SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN "DUTCH CLEANSER" DANCE I1 .) WHITNEY THEATRE 1 Monday, February HENRY W. SAVAGE oFrers "5-DluVoadyloBiIe j 30 AME RIS AT O ITEY wYO r S(CENE 1ROM "IN ANI)OT" 1923 111I11IGAN { UNtION OPE RA. WHII'H THE 13 PRES]NTEID TIlS AFTERNOON AT Tr1IlE WIIIP7 NEY1f1T1EATIREFOR 1T lE B11112 .A.IT OF J-I1102 GUESTS. ni~~ Julrr C Kamer eroit; Helen l itshorgiPa.; (an:: latiAlton a C rcsoAnAro;iloie Luir 1 il I Be iJA AVULatetI1 shon 7U7 PU-Dl~a's UOU1ILI LockNewYork, N.Y; Florence Rpids;Frne':Siroet110oLtetFahon fo Prs II ton, Sal Ste. Marie; Ktherine Ains~Glri;EoeeSeeJcs-'UlcHrn ) JPIE Icuig a:Lwe1o2.5 acoy$.0,$.5 11 worth, Bttle Creek; Shirley S Sls- (oninord on Pat'e ig i bury, Petoskey; Isabelle Waterwort, Booth.4' Pi 41 U psilIonandilZea Psi Detroit; M sWl la .L Fa sA n' C ap r s - Mr. R H. W tsa-lllln1lilllt11111111111Ire. 5A'Glia11111111111 11. Food,1111111Ann1ll'l1111111er111111111111ire I. B-Wts Arhor. Adlriani; Mrs' . I . Smt ak o -111111 II~11Illlllln~l11B1I~II illlllllllllli, Jacliene, -1~l11111II1I1111111111111 -SIr and Airs. 'William:tomistock, lDe- Bootho41--Alpha Pin Omega t ro t. Guest he Mises Irbarat C'haprn-Mr . 9.J. Anierso ran 1oSchi'id, Ja"lsen:; Phobe Jan (oreOWF y-l Nw lyig _ timore, Md. GoososThe Misses Pt-,iwell, Ann: Arboir; lflie Thixton, oos-= Yellow :Men "Yellow- Men - ty Andersoon, Baltimore, Mul.; J ane rvile, IK;., Virginia Belding, Newed od Birigg, Detroilt; tlarice Casadly, Mo- York, N. Y.; Virginia Field, Jackson; and Gold" adGl. lint, Ill.; Mrthia Gibson, Youn~gs- llaetl Morrill, Grand Rapitlo; - tow'n, 0.; oris amou:nod, Lansin~g; len'::Rt:ct, Juris:::; Geneieve Elbwh ot, ':levelanrgi:: Ca t cLeItierltitle;o, ruio Be" toliiatJaeo:, Ctroit;T IN G S U N D A Y !! : lie tMelhi::, Detr:il Arl le IlManning, to:, didnI; etty'lr slGrnd= ington, Ky;. ; tuth. Rost, Da:yon, 0.; Mar;- Josephlin:e C'ollins,. Detroit; Mar- Caherine Rtottier, Granid Rapids; thaI::r:::.'e:r, Fo:rt Wayne, 1Ind.; Mil- Merry W:gner, Ionia. tred'Tay lr, Mlusegon; Viin: lar- - -- -gatido, I;' tCity; Annme Itoh, Sagi-'_ Btooths 41-Chi Phi itw; Kathterine: Bowen, Bluftfalo,N. P'lapero::s Mr. antI trn. Walter F. Y.; Juliet Ilcuikie, etroit._y Truetlner, Beeme:er.Ce - The Misse 'tOGle:na L. 5: lilil, Coilumbus, Boot12 0 -A 11 ,lith mho Phift A 0.; Friltelyn Sm:ith, Wagoner, Oklal., t'lChaperon:.-tMr. J. . Ston~e, e- - Eleanor Museloaehn~, Travserae tity; tnot; Mr. andlr.IW. I. Stnle, Ann: Elizabeth Pike, etroit; Contance Arbotr. Cieslv -'lhe Misses Arlene MacDonald Sioux Falls, S..Dol.; Cor- Sunerlin, Niles; Kitty Broadhead,=-c nelia Shepherd, Chlebioygani; Florence O:'etroit; 22:11: Veriirl;'ea, An:: Arbor; CJonoDtotMaieWleosMlrGadRpd;ucnaMuskegon; Roll: Ma, IDetrot; bali A. Slout, Vermnontvile. Booth 47 Phi Tan TeSoeos fHsoyRnakd Plaeosl'il-o ut ~s " The age of Romance, Chivalry, Adventure, transplanted A. Mikle, Ann Arbior. Guests The Misses MalolM. Kidow, Tolcdo, (.; fo wlt etr utadnuihdi h eiso Bernice M. tCooley, Sagminw;'ITheresa:ra rittl t lsosfrh t agreu pcal Worden, Ann Arbo:r, Brnite S in:::ic NOW PLAYING C tatsttl=tbosmsfrhit oreu pcal Almosnt; Alice L. Guetseh: ow, Detroit;1_(f TIwentieth century realism! NatalieJordanBerrieniSpi::gs; inn nin ontAtedrybaiflov IHIlen: Wodru, SltrePllegePa.;b ~ ~ tnelybatfllv Franes V I'~s '":oe'li l::t H12:story in thte midst of march- Kircher, Aim Aror; Evelyn M.10SmithI I N= ing crutsdes, the clash of An:: Arbor; Dotris Beeic ero it;I TH G:LPI:2I broadswords the hum ofx Hnershot, riortilty I THEGALOPNGsinging arrows, Robin= van, Wahington, 1. t; 1auy Pobb. !_lood and his band, Maid Escainabha; Cristinoa Hicl B Romeo; STARTING SUNDAY Mra-n hrprl Grayce R. John.son, A::::Aror ainadhrprl H e rbe rt Sherwood Forest and Claperous- II:'.andMs os .l1 t rewowt apel eritGtis-T11heRa snSr f ' the Sheriff of famed_ es Flizabeth Albee',0:etroit; Jea:: I N= Nottingham Town. nette Allue, Ietroit; Fliznchth IBek- n- - with, Saginaws',Corrine Blrockway,' DONT SHOOT" Dletroit; Edith Donbhet, Laklewouod,0, _________________ ALLcA? DUJAT f LANGROCK'S ________ Fine Clothes 5_ SCHEDULI E' t 1111IPI~lRACIIPIN c -- Snday Showsl 3 -- 7 -9Week Days 2 -4- 7-9 Tailored at New Haven lb lhe exessiveoct and ecxeptonal quality of for-- mato pricee in most c i'.atd ite consequential coal to us, mai', ee: ry t he folowing lprices: Distnctie ColegeMen i _Sundays and Evenings 75c- 110 S UIVRSTY= Week Day Matinees 50a Kiddies 25 1107 S. UNIVERS1TY __________________ 111I~1111111i 11111~iI1I1111111llllllllltlllli i Illlltll: IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiln ltlllllll11111[IlllllllllilllllllIlltl11111111111111U/lllllln IIIIIII IIn