DAY, F BRUARY' 15, 19 q THE MICHIGAN DAILMA~ UW PAGL TEIR" . ,- ..xill rehearse at 4 o'clock this alter- noon in Sarah Caswell Angeli hail. ___________ ______ There will be a cafst rehearasi forl -__________ the Junior Girls' play at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. "Womenwho wish to seil candy for the Avomea's league at the t(,, in 11.1-! C1(nadian Judg, e iversity hail are i'equestedJ h)ral l atb-2 crne Kbl.,llat %i i to male'ar- To Head Sunday gt1110eoits for hour, to se]lcho l ong s 41 a#% m a~ to ww_____a_____Mr_.___rr____ TRX TIIBATIRS Screen--Todal Arcade--Gloria lswAinson in '2\Ly American Wife; " Leather Pushers corned y, and Inter- national Newvs. Majestic--Elaine lanmerstein anid Conway rrcearie in "One WNeek of Love;" 'Buster Keatona i "Trhe Frozen'North;" .J-llop pictures and Mason antd Dixon Seven. 01-pheumni-A'Ber MaIjesty:, (o l- edy and news. NWuerthi Douglas Pairbanls in "Robin Hood;" and Pathie Re- view. 7iBRYN MAWIR OFFERS I Bryn Mawr college may be secured gineering fraternity, has been senlt to NTPXT~C~JCTADTIDQfromi the office o Dean Jean Halril- M1enalsha, Wxisconsin. wvhere it «vii h(e A.AdV ~Ito.printed immiedliately. All as 'omblin!; i ~of manluscripts has iboon di c I ;re .at Annmouncement has been mlade by Th u Bela I~ Prin~ts Quacterly flie university by' the Michigan chap-i 1 IBryn Mawr college of their annual Copy for the second quarterly Haul- ter of the orga;niztioi(n unier the i- offer of twenty rosi cknt fellowvships5ber of the Bent, official publication of :rection of .lolt V, Tm.eta, osnatonl'hnorryen- manag-iu andl twenty-nine graduate scholar-' chills which are open [or compet ition, to grauates of [Bryn Mawr college of_____________________ an , other college of good( standing.E(" { 'f~ighteen of the resident fellowshlips fA [ amnoutinhg to $4810 eachi are awardod SOnly to candidates who have collet- Gda es n ero rdaewr ut ater obtaining; their first degree. T.lhe SHelen Schaefi'ei h1-uff Miemiorial lb1 searchi fellowship of the value of $1200 is awardled annually to a student pmr 'suing advanced g1 aduiate work ill1 01 Chertphlysic's or Chemistry, to be held d !(uring one yea K s work at B.ryn Mlawx -- college. The Susfan B. Anthony Memorialf Scolarship) ill'Social Ecooiy andc f:social Rtesearch or in Politics, of tl1 ea A P1 value of $5).5) is open1 to thle cantlidtlae Permanently on Display at jvwihing to devote herself to studies G Y W O F L ' O deailing with the position of women GUY 6'SouthFState &tCee Sin politics and industry. A fellow fip Anon Arbor. HIelhlgan ; n Social Economiy in preparation forI Designedl by Industrial Relations and Personnelt Xlan ag(em('nt on .tihe (race .DIodge foun1-, dtion, of the value of $350O is also open: to g ratduates of colleges of goodHA Y standing . W&il.1922 'T H U E & Several 1gradulate seho(la rships; inl W HIT E A it Soeial Ecoowly ill preparation folr ROADAYA-r40'"STREUT 144 WEST 41 oSTRIEFX ' Ied Cio(,s :service, of Value to Cover tWOUTA I OI OUSE BLDG,KNICK ERB(CKE~t 11JILD1NO - epulsaes of hoardl, residlence and t u j; NEW YORK ioi, hanxe also been offeredl by thec ,it 111 i(el. d HO RW 01 I.of th ollgrega - Slage---This 14edk ionil clam-ch a It. hie J101111meeting O ( Carrick t Detroit )--Al Jolson in mot01hers anid ii lii Veil 10o he 1101(1 x Bombo ;a "hShubert in'odule- iN'rll 10. j tlion. REQ111"ris'r LEA(44' IHOTTSES 7() I Shubert - NMiehlgan (Detroit) - 1IA t'i X FO V' i' A CU 11TVl' TE 1 Bonatelle company in. Ocar Wilde' .q ° ady Winmrzt Too"for huIle 'tillt '' too which is te ~c. b e firoel 111 t410 G o'clock lida - - _____ all eriloon, Feb. 23, ill I A rlou r gym- -. llosimi by all w'ton inl leagule hollses I1n P shou114ld('he)paid lby Sat Inrda y, Feb.17..uiaIis de 1Plie tax is Un cenlts or celh girl. iisy, . Gilimor e '7n4, Gi Tihe tlt;iSl3 rosidi1ts i e aliso re- (tlI(sted to obtfainl the nameWs of tbt' Rogtte River, Oregon. Mrs. Gilillor-f l;r°iie ss i' whomn the girls in tir I i'ormlerly'Annie Granger, w. s the wif+ houses wirsh toincite. The lists and of !tudge 0. 11, (lillinore, now of flou) -1 lie~~~~~~~~ onyaye rghilfomIRiver. th :80 e oiy b ro g t i f~ n t i 5 ::301 o'clock onl \Vednesday, Thursd 1>aay, oar Friday af'ternloons ofI this week (hither to Mliss Sherman in, Hiarbour gymna1"siumll or to the Wo- Io 'tF ml 1' Lerague booth lin t'n iversity ~ X iER t~ .1 nsf ce '.1 . Maclaren oh thle higb le ag ic 0room in i ve1 rsity hll. I c(ourt 01' Onta rio, CaTmsucceedis tll( late 1Jolhn Wananiaker ass cha irinan o( All womlenl who wishi to joinl the j 141e IntIernat ionalI Sun-day School as- c 1a: s ill p1laygrounid work'w hi chll iiii-ociaboll. lie given a't 2 o'clock Wednesdaly aft- ('1')11 5 a cf §oofice sale Wednesday, Feb. . , 10 A. N lN NOW. PLAYINGa "~HER. MAJESTY". Mary Pickford 7N 'I~'1"LORD F? ) A 1N'mI'EOV' 4 A Passionate Sport, Span ish-Ameri can Romance r i~I jt2S4?,N{x0V1"' 'iOI 0lA OA1.x1ILMA N i'eeciFm'. ('ha ha npinl . I S!Aio ' 1' '4 R r'[ N -..-S< o.'Trot rThe Xi'a nht'i111 1)U ;o8 lVV - ' N (~ ) ( O E--F:w--Trot-- 11 l(' h il l)ll all id f-l lv . k I~ ( ito I G Y E YOU' UP[ / 1'T 3EL'0RE Y 01' T II H 111 74 Vt1)0IN-FoOrTl?-ol. 1jo u;tit 11'A101 INNA IN T11F MORNIING qAmerican t Qarl1i4 T1COT, '1100,TO10011,4F, (GOO" BE Billy 74 irra y---- Slinalle TY 910~ PA RAI) Ot'THE WOODEN . O ,RSFo Tot Whliteualanuu and His O'cli. *I , 'r!7 '?"iS?13 fx01A 4AGll ElA N)MUSTER. SiIEA1N--Fox Triot- 11' 1H ilmmai and IlkOreli. t h-1 Scabeorle Son Music Hous Where Everyone Likes to Go NV Lust Show Thursday Nigh I lie B'est All Aroun rd Program e Have Ever Had the Pleasure of Ofterin 4! ALOVE d-a ma set in d tropical land where pas- Sion and politics are the fa<<- orste sports. W\Xith Gloria, in all her shimmering beauty, the center of it all. BUSTER KEATON in a Scorching Comedy "The Frozen North~ (If you hlave, ever seen funnierC we'll giAve you hack your money) PICTURES OF THE J-.HOP KINOGRAMS MASON DIXON ORCHTIESTRA I )I -_ NTEIIT.AI* 1NERSx-1.0 SKIN YOUNG TENOR Who h::s Itake n Ann Arbor by stormIl IthDasing hter 111 oae we i )ENNY in A Paramownnt Picture * f ~ IN ADDITION THENEW LEATH FEATUJRING "When Kane Mel F_ r fi"' -.. _. MAtIN f1ES --too ItN '4TYDAY- a IA