14, 123 THE.ICHI.AN.DAIL OItO WOMEN EWET MICHIGAN RIE TAI_____ ____' A bcginni ng Course in. aesthetic \I: ' MrAT CJIT1 1 : YU:tlCDSAT'- danicing will be given at 8 o'clock UR)A IT HREUNI. Mo -nday and Wednesday evenings inl VERSITIEs 1Harbour gymnasium. Women electing the course are requested, to sign on Midhigan's womaen's rifle team was, the bulletin board in the gymnasiunm. flefeated by the Ohio State university team with 5a score of 858 to 894 in sophomore and freshman women the contest hield Jan. 27. Each fltin who are entering the Univer- -fired on its own rang e and the. -- sity iblis semester arc required to j '; ng scores were rmai'l to tic rcpor t today to the depart "- 0mpposing team.,rjThe rifle used wass ment of jhysical education fin Barbourc the 22-calibre Winche-ter withi gymnasium in order to make appoint- inunition as issued by the govern- n-ents for physical examinations and v ~ent, Five shots were talken fromr to register for classes.I ~ achi of the four firing positions:--_rI frone, sitting, kneeling, and stared- All women who wish to join the class Inso that the highest possible score1 in playground work which will be giv- irany bone individual was 100. } en at 2 o'clock -Wednesday afternoons ~The total individual scores miade byfare requested to sign before 4 o'clock the Michigan tean- were as follows: !,Friday on the bulletin board in Bar- 1Mida Abbott, '24, score,, 93; Francesj Oou= gymnasium. H f,' ,scr N;'sh r ili,87; Bernice Gregory, '24, 87;,I,,eokay-r Mummers will hold a business meet- da Popowska, '26, 86;, Anna' Wheeler, ing at 4 o'cllon' this t fternooP '26, 86; LaBeryl Smart, '24, 85; In- at the yAlpha Phi houao. grid,A#lving, '26, 83; H. Hartwig, 8 2;j E~. Parrott, '26, 79. Acting as alter- W tomen who with to sell candy for nate., Marian Lawless, '26, made a thme Women's league at the table in U- score of $1, Virginia Cronin, '25, a iversity hall are requested to call lath-' score of 80, and Beryl Schafer, '25, a eieKmlnna 2 omk r T11 P mmbers of the Ohio Stat(t rangenients for hours to sell. team mxade the following scores: Twi*' la Hessen, 96; LI.,nille Peters, 96; Miriam Hawkins, 94; Eli zabeth Fal- ter, 93; Laurella Sanders, .90; Ila Thomas, 88; .Laura Cabell, 88; Mla,- , Seniors are asked to leave their or- ders for Caps and gowns with Mlaalk and3 Co. ar soon as possible. garet Winkleman, 86; Blanche Coyne, ' Houses which have not turned in the 82: Lois Lampe, 81. slips for signing out for, the month o;. The second contest for the women's J :anuary are asked to send them .ile-3 rifle tea~m will take place on Feb. 17 meitlIoteofc iDa et inl room11 30 Engineering building llnmiltonl. when Michigan's , team' will shoop Pyet nmmbrhplldC against thoise of Syracuse, D3epauwy, aietonm brsp ldg j and M,,ryland universities. Practice I cr the Womnen's leagurse will be takIen for the contest v ill be. held on Wed- from 3:30- to 5:30 o'clock Friday aaft-I nesday evening and Friday afternoon ernoon in Neva Lovewell's office in of this week in room 330; Engineer- ;Hatrbour gymnasium. Reminders of ing building.' Thee v ill be no pray:- pledges due have been sent out. tics on Thursday afternoon. All those who have been trying ou~t for teams P 1i Lambda Theta society will hold a are- especially urged to atten d final Amee6ting at' 8 o'clock this evening ;It practices before the choosing, of the J3CtSY arbour house. Member s areI te am fbr Saturday's contest. requested to come prepared to pay se-! i IMPERSONATOR: GIVE RECITAL TO SOON Miss Ruth Draper, a character ar- tist of international r'eputation; will give a recit;I Friday evening, Feb. 3 t h ht e h arml e h auspices of the American Association of University women. Miss Draper's repertoire is said to 'include more than 50 impersonations, all -of whichk are. original.t During the war, Miss Draper pre- sented her characterizations to var- ious "units. of the American F:xpedi- tinary forces in France, where she° was received with enthusiasm. While in Spain, Miss Draper gavre a per- formance at. the royal, palace at Moad- rid. GVrippe Oise.,;Show Inceaise Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director o the University Health service, reports,; that many cases so-called grippe and other ailments of a like nature have been reported during the_ past months. He states, however, that such a condition is not unusual for thf. time of the year. I A TIZ THEATERS rnester cdues.T Beginning today, secon~d hand bo-ks ay be bought or exchanged lbtctwee, 11 and 12 o'clock and 3, and 4 o clot:,,, in the League room in University hall. Office hours of the undergradiua e campaign office of the Women's league' ,Mill be from 1 to 3 o'clock every al't- erg~oon. Wyvern society will meet at 7:30I o'clock Wednesdahy evening, Feb. 21, 'at the Alpha Omicron Pi house. Portia Literary society will bold a regular"- meeting at 7:15 o'clock to- morrow evening in room 302, Mason hPI1. The Freshman Girls' Glee cluo will meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening iii Barbour gymnasium. The ca ,t of the Junior Girls' play will rehearse at 4 o,'clock tomiorrow The S ureme afternoon in Sarah Ca swell-Agl'wudyulk otbetp-"#1111lll#lllll11It11Ilillt111iltt11fll Angell11t Would youtilllike111a.1Portable type- 1M~f ball., writer with a standard keyboard?j - Then its a Remington. Call Black; , Start the new semeister right. A 1432 Thompson. 1128-J.-Adv.v Ilh in ti rable -will help. Justj call 12-..- (V Patronize Daily adee.-dv ._ *TheKeynoteo f ]JodY0 MJeth ods 7 HE, keynote of modern methods is organization. With ° f every factor in production functioning to is best advantage F ; 1=an undreamed of efficiency has been attained. I ~What about your personal affairs? Is your money or- E ganized? Are you securing the thousand and one benefits that modern banks offer to progressive business men, or do you i d still struggle along with the outgrown financial methods of The Thrill of'' tri Live your money the benefit of organization. Call at Soesoyo nfrain n either of our convenient locations and let one of our offcers some shop from habit. Someshopw explain the advantages of our bankig service to you. for comfort, others shop for price. But those who shop for. the sheer ________________________ t°} fly of finding new things-for the supreme thrill that comes} r f' with choosing lovely clothes-s-st mak tisthir ppre -The Ann, Arbor Saig Bank maeti hi apre ed S v ns(uarters. . "The Bank of Friendly SerIice " Resources 60,000 Two Offices Goodtyear'sT o0 124 SOUTH MAIN - , , . rA Rn v ~ lg Imom -c", 11 1 '"9 Achieve et OfHooftin Picturee See ur ttrativ lit Mi~chwe ae oferng a a w i ba h~ T bePortaye att 11die.FaASiINGPOgeaTt - - - 7:0 clcZT1ih H 1--the all important question of the hour!1 Inklngs about new turns y 4 A and twists of fabrics, new "shadings in colors, new style details in gen- -eral--everything which marks the mode as authentically new-mean natis-' ... fzctlon to the truly feminine person. She moust know. T HZ~ Fashion Facts of the Hour will be set forths at our Annual Spring Fashion Pageant to be-'gienat 7,30 o'cock Wednesday night o h f second floor: , Spring wraps, the popular three piece costumes that make such attractive street attire and yet with the Jacket removed are quite appropriate. for any. afternoon occasion,- frocks for all occasions, the newest } in millinery, :footwear and accessories, will be displayed at this style revue to which" all- women :interested in what is, to- be worn .this spring are cordially "'Uie B. DICKEY, Class of '06-as Sir Guy of Gisbourne :, - 1Sron -Today Arcade-Gloria Swanson in "ily American Wife;" Leather Push erg comedy, and Inter- I nationail News. Majestic- ELa~imme 11anies~in and Colmway 1earle in "One Week of Lv; Buster Keaton ' In "The Froze.n North;" J-I op pictures and Mason and Dixon -f Seven. Orpleu-"1Ier Majesty;" Coln-- edy and news.I 1;f Wuerth- Douglas Fairbanks in "Robin Hlood;" and Pathe _Re-I view. Staige-T'his ceekI Garrick (Detroit)--Al Jolson in "Bomnbo;" a Shubert produc- I tion3. - _ Shubert -':Michigan (Djetroit),-~--.- 13on1stelle comany in 'Oscar WilIde's "Ladly Winnert~here's Fan." _____________________________ s t i y { ' v _ . .. ,,- ' 'sn._ q fl f } /;'' , a l ;, 1 1 . 1 . _. . s A r fa r~ +- c> i r r i , . , 1 . '4 1.+ , , ti . . , 0 Stanford Unlversityg Cal iforia Sinier roua-ter, 1923 Tuesd(ay, 19 Juno(, to Saturday, 1 Sep tember Second half begins 26 July opp)ortunities, to work for 44 . 1R In the Cast--PAUL