THE WEATHER SNOW AND C9LDE IGTA VOL. XXXIIL Nc, 9b EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHGAN, WEDNSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1923 EIGHT PAGES v ATTEND THE BASKET BALL GAME TONIGHT PRICE FIVE CE Anti-Saloon Head ARLIA T Denies Charges ' UrLIIIOPI Of Irregularities CHIEF CONSIDERATIONS YN OLYE . SITUATION IN RUHR AND TURKEY1 Record Mercury Drop Promised Chicago, Feb. 13.-A blinding snow storm which today slowed up traffic and spread a white cover several inches deep over the city marked the beginning of what the weather bureau predicted would be the coldest spell of the winter. The mercury tumbled in a drop that was expected to continue until it touched 10 or 13 degrees below Thursday, when the crest of the wave will be reached. The drop in temn- perature at Chicago was expected to be a forerunner of similar conditions throughout the mid-west. PLAN MERGER OF RIGHT OF W 9YIS {3 BIL*L BY SENATE RECEIVES PRECEDENCE OVER AD. MINISTRATION SHIP SUBSIDY HARDING ASSURED OF PASSAGE OF MEASURE Republican Leaders Confident of Suc- cess Regarding Money Mat- ters Washington, Feb. 13-(By A. P.)- The British debt funding bill was tak- I \ t tltt Usual Ceremonies Attend Initial Ses- sion; King's Address Attracts. Muic Attention i i s . r i i i London, Feb. 13-(y A. P.)--Par- liament reassenbled today with ques- tions of gravest import facing them for future consideration. Premier Bo- nar Law touched on two of these, thej Near East and the Ruhr. The firstI involves relations with Turkey andt the whole moslem world and the sec-' i i i E I en up in the senate today under an agreement reached after conferences between President Harding and Re- publican leaders for laying aside the War and Navy Departments to Comrn administration shipping bill tempor- bine Under Plan for Government.i arily, but without displacing it from al Reorganization f:tprivileged status; OTHER CHANCES IN EXECUTIVE ~ BRANCHES ARE CONTEMPLATED Washington, Feb. 13.-Agreement and has a close bearing on the exist-t ing relations between France andj Great Britain. Leave Troops in Germany _ t , i E i , { 1 i There lia;3 been much discussion as Washington-, Feb. 13-(By A.P.)- to whethor the British troops would A plan for reorganization of govern- be withdrawn from the Rhincland. mental departments and bureaus un- The prime minister said today he hop- der which the War and Navy depart- ed it would be possible to retain the ments would be consolidated in a trools there buit to a large extent that single portfolio, designated as the De- would depend on France or Germany, partment of Defence, which has been either of whom could make their re-' t o n h tention in German territory impossi- given thie approval of President Har- ble. ding, according to high administra- Withdrawal of the British troops tion officials. TIhe completed plan j from the Rhine, Mr. Bonar Law de- was sent to the printers today pre- dlared, would be a great misfortune, , paratory to submittal to the joint con- for that would mean the end of the entente. gressional committee which was an- Wish to Avoid War thorized to consider the changes. Extend Armies Dusseldorf, Feb. 13.-Occupation of the towns of Emmerich and Wesel, set for today, will give the allies the con- trol of two Rhine ports. Both places. are located on the right bank of the Rhine north of this city. Emmerich has a customs house as well as iron casting plant and rail shops. According to German sources yes- terday's collision between the French soldiers and German police at Gelsen- kirchen has aggravated the feeling be- tween the French and civilian popu- lation. Reports that French officers are using their riding whips upon German functionaries as a means of enforcing orders, adds fuel to the fires of discontent. HOP GUEST IBURT IN AUTO CRASH Miss Vivian Hargadon of Bay City is in a serious condition at the Mercy hospital in that city from injuries suf- fered in an automobile accident Sun- day evening while she was returning from the J-Hop. It is feared that she is internally injured. C. Jerome Merrill, '24, who was driving the car, was uninjured. The other occupants of the car were also injured, one of thei being in tAhe Flint hospital with a fractured leg. The accident was caused by the car t ki a truck FACULTY MEN TAKE ACTIVE PART IN THREE DAY PROGRAM Five highway experts of national reputation, one of them a member of the faculty of the University, spoke at the morning and afternoon sessions of the ninth annual conference on high- way engineerinig held yesterday in thej Engineering building. Prof. Hershel C. Smith, assistant professor of high-1 way engineering, was the presiding officer at the morning session, and L. H. Neilsen, deputy state commissioner of highways, presided at the after-I noon meeting. g Gram Speaks The first speech on the program was given by C. A. Melick, bridge engineer of the Michigan state highway de- partm.ent on "Standard Bridge Prac- tice of the Michigan State Highway Department". Prof. Lewis M. Grama of the civil engineering department, then spoke on the "Economics of, Highway Bridge Problems". The' morning's program was brought to a close when W. H. Connell of the Penn-I sylvania state highway department talked concerning the "Administrative Policies of a State Highway De- partment". A. T. Goldbeck, testing engineer of (Continued on Page Two) The prime minister expressed the belief that there was no danger of war in the Near East although the Turk, were probably counting upon our supposed war weariness. We do! not want war," he added, "but if it cannot be avoided it must come." The usual state ceremonies attend- # ed the opening of parliament, the de- bate and the address in reply to the speech from the throne attracted much attention. The arrangements for settlement of the debt to the United States was welcomed by the king as reflecting the determination of the British people to meet their obliga- tions. The king ,sttressed the Ruhr situa- ion, declaring that although the Brit- ish government was unable to con- cur or participate in the Ruhr opera- tions, it was acting in such a way as! not to add to the difficulties of Great. Britain's allies. TO PICK BAND MEMBERS The plan, which contemplates a. number of other changes ' in the or- ganization of tne executive Dranch of the government, is understood to have been approved by the President in a conference with Walter F. Brown, ex-officio chairman of the joint con- gressional committee on reorganiza- tion which was appointed a number of nioU.,a o, bi4 l.aot been ablel to agree on a program. The Brown plan is described as calling for establishment of a new de- partment of education and public wel- fare with supervision over all educa- tional activities of the government and over all hospitalization activi- ties, including those of the public health service, army, navy; and in.- terior department institutions, and possibly the veterans bureau. The forestry service, which, has been the center of much discussion{ and report, plans for which have led, to talk of differences within the cab- inet, is said to be left under the De- partment of agriculture. FOR MimeSPRING TRIP SOONi es Sponsors t -f Marionette Show! a Propsal nw eoucge ss u Ill-ii was reached today by senate Repub- 'tened thalt the increas in te Michigan will face its hardest h ofthe 1923 basketball season t Z.- lican leaders to lay aside the adminis- yfothe 192f basketbrus. Theon ot 7: tration bill tomorrow for considera- of habit-forming drugs. The resolu- o'clock tonight when the Wolveri tion of the British debt settlement tion authorizes the President to call, five will engage the veteran Wisce legislation. an international anti-drug conference. sin aggregation in the first meeti- Bill Detained of the year between the two teams, The shipping bill will be held in its Inexperienced Players present advantage position as unin.; Tonight's tilt is the hardest for t ished business. E P O E Maize and Blum .representatives f President Harding was said to hae I1the reason that the squad has be reiterated his belief that the shipping idepleted during' thepastfewda bill should not be put aside and thoDby scholastic disqualifcatins and agreement reached today appeared tc n~L E R EsndCah atr bigd be in a nature of a compromise. Ii work up an entirely new syste T contemplates that when the legisla play for his new combination.The tion comes up again it will be pressed Dcnaid B. MacMillan Will Substitute may be harder games later on t vigorously, the president having de. for William A. White oi schedule, Iowa for instance, but termined according to the Republican Oratorical Program that time the Varsity coach ill leaders, to wage a "real fight" for its least have had an opportunity todr ( passage. ± WAS ME MBE R OF PEARY PARTY some of the newer men in o eir p Fate Uncertain ON NORTH POLE EXPEDITION sitions. Now he is faced with t: The president was told, however, at necessity of sending tmen o no today's conference that the fate of the game who have had little orno e billwas uncertain the Republican or- Donald B. MacMillan noted Arctic perience at the positions they are ganization not yet being positive it explorer and lecturer, has been secur- play. could muster a majority. There was ed by the University Oratorcal asso-: As soon as it became knowp Mo a possibility, he was informed, that ciation to deliver a lecture in the lday that several of the Varsityrt the bill might e amended In a drasthe thbil miyghthe e nadBraswouldbelosplace of William Allen White who of the season Mather6 snt out. a hu 1 tics way before the vote could bel reached. rhas been advised by his physicians to ry call for several Players of abil ,, ,discontinue his lecture tour on ac~ who have not been out for the t Wasinton Fthis year. Among .these wre Cu Washington, Feb. 13.-Definite as- count of ill health. Mr. MacMillanth er.a A o the Varity t surance that the debt funding bill wiwillill specak at Hill auditorium Feb 28 nea laptain ofthe, arsty te be passed with a minimum of delay owi[ty lack asfing,l Jack pr was given to President Harding today on the subject, In Unknown Baffin Varsity halfback last fill and a pr by Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, Land". Holders of the Oratorical lec- school court star of 6one brillian the Republican leader, and Senator tures season tickets will use the cou- and others who have shown outstn Watson, Republican, Indiana. pon for White coupon for the Mac- Ta m e Aast Mr. Iodge. was of the opinion he Millan lect Team Weak Against G nl ers said after the conference, that the op-.a.thesena positian to the debt funding measures Mr. MacMillan is a graduate of Bow- be rounded into shape so as . would not be important and that it doin college. He was a member c any use to the team before the se would be out of the way, whereupon Perry's party in his North Pole ex- son is over, but the desperate situ every effor vould be made to enact ploration. Since that time he has car- tion required remedies, of the sat the shipping legislation. ried on an expedition of his own. At nature. the present time he is on a lecture The combination sent against Mi; tour through the United States. I nesota Monday night was a sorry oi The lecture will be illustrated by compared to the machine that has I L <31 moingpictures and stereopticon resented Michigan during the pa slides. 1two months. Minnesota was woeful weak and although she fought h a: U1V U U I S was smpthered by the individual e forts of Mather's men, brilliantly l14 jWILL .REPEAT TALK GIVEN USb atmEy Atog ihg II ET T IETRGIVEN rolled up a ,commanding score tl TORONTO ADDETROIT 1IN 1 S Spy machine-like combination play a DECEMBER brilliant shooting of ,Miller and ia gerty were noticeably. absent. Prof. F. G. Novy, of the Medical CONFESSION OF BAILIN BRANDS (Continued on Page seven) - 'BURNS A GENT ('RIIE ___________________ school and one of the country's lead- INSTIGAT CR ing bacteriologists, will give a public CHIMES ASKS TRYOUTS lecture at 6 o'clock tonight, in the Chicago, Feb. 13.-A serious ex. T Natural Science auditorium on "The plosion resulting from a prema- I Tryouts for the editorial staff i nd rs s D ture detonation of flashlight pow- of Chimes, campus opinion Life and Work of Louis Pasteur". Dr. der interrupted the testimony monthly, are wanted. Second Novy was a personal friend of Pas- IAlbert Bailin at the communist I semester freshmen are eligible, teur, and has studied in the Pasteur trial here late this afternoon. Anyone interested may report at f Institute of Paris. Several persons were injured I Chimes office in the Union be- At, the one-hundredth .anniversary and the office was demolished. tween 4 and 6 o'clock any after- of the birth- of Louis Pasteur cn- --l. noon this week. memorated at a convention of Experi- Chicago, Feb. 13 - (By A.P.)- I Second semester freshmen and mental Biologists in Toronto on Dec. Charges that a letter sent to the post- I other students in the University 22, 1922, Dr. Novy gave the above lec- master of New York City in October are wanted as tryouts for the ture. He repeated it at a convention 1920 threatening to kill him and blow I Ibusiness staff of Chimes. They of American bacteriologists held in up the Woolworth building was in-! should report to James Hume, Detroit two nights later. The lecture spired by an official -of the W. J. '23, business manager, from 1:30 proved so popular that Phi Lambda Burns detective agency were made to-. 5:30 o'clock this afternoon at the 7 Upsilon, honorary chemical organi- day by Albert Bailin, alias Balanow, office in 'the Press building. zation, invited Dr. Novy to give the confessed spy and agent, provocateur lecture here for the benefit of those continuing his sworn disposition for =f DAILY BUSINESS TRYOUTS who are interested in the work of the use by the defence in the trial of 22 I}WANTED famous chemist, bacteriologist, path- alleged communists of St. Joseph, iP Tryouts for the business staff ologist, investigator and benefactor. Mich., Feb. 26. of the Daily should call at 3 When the Annual Pasteur Celebra- Bailn also charged that Charles ' o'clock tomorrow afternoon at. tion is held at Paris and Strassbourg Sculy, head of the radical bureau of " the offige in the Press building. next May, Dr. Novy will represent the Department of Justice in New' All second semester freshmen, Michigan among many other world York, was in the employ of Burns and i and other students in the Uni-- famous scientists. sold him secret papers from the files I versity are eligible forthis work, - Iof William J. Flynn, former chief of Few Wisconsin Tickets Left the Department of Justice bureau of GARGOYLE TRYOUTS WANTED Tickets for the Wisconsin basket- investigation. [ Tryouts for the literary and ball game tonight are still on sale in - (Iart staffs of the Gargoyle, cam- the Athletic association ticket office, SIX STUDENTS PENALIZED BY 7 pus humor magazine, will meet a linited supply remaining from pre- UNION IN DANCE TICKET FRAUD i f at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon' vious sales,. At present the expec- I - at the office in the Press build- tation is that there will be a large Six student members of the Union ing. Second semester freshmen } over demand for the game and stu- have been penalized by the Union for° and others are eligible for this { dents are advised to buy their tickets fraudulntlsv mring ticsa t U _ work. IFifty-five men will be picked for { i the annual spring trip of the Varsity band within the next two weeks, Di- rector Wilfred Wilson announced yes-I terday. Although the plans for tho trip. have not been definitely complet d i it ic atain that it will i nltl d t s rL ifLngL tL L. .. - , S c ,Z, ,el s er a in Ia. l will nciua e a f tour of some of the middle western I Distinct Foreign Atmosphere 1 states and northern Michigan. e In view of athe fact that the selec- ' Pervades Choral Presentation tions must be made at so early a date, Director Wilson points out that it is especially necessary that all men who By John Korolishin Iside influence since Byzantine days expect to be chosen for the trip must Unique in its appeal and quaintly of glory, attend the next four rehearsals. IUThe songs which the chorus sings In rehearsing the members of thet foreign in its offering's is the Uk--I igsare varied in interest. TserheiU-nband who are to make the trip, Direc-t rainian National Chorus, which en- ar.There is an tor Wilson will emphasize the differ- tertained Ann Arbor last evening un- atm osphere of medieval spiritual awe ence that exists between tie concert t' oin the canticle like "Our Lady of Pot- stage and the regular street band. In der the direction of Alexander Koschaiv" The Christmas and New Year the former group a balance and gener- hetz. The technical perfection and carols are fanciful and subtle, and al knowledge of score and practice is harmonious blending, which this re- arouse deep religious emotions. "From imperativc. markable leader has . acquired from= the Mountains and the Valleys" being I imperative. t otherwise untrained voicce suggests a good example of this. In the folk UETE the marvelous. No instrumental ac- songs everything is found--from the SHUTER COMPLETES SELECTION companimen't assists the singers or Isombre to the light and gay, and at OF WISCONSIN OPERA TRYOUTS< blurs the effect of the natural beauty times elements of the grotesque sur- of the voices. prise us. In all, the distinct national- k. Mortimer Shuter, director of d Just as in the old days, when the istic spirit is felt, which has nothing Union dramatics, is expected to return minstrel sang to the chords of his in common with so-called Russian today from the University of Wiscon- lyre, ,so a single voice Or several music. Yet throughout all a tender,' voices carry the melody to the accom- plaintive melancholy prevails, 'at sin, at Madison. Mr. Shuter has beent paniment of hummed chords from the .times approaching ,a warm half-no- engaged there in selecting tryouts for chorus. Unusual artistic effects are mantic dreaminess. A close touch the Wisconsin opera. He will go to attained, sometimes suddenly star-j with nature, giving a religious, a real Madison again Feb. 20 to begin work j tling, at other times exquisitely deli- spiritual content, is everywhere prey- on the opera and will probably return cate, or again strong and deep as sus-, alent. Most of the music has a se- April 1 after the production is ready tot taining organ tones. Professor Kos- rious, solemn cast,-a heartfelt out- be presented. hetz shows us what amazing wonders pouring of the everyday life of the ; the human voice is capable of. The people of the Ukraine:. It is some- To Hold Army Examinations comparison of this choir to an organ .thing strikingly original and new A final examination for appointment or an orchestra can be easily under- that these songs reveal in the realm of second lieutenants in the regular stood. of msic. ay army will be held the week commenc- The Chorus appears in the bright, M1le. Oda Slobodskaya is a "raa- picturesque costumes which have re- avis" . . She is a true artist, and above ing June 25, 1923, in the United States, mained nuite distinct from thns of all, an interpreter. Her singink is and in the Philippine, Hawaiian, and A form of entertainment which is being revived all over the countryI will be presented tomorrow at the Mimes theater when the Rachel Se- wall Marionettes rake their appear- ance in matinee and evening per- formances. Mire Sewall has studied marionette work under such famous exponents as Tony Sarg and Lillian Owen. An original program will be offered which will combine musical panto-, mines, ballads, drama, and comedy. Music and scenery, designed especial-I ly by Miss Sewall, are special fea- tures of the production. In addition to the interpretation ,of the play by{ the Marionettes, Miss Sewall . aids them by reading the lines of the plays from the side of the stage. Histoy of the Marionette extends Lack to the very beginning of civili-. fation, some archaeologists believing that it was' one of the first means of dramatic expression. It became most popular in this country when the "Punch and Judy" shows were travel- ing around by wagon, more than a. decade ago. Tickets for the production will be on sale at 10 o'clock today in the box office of the Mimes theater. Following! the engagement here, Miss Sewall will play for a week in Detroit. COULD YOU LOVE Like Lovin' Sam, you could have your eggs and ham in the finest kitchens in Alabam'-but in Ann. Arbor you can secure the best boarding places by calling