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February 15, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-15

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_ _. _ -

Germans Praise TU IPUIPIn inrrr


Finds Ne Caue


Students Shiver
As Breezes Rage

PAY 100,000,000, REPORT


Essen Rumored in Chaos as Telegraph
and Telephone Service is Dis-
Berlin, Feb. 14-(By A.P.)-Thqe
municipality of Gelsenkirchen, aci
cording to advices received here, has
declined to pay the fine of.100,000,000
marks demanded by the French as
penalty for the clash there between
German police and French gendarmes
Gelsenkirchen, Feb. 14-(By A.P.)
-It is reported in French circles
that severe sanctions are to be im-
posed for acts of sabotage which have
caused an interference in telegraph
and telephone communication with,
Similar penalties, it is said, will be
effected at Bochum because German
authorities there have refused to per-1
mit the French to requisition motor
cars. A threat to kill the chauffeurs
if the automobiles are taken over has
come to the attention of the occupa-
tion officers. So far 140 cars haveq
been appropriated. The French are
paying the drivers 35 francs a day.
Shops have been reopened at Gel-
senkirchen, the French agreeing not
to buy foodstuffs.
iritain Avoids Mediator Role
London, Feb. 14-(By A.P.)-Recent
reports circulated in Paris of possi-
ble British mediation between France
and Gerniany in the Ruhr difficulty
are believed to be without foundation,
judging from Premier Bonar Law's
speech in the House of Commons yes-
According to dispatches from'
French sources the object of yester-
day's temporary occupation of Gel-
senkirchen was the arrest of six po-
licemen concerned in an earlier af-
fray with French officers. The di-
rector of police handed the men over.
and the others who were arrested,
were taken into custody for disrespect

Applications for Tickets to be Avail-
anLt Within Ncx Few Days
' L nlan
Preliminary plans for the annual
sophomore prom have been completed
and the date forrthe affair set for
$k " : March 23. The prom will be given
in the Union.1
The prom this year will follow the
lines of those held in past years. Un-
qua programs will be secured for the
dance, and decorations,tthoughnot os-
.7 ~ *.te.tatious, will adorn the dance hall.
The affair, as customary, is to be
formal, and will be opened by a grand
march. A unique luncheon will be
served during the evening, its cost to;
Dz. PIlerre Robin be included in the price of the tickets
A new cause for tuberculosis has which is to be $5.30.
been discovered by Dr. Pierre Robin, Most Pay Class Dues
of the children's hospital in Paris. Ticket applications for the prom
Robin says that children sleep with will be available at the Union within
mouths open and tongue drooped a few days. Mark Duffield, '25, will
which allows certain microbes, caus- have charge of these, and the system
i ab llows ceino nicode cu upon which they are to be distributed.
ing tuberculosis, into the body. No applications will be considered un-
less the class dues of the applicantsj
lare paid un. The committee in charge
of the prom warn that dates for the
prom had best be made after applica-
. r tions have been considered, in view of
D INTEROTA11the belief that some of the applications
may have to be rejected since the
DIETERLE, '23M, A ND HYDE, '2531 number of tickets for the formal will
WILL ASSIST WITH SPECIAL .be limited to 250 or possibly a smaller
NUMBERS numbe'..

Ann Arbor woke up yesterday morn-
ing, shivered, closed its window, and
tried to go to sleep again. When iVj
got down to breakfast, it was quite
ready to corroborate the statements
in the morning papers that the worst
cold spell of the winter had struck
the country.
All over the campus, all over thq
city-and, according to the papers,
all over the country, people froze al j
day yesterday. The students went tr
classes by sprints, with a flve-niinute
wait in each of the two or three stores
along the route. All day there was
talk of the weather, together with
such anatomical details as "My ears!."
and "My feet are absolooootly froze,"
and "How the poor girls, stand it I
don't see".
The women of the campus were the
redeeming feature of the day. Raink
snow, wind, zero weather, although
they were sufficient to bundle the men
in layer upon layer of overcoats;
reefers, mufflers, vests, and wool
socks, had no visible effect on th9
raiment of the campus women. The
wind blew, whistled, roared-in vain.
The lassies shivered a little, but smil-
ed defiantly at Winter's challenge-
and continued to flaunt the silken
Bishop Charles R. Williams Succumbs
to Pneumonia After Week's 1
Detret, Feb. 14-(By A. P.)-
Rt. Rev. harles D. WillIams, bish-
op) of the Episcopal Diocese of
Michigan, died at his .residence
here tonight after week's ill-
ness. His death was caused
fron pneumenia
Bishop Williams was to have spok-
en here this evening at Hill auditor-
ium at a meeting to be held in the in-
terest of the Near East relief. At a
late hour last night a report of his

Third Military Formal Will be Given
April 27 in Gymna-

Germans PraienIN[UE
Industrial Hero lviIIIIIVIEi

Members of the Varsity band will
be the guests of the Friendship lodge
F. and A., M., of Detroit tomorrow
night at a dinner and entertainment
where the band will play. The banda
will leave Ann Arbor on a special
l~~ 7ains t} fnn fC~nctnt

Irwin F. Deister, '25, is chairman of!
the sophomore prom committee which
will have full charge of the function.
Deister holds this position by virtue
of his chairmanship of the class social

Seek Orchestra,
Effort is being made to


car leaving the toot o:
at 4:10 o'clock. They,
a later car the same
Robert Dieterle, '231
Hyde, '25M, will accom
and will assist in the
with special numbersc
and selections on then
The program that the
in Detroit is as follow
Festival March-"The (
An American Absurdity
Two Thomas Cats
The Bandl
Baritone Solo-RobertI
Graz R Clark. Ac.

it Mtate streea .. -v.
will return on Smith's saxaphone orchestra, of Ken-
night. tucky, which recently played at the
4, and Burton Hop, for the prom. All students whose
pany the band class dues are not paid may see Ray
entertainment A. Billington, '25, class treasurer.
of vocal work
band will give THI RT-NlIE ST EN
Governor ..... R
.. .. . .. .. .Bugs

y- The ......,




W ; Gx." ," gu 3 . ll , . .UIl il.5p. "
to the French while the detachment Overture-"On the Neva" ....Canive death was received and the meeting to1
having the arrested men in charge The Band Thirty-nine students in the liter- he held this evening wa,3 called off.-
was passing. Saxophone Sextette. ary college received all-A records for Dr. Charles Brodie of New York was(
These dispatches say the six police- "Humoresque"............Bellstedr the first semester of the school year also scheduled to speak this evening
n en wil be courtmartialed an that "The Boy and the Birds"......Hager 1922-1923. This is eight more than hut he has been notified of the cancel-
E se 1 b 4o the death sentence. The Band received a similar record at the end -;ation of the meeting.
Essen is in chaos. The telephones Marimbaphone-Burton Hyde. of the first semester last year. Bishop Williams was born in Belle-
are out of order and the central post-- John Besancon, Accompanist Of those making all-A records, 12 vue, Ohio, in 1860. He graduated from
office has been closed. Manana-"Chilian Dance" .... Missud were seniors, 14 were juniors, 8 were Kenyon college in 1880 and held nu-
"Frat de Cavalerie"......Rubinstel sophomores, and 5 were freshmen. Of merous pastorates in Iowa City, Iowa.
ORATIONS DOE FOR The Band the 39 students, 15 were women and He became bishop of Michigan in Feb-
LEAGUE CONTEST24 merl. The names of those making ruary, 1906. He was widely known as
EH ARRIS H ALL Wi1[lI , the all-A record follow: an orator and author of works on re-
Charles H. Ainsworth, '25, Alf. S. ligiouis subjects.
All orations for the Northern league H AVE NEW C H A PE L I Alving, '25, Harriet L. Blum, '23, Ruth Interested in Students
oratorical contest must be turned in M. Carson, '26, Allin B. Crouch, '26, Bishop Williams was recognized as
to some member of the public speak-. A new chapel is being constructed I Frederic G. Donner, '23, Dorothy D. one of the outstanding leaders in lib-
ing faculty by next Tuesday, Feb. 2011 in the basement of Harris hall for the 1 Dunlap, '24, Eunice L. Eickhorn, '26, eral thought in the Episcopal church
Orations are limited to 1,850 word,} purpose of holding meetings for the Max ell Fead, '25, N. Feinsinger. and was considered to be one of the
and will be rejected if they are lonK- students. The hall will be provided Lawrence M. Folsom, '24, Walter P. most popular preachers among stu-
er. They may be on any subject. Ani with a stage and seats for about eigh- " Gabel, '25, Julius B. Glasgow, '23, Doro- dents in this country. Because of his
student in the University may write ty people. It is hoped that it will be thy Greenwald, '24, Robert B. Hall, '23, interest in student affairs, it was his
an oration. ; finished in time to hold some noon Winifred Hobbs, '24, Charles E. Hodg- custom to spend a week every year in
Class preliminaries to determine the day meetings during the Lenten .per. man, '24, Norman B. Johnson, '25, Har- IHarvard, Yale, Brown, Williams, and
two senors, two juniors and one soph- iod. ry L. Kaiser, '23, Mana Kilpatric, '23, Chicago universities, where he devot-
omore who will compete in the ffna, Programs have been arranged to Margaret Kraus, '23, Clara Lau, '25, e all his energies to student religious
contest in Ann Arbor will begin a take place at 12:30 on Wednesdays Helen Lowel, '24, Mary McCully, '24, work. .
few days after Feb 20. The winnet throughout Lent. The first meeting Gordon J. McCurdy, '24, Archibald Mc- Was Well Known Author
of the contest here will represent will be on Wednesday, February 21, Isaac, '23, James A. Miller, '24, Doro- Bishop Williams also received con-
Michigan in the Northern league con-, when the Rev. Sidney S. Robbins, of thy Mummery, '23, Woodward A. Nie- siderable fame as an author and wrote
test which will be held this year at the Unitarian church, will address thj thammer, '25, Sigmund K. Proctor, '23, numerous books. His most recent
Minneapolis in May. students. Una Purdie, '23, Chalmers H. Quaint- work is entitled "Prophetic Ministry
ance, '24, Lisle A. Rose, '25, Victor F. for Today", and consists of a series
K now I4 Ross, '26, Robert F. Ruthruff, '24, Mil- of lectures which were originally de-I
Pasteur W ill Be K nown A s O ne ler Williams, '23, Clarice E. Winans, livered at Yale.
26, Robert K. Winters, '24, Cleo M. Funeral plans had not been an.-
Of World's Great .Benefactors Wood, '24.nounced last night.
"Pasteur will be known through all He also called attention to the fac To Address Club Due to the illness of Prof. Herbert
time as one of thegthat Pasteur displayed a utilitaria A. Kenyon, of the French faculty, th11
benefactor;," said Prof.. F. G. Novy, greatly helpcientindustriali condi- E. E. Linton, president of one of the presentation of "l'Anglais Tel Qu'onI
of the Medical school, and one of the tions in his native France by isolat local trade unions, will speak on "Las e Parle", the French play to.have been
country's most widely-known bacter- ing and destroying a silkworm di bor Democratization of Industry",at' givendtomorrow night have been post-
ioogists, in his lecture given laCi sease which was rapidly ruining tlE! the meeting of the Liberal club which poned. The play, which is being givem
night in Natural Science auditorium. industry. This also marked the first is to be held at 7 o'clock tonight at by members of the French faculty and
"His life work was of such a nature complete conquest of disease by man the Union. This affair will mark th, their wives, will be presented next
that nothing but a world cataclysm "However," the lecturer pointed out; beginning of the program planned by; Friday evening, Feb. 23. A dance will
destroying all vestiges of civilizationI "his greatest triumph came not many the club whereby capable speaker} follow the entertainment.
could wipe it out".g iyears later when ih discovered and will talk on topics of interest to th9
Professor Novy pointed out that thq successfully used vaccine and serr club members.
famous man had come from a humble for the prevention and cure of chol- Kenneth Lindsay, former presiden'i "WHI FFENP00"I
stock and risen above his surround-,1 era and hydrophobia." of the Oxford Union will speak to thQ'
ings and became one of the world's club next Monday upon the subject o._ may 'be the name of a new
ringlish labor.h
greatest scientists. His life through1-drink or the cry of a lost
out was devoted to the study and rem-LD ET UETE T E
edying of conditions detrimental to! COLD WAVE TO CONTINUE ~ REQUEST STUDENTS TO CHC
edigo odtosdtiet l WRAPS WHILE IN LIBRARY; mate, but the question now
iznankind. The speaker said that th-;IWASWllEI u heqeto o
purpose of Pasteur's life wastotI Chicago, Feb. 14-(By A.P.)- I , is board and room. For
launchis career against the threq The cold wave that has spread Union library committeemen urge
oh) dogmas of science which were th throughout the central western that students who use the reading home-like rooms and cookie
- Ian nnorthwestern state will notI - rp ithe Union for any consider- ; l- tn rc call

Now that the 1923 J-Hop is a thing FIRST PERIOD ENDS
of the past all eyes are being focused a WITH TWO TEAMS TIED
on the next big formal dance to be ~'::
given at the University,-the third 0ontest Marked by Exceptionally
II '! Close Guarding; Long Shtsna
annual Military ball. This will bs;
held in the combined Waterman and!Feature
Barbour gymnasiums Friday evening Michigan's crippled basketball team
April 27, and will be. sponsored by f lost its second Conference game of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars in con he season to the Wisconsin court Sfve
junction with the University R. .T. last night in Waterman gymnasium-by
junco wscore of 18-15 in one of the fastest
C. T TIrtames seen in Ann A'rbor in several
I To Sell Tickets ini March
At a committee meeting yesterday nears.
aferoo t -sdciThtat65e contest was marked by exep,
afternoon it was decided that 650 'onally close guarding on the part
tickets would be sold for the affair Fritz Thyssen of both teams making it necessary to
sometime early in March. These will FrTy z Tso ugus Ths epend almost entirely upon longs
be sld or 6. icke prfernce ill Fritz Thyssen, son of August Thys- shots at the basket in attempts tq
be sold for $6. Ticket preference will sen, Germany's industrial leader, is be- score.
first be given to University members coming one of the nation's heroes be- The first few minutes of the gamq
of the Veterans of Roreign Wars, then cause of his leadership in opposing seemed to find the teams evenly mat
to Michigan R. O. T. C. men, and next French occupation. Thyssen's recent Ihed with neither five able to ge
to all local military people. Nurses courtmartial and fine has greatly in -the jump on its opponent. Wisconsin
and women military aids will be in- I creased his popularity, scored first when Spooner, the stellar
cluded in these preferences. Last on - forward caged a long shot from the
the list will be the University mem- f1I 1131M N TfLECTURE center of the court. "Rollie" Williams,
hers not affiliated with any of these ILfollowed this up with a similar. holi
organizations. and Wisconsin was four poits in the
To this ball there will be invited T IIIIf T1J rnui lead. Michigan started here, howeverj
prominent guests from all parts of UIIVEudii h 111, and Ely with two free throws and a
the country. The official lists have . pretty field goal tied the score.
not yet been compiled but many high __Teams Evenly Matched
army and navy officers will attend, as SPEAKER SECURED BY JEWISH Throughout the remainder of the
will others of national note .The gen- STUDENT CONGREGATION two periods the game was nip and
Oral chairman of the affair is Gordon FOR PROGRAM tuck first one team counting and then
M. Gale, '23L, of the V. F. W. the other, with Michigan usually on.
Rabbi Samuel Schulman will be the I or two points behind. Spooner agaiq
nrmlr rn speaker at the fourth University serv- f put the Cardinals in the lead 6-4 with
fC.flIAIC ices to be held at 7:30 o'clock Sunday a second long shot and Kipke tied i&
evening in Hill auditorium. He is up by duplicating the feat. Wiscony
N1 [being brought here by the Jewish sin forged into the lead for the tird
'NEW [11R1.IM NT O 5tYStudent's Congregation a, apart -of time in the period whe Gibsr"
the regular program of the University counted two points and as the half
services. ended Ely tossed in two free throws
OVER HALF THIS NUMBER ARE Raibbi Schulman came to America aking the score at the end of the
ENTERED IN LITERARY at the age of four and received his half 8-S.
COLLEGE early education in America. He is. a Wisconsin by means of geld goahs
graduate of the University of Berlin by Williams and Gage secured the
and received the degree of Doctor of jump on the Wolverines in the first
A total of 516 new students hav Divinity from the Jewish Theological few minutes of the'second period and
registered in the University since the Seminary of America in 1904. He has while the Maize and Blue played one
beginning of the second semester ac- occupied the pulpit at Helena. Mont.. f te best brands of basketball the
cording to a statement given out at and at Kansas City, Mo. At the pres- have ever shown they could only comq
the. Registrar's office yesterday after- ent time he is rabbi of Temple Beth- within one point of the Badgers dur
nmajority of these students El in New York, which position he has ing the rest of the contest. Ely add-
noon. The rs occupied since 1899. He is also pres- ed another field goal and Haggerty
have enrolled in the literary collegej ident of the Central Confederation f who came from a sick bed to take
a total of 275 having so far done so. American Rabbis, a member of the the place of Piper, added another.
Among the other schools and col.' Board of Editors of the English Trans- Both Ely and Gage dropped in a few
leges of the University, the engineers j lation of the Bible for the Synagogue, free throws and with about two min-
ing school comes second in registra- I and is affiliated with various other utes to play the score stood at 16
tion with 110 new enrollments. 0th- Jewish associations. 115. However, Gage sewed up the vic-
er departments to increase their en- As an author of articles an amph tory for Wisconsinr with another lomi1
rolmentI are: Graduate school, 70; lets on religious subjects Rabbi Schul- shot leaking the final score 18-15.
School of Education, 37; dental col1 man has achieved wide prominence. Ely Weak on Free Throws
lege, 15; Law school, 4; college o'f He is a contributor to the Jewish En- Ely who was compelled to make the
pharmacy, 3; Medical school, 2. cyclopedia and a member of the edi- free throws becase of the loss of Mi-
torial board for publication of Jewish ler from the squad was woefully weak
Classics. in his accuracy caging only seven ou
of 14 attempts. Gage was successful-
. by in counting four of his 'six free
Sigma Delta Cho throws.
Golds Initiation hnuTheo game was featured'by e t large
ter of the floor owing to the fact'that
Announcement was made yesterday Sigma Delta Chi, national profes- (neither team was able to penetrate
of the choosing of Thursday, March sional journalistic fraternity, held its the five man defense of their oppone
15, as the date for the annual enter- annual initiation yesterday afternoon !ent. Both teams used the ,short fiooi
tainment of the Cosmopolitan club, at the Union. Students initiated werri pass consistently although Wisconsin
.e,,o. l Richard E. Heideman, '23, John Mit- at times varied this with a long over
"The Spring Carnival" will be givenr chell, '23, John L. Stephens, '24, Ralph head pass.
this year in Hill auditorium. L. Smith, '24, and Martin A. Codel, The loss of two regulars from thG
Vaudeville acts, presented by mem--j '24. J. L. Scrymgeour, of the Times] !Michigan line-up slowed up the Wol-
ers of the various nations represent- iNews, was admitted as an associate verine attack considerably, but the
. member.ICardal must be given the credit0
ed in the club, will make up the pro- Following the initiation a banque)Ca (Continued on Page Two)
granm. An Hawaiian dancing act and was served to the members of the fra (noP T
music by the Girl's Mandolin club will ternity, at which Lee A. White, of th*
f be features of the carnival. Sonme Detroit News, T. Hawley Tapping TRYOUS WANTED
eight or nine acts will be given, in jnational secretary of Sigma Delta Chi,
all.. -and Prof. E. P. Sunderland, of thl Daily Business
K. Y. Tang, '24E, who has charge Board in Control of Student Pubhca- Tryouts for the business staff I
of the entertainment, is at present en tions made short speeches. Professo of The Daily should call at
gaged in selecting suitable acts. The4 Sunderland spoke concerning th three o'clock this afternoon at
complete program will be announced "Faculty Relations" to student publib the office in the Press building.
'as soon as all its parts have been cations, while Mr. Tapping dwelt on All second semester freshmen,
successfully arranged. the fraternity organization. and other students in the Uni-
- _ --____ _--versity are eligible for this work.
Expedition To Be CHIMES ON SALE I che
Led *By Zoologist AT BOOKSTORES; Tryouts for the editorial sta
of Chimes, campus opnion

Sale of the J-Hop issue of Chimes, monthly, are wanted. Second
T. :. Hubbeii, a student of Harvard campus opinion monthly, has been lim- semester freshmen are eligible.
university, now doing research worlj; ited to the book stores on account of Anyone interested may report at
in the Zoology department here, will poor weather conditions, but it will be Chimes office in the Union be-
leave for Honduras Feb. 20 on an eni offered for campus sale as soon as tween 4 and 6 o'clock any after-
tomological expedition. The speci f the weather permits. noon this week.
mens collected on this expedition will The issue is a J-Hop number, and
be placed on exhibit in the Zoology is devoted largely to articles and pic- ' Gargoyle
museum. tures pertaining to this event. The Tryouts for the literary and ,
The United Fruit company is cut- cover is drawn by Halsey Davidson, art staffs of the Gargoyle, cam-
ting 40,000 acres of virgin timber '25, and a frontispiece of a Hop girl 1 I pus humor magazine, will meet
there upon which live the specimenQ is drawn by a student of Smith col- at four o'clock this afternoon
of the orthoperas variety which Mr. lege. The principle articles relating -'at the office in the Press build-
Hubbell is planning to gather. Some to the Hop are "Much Ado About the ing. Second semester freshmen
of these species are nearly extinct and 1924 Hop," by Hall DeWeese, '25; j I and others are eligible for this
Mr. Hubbell believes that this may be "Perfect Behavior at the Hop." by Leo i work.

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