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February 14, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-14

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A i e e etIlui ~~g~~ appeal for 1warm Sulmort of Univer'sity
Aluni elgats romevr county poli'ci from the alumni groups will
in thO satw~ill me hr nx Te ' emade. Abomint 100 repr'esentative:
dayd orig ttW1 um ih ('5 re e pected to attend. --
Ii t I "u Ma1r1I"onL. LB-urto n nd ;ilfre B.-_______I___
51w.'4,gnea auniscreitry. The "Standard" Loose, Leaf Note
*A cose orgniatio witin he cun Boo0k. All size, at Wahr's Univ'ersit~y
' 5ties will be the a~i of the metn.A Dookstorc.-AdY,

IAN TO trlOU Via;' ST


S"Mr. Pim Passes By", written by A.
'A. :iilne. the noted English playwrite,
and produced, in many ps .rts of the
'nited States during the past few
seasovns, will make; its initial appear-
ance in Ann Arbor, March 28, at the
W.hitnley theater when it will be of-
iLcredl as this year's annual Con edy


,r," (,YMN?



Th e t. fmr hrlsDvdXil-1
7 Mnhign, ill nea ot8 o'cloci: 10-
ivWniti lu luditoriu at a
icetin wlnt ih t{be 1 41.1inthe
itereCSt oftl 1 avFat elief.
The cnule hts beenc:inivited to at-
l-r'rl Ihe meeting ihis to arouse
ite t ilh kthilatis lbeing onq,,
,-s thle rclief e xiE(d:.tJ,"~ ll i the near
'ih;p Will am, S as ben Cc .11ectecl
itthi liuncli .6E\VoIk for a 1nunit-!
0'r. Chle'is Tiroefl -of New YorR
iplmatc srvic. ill also speak a 't
~ns time.liro(b.e is 1n0w conanel(t-
rg al SCr(1:,of 5speChes in).athe interest
1t' (t i5' 1cause tOghot tile CounatrI.
lis talk willi be ontheproblems that
he starvEin1g oplc: of those, ceunltries
re faciigandi the mcasurcs the relief,
(1! kerstiart' taing ltc help) thlem. {
In addition to the speeches by the ief
'en, motion pictures of native see
ill be showvn., These pictures were
Plzen ill those Countries raIvaged by
var where it is thought helpl' is most
leedc to, save the people from utter

club production.
This (lecisicnt was reached at a bus-t
mTes;, meeting of the organization hield
as iltinUieitWalItasdecided that tryouts for the cast will
be held from within the groul) at 4 ©av'...<':.
o'clock, Frida4'y afternoon, and at 9it
o'clock, Saturday morning, in New-
berry hil. Bay Monday the actors>
511 e kchosen and the first rehear-
sal i's scheduled for Tuesday of next
w Aeek. Mleanwhile eight cop3ies, of thef
play bave lbeen placedl in the uipper
study bail of the library for the use
of Coriedy club mem~ers int order that Rep. Lottl 'Ie 11014i111 O'Neill
ti ey Tmay better actiuaint themselves j:Zepi'esentative l~ottie Holinan 0'-
. ti ~ the work. Nil l-ve' ryIlteol
-I'! Comecdy club presentation will ';elDwe' rv,11,teol
bin entirely unmder thie direction of! woman lnixumer of the Illinois state
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, of the engin-' legislature, plans to introditee a li
Bering English(department. He will ,providing an eighlt-fhou.r lay for wo-
design the settings ,and costumes, and wokr.Tiistamnth
'will he, stage director of the produc- r etenhubil
prset e-hurbil

A party of athletes wvho are to be
selectedl from the boxing, wrestling,
and gymnastic teams will accomipany
the Varsity reserves and one of the
leadling fraternity 1ulsKetball team~s
on a trip to B:irmiingham Friday night
Where they will give exhibitions in
their various shorts for the benefit of
the' Women's Intercollegiate Associ-
ation of Birmingham.
The men who will make !he trip
as wrestlers or boxers, are to be pick-
ed by the coaches of the different
sports from the various teams. They
will grapple e.nd box with each. other
at the benefit while the members of
dlh! gymnasium team will give an ex-
hibition on the parallel bars. A bas-
ketball gamne etwecen the Reserves!
and one of the leading fraternity
teamrs will conclude the plrogram. l
Paul Goebel, 1922 Varsity' foot.baBj
captain, will have charge of the Par-;
ty, which will mnake the trip fromn An
Arbor to 134iminghami by automobiles
which leave at 2 o'clock Friday after-
noon fronm Waterman gymnasium. All
inen who are selected to make the
trip) should report at *Waterman. gym-
nasiuni at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon.

. .;

Eating May ,Be a Habit!
Ma'ke your Lunches a ptemuire
by eating at
Tuttles Lunch Room
3,38 Maynard St. South of Ma jestic

f .. ....

William '. *Jarrett, H-awaii's new
congressman, will take his seat in the
houise on March 4. He succeeds tl~e
late Prince Jonah Kuhei Kalanianacle.

a..., _ _ . _ _.. _.. 3 ....
_. 4 .
I ' 'y
+ _ , .
% ,
,' , -="' , * a i r it it


(Cont inued 1 l11nlPage One)
thl~eUl S. 'Ieuof1'Public 1Ro'lds,
openecd the afteirnoon* seasion with a°t
t'1lk on "Iihay)~gncrn n-"
e 1 sitions a5t the Arlisngton F per-
mont.S~~t"lie waMS followed by
Clifford (IIl e f highwa c'ngof
pal)(~r un11 te',, sg of llnois cn-
mtl ,tCon1cret Pee1s" All of
thies;e tillk WOCC U:;El ,as ia basis fo:'
a1. prolonged d< <i;;cum-,ioriby the 1011,""
hr, _ . theU,,con ference.
In the ('e;in'g a smnoker was Held
in the ul;pe r reading room lof the
Union, thc -pccial feature of wvhiCh
wa e adrm ylion~. P. T. Col-.
grve reiletof fI1 be 1",4e [ g
, t.t1 f(oodG Ro)ds association.:
Tlhe (e ll 1he 0t"o s505510115of th1e
Con'.fer'_Celc today, 0one at 9 o'.. U nd
f0lV at 2 oci°ock in room 34 of th-e.
ngeengl iilir ,,1v'Io ing p ie-
CC. nstL'u1Ction meth1ods xWilhb showna
1in 1h1":' e ::ng at 8 o .ociekinl th.e
;sam l'rO; r. Thiswill 7mark 1.the end
of hecovetin hih asbeen inl
session :, nce Mond1 ay and (has attract-
cal mol-c than 100 engineers from many
'ctosof the country.,
The nnul metin ofthle Mici-
gan. ~sso~t ion t ad "Comiis-
1in- wl e held toun'orrow in
morGiNings'=i11(1 Ftern1on sessions, and
v' i'1 'close v.ithanlintlormln dinnler at
Ukrainians Offer
unique Program
(Con tinued from Page One)
rillianmt aria from Clintka's "iU7.sSIanl
,:nd(1LTudmilla" and the appealing
TsIlaikov-sky aria. Her "Vi ysi dWamr
te" fromi "Tosco" w'ta3slung ftter
than ore usually hears it, brit t'iiis
ma1"(le it the mnore interestilig. Th)e
/ Pluresnc Y euy" fri~lomn 1t1'<"C'i1"'
titled! her style of singyinig lpcr.cctly;
,;he sceems peculiarly t)(Lijtt(d to the
inlterpretationl of the rather dilllt
Mass enet music.a
She imbu)1ed the "1 liiite dli Styx"',
a Gluck song;,'with an almost oriental
myl)sticisml. Uer cccompenhit,NI. N ich-
olas Stc ll)Cr, xv s lunusual. i .) lay-
ing !vas vsympa Ltetc, Varying w' %ithl
cacl) ssubtle change; 1inl Mlle, Slohod;(s- '
Raya': mood1.1He was most (ist moi:;ve
in the first encore.
'Wja~t the tl~kranialn Ntiolt i' 11tor-
US ha1s OaCcollisllcd is due to Mr.;
Koshet0z. Hle not oly t' reinedl it, ut
he has made aalbeagetde(al of
the musltic which the' chorus s .ing
from uthe %vast !tore of 1Ukr !n1i:n fil:
5ongst.1lie ,alone has already °collet"
ed imore thian 3:000 Ui'ai ,1 fo1
The purpose "'of 1t1c tour i;tai ('-
qullinlt the United Sttels \vw1ihthe true
Sanld istin_' c rciai l usicof 1 'kranic.

UI IU U d 1 111, U U U 4 IUti l eIt a oit Engine er to 5;fe ak Here Sigm a )t CII 0l;to Iiit :lt d ayt
g -,'ank 'W. Steers, 12E, president of ; Sigma ,I~eltaz Chi, national profes-
J3[ N5ff[1 [ OM RROWN ;the SteelsEnierg comanyn of Iy
Engnerin- sional journalistic fraternity, will in-
I)et roit will give a lecture for the genm- I itx iesuetsit t ebr
eralpubic t 7:10 'clck tnzoro«ship this afternoon at' the Un.ii. 'The
Prof iI R.Luaclulgham, of the e(1-. nigh;t, inl the chaemical amnphitheatre of initiation wcill begin at 4.o'clock, and
kUc'Atliu:', department of Ohio State, the Chemistry building, on "Enin- will be tohlowedc by a b3anqueto at which
aon 'st ywill ,4ieakh at the anquet ;ters and the Gas Ifldhlstry".Steere's:T. -lwey"Tpinnationail secre-
comnpanzy manufactures inachinaery and T lwlyfpig
to i legive at sevell o'clock tomorrow . ary, in(] Lee A. White, past national
at the Uion i'ii 1'el1 equipmient for gas llznts and he is'!peieto h raentwl e
ioxghl the Iit)3I' 'z Dla p;Seelking to interest more engineers illn eillto h faentwl e
pa, ,hIncroramy edu cation fraternity ier hrpehs
tdae rapily gr ;owiang as lindstry:. H elhr pehs
t'rofesso;' 1Buckingihamn hbas e:Aablislm- -1WWI) secilrvelto smeak:by the lAmen -
Cf. a nation wide reputation in his +Snosaeakdt eieter r
can Institte iof Chemical Engineer Snosae se olav hi r
own parteaarfildof eiluc^.Lion4J ' tierG~ .; l s for ca;):, andi gown's with 'Mack
vork which consists in a study of', an CI:% a3s 'oon as poSsile.
S'the inil"'ence of thec sire of c's~~ 'ot 0Iea ~. y'1 5
A mtajom'ity 'of the menlbers of toc fled( ad will fi no' a roomer.--Adv. Ti'v a. ('l'3ssiiedt Ad--it pays.-Advt.
Dretroit alm mni chapter will attenc' ____________________________________________
the b,,nquet, a rong whom are listedl
lF'iy' It Cody, sup erjjtendent of th('
Detroit public schools and Sam 11?un .......,,... . ',, , ..,
ford,, a mnem her of the Detroit school;
board. All the active mnembers o
Phit Delta Ka'pa on the cemllpus will,
be present at the fair, in addition z.- - ' A .Tf-NJA
to IDean lioyd of the Graduate school. ' -YLa.LL-.E
:Dean Kraus of, the Summer Session.' A1 T'r
Registrar Arthur C,. )Hall, President '
Chairles MeKinlney of the State Nor-'
Ina) School, and tlacting president WIVn r RG A ti z E ) 1 I 6
, McCracken of Western State Normnal 'w
who will be the guit,_, of the frater-
Profei tSsor Iiicklighamn Icomes 3t('
Ac~nn Arbor in of cord)wnee with a p1-
cv which has recenltly begir-nitiated(
by Phi Delta Kappa whereby.,-pc.. c-
ers arlexetl'ang'ed with those of Clii-1
e g,^,'. Visconsin, <and Ohio Stat^ ili- ),
At , t o'clock prec eding tlc th anT-
qulet time f;aterntywil el a iita-.:::OL ES B NKIN ANN ARBOR :: ::
If it's worth advertising at all, it's
worth advertising in the IDaily.--t d V.

MAKE $40
mi up wekly inspare tine
.eling'; All lWool tailor mado
suits> at $29.50. Manager will
be im. Ami Arbor tlhis week.
Write for full information to
Camp & McGinnis, 518 Detroit
Savings Bank Bldg., Detroit,

Stay Combed
Stacomb keeps hair in place
,.l all day-No more trouble
with rumpled hair.
Ideal also after washing your
hair-- supplies natural,' bene-
facial oils which add' life and
lustre and keep the hair in place.
Ask your barber for a Sta-
comb Rub. -
At all druggists.

tE:c. U.S. TAT. OF'ICE

i i1 'I


4' ?Nukes'the Hair Stay Combed

--- i

d. .... _ , ... ....,,_. ..r... . _.......

Wid milli, I I


a( r chi 0jua, ;me fully iustified by the
cci', e by our crowded lorses ys

Here's, A Show That Is Advertising itself,!!
tF (11)N I i .'I f EIN1. ON STAGE ANI CREtI~EN


tHe blew out the flamue of the°-~

'rljjl! l AMOVS


WiohR have restesred the w bigg^,A it
of the turr.ent ''I ea rj:il eaniE(.

eA.Message of Vital Importance.
COMMENCMENT days are not far off. They will be''here sooner than you
realize. But after graduation what's ahead of, you? Ina few yeairs some of
your class will be influential leaders occupying positions of great responsi-
bility; others will be placed in minor roles-living' fro hand to mouth. Thus far
you have made a splendid investment of your time. What will the returns b~e
Have you chosen business for centrated into an intensive one-year4
your life's work? If so, and if training course. Babson Institute, an
you seek leadership in-the endowed educational institution, is con-
cOl 'iecial world, here are , ducted for the purpose of training
young men who are to occupy posi-
facts worthy 'of your deepest tions of responsibility and trust.
c nsideration. T eLbrtr et1od
The principles of leadership in busi- eLbrtr
ness are not many in number. They are Since it is the purpose of the B~abson-
not h~ard to grasp. Yet less than two Institute Course to train mien for busi-k
mo;. in one hundred ever learn them. ness, all work and all study is con- ,
The two chief reasons for this fail-' ducted in the same manner as work is! c r
ure are:. (1) -.lack of an all-'round conducted in any regularly established3
business experience. (2) -.the diffi- business house. For instance, there are ~ BSNS
culty' of drawing sound conclusions regular office hours not merely scl pm i
from the relatively few experiences hours.: Lessons and reports are de
tha~t' any "one person can have. tatVed by the student as in an office- ,. ,,.
not written. Thus the student acquires
A Study of LI.ea ders a mastery of business English and the I
Through your studies thus far you ability t o transform quickly his "' '-
have created for yourself a substantial thoughts into definite form.
background --a foundation upon which Tecigi, ofrneiJf y
you~ can build high. Why not use this Ea 1C;in olfP l1C
foundation in the largest possible way? classes are conducted on the confer-
if you are truly ambitious, for steady ence plan. The teachers, or directors as
and permanent progress, it will be well they are more properly called, are ex-
for you -in addition to your under- perienced business men, successful in
graduate work' to consider the advisa- their own line. F actoryiinspectioxi trips.
biity of'special training which will cust are not long distance walking matches,
off years of apprenti ces hip in the busi- but personally conducted tours by ex-
ness world. This training is available perts in that particular' industry.' The e
at the Babson Institute-an education- problems- discussed- are present-day
al institution organized under the laws ones and are drawn from actual experi- Send.. o
of Massachusetts not for profit. ence. They are thme same problems on
Every man who hopes to be a leader which over 17,000 of America's keenest this t
in the business world needs special executives are seeking aid and solution 4
training-a training that can be had. from the largest organization of busi-
only from actual experience. A study riess advisers in the world. The stu- "Training for- lusi cuss Lead r-
oaf the successful business men of dent, at Babson Institute works on ship." It descr-ibes the course:
actal ase -nt hpohetcali'tl - indetail, and i:esCom~plete in-
today 'shows they are those who have- aculcss o yohtclp rob- foatn of the faci1i ties ot
(1)- a fundamental knowledge of busi- lems -- and consequently he develops Biabson institute. You Nvil l,-earn
ins (2- aut o h iebsns a's point of view, of the practical methods ectiiau-
nsprinciples;2)afclyfrte hebsnsmn to this institution by which men
practical application of these principles $ Clnic are Fitted without loss of~ timew
to daily business life. b..usiness C in sIo e'ecutivc positions. No
T'hese tried and proven principles,this The student at the Babson Institute ob1oiation.
gift for application may now be yours. learns to do the things'he will be expect-
r ~ed to do in business by constant contact
1 heIr ui~nes owith actual business procedure, He par-
ticingBuipsst~es in the clinic instead of sitting in °mtscaaswralewstw
Leanig usnes alas.The training coversthe four ma- Bl JInstitute
The specialists of the Babson Insti- jor :divisions of business, M\anufactur- x 356 Waiimgon Street
tute have spent years in business re- ingandProduction, Financing, Distribu- Wellesley Hills, as
seakc lboatrywork, and the study tion and Marketing, and Management. aSdm e without charge,. "Training
searc, laoratry *forBusinessieadership"and fulpar
of the. lives of successful men. They If you are anxious for achievement, if, a ticulars about the Babson Institute
have arrived at the fundamentals which by inheritance or initiative, you seem .
every one must have to achieve leader- destined to become one of our leaders
ship in business. 'these vitally impor- of business, send for particulars Name............ ... .... ...






P atlonlixe Jaiiy

Advertisers.---A v.

We ('all For aiDlir
Finte Cgstoju Tallorillg
S6$. STATE %-

<zu3ess; whIy lhis f1t':essAgent calls Lim "'Furious'

#IIIIfill 11.1111111Ifif 11ItIIIi


; IN


,;''. sollmo who saw the, shIow ,yesterlday


Xv.1 IY

till [fill IIII l itItfill II




x1, sang , song's imtzc'ad of111 schxedul ed '..;- _ ;ENlA RG D MAJESTIC CONCERT OWiUTR
..hi 'eiuaiete Shulla at th ilecs is lWell s Evenling' Shows-4 Shows IValv---2 ",: t


;. U:
:. I

[.,f a it nip .

Ev aping s


, AGn 'lrarrr !b'1t



Blcoyii-n vtoori 6v~ Li1II IIJLic S .Au t ILIN


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