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February 10, 1923 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-02-10

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V O L . X X X I II . A N N A O O R M I C H I G A N , S A T T " D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 1 0 , 1 9 2 3 . 1 1 1 R < - T N C E N T . l f w
4 0 L
Hleaddresses of All Miodes Wern; Lant oers tensid I Iines of Eivergreeni
hiaianese Ilecorations rives .AritXist ic L~ighting
Dielighta I let
By Hrty D. H Se. Scinillatin with twauty, a festive
Georgeous settings! Softly enticing wol sssu11nnioldes itlself tla't night to the
music and thse radiant smoiles of beau-' J-Holp revelIsis. to a setting of select
tifuilly gownsed women! Subdlued lighsts iiew seJpa as laitt the choicest
shaedding their tins illumsinations re- sit Pairisia usfasioin shos . Amid
fletn onattraas setn ce-sins of music5 whsos' msetoty created
fletin ona.thosan dazlng rea h ,sis sstsoshetre so haroniiy witts the
tions of the modiste's art! Eyes W eetteise osf the1' oiiiti and floe
shackling and faces hushed with exult- I Otspendo ofi the desortos, the guests
ant adorsstion of the muse, Terpsi- R sorted 5 ias si-t
chore!!. Pastel shadts nmeltinsg intoj Formsing 'a l'sri bulotc M s" 50sssit tss, the isisouoesss stu e anu lIIp paussed a noosnit last nighst at ttsIsihetssttseeesig
eind of thse graind nmarchs wvisle a ftashlisghtsicstusre is sotakess sithie sscriot The three orchestrass then resumed !and isas squase ott y it byt tsrhe sdignity
vivisd ands stasrtling hues, glistening, tplaving ansi thse guests, gathsered fross msoure tthan 10 states constinusest danscing usi the "homse wattz" at 2:30 iasuitquirt ofi the iforma'l. No sosoner
silver givinig waiy to shismmnering gold coktimonnhdneftetworesasnte
--a glorious riot of cnlor!-Memories-- hlstre yn sis' tiisedsri the s
al eois Strikeiing nmodels of unusual length I...I PIIESTS I noet t egwtEtaEhescn
marked the trend of Dame Fashion at JUNIOR CLASSES EXTEN D aJJIUIC HOPILI I JL 1f CAUSES P0STP0NEXE'XT Btegan blindisng withi the dying notes
Mtichigan's l'affaire grandle last night WEVILCOMLE TO 7-10P GLESTS 01ryO' W ISCONSIN COURIT GAME thssfne titIisaanede'
inWtra n abu ynsi _____9 TISi ATIHNIONt fio of melody. ttop guests cannot
inms Watermant aond Hfarbour gymnas- To the guest' who attend the OPR II1JfllIl4IMlilgan's Varsity basketball fogti
1924oufn giis fvn-ooe J-Hop the junior classes game with Wisconsin which was Mason and Dixons be'an the dancing
taffeta, wre a striksing contrast to the 1924
more evisdent draped model, of georg-; of the University extend a nmost SEYLINTEENTI U'NION PRODUC- to have been played tonight hoe of the eveing 'awits notes ot jazz. But
ette and lace. : hearty welconse. The claisses 110'ION 0 ilt CGIVEN AT II'1'MY ben postponed until Wednes- 'twos shuut' itd elsassesd whsen a clarion
Greeni is Prevalent Color have supported the work of the 'lTHEATERI TIODAY day, Feb. 14, due to the condition sosiided the wis ngsotfsi the grand
Gres rsntelgtpastoral big formal through their repro- oh the floor of Waterman gym- natiV tss esisiue h
tnstsleanviishdsse- seistatives ever since prelsara- IyIeri. oarynasiumn folowing the Hop. danttrs hail hiecisse a rainbow of col-
ed to tie ini fasvor. The lack of many tions for it begain. They have Guests fronm all ports of the country A refusail to ploy the game to- i~ h iii~lsi 1tebus 11
start' goins was quite markeed. Bril- hoped that thseir Hop nmighst be siill wiltness the lost performance of night was received from Coach uwas iiisie, the clitk of the mingus pie-
lin rtso sgets encrs, the biggest ever, that guests Mh eetesiau:t iinoea Seanswell, of Wisconsin, who tsre camsera wa. heard, the pictture of
orian ro i s maegga slena weripe- who attendent ita might carry, away evaesn ronds tkn full shea jof
ochnt amng honseg whoe were sofa-1 woatnitmgtcrywy "In m~d Ot" at 2L:25 orictec this after: said that the seaxed condition of teeeiges ii si h o
valet aongthoe wh wee s fa- 1 the choicest memories of a sue- noson at. tie Witneusy thseater. E. Mor- the dloor would prove a handicap mtesruddit ulsao
oredl by natsire by 'oniplexions which cessful party. tiumer Stistei' directer of th rdc to both teams and would make 5ooii
would~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bseoftoavnaeia(Prsdnso irpoiethttiwilsras ladagru.In the smaller gymnasiumi through
wouldan' hox sete off tot adatg'naI -Peiet o rsose htti tl 51 pa agruthe entie evesing were gathered
goon of one of thest more striking lI tho Junior Classes, al ofteohe 11roracswhc ih
color. Lssg wasts ere mch i .s the ther20 peforsssuce whih 1 ichign'sgextsgme ibwith guess hbe tierIsuI roup pitepemie
colors._Longwai-tsweremuchin were given dlurinig the Chsristms -v cii- Mlinesota Moinday night.
_________________ ________________ . r fromi the Shst Sisith's
evidence, with neckes moderately high. 1_____________ ______ tion. ;__ ___________..saxophoni~e sextetts' ITheir entrancing
Ports says' that it is passe to woear tun n utE I~f nar 'he operti performi'i is 0n 1h lit issegtiri~ss lise I a
stasrt hair withi oug antI dirsted eve- J y tIIJIJ /j ofJjJ i todays 5 i'iili'tiiiict yor nerly al EflfrII ersa~o 'its Dsui~xoni, sit Kentucky,
ziisg go'ivms--tsosever the fair guests i f 11 o~ arisadth har DRY 9IT(Li 1.1LNT sait the Isyion slsiseressadtrs, of t'enn-
ahe Ho dec ifre motr ie Bosno - ha iihs beens nerly comipletsely sold out. 1U((1U00L ss lais i ts e gmaim, vied
]led air as byfar ore cmmonthan phiotogratph tsakens by hrusitsi's sit Mssusy si t Isis attenisng hae' seesn thejwihecotrinhirfotsoe-
highor.eoor ratelaborias.e c eaoirss-r0:15ocheaddressis-lit!slireraefsbe eidrieean itd'iliteisle liserionJamsret.tDvis-heaisieisotrsearlmsilier.iDabs'irsisetadt en
10:5 'coc lstnihti's~slirs thei 'usts.1 Nows sait them a
es forniesd a necessary part to maniy',igti potnt fsen taan eea rhbto ocso ihgn
1A Daily repireseintative carryisng a thsossstssl i isi taantiea iosbt ocso tesig pseuilightit dssce ztusit tos the tispir-
of the imosre strikeing gowns. Stony of tetos e it p sis snito "thse realsm of stated yesterday' to a representative of iii lte i si sui
the sisisple frockts swould have beeis' print of the picture, staited liii Ge- 1ThDal-ttnophitonofcr iolefcsofhemi.
P pist opers. s 1h lkslrooy tha node prhiitononcs
completely overs'hadoswed by the more troit at 1t o'clocke in a special ear Clever Singinmg and lD'ncisg' Good. swould attend the 2-H-op.Itiiiii 5..iiii'eli
elabrat ons i no se of b is-furnshe bytheHigwayy Bs crn-Tie alt roms resissblld 'y garsden
elbrt nsi ststo-b i-rihby y h ihv u on Singing and dansring, a plot wichl After several days of conflicting of Japan, i is silt ting produced
tinctive and individu.a1 hair ornaments., pony ovesrflosss svith hunior, elaborate statesisents regarding the presence of by thise sit~ Of siso 1 slsre overhead
Oriental hseaddresses of pearls andj The J1. S. Van Alolyne 'ngravin" gwso and scenersy, and lieasutifl' federal authorities at the party, and'ahis
brillants ied wth Sanishcombs comany rceive theprintsoon fterhung ih ill io:. Cwsei l
briitats ies wih Osansh onos, copan r eivd fi ptis 'oss fte 'Niris", alt roinsed, 'ire tie reasons ohichs aroused the indignation of the soins Oni a bris rossund ot green.
golden ansd silver leaves, and feathers iniight ansi the engraving isis nmade sos shut Ippulacity o1 "In and Gist. The Hosp comnmittee, Director Davis 0n sj Arouisd the isiritir sistne out Jsapanese
to present their owvner's nosot strils- 'and russhed ba ck to Ann Airsor swhere stosr is 1lid iii Hollandi asid Ness nosuced that he never had the least plissie floswers, smsilax snd instite Or-
ingly. Long earrings, many in con- lit svas locked in the fornms at 40 o'clock Voile Witietisina, a little Hutch girt, intention of sending any of his men iental lanterin s omo tlse shades of the
tr.aof to the colors of the gowns, "were for the second edition flis nmorning. inst Jimmsis Van, an Arneriscan tourist, to the affair, or of interfering sith : nth

greatly 'sorn. Slippers and hose cur- 1 In this sway the guests of the 19t24 fal11 in love u-title the lstter to trasvel the flop in any way.V uuns
resossld iit tme olrs o foeJuiorHo sereprvie iit aling in tHollaind. Mlicissel, the ori-inal Slr. Davis said, howvever, that there Telighting effects weeartistical
gonn in moot cases, and the contraot-' photograph of the biggest social event fissncee of ilietlsina, givs o er sip wvould be agents in Ann Arbor to watch poue yteoeo leJpns
in efetsser ethrbrugt utb o te a wenthy rseths aond s falls in love swith Kite, and lIa- for bootleggers, lanterns sspensded from the ceilings
girdles, fans or headdresses. ing. class Jimmy0's fiances, also inda Irus o the booths and the canopy of the
MisCiisIadosl end I --- '' oeesit r.CHIMES ISSUES (gymnasiunso. In the larger gymnas-
in Elorizer h ofoh Chsilds, th. charm- Am-- - ises Scores Hit. polmtes caopyred f' meh lsom bando
igprnroJonP. Lawton, chair-{ G ets~ Lionel iento, '24, as Nilheirnin., and J-HOP NUMBER 'mtecnp -sfrodo mo
man of the Mopws1 adool N iiO Airisir Hldien, '24, as Jin'ny, aie cx-
gown-Ied in a loug goun of tangearine ; Iri 0 Sae ettlent in the leasding roles Potts Chimes, canmpus opinion nmonthly,gre;ithsnilr ynuauate
, Fr m 3 Sttesceiling swas madie of int' of evergreen
georgette enibroidered w'ith pearl amid expert dancers, amid pleasing, singers Is published a special number for
crystal bead.. The effect of the coo- "" '' they w'on high favoir with alltIhe sdistribution at the J-Hop and at the! (Cwaonhnedbutlersipesinuetsfotmr thr onsaesadineswo Peage hm e- oseprte tdy.Fhtrs)fth
and hsose and a simple hut effective! u'ere listed ini the 2924 J-1hdop guest form. Amiss has received more in- Issue include an article by John P. DANCE AT UNION TODAY
heasddress of siver ribbon, list. In the opinion amid record' 011 dividuas. 1press notice: than any other ,Lawton, '24, on the work of the 19241
President Marion L. Burton and Irs.: the committee, this is the largest re- Eamnateur college actor, anid hiss been J-Hop committee; two articles in Smith's OSxathone Orchestra will
Burton, ivith many of the adminiotra- presentation of stastes the flop hiss ;loudest by some as the reood Julian burlesque style dealing iwith "Good }play for the informals d.ancing party
five officials of the University, attend- I ever had. In addition to those coming Eltinge. Pehavior at the Hop" by Leo J. Hersh- to be held fronm 2:20 to a:30 in the
esd mid maun- joinesd in saytug that the I from different ports of thts country, 'C. J. Dresbach,'24, Buckley Rotbbins, dorfer, '22, and Thornton W. Sargent, Iassembly hall of this Michsigans Uion
affair u-as one of the most pheasant there will ho a numober of guests from '23, anid Sheruwood Juidson, '25, have grad., and "House Parties" by Leo J. !this afternoon. The orchsestra comes
they had ever attended, lauding the variou~s parts of Ontario, Canada. the m'ain esumedy purto in the pro- Hsrshdorfer, '23; and tuwo pages of here fromu Lexington, Ky., for the o-
quiet decosraionus a' a fitting back-I - dictio. The bosh uas uritten by illustrations. cssin
'ground for the brillianut kaleidoscopic I What aim efficient cusunnittee'. Even Edwin R. Sheiss, '2.3, and the music anmd' House parties may obtain copies of IThe dance i' spen for general mem-
hues of the gowmns ain st the snore I the government detectives couldn't get lyrtcs' by Meiss amid lyron B. Sehon, jthis nunber by phoning the Chimes bership. Tickets muay be had at the
'sobsr attire of the men, into th Hop without a ticket. I (Continued on Patge Eight) business office in the ffress building, I door for $1 per coope,

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