PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 ;tJ DU il.U 00 They have argued the government out of srending detectives to the Hop. They have distributed their pictures OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNI- broadcast to the press throughout the VERSITY OF MICHIGAN state and nation. In fact they have Published every smoreieg exeept Meedey during thed tUiersity year by the Boud i devoted two hours a day religiously Control of Student Publications. to posing for photographers. Theirs is the life of the bearers of respon- MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sibility. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- The J-Hop this year is more gorge- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited ous and resplendent than any of tho in this paper and also the local news published herein. past. And as we d ance and dream let us remember and be grateful to Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- the hard-working members of the gan, as tseod clots mtter. Ofices:seAns Arbor Press Building. committee who have made the Junior Phones: Business, o6e; Editorial, 2414. Hop of the class of 1924 unrivalled in Managing Editor ............ Marion B. Stahl j Business M anager...........Albert J. Parker Have you seen the campus? We have forty-one operating lunchrooms within a radius of three blocks from Waterman gym which you shouldn't EDITOR miss. Ralph N. Byers Assistants SWAYING RHYTHMS Ray A. Billington, Thomas E. Fiske, As the fairyland atmosphere of the John Garlinghouse, Edward J. Higgins, whole scene pervades your soul, gentle John McGinnis, Stanley M. Baxter, Hopper, have ycz stopped to tbink Frederic Telmos, Kenneth Kellar. how much of the effect is caused by music? From the thrill of "Victors" to the lingering notes of the last waltz1 BUSINESS MANAGER the orchestras weave their spell of Laurence H. Favrot harmony, of freedom from care, and Assistants happiness.j E. D. Armantrant, James A. Dryer, With a single stroke of the baton Eugene L. Dunne, Wallace Flower, they carry the yielding imaginationsI D. L. Pierce, George Rockwood, Ken- of fifteen hundred dancers roving to neth Seick. Spain, to the Orient, the Southland,-1 ever intermingling a constant thread I AA '. Y I Ir i; z n I° i I i OAST DRLL' On With The rance Let Chaperons Be Unconcerned. The Eop. The time has come when all must turn aside from the pursuit of the elusive knowl- edge and take up the brighter side of life.j The J-Hop is at hand, and the dress suit in u s t b e removed from the cedar chest or moth ball trunk. A mysterious telephone number must be called, the price and delivery ar- ranged. Hours of preparation, ttugg ng and swearing-- at last the Hop. Dancing, chatting and dancing from nine 'till two, and the space between wo semesters has been filled and an- other Hop added to the list. Still a good time had by all. Regrets. A maiden fair Received a bid; He'd let her be The lucky kid. To the J-Hop Oh! Could she go? Mother said, "Yes' 'Say It With Flowers" GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS 220 Chapin Street PHONE 809-Fl ANN ARBOR, MICH. i i I 1 I Start with Correct Stationery to Make Your Dance a Success! More and more each year the importance of correct stationery is being recognized. The proper style of invitation and dance program, its composition and correctness is appreciated by those of good taste. . . We specialize in the planning and engrav- ing of correct stationery for all occasions. Ihe Mayer-Schairer Co. Stationers :: Printers :: Bookbinders PHONE 1404 112 So. MAIN ST. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1923 1 of melody and love. Meanwhile the Father said, No. muffled stroke of the drums beats out the ominous note of passing time, Then down she sat, JTMOP, '24 Feet move to swaying rhythms. To pen a note; Avaunt, Gloom! Be gone, Sorrow! Hearts answer to yearning harmonies. 'Tis pitiful, This is a time of Joy and Merriment, Imaginations flare amid entrancing What she wrote: and only they, with their boon com- melodies. panion Mirth and Pleasure, will be Drums are to keep time not to tell "Rudolph dearest, granted admittance to the royal halls its flight. Then on with the dance, I've heard your call; wherein the lords and ladies of the let us twirl in the whirl. Mother's for us, J-Hop celebrate this happy occasion. But 'tis not all. The student of yesterday is the cavalier of today. The pursuit of joy There are fifty-three booths at the Pa suggested and the chase after gaiety-these are Hop. Approximately fifty-three bor- That you might buy- the tasks which he has set himself. rowed punchbowls will bereturned I can't write it, They have filled his dreams for many Monday morning. I am so shy. weeks, and cast a spell of charm and witchery over the dark and somber SMYTHE MIXES IN But this is it, days of examinations. From the be- Not beng a Junior himself, and yet Modesty hell! spectacled, book-laden apprentice of curious to see just what Michigan's Pa is bankrupt, pedagogical tyrants he has been trans- greatest social function was like, Dead broke that spells. formed now into a modern Prince Smythe managed to get a ticket Charming. He has bravely overcome through a friend who happened to You buy the tickets, the wiles and snares of donning social belong to the class of '24. The in- Both train and Hop; armor which confront the uninitiated. cident was the occasion for consid- I'll bring just me, Barbers, manicurists, tailors and bank- erable talk among his friends; but What say, ol' top?" ers have been his slaves, and now that soon passed off, so Smythe --BURNSIDE. he makes a bid for the spotlight of scraped the rust from his Tuxedo and attention, and is outrivalled by only proceeded to join the throng. The Spirit of the Party. one.On entering Waterman gym Smnythe, His guest, the fair Miss J-Hopper, not being used to crowds, was as- has imported the perfumes of Persia, tounded at the seething mass of the silks of the Orient and the gowns humanity in each other's arms. And of Paris-and so we find her a maiden then too, the decorations completely of beauty and charm, the favourite of baffled him. He had thought this was the gods. Laughter and smiles are a gymnasium. Smythe was just about her implements de guerre, weapons to turn and leave, when to his sur- which even the sternest men fear to prise his arm was grasped by none Perhaps they were there, perhaps challenge. She dances with the grace other than our old friend, Clarence nt. If you did not see them don't be of a woodland nymph, truly a daugh- 0 Mega. Clarence urged Smythe to too sure they were not there. If they ter of Terpsichore. stick it out, and wasted no time telling were there with you, you could not The Hop-it is theirs. The revelry that he, Clarence, was undoubtedly see them, and if they were not with and the mirth, the jollity and the mer- the hit of the evening. you the only way you could absolutely riment-who dares to covet these gifts The scion of the O.Mega's led thle Osay they were there was to have down from Olympus? Let mortals be gay, bewildered Smythe to the booth of ed them, and then you would not care for the gods have so decreed, and none which Professor Mort was chaperon. a great deal if they were there or not. may gainsay the verdict of the im- They found the smiling parent main- Some people spoke to them, others mortals! taining a close guard over the punch talked with them, and others carried bawl. Here Clarence introduced his on a debate. 'Tis true that some men Some poets are born immortal, companion to Harold the humorist, have their own stock, others acquire others achieve immortality, and still who acknowledged the introduction it, and some have it thrust upon them. others endure through annual reap- with a typical Haroldean remark. "Nices earance in the programs of the Ju- dance, eh? Hop to it, old timer." Then a beautiful maiden flitted across "We till distry tis evidence", said alec Hop. the floor to the booth, and Symthe was the prohibition officer tipping up a face to face with the pride of the bottle. LEST WE FORGET-COMMITTEE O.Mega clan, the charming Coedde.p Amid the whirl and carefulness ofHHon. J-nmp. th -a.let us not forget the men e danced with her, and she told insEnJnp the J-Hop,e a rb t mred "Cm- of the wonderful grades she had re- "Almost new, Tuxedos for rent!" who wear a ribbon marked "Com- aitte". On their shoultem rests the ceived and hummed snatches of 11 A card board shirt to the laundry Trovatore in his ear. sent- It was they who argued the basket- Throughout the remainder of the Gathering dust on cracked patent ball coach into giving up Waterman evening, while gay laughing couples shoes, gym for a day or so. It was they who danced merrily past his booth, Smythe A pocket flask full of colorless booze. bought mies of varicoloced bunting continued to serve as the escort of and strung it up. They traveled to Coedde until midnight, when he com- The cold. wild ride to the Gym, the ultimate extremes of the nation plained of a headache, and bidding He, a fifty three waist, in a thirty to bring back the best of orchestras. her goodbye, proclaimed to the smiling slim- They made seven hundred friends in moon that he was no longer an ad- Sthe, in a dress, mins front and back, ditributing tickets, and seven thou- vocate of the theory of a status quo Rouged, red lips-that have started to for women. crack. sand enemies when there were no w more tickets left. For weeks they have devoted their op, Skip and Jump! Hop all nighf A crimson garter as a memo. energies to a system whereby the tonight, Skip breakfast, and Jump the "Bottled in Bond' labels-in an M-book Grand March might be shortened. For very last train Sunday. to go hours they have explored the poetry Bidding goodbye, long about noon, of ages searching for new rhymes Did you think the Grand March was The J-Hop is over-perhaps none too for the program and have concluded long? You should have been in it last soon. by sticking to the traditional ones. year! --REGNITTE. I-i r A gift appreciated your photograph Telephone 6o4-W for an appointment - Portraits 619 East Liberty Street a TINKER & COMPANY South State Street at William Street Announce the opening of Spring imported and domestic Woolens. exclusive patiterns lor your approval - Season 1923. New ideas in Foulard and English Gum Twill Neck- wear are now showing. See the new assortment of white collar attached shirts just received. The home of better Clothes and Furnishings at Fair Prices 4 i