OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE U?(iYRSITY OF MICHIGAAX Published every morning except Monday during tkie Uuiversity year by the Board in Control of Studert Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Vichigan, -as second class mpatter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- twrd Street Phones: ;Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- ,uess, g6o. Communications not to exceed Soo words If signed, the signature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events 'will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to. The Daily office. Un- signed communications will receive no con- sideration. No manuscript will be returned unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 176-H MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL Kews Editor ..................Paul "Watzel City Editor.. ........James B. Young Assistant City Editor.......... .J. A Il~-I rditorial Board Chairman.......EI. R. Meiss Night Editors- Ralph Byers Harry Hoey L. J. Hershdorfer R . Moriarty l H. A. Donahue 3J.E. Mackf Snorts Editor,.............F. H. McPike Women's Editor.........Marion Koch Sunday Magazine Editor...1.i.i)fxr., Pictorial Editor....... ...... . . 11bcrt Tar Music Editor ........... ......v. E. H. Ailes Lowell Kerr ;\,u I,>~ I ed man who sees the defect in col g su e t w o i " r p e in textbooks" but who does not, know what is going on around. him. The habit of keeping poisted cannot be formed too early in life. THiE PHOTOPLAY CHINAMAN During the past few months vari- ous groups of Chinese students throughout the 'United States have corresponded with Mr. Will H. Hays, p~resident of the Motion Picture Pro- a ducers and Distributors, Inc., calling his attention to the gross distortion of facts in the photoplay with regard to Chinese life and manners. The protest arose from the habitual mis- representation of the Chinese charac- ter as underhanded or a victom of dope. A number df arguments are used by the students in bearing out their point. They claim that being an in., strument of popular education, the motion picture should disseminate truthful information and avoid tin. wholesome misrepresentation. Just how far the artistic clims of the mov- ies exempt them from this contention is a matter 'of question. Neverthe-. less, it is true that on the whole the photoplay--Chinaman is a consi ant slander upon 'his race. It' io suggested that there are in-' numerable Chinese virtues wh~ch will have an edifying influence upon the American people and which }hou ldrte presented 'through the movie. Again: arises the question otf whotb~cr 1t1F screen is primarily anintrr so, many other raeces and tyl es ,Ire caricatured and misrerceea'[ lia a manner which also cine.-, o)("~a the truth. But 3a11 cliracteri'; of photoplay cannotbe e Nres-;th~v~r must be somre t. eiiae rno desirable qualities. SFinally, #t, M, uden;,, a '~a iguacaf th t a o~ na4type w ill be , h ne and th s tand i :_r , l'0 e any exhihit of good will c n th a of Amoricanq in regard try thisnattr 'will call forth a like rertaonefromn China, where the mrovie indusl-zr T L. t nmvelty awaiting wirespreotd 4'iralc tion At present. Mr, Hays has promisod to lise his influence with the produceers. and it Sseem s on l y fair th at s c mrns c orrec .o h s P e v l n r rm e e t , a rhlould be ottteniptail in the yfautnza s. But after rallit i,,li1;e telliitrg a . o ist how to draw his cehaa tha~t indiscriminate praise is a safe a"" pass- key for hi,s reviews; conse- 5-t (iir'ritly, hi1s Autority is quoted on the -e w.r inne or v rv othler new volume. ~t P?'da .., 'tocf these dicta would '°t15 ,zznnlvra v ocabulary of suzperlatives. zTo With the ontnut of books increasing 5:1 at an equal pace. and with such un- T 11551 certain means for Judgment, the cas- 44 ual reader and the book-buyer are' Tc punt to it to make profitahble selections. The desert-island test of a books val-' tzo, recently to academic popuzlarity, would find little, nowa,- Ii flq s, that could be passed. ,4 OFI' ON THE~ WRONG FOOT 18 Rr l ' >-s~lf t Towel! Of TIar'v ar anel I rTheThiln ?. w nio,~ r,. ar fl- l drat, l ~lins t:t:itirn F ( 20 iT y Pre'VO (Al,P to i z, l,, l # ' "vV0"1: ADRI 2', ci'sIu' If 1r tl, ti they should, . Sche andt'hatonceal;^r start would make fz 1. a:;1.. °E .1 si 0 1pe,,. I - -8-. :-P -::i~ '-'ar Thelma Andrew*a.. Stanley TT . rsstro-isa 1 tanley M. B axter orothy Bennetts Sidney Bielfield R.. A. Billington Helen Brown SH. C. Clark 'A. B. Connable 4ierads},"tcc- t or Jlv~ii 1. rCougllia Joseph >'ts F T F Fisk, iohl, earl;e.- se sistants Ronald Haigrini Franklin D .Hepburn Winona A. Hibbard Edward J. Iliggins C. i ( ,. I c-1 si FElizabeth Liebermann John McGinnis Samouel Moore WMff. Pryor W. B. Raff'erty Robert G. Ramsay (Ca boell Robertson J\.Ruiwatch A ISobnitz '. CTelmos I ffu;?r;1TIot),, i~r a r i) i i . .. ., (? ., A_- .RNT J. ARKERI Ads~rtki!g. ohn3. Hamel, Jr. Ad\' rsuts, ........,.., Walter K. SchererE '" I ' ,> ....... ' . iav W~olfe . I~ -;- I'arks W'TTH ns--,rrr OF l* * * TP hidui C "thoo^71 ad :i Kenneth Seick George Rockwood Perry M. Hayden Eugene ?~ Dunne Wni. Graulich, Jr. John C. Haskin C. L. Putnam F. D. Armantrout Herbert W. Coop( Wallace Flower Harold L. H-ale Win. D. Roesser Assistants AIlar, S. 'Morton f ames A. Dryer G" V1, ii. Good Clyde T,. Hagerm~n Henry Freud. Ierhert P. Bostick D. 1L. Pierce tr Clayton Purdy ,r J. B. Sanzenbacher Clifford Mitts 3 r Ralph Lewright Philip Newall THT'RS'"AY. F-" RTI'W 1!, 1923 N g't Editir-HARRY B.116EY x nw roosl iSn ow hefore con-47 g rs n' er.r ninto 1halt",the :ncreaset in7 the,- r f *,afit-f ormT~ig dru gs. 'r her-1olipin au t or8,esthe Pres1, dnt ton ?'1 a invutl ?Ifinaanti-drug si>o T xv "T dloes not funcePon. a constitutional provision which is not made invio- late.' It takes the sharpness of spe- cific high lights to bring home the momentousness of a question, to van- ish the, apathy and indifference of a sleeping nation. Men of public es- teen: are the barometers of a people; it is unfortunate that they are taken as criterians of conditions, for they are usually moral superiors. A consciousness of nuirpeoc in so. vial. betterment on the part of each member of the nation. 'a vanishing1 of indifference and collective apathy is the only remedy for the so-called post bellum degeneracy, the aftermat,,h of an abnormal, intense state of be- iang.' Transient pleasures and satis- factions must be sacrificed in the in- terests of a; glorious making-good. 1)0 YOU READ THE NEWS? When Thomas A. Edison was recent- ly interviewed on his 76th birthday. he= is reportedl to have said among other things that one particularly discour- aging fact about college men is that thecy do not readt the newspapers suf- ficiently. Mr. Edison is certainly not the first jerson to have commented upon the failure of students to read newspa- pers, and their tendency to read them: superficially when they readt them at all. When students are censured for carelessness in this regard, they gen.- orally explain that they have no time well for the proper c1Ii-ias to con- sider the matter. THESE DAYS COUNVT The making of good r$solufionz^ r an 'the prompt breaking of them s-m to be a part of college lire fully as perennial and una vo aL-le a. is 1.i rrecurrence of examinations. T lir,-Ts hardly a student wh1,{>te~---cp of his semester's mrk,;de;'',.!.t-- cide to work hardo z r and do bol work the coming 50i1(-51 or. Bttenet.goaded and, spui-ct e ici.-.,s keep uip his work h ne- 5-0 :.o starts andi as there i o:evJSs- pect of bluae bo,)Ih; r -oahh- amusements and re r(elu elap th ao i comre the final tsslitei1Tes mester, the r-a.,.o,1a. i;itca ly the whole cr r $ m-nbe'0aaa- med"1 into his b~i - os o-: span of two or tlreo ;:'sk,514 ''up in the air", d(77.,; .ha~51a irritable. "Study now a n,1 #-)e 1~snb, -might be a. good slogan ur ( -v,'u dent who wants sat.f itowrn and is serious about getting e cation. "Rushing" and c'm-s are the resorts of tho:-: %vix w i' not work unle'js there was<- a n civje- diate incentive. T3;;t the x s foresees exams fongM heforsuU-, : wally arrive. y '-lV i .1