FOUR THE ICHIGAN DAILY rTUESDAY, FEB3RUARY 13, 1923 4; I ° ; i f 1 Xt !t until tomorrow night has gained gen- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 01' THE 1 UNIVERSITY OF 111CiI( AN Published every morning except Mondayl during the University year by the Board in Control of Studer t Publication&t Member of : Western Conference Editorial1 Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en-7 itled to the use for republication of all7 newsa dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Luteredi at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,t Michigan, as second class matter.7 Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.50., Offices: Ann Arbor Press B~uilding, May - nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi- nss, 96o. Commnunications not to exceed 3oo wordsj if signed, the signature not necessarily to appear in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will b~ published in The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if lft at or mailed to The Daily office. Un- signed communications, will receive no con-I sideration. No manuscript will be returned; uniless the writer encloses postage. The Daily does not necessarily eridorse the sentiments expressed in the conmmunications. eral circulation among the student body. The idea prevalent seems to be that the coach consented to the use of Waterman gymnasium at a time that conflicted with the most im- portant galr~e on the Michigan sched- ule, and that if the game had not been postponed the players now ineli- gible or sick, who farm. the most im-E portant cogs in the machine, would not then have 'been affected. Coach Mather, as a matter of fact, was not consulted as to the final de- cision on the Hop date. He arranged his schedule before the committee had selected its date and then was ignored when the conflict arose. Since that time the coach has protested constant- ly that it would do irreparable damage to the team. From now on Michigan will have rough sledding in basketball competi-. tion, and it is only by the unanimous support of the student body that Mich- igan's team and coach can hope to ?make a creditable showing at the 'wind-up. EDITORIAL COMMENT BUT THE PAYING To the Editor of Th e Lierary Revie-.r: illeoresSir : The late Henry Vignand'sim It is always great sport to think! graphical boolKs, maps, pamphlets, over enjoyable week-ends for memio-' etc., has Just been purchased by the ries are sweet no matter how faint, Un iversity of Michigan. where, Ii un- and the better the week-end the more' derstand, it will be kept together un- the memories. No one will object to der his name as a mcn:orial to this calling it a glorious wek-end. The learned scholar and genial friend. lIla question still ramins in the male widow also informs me that he. left mind "Who was the bozo that said, quite finished the immense work he "The woman always pays". There was busy- on up to the momrent of his seems to be no answer to the ques- death a few weeks ago-"Les Soiirces tion, but it is known that he never Cartographiques Imprimees de 'lHis- attended a Michigan J-Hop.; toire de la Geogra phieV' The last time * * ' T sa Herv rV iiiid at his Iagneux~ ,,. .. ... _.- ,. «.....,. ,,. .. ..,. ..,.. ,....... -_.. .._j. AOF Y I e J J 3' z .1 X '£ IG A N 0 G B 0K spa AT :... y B' TUY STO .1 After seeing sonma of our friends in those rented dress suits it is very ,asily f;.een why they call it the J- TIOP. EDITORIA Telephones 29 MANAGIN( MARIONI Necws Editor......... City Editor.. ... : scistant City lEditor.. Editorial Board Chairn Night Editors- Ralph Byers L. J. I[Iershdorfer' H. A. Donahue woorts Editor.,... Wupmen's Editor. iwtorial si Ediiai l.,wzll i~r E1ssit Thelma Andrew* Stanley M. Bauter Dorothzy Bennetts Sidney Bielfield R. A. Biflingtori tin~II. C, Clark A.' B. Connalble Berinadette. Cot. rvliT.Couglhi,'a Joseph Epstein f. L. Fiske WValter S. Good sp eed Portia Goulder BUTSINESS ALBERT] Advertising..... Advertising........, l'ublcation...... . Ciriati11:01...... Assis Kenneth Seick George Rockwood Perry ME. Hayden Eugene - Dunne Wni. Graulich, Jr, John C. Biaskin C. L. Putnam E. D. Armantrout Herbert \V. Cooper, Wallace Flower Vln h ''I . ;r~jd .. Harold L. Hale Win. D. Roesser TUESDAY, FE]i Night Editor-ROl LINCO'YLN'S Another Linco 'a~c. Again -v before our eye~s pi em-ancipator, stori and hear-I the ihr G~ttysburgh addi A.L STAFF- 4414 and 176-M 001'TS lG EDITORA favorite expression of one of thel B. STAHL University professors is that If t "man of the common people" acd a .. ..Paul W atzel ....James B. Young "rran with a silk( hat u2nd1 diamond,( liran...... R; Meiss'; horseshoe" are opposing e,1n3[1datee, Hary Iioe for a poltical office, the laboter wxi s R, Ca M oriarty vote for the sparkler every time. At l E.'Mack first thought the idea 2may seem1 1iat-ionIoc wrong. Surely a, member of the mas-- U. . Lon~ ~es will' vote for 'the man of huts kind, I% H. Ailes1 rather than the individual who repre- d Cardsent s an interest with which he is con- ,I fC k tinually at odds. But on the other hand, a3s the pro- istantr Ronald Halgrimn fessor explains, the laborer i'gr le« Franklin 0U.Hepburn Winona A. ,Hibbard of the clash bet.ween his interet FEdward J. Higgins, that of the man -with Uie .hir-h :si J-1.,,,,;_0 C.Kelar Clizabeth Liebermanns hat, has respect for thrat pianbeus aulMooirei lie reprpesents, materially at lat M. R'I Pryor what the laborer asgps to i W B. Raierty Robert G. Ramsay sucessc He wear~s a slk bat n CampWbell Robertson diamond horseshoo,_ the eemz~Ines of J. W. Ruwitch Sol J. Schnitz 31~fB I i deric G. Telmos Isces i'n~ x. a ,. .~ And this attitude is not confined tO ~sSTFFthe. laborer alone. We, are all idol B110 )t im worshippers. Some of uis revere a.- terial accom plishment, others intel- ;MANAGER lecttal, according to the turn of our J. PARKER minds. Being imperfect ourselves, We -- attempt to set up someone else as per- John _ . Hamel, Jr. fe in ..V Wal ter K. Scherer fcin ,'. d d dab near half froze, Blw~by doze. llewm b loe ;!ill-fConfervei1m'FrP,a Tf You lie017dut2101 ~~ lioncut. T"OS , is envm comOishments or perfect'Or. s of Oth- chaactr i en-e orebrought back to lif'e through '. ' sirit of rever- rence which a ll fitzens1),f the country heartowrd Iic neoinory of "Honest Abe"- The,,re