SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY 01 They have argued the governmlent , 14je fut~tp t V t out of oending detectives to the op0. They hays distributed their pictureso OFFICIAL NIEWSlPAPIE0R'Of TlE UNI- broadcast to the preOct throughoout the V ESIfY OP MICIGAN1 Po) h'Ise o51 bsiystote ood eation. In foct they hae5 % On lib TfileSDante dorin lbhonieslty yea by te Badindovoted two hoors a day religiously Let (lhaperens Be CotoIfI slPb 0to posing for photographers. Theirs lniteeCriled. is the life of the bearers of respon- i ep MEMBER OF THlE: ASSOCIATED IPRSS TibiHipy The Associaled Press is exclusively entiled"hetmeuaicm to lie use for epus~bliaon 0of l news dis The J-I-Top this year io more gorgTetee oecm polchesscedited toit1 oso) oilheise cre1)101 000 and resplendetthOa anyof tlbsj when all Doubt turo in Ibis poper and also tlIoalnews published herein. post. And 00s)we dance laed drecm aside fromo the pursuit let us rememuber and be -rstfol S of ltoe elusive knowl- Enteed a)ttoe pstolf'ce at Ano Arboe,Nlih thle loard-o-srksiosg memsbers of theceige aled tate up thej igas, assoond cOlas atr k l bihe ieo ie Oomce: Aoo Arbor OPress Bildng. commieottee swhoshaveCmade tfbs.Juoorbihtr dko ie Pbooes: Buoines, 96os; Editorial, 24x4. IHop of fh loes1s)5 of 1924 unrivalledlnl The J-Hop 10 at hand, loocess.,andthe dress loot Maoagiog lEdilor..- Slse.Maio 0. Stabhl _______ _m eo10sbt b e remolved Bosioesos Monagere..-....Albert 3. Psrer- r iolls thoecedao coesot have forty-sneoperating lulnchromsorelobaltuk withoin a radius of thsree blscks from Am1ysteriouss telephoone numuber moot Watermanu;gymsswlischoyouoshouldnotbe caslledIlls price ornI delivery ar-I EITORSmi.roaoged.Ilsoors of preparatione, toogg-11 1 "'Say It With Flowers" GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS 220 Chopin Street PHONE 809-Fl ANN ARBOR, MICH. I'1 Ralph N. Byers AssislanisSWAYING RHYTHMtS Ray A. Billiogtse, Thosmas N. b'isle, As the fairylaod atmosphlere of thse John Garliughouoe, Edward J. Niggles, wvhole scene pervlades ysor soul, geefleo John Mc~innis, Stanley MI. Haxter, Hlopper, base yc-ot slspptsd 15 think, Frederic Telos, Kfennelto Kellar. hosv muchel of the effeot os cauised by ________________________________olusio-? From thoe fthrill of "Voetors" ts floe lineering notles of floe laost sybIl BUISINESS 1JIANAGIEE floe orchIestras wveave fhisr spell so Laurence If. Favrot hoaremsey, of freedom from s-arc, and Assistants iosppiecc N. D. Armantrant, James A. Dryer, Wifto a single stroke of floe baton Eugene L. Dunne, Wallace Floswer, jthecy carry the yielding imaginatios~s D. L. Pierce, George Rockwood, Ken- {Iof fifteen. hooloored odano-ers roving fo neth Seick. ISpainl, to the Oricnt, ftle Souofland,-- es-er intferminglinog aI costantl thoreaoo SATURDAY, FNBRUARY 15, 19235 of mlelodoy end lose. Meaonswhile tle ______________________________ muoffled stroke of the drumes brats out J-HOP '24the ominous note of passing floe, J-IdO, 24Feet oove to swasying rhythmlos. Avaunt, Gloom! Do gsonoe, Sorrow! Hetarts answer to yearning harmoneies. This io a time of Joy anod Merrimueft, Imalginatonos fisre amoid entraocong and only they, wifto thoeir boon coom- melodoes. panion Moirtho and Pleasure, will be D~rumls are to keep toome eot fs tell granted adomitance to the royal halls' its flighot. Then Ill witho floe dance, whoerein floe lords and ladies of the let us twirl on bhe svhirl. J-Hop celebrate thoio hoabopy occasion.l The student of yesterday is the cavalier of tooday. The pursuit of joy Tor oehl-ileIoofl tfo and the chase after gaiety-thoese are Rob. Approximatlely fifty-thoree loor- the talks which he hoas set himeself. russeol punchblowls will be returned They have filled his dreams for many Monoday mornong. weeks, and cast a spell of charm and witchery over the dark snd somber SMYTHIE MIXES IN days of examinations. From thoe be- Not befog a Junior himself, and yet spectacled, book-laden apprentice of curious to see joust whato Michigan'sj pedagogical tyranfs be has been trans- greatest sociaol functison -aas like, formed now info a modern Prince 1Smythe managed to get a ticket Gharming. He has bravely overcome thrugh a frienod whlo happenedl to the wiles and snares of donning social belsng to the class of '24. The in- armor which confront floe uninitiated. cident was the occasion for conesod- Barbers, manicurists, tailors and bank- erable folk amonig lois frienods; boot ers have been hoo slaveo, and mows ftoaf soon passed of~f, so Smsythie he makes a bid for thoe spotlighot of scraped floe r'usf froom lois Taxedo anol attentions, and is outrivoslled by only prooceeodeod tso jil 0h rhoirong. one. On entering Wate~rman~ gym Smythe, His guest, the fair Miss J-Htopper, not boeing uosedo 10crowdos, ws ast5- has imported the perfumes of Persia, toundled it the seethinlg mass of the silks of the Orient and the gowns humanity in each other's airms. Anod of Paris-and so svo find bier a maiden ftoen too, floe olecorationes ciomple'tely of heauty and charm, the favourite of (baffled bile. lHe hail thiooglit flis ws the gods. Lsughter aed smiles are a gymonasium. Soytheo swas just absoutt her implements de guerre, weapons to tiorn soil lessve, -alen to his sur- which even the sternest men fear to o rise lois siooso was graspedo by n1000 challenge. She dances wvith the grace oilier thaone oior iild frienod, Clarence of a woodlsnd nymph, truly a daugho- !Giblega. Clarence urgeod Smoyfheos t ter of Terpsichoore. sticke ft bot.,i 5an 151501e1150 timoe telloig The Hop-it is thoeirs. The revelry that lie, Clarence, ssas undouboltedly' and the mirth, floe jollity and floe mer- ;the lilt of thr evening. riment-who dares to covet these gifts The scilon sot the O.'-Mega's lced fie from Olympus? Let mortals be gay, bewileredl Smyothe is the boosthi oilo h oshv odcreadnn hc rfesrMr a hprn may gainsay the verdict of thle fin- They foiled floe smoling poarenlt emain- mortals! laining a close gouard over the puncs-li leg asouwssearing--- at last floe Hop, Dancing, cioatting and dancing from 11005 'till ftwo, anod the space betwveen; ts-o semesters has been filleod and an- oilier Hill added to the list, Still a good toime had by ooll. Rtegrets. A lm-aiden fair Received a bid; lHe'dbet her Ice The lucky bold, To lie J-Hop Oh! Csould she go? Mohter ssoid, "Yes'. Father saidl, "No". 'T'heni slown she sost, Too pen a loots; 'Tscpitliflul, What sloe wrote: "RudiiolphlOdearest, I've beard your call; 'Mlothoer's for us, Blat 'tis not all. Pa sugested Thiat yoou might buy- I i-set svrite it, I a o shy. Hut Ibis is it, Muodesty hll! j Pao is bankrupt, I Dead bsroko that spells. You buy the tickets, IBosthofoainand lHop; I'll biring just me, Wat say, of' top?' --BURNSIDE. 'rie Spirit off the Party. Start with Correct Stationery to Make Your Dance a Success! More and more echI year the importance of correft stationaery is being recognized. The proper style of invitation and dance programe, its comlposition anod rorrectness is appreciated by tihose of good taste... We specialize ill tho plannsing and engrav- ing of correct stationery for all ocfasions. I ie Mayer-Schairer Co. Stationers ::Printers ::Bookbinders PHONE 14114 112 SO. MAIN ST. ' i A gif t appreciated your photograph Telephone 6o4- W for an appointment Portraits 619 East Liberty Street Pcrhapis lis s 'y eefliers, bperhaps blot. If you id not1sfsee ftheooodoonot be too coolre theo' vwereboost theroe. If they! ssr ir'h~ere' o-ils youa, you could not see them,.01110if ithcy ssere not with ouu lihe onoly wasy yeauroooldlabsoliotely say they ii cre ltsers was to hasve down cd ilhemo, allo tfheso you swould not care (5 greast deaol if they svere thoere or not. Si-isi people spoke to them, others howl Itre lsrnceoeloohos-oh on s a dlebats.. 'Tis true that eome men Some poets are born immortal, coomoanion to Harold the humorist, hoave thoeir ow'n stocke, others acquire others achieve immortaloty, and still svho acknowsledlged lie Introdouctione it, and somes has's it thrust upon them.' others endure through annual reap- switho a typical Haroldean remearks. "NocesI pearance in the programs of floe Jo- dance, eho? Itop to if, old timer."** nbc Hop.Then a beauiful msidsn flittedl osrioss 'O"e wll disl coy this evidence', said ni _________ h lor tofoeootcod.ynl thoo be prohibition officer tipping up a LEST WE FORGET-GOMMITTEEI face to face svitho fle prioflsthse ! sbottle. Amid thoe whirl and csrefulness ot OtMega clan, this charming Cosesdil.* the J-Hop, let us not forget the menHednessohhradsletolomEn.JJnp who wear a ribbon marked 'Cm;oin the wonderfuol grades she had re- "almuost me-a, Tuxedos for rent!' nmittee". On their shouldems rests the! ceived and hummoed snatches of 11 A card board shirt to the laundryl wolToih Irovafore in Isis ear. sent- Itwso hyr olrud tooeibsket Througehout the remoaonder of this Gatherong duost ems cracked patentI hall coach into giving op Waterman eing, while gay laughing coule~s shooeo, gym or dayor o. I wa the wh danedoerrily past Isis booth, Smythie A psocket f'.ask full of colorless booze. gym foroatdayeortso.eItvwassthey whcodanof bought miles of varicolored huntingcnfoudtsev ashescrtf and rtrung it oip. They traveled to Coedde unltil midnight, swhen he como-Toss coldsswild ride to the Gym, the ultimate extremes of floe nation plained of a hesadaoches,coolbiddieg tIe, a tifty three waist, in a thhrty to bring hack the best of orchiestras.rhrgobe rcamdt h mln lm They made seven hundred friends inI mooen that he was no longer an ash- Shoe, in a dress, mslnus front and hack, distributing tickets, and seven thou- vocate of the theory of a status qu00oIRouged, red lipo-that have started to sand enemies when there ssere n or seen crack. more tickets left, For weeks they have devoted thoeir Hop. Skip and Juomp! Hsp all night' A crimmson garter as a memo. energies to a system wsherebsy the tonight, Ship breaksiast, sold Jomp the "Dottledl losBond' labels-in an H-hook Grand March might ho shortened. For very last train Sumday,? to go hours they have explored this poetry -lBidding egoodbye, long about noon, of ages searching for new rhymes Mid you think floe Grand March wase The J-Htop is over-perhaps none too for the program and have concluded bong? Yoa should hase been on it last noon. by sticking to the traditional ones.I year! 0 --REGNITTE. TINKER & COMPANY South Slate Street at William Street Announce the opening of Spring imported and domestic Woolens. Exclusive patterns for your approval - Season 1923- New ideas in Foulard amsd Englisll Gum Twill Neck- wear are now shaowing. See the new assortment of white collar attached shirts just received. The home of better Clothes and Furnishings at Fair Prices