ ___ 109R 92LOST--Keoy betw veen NcEwheiry le. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished large -front suite. Refined students w'. business people. 115. N. Thayer. 96 a FOR RENT-Single furnished room7, near= campus, warm, reasonable. 810J E. Huron. 9G FOR1 !ENT--Double rooml, first f10oor, outside door, bath adjoining. 315 IT. ''Division. Phone 2966-J. 91; TYPEWRITERS T-YPWRJERS- Reingon,$1;5: -~ Ihe arlir mdel$40I. i enting t 0.1). II ~i1),17 Nichel; Are,0e Il() tliA h,', itcm'i-c 11,,mE kble ' Itype,7 M-onmotIl)(Ifl 'i'yvvx~iter.1 lalf plO(0.I '4 50'-J.9--1 and Uniiversity 1,11l. iReward. Cal'f 2707-J. 195-2 LOST--lack catv, two whiite snot-s. Lost since Jury23. 1lieii(5 597- 'XV.95-3 ORSA1LE---Wahi ut' : t : ix', ,I- it) la siz'o 0 ill xe ei (0101iU Phone 2635-4 or ca _ll i~ i~d( Avo ;I..-2 '.t1'1 StAL-1 . _ -1 0' 1 '4; '. . U . 7 1C I N-. !- - .10' 1 t (l11 7 170' I O';. >11=. { ( ' 5- 11 told01doo W. V f\', ! 7 :1 141-Al 100 t 'S1,1 ~fu on '; kj)I t N-0 clas ('(1771it 0(1. '1( 717' 2,72 z I f you have taukenl advantage of yotur college training-if you have mnade the most- of the op portunity prCsen-!-ed through your various associations in school, you have becomne inzpired wt/iceta;h ixdideals and del/n idte anbilaions. Yor aim is .high. You are anrxiou~sfr progress a. growth. You wish to become a credit to yourself and your family. iota varto i j:OO l eacL-r alid es- cen~l-at(-d into anSfc SACsireonlre ea "Iblish .n. ,tilc .N57Ut: illnt110 traijnmg cUO. Bl >bs ln institut,'e, ani 1iAd t,'l thoviiselct'! -:1 for ,our lifeJ '~t' ( id)ElcE'lt~r:Iron' i nsiihition, C?:; - Nvork. Have yoU IldoI LUi-sifrles ?If ducted for the purpose of tra iilg so, aild11i' You s"'A leadership in the 'tYOun,, l'.'ti who Gare to o00-aply .l - c'01fn(fierli'Id ----lhvro ar-e facs tionsX of responsibility and trust. worthy of youlr Cd ' f E f" 007nsldOttilL ." The Laboratory Method 1The p) in 17h s f i Ller-ship i° hn Te ;binei, s Prps 3ifeoS0ti(.~r r- ot 111d11X' 10 nlIuIm", r . They otre i 'iti s 1 h}gnrtoso o th5 1 . . b -on a 1adt iAhmJt apXIh:othul t J} Inett it 4 I ursC to train iic7for huL° ?fl)'flinl One 1hurl"YI'd - . ' t' r:r n t h'm) . n d', l work waid alltis i S COTI- J' {EX 1 I'o two chx'r ' -arowns for tis fadl- oti ed 11 11 rrle' IaflaI- o workis 1 Fii d ; ( R1 tire ai': (1) " a.c otfan I: l '1 112d1 CG duc ted inj'.: y reguslary {:;es 11obhiy ed ipNfSS ' businelss .n ~ri pcram !(z he(ihrl- ltii' lio-S . o ntacth r from I tie iC l , l ',d-av Ot n xC"Iowope ene> hur.Ls:: t OTtiI ~ ti t u d y }-',of ~ l ~ -X .17i y 1 1 l -I { 72!.' 01 (7617' TlrA kyorSa.> tu OSy))o i I> oIr lsoii nic y11A SuyotLad7r; (707fyu luirysI hI hruhyustdetu .xYUI (ave created for yourself a substantial thought ifltO deftit1} fors ti-m-i-Xw~n-a fuudf'onIiJCJI l lA ]c ctS i-t i f .r. : - adu xx t3y ur!c_ 'oriku)oC::.A sji tc ta -iI hero'' i AR},e'r i~ st: .. t 1641L,'/of :4 t'Ci1i 1 i I LI h/cTil ) 6t,. : - :?r' ??. .. _ i.,h(-C V~lkii (0 .'/ COS o ~ fr~le - I/) 1 n L a>i- !):, _ ( . 7IA1 t> C 0 e n'dc o1)2 ciE;. ub1n Jsziut 0 1el cul '7- 97 oC' : ' ~:' '-A (4' V -~ 00 1..,a vW{:) ~[i~,;7: 1 :-- , V '.' ,-~-x ~e: e o {0.1V5_-a 17. u sct ts 17) 45 hflji.7'O-K. 'e-.4' 14i1. - willA:1'lc; 0 a :0011 7'' PC-11. The spciJaolists 1,of 'he- ( L1 ! h-h 7(t: tote h'aveuspnt es ars i.n - ifr fyoar aived atieo n d ay a-- -Intitte Thryoe Eusiw;77-'-.- to, -- ---,' GIUSEPPE DA 7,NISE, Baritone g{ Iy ' ETR{{pp YO P OLITSA U0!."E1jA CO MYIPA NK METRO P0 Ll'AN OPESRA COMPANY JEANN E GORDON, Contralto METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY SUZANNE F'KEENER,' Soprano S~\iETROTPOLT rAN OPERA C1M'ANXArct FLORENCE, MACBE.v ~t ,T.Soprano C111 IGO O EPIIIA-1, SOCI ''O r CHARLES MARSH-ALL, Tenor (i:1Ili AG0O _SOPERA ASSOCIATION ERNA RUIgJBINS t EIN, Violinist ERNEST1 SCHFLLLING, IPianist ,HENRI SCOTT, Bass--Baritone LATE OF 'l 116 IVI'POPOLITAN OPERA. tOM1PNY CLARENCE W!---ITEH ILL, 1arilolle j- VI.rT'.tLI 0 rPIPOLITA N OPERA COMPA NY ORG ANIZA Ih)NNS THE UNTT['1b0 m -y CHOR;AL UNION I fn ;fG' ',HE CHIL.D PEN'S CHORUS (500 VOICES) rfHE CHICAGO SYMPI-fONY ORCHESTRA (70 PL'AYERS) 0 { r l i CONDUCTORS EARL VINCENT MORE GEORGE OSCAR BOWEN AND FREDERICK STOCK WANTE 1) 1tANIED-R~oomate, nice ceomforl ble suite._ 715 I1. 1-lroni. 9,5-2 WAJ:NT'fEI- Ioomate, Suite xviii sle-Cl)- I 95- WAT1T)Ronwith bath. WXouli dhare room. Call 'University 134. 4 - aNNO* JNCE t" --1._Ot ko t campus 1 'lcen ~ ';2I.Ci- at Rider's ?11-:Sho, i:itingunisbod ( om O5L'ser C du tc°o rwho Nwill comeIfrom En.4land -'"'-cilly 1t ofldo'tE-, the Amnerican premie-re of his "I-Jymnn of Jesus" Xh'2Xiil 117"110<; y Ithe Chion lunion at the Thusda Evening COURE. ICKETS ' ) AN ' { - an ' .)7. .-'7 1 ' - g T Y P:E 'W 'R IN 'G 1p e , Y ] Iio t : - -'m 41;. 1''IP1BIIN AD HOTIAN - Firs, 8: 15. t77 WORK, reports, straight dictation]. P'romlpt. service. Phone 1713--J. fl sI11. \NOJ l.ANT() N s3 11.131 Il-iflo.~i''}('1 c E- Liberty Street. 21 1 Violin, I ,daino 'I..,.;A i, ":10T N. BIOARD ---- --- ---- D$a5w,?4 gib5, ,7 It~ ~ ~ ~~~Ol lb'00 '. 0 ~(01 'Owra] Union is returned, deduct $3.00) don U'~dere:'soulhi"Ihlrtm Tie t.~ iin' sMarchod 1. IL 1001 oJieJ sjb'1,)prs befiled, 'Ind dffeti ]fmder4 -' 2 () I ~1'd' x l w ihisd (gult. I)1'ord!inallry m i d I !tt ~ l- rI,..S ik. .