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February 14, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-14

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Deelcre -oIe 2 i e Eat Iiiry 'P ,{ though they will finlIstiff c(:flapeti- Do. youI now that since 19031 unlde' hdey Neilziler, ,illl Kerr Rack oil
Yot' ueae h azon lu a ieued T'am He E: -er rool, tion in this event they should be a otstuelgete aie wih iSrludi.Tme fr 111(111141
ol.every football gam ihirse Nrhwsen et
to a NiCO, to turn in themIajorit y of tile pointts. ii etfrte77 i n12 ___
SCHOLSTIC Mci~~ven*and mith illtake the Eat fall was the only other time that [[STUDYI
s(Q1',o1 f-Ev1AkES IC A.~ high jump with, ease if they do as Ha~inl1OOSIER] ETS''LIPTI
the acil scored cn a Mlrichigan FIRST ONE IN LOCA L 'a' i(
DIFFCULIESWITHUT ~() wel asthe didin he rial a ew ootball team while the highest score
wieekis back when both did six fe.taait
"There is not a doubt but that " vt c ese tha h olei nes0,ev:er atigde osi) Swimming has been both blesseda
will w i,asI;mentering the best 28-0, ir he a i 94,hain icosnan(l hit lby the final eligibility re-,
_-u.v lt...wllbetw ports. Five of the eight star nta tors,
rounded teamthat l hevteverll will obg mhe iloProsser aidnt(othat xvo were oil the negative list last s<-
en to a mecet," Coach Farrell stilte,' 2T!re enclti iae Cyr. it ;'tlY ho n&t al ile ie ortI ittmster remain there, one more is nld-
yesterda, speakng of te dual n- :ioltthey are to b aedaogth ,hva ilopoeIwao h
ys sz~ b^1tcin heir eeot ane canaleicount-gridlirlon. The results Of 112(3past. three 'eel, and three ot the best, who were
dortakbe htwl aepaest in tho 1 eetetr.'evencuntercan shoco;the -toliciin, Ml ba rredthe Mast term, were officially
Saturdy betwen tfoWolvernes aneVan rde ad ines ilhtt ga o w erIcv WI010d echi "ed eligibile yesterday, thus tilt-
c hicago at the Wincly City. to take the greater number of pllug ~)1c'the tnlro,.ston itl
Coach F'arrell wvill leave Fridaa1 in the shot putt as they have baeena Hyde ,-lsCIO
night taih18 or 19 a men.With t;.i(i g Gt-wllSwclhforttitimeci Ifi aHawley, andrne
excetion of the nile and t 440 ev-ents I the ' asonl. In the two '1.10E even1t ll l4IVL~ ~ a miSehwrth, qohnethatleain
.,allt herienhav'.e been Idckted to mlakte lsbell and Davis tare a pair' who will ' ° II S.iUU~i aatnefr heqittthtrmi
ntebaklit n eey is add--
~tl f'lp ar~yl Bowen, has been choser 2 Ilar"d"to.heattby 1nyone. ltsis
for sureto iefttiyeaymnle Iand -Martinhetrig hapedavthat tthey forsure tlrnlie il( andI'lartntintheclIriotthatthhave hadurthe fin-
W1J _ L ligibility robe lifted fronm their shoth.,
te40Thrwlletrasa3. and second llacos. - rs are Lyle Hubbrlardl, Al I leilzinert.
o'clock this aftcrernono deterni inQ In the half mile Hattentlorf I .Blland hi r-peaac
what mhen will accomp~any them. One! Reinke will m2ake an wlitsutfly ston ;Q T°, 'A'_, EL YE N ChOSEFN rOJ n Bl er.Thi.e-peaac
more ma.ille ae ocmpt et~ ln hyare aothew I Ml10IlE;CScAi 1torT as eligible compeptito3rs
inth ilendnssbv wgmr I _o. ay are a l o tXVHthe liE IT,)strengthens those events, the 220 yard

ably, and Michigan's prospects for
g ood showing on Monday are gre~lI l
Furthermxore, the eligibility io1'es
111('11 raise' oes 4"". ,a itol'-'Ow,
Indiana on Satur6day. Krrmay o
be used against, elio~~es o
Hyde, star back stroke a-ows
.wtudies in ithe me dical ri iposibl fo hi, li
wt3 b H ubbard in 1:he 150 I i po sblrd ev,:,or A drcena b t.p~ c:
1betition against IndIalnead I 0ye (1e
with Neilziner in the aireng-Krr to swi
inent of the final hirlfrIin-
daameet Vwill be u >acte hr ( each
B row-n later inl tile wl-- I.
Michligan u-ridiana w-ilt hop offr
011 the first evo.nt' of their (1ua1lmet a
2:15 o'clock Saturdaty <fterncon. rThe
capacity for spectatorstte""po
svery snal1 nl il dli ~
Jtio wo-i ill be lednslja Ih
,Athlletic assom''. t111otl(ei bd R
iii ornng. It ih 11 i'ative tI1O~'
for those whv1O Fwis11 (' vit esM--
9"A 1' fiA tat-honk: ii t Or-OI'. .
swilmning contest to ge-.>e' ce
eq a rly b o eo the sup ply :; .:'.o
- Thleeveaits to lie hI(I are theic u~
tion Conference nunibers ccm~ljjs ng.

tonl 1l}\ tO 111 (lfl'l1 ~ton fri.11
1 myi: t n-g~ at i e sCitown'-
Tt "l'~~2i 1'iIw hb -n oft!
I he ~l ii i < >''4> Il ,0!i }tea3
i~ftir g l m ih o mtiueily
11 -25 tI g il i; lst it is no
hny1mi, ditm r s cnolto
C'1;. f.-ia r:i he h l . 1)1";'; hlart 1 .of the

its( ped, aInd is as follows. at 5:30
o'coc ton~ight, T1rigors vs. Delta Tau
ilt t 6(,o'clock, Beta Theta Pi vs.
lid ThdlnaDelta; Feb. 15, t 5:30 o"-
('100 1,waia Nvs. Delta Chi; at 6 o'
~i;;"1, tSigm>a Nui vs. Phi Chi: 5:30 a"-
( CI-.('k, Monda, Feb". P19. Alp-haChi
Sigum vs.Theta ,Delia 'Chi ; Lit 6~
cloc, lhau Sigma Phi Vs. Delta Kap-
pa;, liln;a 5:30 o'clock, Tuesday.,
Fo.20, Deltai Sigma Phi vs. Delta
igaPi; at 6 o'clock, Delta Upsilon
vt KaZppa [zeta' Psi; at 10 o'clock,
LabaChi Alpha vs. Nu Sigma \n;
at 5::30 o'clock, Wenesday, Feb. 21,
P~hi Beta Deltal vS. Phi Delta Theta;
at 61 o'clock, Phi Kappa Sigma vs.
Signrija Alpha Ephsilon; at 10 o'clock,
Phi .1u Alpha v.Psi Upsilon.
A few gamnes 'emained to be play--
,.d ii tihe finals and consoltiWon ser-
._, at tlile interclass tournhanmeut.
They ! have been scheduled as fol!
l.is t 10 o'clock ton ighit, consolas-
tion 1galme, junior engineers vs. laws;
a1 10 o'clckl, Thurs~tday, Feb. 15, con-
solationl game, juliorlZits vs. fresh
etiiners;at,10 o'clock, M1onday, Feb.
19 , ;:inners of thec above conlsola tiol
Man ill meet for the consolation

Th sb'.dole will , o run off as as Want a Remington Portable? Call
a-psilice condliions governing I1128-J. 94-27

the 440 depending, on the times that
are turnedl in on the trials.
c> Scholastic iremime
T i s years track team is comnpos-
ed of unusually brilliant ,students andi
as yet none Have been declared inel-
igible. It, is doubtful that the team
Avill be at all im]paired bhy this mnen-
Chicago has defeated Ohio State)
Northwestern, and'Purdlue so far 'thifs
yea.r and in doing th~is has sho wr;
that she heas a vwell rounded team:. In
the mille, 440, and hurdles the Ma-
roonis have m ena that have shown un-
usvual calibre and in past years
they havie always had a good relayj

canDrikJI anIL : 111 10 1 eA L iUL D iH ,J5
petltioy la-:rtin is enltered ll inll}
440. andi Bowenin the inile. Annn noeemleit has beei n made Of 0th
_________ _________so ledulig (If a football game with she
_ Uniteol States mnarine corps team of
Sp e avail Gainsl Quantico, Va., for tihe open (late, Nov.
i -1 " 10 ,on te1?2 3 Vamrsit.y gi'id scheduile.
ivu ip trz y his is the fifth local g ame on the card
mi andomes between the Jo-w4a an Nrs-
As proof of the popularity of lutra- ,0Il51il games.,.
in~aal lretor itcells liW {ine Edwin D~enby, secretary of the nay,
mua" ietrMthl' 1Wgm and center on the 1896 Var sit., is
of spieedhball, 'a letter has been re- largely responsible for tihe arranme
ceived from Major 11!. J. Dinwiddy, j ments and it, was through his effortsa
thief. Inspector of the Armly School j that Nov. 10 will bn one oif the groat.-
of physical training of FEngktao, askt- let ridbron (lays of the c'omt tgsea-
in io7.g for a lest, of rules and liretans oi acrdntoCab'1- i
J Quantico marines were the undisput-

i 7
{ .

free style, time 150 yardl back stroke.
and( tihe 200 yardl breast stroke, Ilub-
bard swinmming tihe first two, Kerr the
second, as well as as participating to
some deg--ee in tihe sprint numbers,
Lund Noilziner starring in the third.
IWith this glad news comes theo in-
l'orintation thlat -Northwestern, con sidi-
e red the strongest aggregation~ in the
Big Ten if not in the entire country,
Ineas lo:-t six men by the ineligibility
rou1te. While the n~ames o1' Breyer
and Paver-, two of tihe fastest lell who
have ever worn tile Purple, are niot in-
cluded in the list, tile Evanston team
is nevertheless weak ened consider-
L ast
_________________________ - ---------f

thel 180' y1rdrl ay, Ai,10,0 iU, an '201

team and no doubt will continue tils of the gm.ed service champions of 1922 and arej
year togshow strength in this depart- Major Dinwviddy read a short zarti- generally conce~led to be 0one of the
anent. cle describing tile game in tile Lou- t ~g~ evc elevens developed
Michigan will be handicapped when don "Daily express" and was so 1 Smnce -thte days of the f'ainoums Great
she goes to a strange track, especial- pleased. with the account that hie is I Lal~es aggreg;at ion. The L-ucaterecks-
1y so when going to Chicago as sect planining to inaugurate speedball at have anumnber of former college stars
will be forcedc to run on a track that the _Army school. playing with them and~ are coached byj
is entirely, different ,from the one' iii A letter has also been received fromt former West P~oint luminaries.I
'Watermian g1yinasiiim., For this rea- a youngster, fromn Fort 'worth, Texas, j One of tile features of. the (lay will
con it is expected that the majority who degires a copy of the rules and be tile 300 piece marine band which
of Michigan's poinits will be made on I regutlation~s of spe-edball. will accompany the Virginia eleven.
the floor.# An illustrated article, describing- It is probable that various pr ominent
Team, Well IRondedf Director Mitchell's invention in do- military and naval officoers will be i're--
Coach Fairrell states that lite has n tail, is to appear in the Popular I sent at tho game.
Weakcevents. he ogre that shows" the science magazine. The Az erican Boy W'ith the schiedutling of the inarine
feast strengthi is the relay, but even hals- published an a.rticle desceribing gameo came thme necessity of droppinrg-
in this there is Martin who is thte{ the game while the following iiaga- I the Case game. This annual practice
best man that has run in this eve-nt in zines~ have asked the departmnenit forj affair will not be iulayed tunless the
mianiy years. !the details of the sport: American -eight g,.amne sclredimle meets with th3e
There are four or five, man who are, Physical Education Review, Amreriangyapr oal of tile Big Ten officialis. 1s
sick with the grlip at this timge iniud- Parks and Playgrounds Magazine, and -tec'd stands no-cr, the sea son wi11,
ing H-ulse, Slen efleld', and Simpson Intercollegiate Athletics. A' newspa- { open on1 Oct. I3( wIIOU theWlvrnt
but it is doubtfltt that thiis loss will1 per story 11as also been synd.icated. I- me, 1et the foridale Vanderbilt ele rce
affect -the resutlts to anynmarked ex- I j21 Terry field. / ''l ci ,e o,110 ?l0 f
tent. Although there will be many (1;des reminaning cif tte Schedule, whrich)
clase; events it is probable that no C1 iludutdyprv)t eti n)
records xviii be broken.Tryouts for fthe position of as- !~ udutdylr~et ) h 1(5
In the 50. yard event Captain ue sistait baseball mnanager are 1 Iffcl c--ia a iae nya
and lWitnman will be Michigan's en;-1 wanted. Soplhomo res are eligi-, Law and Medical Books at War's
tries. These men have great abiltity ble. Those who are inlterelsteald -r~e t ok oe-~v
and will hold up this, event in good I. are asked to sce Stewart Boyer, UiertyB kso.-v
sblie , at tIre Waterman gymrna shtm, atoeg°l; -
hub~bardl and Higgins will take care I I1o'lc Friday afternoon. - "-
of tie highi and low hurdles. Al- ____________- -

A f f/ 1,Ii 4r1.{
olm', Jam... t i. Ri i
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-is' '

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h eats



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i 224 S. ,STA' t S'] REST

We make over and trecover davenports, easy chaffs, ald
the like' A splendid assor'tment of cover'ings to select from.

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Estimates cheerfully submitted.


Y~1A~tiroeneea __ n - n~msw~ua is

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1.01 kinds .,nd sizes from- two OUnces to five pounds
Fifteen Cents to five dollars


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but Com to Betsy Ross.

We' can furnish you the material for
a storm house on that porch, easily put
up, and that ,pan easily be stor'8d away
for th. summer.
Let us give you an estimate on storm
sas~h, storm .doors and :that storm house.
We have stock Isash and windows that
will enclose that back porch.
(vidin n ube.

Arroig other carlv spring accessories nvc have
J t receiv'eacan importation of Thomas Town end's

E Jglish caps.

They conmc in a pleasing variet3, of

shades and -materials, and are atiractiveliV priced at

$3pj. 00

, a

saw] nm- 3




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