ti THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-)NISDA ,Y, k1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVEJISITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday. during the University year by the Board in Control of Stude:t Publications. Member of Western Conference Editoriai Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of al news dispatches credited to it or not other wise credited in this paper and the loca' Inews published therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor Michigan, as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, $3 so. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi tress. o6-, Communications not to exceed oo words If signed, the signature not necessarily to' appear in print, but as an evidence of faith. Bnd notices of events will be published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, ii left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un signed communications will receive no con sideration. No manuscript will be returnee unless the writer encloses postage. The Dail} does not necessarily endorse the sentiments express din the communications. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephones 2414 and 17$-H MANAGING EDITOR MARION B. STAHL News Editor............ ..Paul Watzel City E;ditor.............James B. Young Assistant fty lditor........j. A. Bacon. Editorial Board Chairman......E. R. Meiss Night Editors- Ralph Ilyers Harry Iloey 'L. 1. llershdorfer R. C. Moriarty I. A. Donahue J. EF. Mack woorts Editor.................F. IL McPike Women's Editor..............Marion Koch 5unday Magazine Editor......11. A. Donanue IT'ctorial Edlitor .. .............Robert Tarr Music ditor................... II Ailes Editorial Board Lowell l1err MauriceBerman Zwugene Carmichael that at all times she shall have desira- ble students who will pay her a maxi-I mum return for the rent of her rooms. She overlooks completely the oppor- tunities which the University has pre- sented her, of bringing worth while students into her home and into con-l tact with her family. She may be ac- commodating to her "boys" or "girls" as she calls them, but her accommoda-a tions are made out of a sense of ne-I cessity, and not out of a sense of duty or friendship. She is civil and cour- teous to her roomers but always busi- nesslike, and never intimate or gra- cious. But the more fortunate student linds himself in the home %of the second type of landlady. He will. almost be inclined to rebel at the. thought of referring to her as merely a "landlady". She is Mrs. So-and-So to him, a good friend, a pal,.one whoI sympathizes with his ups and downs and who is. on the alert to provide him with every convenience which j will make him at home. She knows what town he is from, and she tries to comfort him, should he get home- sick. She looks at the picture of his best girl on his dresser. She admires it with him, and she seeks 'to console him if he does not hear from her as regularly as usual. She knows hisl likes and dislikes, and she refuses' to be simply his "landlady"-she In- insists on being his friend. And the student, being human and with hu- man appreciation, values her friend- ship. He strives to help her also, ifI he seed a situation where he can be! useful. Students forget many of their col- lege acquaintances and many of them quickly forget their landladies, be-~ cause little pleasant memory attaches to them. But the atudent with the landlady who does everything in her power to provide a second "home" for him will stick,-his thoughts will re- vert pleasantly back to Mrs. So-and- So, his old pal, almost every time he thinks of college. LATIN AND GREFKI The reactions of the deans of the1 University to a recent questionnaire" requesting information as to the value ODR LEDITORIAL COMMENT 0ATED ml 'mL ALENTI'S, WHY THE FIUNKiERS LENTIN ES,,(Purdue Exponent) TiINI When the iine is drawn separating the successful students from those V A L E N T N E S. unable to master their courses, the t t i t - - I r I. '' L.AST EDITION OF 4I m IGdild ,N SONG B oK SAT * * Your Beauty You are the very essence of beauty. Your soul is so pure and clean. That I'll be your slave forever, For you are my beauty queen. * * * question, "What makes some students brighter than others?" comes up for consideration. Various conjectures are advanced as possible solutions of the matter; the psychologist tellsus that native constitution determines" mental ability; the physician will say that physical condition plays an inportant part in a student's success with his BOTH STORES - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ be there1 ,1 subjects; many parents and many in -i structors will assert that insufficient wh study is the cause of poor work. Un- its doubtedly, all of these suggestions have more or less value in answerig the queslion, yet there is one equalj ly, if not more, important answer that is often not considered-the failing student's course does not appeal to sgiing ich hol s eats. but somehow there will be the spontaneous sincerity dds the audience breathless in I love you, my dear, I love you, Your beauty it holds me entranced. With your charms so sweet and al- lurmng, , 1 I Which oft I have seen when we him. danced. Persons' tastes differ. Everyone * * * does not desire to be an engineer, or a dactor, or a lawyer, or any one of Beauty is said to be only skin dleep,; otr ralwyr rayoeo the numerous professions. But nearly 1 But yours, precious kid, is deeper, every engineer i an engineer be- gor into your soul lies yours, little cause he wanted to be one, and most girl, I doctors have become doctors because Where God is its maker and keeper. they desire to follow that particular IITAN. th dseoooline of work, and few lawyers of to- day studied law without being inter-. Sympathy for those in love, encour- ested in the legal profession. agement for those who are not Every person can do some one thing May be pretty sentiment, but 'tis just a bit better than he can do any- really a bunch of :rot. thing else whether it be proficiencyI * * * Iin musical work, in craft work, or in Makes You Feel Cheap mathematics.. Feeble-minded persons, "Do you believe in free love?" I often become skilled in doing certain asked, her very politely, things despite their low mentality.! "No," she replied frigidly, "it does. General Grant was a great soldier but n't pay." possessed only', mediocre business Murelh. ability. Because of this fact and sim- * * * ilar examples, one is consequently not THE STU)ENITjustified in charging a student who i ; unsuccessful in one course with not' Rig ignfe td having the ability to learn without tg ,that particular vocation which has the Quite serene-eyed, greatest attraction for him and His simple studious soul studies appeal to him. Let the stu- Intensified, dent first "find himself" by choosing that particular vocation for him and Re settles down, the pcssibilities of his failing will be With proper frown minimized. But rapturous P'antings rail All over town. DETROIT UNITED LINE$ Ann Arbor and Jackson TIME TABLE (Eastern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Crs- 6:oo a.m., 7:oo a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:o5 a.m. and hourly to 9:05 p.m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and every two hours to 9:47 p.m. Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo am, aaid every two hours to 9.00 p.,im., 11:0o p.m. To Ypsilanti only- :40 p.m., 1:t5 a.m. To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti. Locai Cars West Be.und-7:50 a.m., To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lim. ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2:47, 4:47 p.m. To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at 8:47 p~nm. TRAPER, In Her Original Character Sketches WHITNEY THEATRE FEB. 23rd at 8 P. M. Tickets $2.00 -1 50C-1.00 Order by Mail fi'om Mrs. W. D. Henderson, 1001 Forest Avenue With Order Send Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope --I m .9 Thelma Andrews ',_11,,y -- ArnIsjtrbne Stanley M. Baxter Dorothy Pennetts Sidney Bielfield R. A. Billington hlelen . Brown 11, C. Clark A.- B. Connable Bernalette Cote velyn i1. Coughlin Jseph Epstein- l. Ga 'usiske John Garlinghouse Walter S. Goodspeed Portia Goulder istatats Ronald Halgrim Franklin D .Hepburn Winona A. Hibbard Edward J. Higgins l".rnneth (C. ePar Elizabeth Liebermann John MoGinnis Samuel Moore M. H. Pryor W. B. Rafferty Robert G. Ramsay Cam bell Robertson J. W Ruwitch Soll J. Schnitz Frederic G. Telmos P~hilip M11. VWamine r..-.r 1923 FEBRUARY 1923 1 2 4 ) 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 16 17 IS 1,9 '21) 21 22 23 24 25 27 27 28 We do all kinds of Cleaning and Reblocking of hats at low prices for HIGH CLASS WORK. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 1792 - - BUSINESS STAFF{ Telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER ALBERT J. PARKER Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr. Adv'eitsin............. Walter K. Sutherer l r tirinn ........... Lawrecc II Favrot . n i.......Edward E. Con lii i -...... .......David. M. Park (~ruto..........ow~cnd H. Wolfe Acui,..............Ih aniot Parks I ADRIAN-ANN ARBOR BUS Schedule in Effect October iZ. 1922 Cer'tral Time (Slow Time) D X X D P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. 3:45 7:45 ... Adrian. 7245 8:45 *.5 8-.15 ... Tlecumnseh ... r a: i5 8:15 4:30 8:30 ... Cinton . ... i z:oo 8 :oo 5:15 9:15 ....Saline . 11:15 7:15 5:45 4:.15 Ar Xnn ArborLv. 10:45 6:45 (Court tlose Square) A. M. D--Daily, X-Daily except Sundays and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves \nn Arbor 4:45. He Reached the Top: HE 'Vice-President of a great life insurance company who began his career as an agent has this to say to seniors whoare aboutto graduate from college: "If you love work and desire to pursue an honorable,U useful and lucrative mission in life this is the business for you to take lep. Life insurance salesmanship offers a fine field for the energies of the splendid young men in our colleges. "That this is true is demonstrated by those college men who have taken up life insurance for they have shown that the college man is fit for this kind of a job andI that the job also is fit for the college man. "The work of the life insurance salesman is distinguished by independence and opportunity for directinghisown. l; gives allpossible opportunity for individual initiative and a chancL. ;o make an ample income at an age when most fellows are struggling on a wage pittance. That is the story of one who began at the bottom and reached the top without the help of a college educa- tion. The advantages are with you who' graduate from college. Before deciding your career make tin- quiries of the "Agency Department." M T A_ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY U oF BOSTON. MASSACGUsrTTS Largest Fiduciary Institution in New England 2 of classical languages as a foundation for a general education were favora- ble in every case. This survey was but one of many ibeing made among I.A I Kenneth Seick Corge Rockwood Perry M. Hayden Eugene . Dunne Wni. (raulich. Jr. John C. Haskin C. L. Putna~m E. D. Armantrout Assistantsi Allan S. Morton James A. Dryer Wm. H. Good Clyde L. Hagerman Henry Freud Herbert P. Bostick D. L. Pierce Clayton Purdy American educators throughout the country, and the total result tends to indicate a general decrying of the let- down in standards which has cry- stallized in an inclination to place less emphasis on the study of Greek t. _ a a ,vayo .-.. y 1f rhert W. Cooper J. B. Sanzenbacher and Latin, in present' day education. Wallace Flower Clifford Mitts w if o I id. Jr. Ralph' Lewright The fact that a knowledge of the j Harold L. hale Philip Newall Wm.. j languages of antiquity was the first requirement to a cultural education fifty years ago is generally known and needs no enlarging upon here. Thel WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1923 change in our educational systemj Night Editor-HOWARD A. DONAHUE from a fixed program of study inj which Greek and Latin were empha- AN UNPUBLISHED WORK sized to a free choice of eleetives in' The purchase by the University of which their value is neglected, has Michigan of the late Henry Vignaud's been a concomitant, factor- of the important collection of Americana, gradual trend of the world toward geographical books, maps, and painph,- I;industrialism. The'"departure has lets, is cited in a recent communica- been, taken "by the high school, and' tion to the editor of the Literary Re this institution must take the lead if view, reprinted in yesterday's issue of Greek and Latin are to be brought The Daily. But especially does the back to eminence. Until high schoolsI writer wish to bring out the fact that realize the need of requiring four Vignaud left quite finished the work he years of Latin instead of two, and was busy on up to the moment of his I teach this subject so that its value is death,-"Les Sources Cartographiques not ruined as far as the student is InmlprimE-e3 de l'Histoire de la Geogra- concerned, our colleges and universi- phie". The latter is a critical and ties will be handicapped in their ef- historical catalogue of the ancient at- forts to ingduce students to pursue lases, globes, med'.eval charts of har- .courses in ancient languages. lhors and ports, and other maps show- The inherent benefits to be, derived ing in chronological order the prog- from a study of Greek and Latin seem ress of scientific knowledge of the Iobviou,. These studies are not easilyl earth's surface. mastered and excellent mental habits This last work cd the learned scho'- are apt to be formed by their devo- ar is ready for thy. printer, and when ; tees. Because the Greeks, and Ro- finished will fill several volumes, be- mans were the progenitors of prac- ginning with Homer and coming down tically all of the arts a workable to 1600. Interested individuals must knowledge of their language and lit- be found, however, to lend financial erature forms a background for a gen, as istance in order to give the work eral education. Many students look permanent form. Inasmuch as' the ! upon the use of translations as a University has already elected to place worthy substitute for the languages The sky is dim, And through the +glim, The phonograph's persiste plea Bewilders him. He concentrates, Anticipates, Mid banjo's babbling bustle He meditates, With hope repaired, lie is dispaired, The surly sobbing saxaphone Is not inpaired. Anger beset He hears, arbeit, The hostile house-cat's howli And studies yet. Still seeing red, With bowed-down head, The pea-talks petty problems end him to bed. D. A. L. Contributions, contributions. FLAPPERS TS. CATEIMN (New York Tribune) There is even more truth th n pic- turesqueness in the statement of one' nt of the associate curators of the American Museum of Natural History that the female of the modern species is more deadly to the animal kingdom than was the male of the caveman period. In the old days-that is, a Ygood many thousands or hundreds of thousands of years ago-skins of a oninls were necessaries rather than j luxuries. They often furnished the only clothing worn whether by men or women. Today hunters and trappers cater to the"craze for fur which is created by the fancies of fashion makers. Every flapper must have hey fur piece to keep the sun off in summer, and so the hunt for any animal that has hair on its skin goes on with redoubledR vigor. No fewer than 50,000,000 ani- mals a year, it is estimated, lay down s' their lives so that necks may be over- Iheated. No race of cavemen, even in their lustiest days could perform such an annual slaughter. Is it possible, as the curator suggests, that fashion will be responsible for the annihilation o: most of the fur-bearing mammals on the globe? , JAMES II. ELLIOTT, Proprietor thon 926-M Adrian. Mich. BOARD REDUCED Two Meals - - - $4 00 Three Moals - - - $5.00 604 E. WASHITNGTON ..'cs ." 'r; °> .,,: : .:; dt ' F-A ____ U, HME E U EUEEE,' , One thin you'll like: our menus vary daily, giving every new thing that the i market affords. But all E * * * -N THE bennies THAT try to beat THE train to NEXT station * * * ARE not half as * * * CARELESS with their LIVES as the birds WHO ask ye, your mar IN Pencil Sharpening 7 * * * AND you tell 'em * * * AND he laughs, * * * prices stay constantly low! the late Vignaud's collection of Amer- icana in its library, and is to reap so many benefits from his research, it seems fitting that Michigan should have the credit for adding to the ex- isting material on geographical sub- jects by publishing these last impor- tant volumes. While the University herself might not have the necessary funds available for such a worth while endeavor, there. may be some friend of Michigan, in- terested in the works of Vignaud, who. will help Michigan, help Science, and set up a lasting tribute to Vignaud's achievements by providing the funds necessary to have hzi final finished volumes published. OUR DEAR ANN ARBOR HOMES If anyone were to attempt an analy- sis of the situation, he would find that students who room in private homes while at the University, find them- themselves, but Greek and Latin can- not be effectively translated any more than other languages can. When a student comes to the Uni-' versity from.high school he ought to have had the proper elementary train- ing in classical languages and to know whether or not he wants to, continue. Incoming students should be advised of the desirability of aug- menting their knowledge of Greek and Latin received in their preparatory work. If the universities will demand that the high schools fulfill their ob- ligations in this connection as part of the entrance requirements, our in- stitutions of higher education may + FIiMING THE FAILURES (Harvard Crimson) Another solution has been offered the ever-present problem of weeding out the ineffectives in the colleges, th s time from the University of Chicago. Dean Robertson gives as the three main reasons for student failures "unintelligent reading, inadequate preparation, and lack of purpose. The second of these three causes of failure is difficult to test. out accur- ately, but under the new plan propos- ed at Chicago it is hoped that at least the first and the third can be detect- ed. The method to be used calls in the aid of the latest of the arts,-the "movie". Studies have been made be- fore of the "life of the clam' or the k "insect world at work and play', why not of students? The camera will be I set up in the study-halls for "close-; ups", "slows" and careful analysis of the student mind at work. If a man is on the line, if lie needs a C to stay in college and is suspected of D ten- dencies, then a showing of the film will reveal the whole terrible truth. gotone. Either he is or he is not studying, and woe to the individuals whose methods in your or whose make-up are faulty! worse. The rest of the world of education will watch with interest to see the re- better. sults obtained at Chicago. Like other "Nature films" if the pictures can sue- ceed in being true to nature, their femur. value may be unquestioned. If not, they are likely to develop only one ni (-t1df 1 I , a c ofXi'hhlff_ +hD Cgfef -me o Sp s t a irs, Nick eIs' Arcade A rcade :p .4 Cafeteria, it f1 SI MEN, BUY YOUR SMOKES HERE Camels Lucky Strikes all for 15 Cents Tareyton Omar Tuxedo P. A. Chesterfields Polo Edgeworth ~*LACE SI TS 4 20i--"' SOUTH UN'I VEIt SITYA "Heh, heh." GILBERT'S CHOCOLATES ig .1 * * Do not be disappointed jcontinue to use a system of free elec- ',mark, they might have been tives with some assurance that the * * * languages of antiquity will not be al- Then they might have beenl most universally shunned. -_Yes, and then I If all the things that some papers said about the J-Ftop were true, there __-_--' A_ x'. A ..'.n niizpnrnrc thK (frnrrT.T