THE MICH IGAN DAILY r- TPACE FIUMTYJUDGE CRASIL LANUAGS NECESSRY1 (Continued from Page Nine) ical languages, chiefly the Latin Ian- guiage. The experienced Latin stu- dent will read a great deal of our le- gal literature with more ease and uin- derstanding than then student who hab not had the advantage of such work." JIHGH CABOTr. DEAN' OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL "A considerable knowledge of Lat-1I In and Greek appears to me to be fundamental to the study of mnedicine. In the first place the nomenclature is! very largely based upon these lan_- guages and a lack of knowledge of them not only incrneases the studenit's difficultyr in understanding, bait leads him into many errors in~ the ucse o these terms~ throughout his career The most cursory survey ox currem. medical literature will convince any- one that many physicians are gravely deficient in their knowledge of the classic;'. i Greek as a part of their preparatory! preparation for their particular pro-I I the process and have pronounced it The Luother Leagu~ae will mcclt~t at 6:,,0 for members of the fclyad ga-lon, "TheSpca Work i.°. l!wrk. " Ifessions or occupations. successful. o'lock. 13. R. P. Tulles, president. te students. of Christ". Christian] "I am not one to say of anythingf Collaborating in this work were such of Wittenlzerg ('olio; e, will speak at "There will be Holy Communion at s meet at 630o'clock. SEA-I' HI? ILTONR~i, DEAN Q,'F'Wt4flR"N 'that it is indspensable, that uo eone, nen as Prof. S. I. Edward. edo :: yokUs(vnn.o(lc hi onn tS.Ade' ~ vnn h at "Teiciaintfdces h e or example, can be educated without the Edward's Laboratories in Lansing ee!i'oo ir church. Morning prayer and a ser- lecture on, "The great knownglensderbleLatnaotiooncrton bcteiolgisse ttheslaee- given. at 10: :3sa0edi: co'clocke no wilxb gienotr1:30o'cocklyxormrelexndeaCa patokh setilcleecrinowll int onert e inimy ownps ndcetoinzateioogeistateofanalstatede-i (' . jag i thy Plr. talexerinchro h 1:11wilbeRfrxd ton atnan Geeisatdeh', rek Irvening wth atm prayer, spe-nerth u-' oxvBatBeiellle sthpeirnake eto o at ujet10:40h ;WilimLo'erec lum, is an educational error irrespect- in the educational path which I fol- eogley, chief of the (dairy division; -Tht1crCr .z.,t Tur"z of Xv ial Litany and address will be con ing it the Unitarian c ly o heprtcla in n hchalowed, that times have changed, and Dr. Ward Ginner;IProfessors T P.. Hendelrsoni's cla'4,s n, "lzan a- dueed at 5 o'clock by the Rev. hrici' Meaning of Faith". pui a eitrsethat a university curriculum makes Huddleson and L. 11. of AI, cure and the Bie, will meet. at nrzn . T W b x lie will spO:ak on, "Mloern Armenin to i"The increased) demands which the wide demands and offers many oppor- A. C., and the Robison laboratoriesc)1' ; lr. W,. B. Shirey, state director of Parables". A studen super will e Miss S. S. Hatachah modern developments of science make tunities that cannot be seized and re- Detroit. ong People's Work, will show pc-,served a Harris hall at 6 o'clock. xmenia, a graduate of upon the time have undoubtedly much alized without neglect of studies once' - --- re'sat. '30 o'clock o, "India, The ?flv;crs Lor4V's Supper.- College in Constantino to do with the tendency to- shelve the thought generally essential. Sense' r hrtPt Rirsis Land of Heritage and Promise". All! "Some qustions pertaining to the at 10:30 o'clock thisn minded consideration of relative val- past are still important to real Intel-' Reearsals for the two plays, "Wur ' tM:. *ai;.tp of theo 'first Congrega- will be dicussed this morning by the ,East". The Students' ues is. necessary. The proportion of ligence and appreciation. Learning zel-Flummery" and "The Goal", to be tional church will discuss this morn- Rev. E. C. Stelhorn of the Zion Luth- Wd by Mr. Chapman, w time an English gentleman expected and culture depend on traditions, not given by the Player's; club next ig"an Dr. (rue (Cure?" Can Para- eran chrh. The Student Forum will 'at Guild hxouse. Foll to spend upon the classics in the past merely on being "up to date." E scnester, will be started during the di c be built upon a mot~o? Can joy mnet at 5:30 o'clock. Williani M. Mac-dents' Friendship hor would not be a measure for our youth "Telnugso niuta-last week of the examination period. ! cietdb ige o wudkne, vi e~ h subject, "Is tat 6 o'clock, ameeting today aid it is perhaps a rea.ction =corndingly, as well as history, still, re- Thle cast of the first play, "Wurzel- te rench. druggist try to pass an Christianity intolerant?" Jesus the :6:30 o'clock. Mr. Lion froth that older attitude which has an as I said, imporntant factors in Flummery", has been. chosen and the examination? Tle Students' Fireside Master", is the subject of the'seifon 'give the address on "Ji driven some modern educationalists !c.lzatio In some depatment of cost of "The oal" is complete with the ( ,hat will n <)x't at (:30 oclock for a' at 7:30 o'clock this evening. Life". "The Creative so far o the ther exreme. study, n the istory f philsophyin , exeptionofone hiractre church fittedLi tforchuegularedserviceegulwillrvies heldbetoday tsubjeubteofof the sserm "Judging the ])resent colree curri-'urisprudenc, in medicine, I might lbe - . -"-. ..._mdern life?" M41r. .Ium1p conducts a' In the Church of Crist. The Rtev. F. Sayles has chosen :for cDI3l31 mnlfromii "he'- R' rero'er P. Arthur will speak at 10:30 o'clock 7:30 o'clock this eveni son whfa el uhwith radu- of the two ancient languages, Latin p ERICEi S aces_____________________ atsof fr ohmfive t t) eniyears' stand- r Cre, arr iipensablee." ot4 IUU NIYLIIU~ ing in the business world, I should ---Alfff niin~r say. hoaeveithat one of the serious nm nuu ID1IiH ruL 7r ,, lacks today is a sense of perspective ilf POPII ' lffhf of the, Diciples Endeavor will At the servic^ rI will give his tAmerican re- Inp'bell." Sullivan, D.D., -lock: this mprn- :unch on, "The Talk. dourian, of Ar- the Arm-enian ple, will speak 'orning in the on, ."The Near class, conduct- ill meet at noon owing the 'Stu- Iat the chu1rch will be held at el Crocker 'will apanese Student. Christ", is the ion which Mr. r the service at ing. - I~~ e .r "A more fundamental reason, how- a tendency, to rely upon anything newIj VVLLIJIHIJ IIIJd ever, appears to me to lie in the essen-1 or seemingly new, without a reason- Continued fronm Page Nine.) tial importance of backgroun d for able basis of judgment in an hzistori- PlfA 'Ml QP[h those who desire to enter .the profes- cal knowledge of what bas preceded! uu nIdI1L1 fLLthllih) ie choruschir Th Lr Sion. Medicine is not and may never the present development in any ivnas my Shiepard" (Shelley), tiechrs become an exact science. It requires line. I I WS'FII)11WFOR4WARIN "al i tie igt"(Cotz,.r. and illalwys rquie beadt of SWheeler and Mr. Dewey, "MaIrchl ie- an ilawy eur rat f"Such a sense of the continuity or IA(Al"eEST CON AtI()U ligieuse" (Gigout), Mr.Tha character and therefore of educationil. humzan experien'e iand~ respect1for DISEASES "Andante in "(Sls, r.ihe; I do not believe that ,a really broad what has, preceded the achievements j< educational backgrounz can be oh-E of the pr~iesenlt agenee ;to b h i(' , 3l "Ie sha~ll comedowin like rain" (Buick) the chorus choir; "ThEle COni iptence'', tamed without a thorough knowledge Cup among our students as a, prelimin- i'eI iuctito of bacteria iln milk by (Schzuber't). Miss Howe; Ftiv of Latin and Greek. It would be my ary to sound decisions, a nd I cannot electricity is the. latest.;(discovery' March" (Smart), Mrs. Rhoad. inciniation to increase rather than de- conceive that this can be effectivevhsbe aeC iIimcma- Iii colwl eta 93 crease the requiremients in these sub- lI(one withoutsm hrugu'si hich o'ce ae oad ncmbt ilo, ck i hel riiety a~tb9:an jects." their knowledge of .he precedihng civ- 11i" o an otaiu tingthechurch. Rev. L. Ii. Gunderman will iiizations to which weow k uc. lsaslC5,In order that the experi- ;nea1l- at 10:30 o'clo ck on, "The Plac(e MITlMEB4 E. (100LEY, I)Exii OF it is hairdly necessary etow , say that this ment may have tile advantage of the ofrewrsInChitanSrvc" THlE COLIJE*ES OF E "N'1INEER- In itself would detruand some know-" facilities for scientific research in the IN4G AND ARCIIITEC'TITRE ledcge of the classics and thait side from , Univer sity, the first creamery in the "For years Greek and: Latin have aill linguistic questions such as his-! country to employv the process has been accepted as suitable preparation:.I trclp~lety antb eue been located in Ann Arbor, it. being for students of engineering a ih- wholly by means of translations." nw stl use lcrpr man, and not only accepted, but pre-I crea ner y.I (erred. The very best engineering ,4.ILERE" nIa i-J1LO 1L ), JO N (0"-41lE 1 The process was proven in one of graduates have been classically traim- GRADU1ATE -SCHOOL t(he finest laboratories in the country, O " edl men. We want, all of them we cat): "B~oth personal experience and -oh-; located in L.ansi-ng, :Mich. As a result get. 4m ob emr~ n servation of the work of others lead; of the experimenlts it was found that A pTreontateeso-cealenvcaial im me without hesitation to say that Lat-, milk p~assing through the "Electro- re t~ pression hat the s-cale vcaioal }in and Creek, quite apart from their #puzre" proces , as it is called, was al- I. , IFH I - IfsbV LVU 'Lc at ., V ..r v . ChocoLire-GCovered Nuts $1.00 Lb'. Nuts and Fivits $l: oo Lb. A NEW DELIGHT TO TRY )Vlaciarmi 's Cndie 715 No. University AVe.- ._ t rectly with the futuire work of the student, are of first importance * for engineering; but we prefer as stu-' densts of engineering broad-gauged. nen whose horizon has bheen extended and developed by a study of the 1111-. inanities. "On the whole,' no course of prepar- ation has been developed equal in this respect to the study, of Latin land Greek. I expect to see' in the next few years a strong reaction in their favor. We want, T repeat, all the men ,we can get with just that training."~ .1OHNi X. EFFI IGER, DEAD01F THLE COLLEGE .OF .JITERATURE, SCIEN CE, AND ARTS. "It has been my general experience that the students entering college Ariah thb best preparation,. the broad- est~ outlook, and the best understand- ing of the real meaning of education, have. almost always studied Latin or Wanted: 50Ledr Babson Institute seeks fifty mfen who will apply themselves, for one or two years to an intensive =study of busi- ness principles. This will include daily discussions in small groups di- rected by men with years of business experience,, and conferences with active factory and office executives. This practical background bridges the gap between university training and actual business practice. It fits you for an' executive position.. Babson Institute, an educational in- stitu~tion endowted for the purpose of fitting men for executive responsibil- ities.,Jinvites you to send for the book, "Traning and Business Lead- ership." Write today, NQ obligation. Babson Institute Wellesley Hills, Ma f) Mass. intrinsic interest as subjects of study, are imnortant factors in education. On no consideration, were it pbossible, would I give up what may school and university studies in the classics, both in the langtuages and in the litera- tutres, brought to ime. Others, who also have had the benefit of such stud- ies, have seemed to ine better _educat-' ed, not merely in the general sense of culture, but also in time sense of better !ways made 100 percent pure from tile1 infecting bacteria found present ill measles, scarlet fever, septic throat, typhmoid fever, diphtheria, and tuber- culosis. All of the cultures used xivei'e e xceedinmgly. vorulent, being takenI from active autopsied cases, the virni- lence of which was again' rechecked by animal tests. Several laboratoriesI throughout the country have made a critical and thorough examination of Winner : . T w- ' - J ;, ._ "_"_"_ f,. r a ; , '. i l i ..; ,, 1; ' _ -.% ;- ; { { r; ' ra v Y ka i tt l f , t ' s ,' k'{ ' ' i n , ,sir '' r ' n1 t F " 1't" i "':' % ' ' t i b.. t y I? un lllsIf Of spring modes THE R E are Just enough new cos- _ .- -- _~ is oeSunday from 5 to 1() p. m. Come i bfoe rafter LL ther Shoe for (among other things) - - real Chicken Salad Il-l Chocolate with Whipped Cream Ca=dy without a rival - - I Every time you drink a glass of our Pure PMilk you gain not only better health, rosy cheeks, but you are assured of the quality and purity of it because of our Pasteurization Process which renders our Milk and Cream free from all germs tum( the4 weel have SUITS I i ,a WR.Af . Q FROGI BLOU: y s' r ' . ", ' ~~tA s :ace to )satisf curio'sity that k.s of anticipation e whetted! $47.50-$110 PS .$29.50-$i110° KS .$29.50-$ 75 'SES $7.50-$18.50" Seconid Floor - Are y ou weartIng a bandana ? They' re ~, ? quite the nemest ac-, v cessorN. $2.75 to $5. d CALL 423 T HE ANN ARBOR'DAIRY t Ji 4th & Catherine Sts. a .1 ,, _.. 5 - Jabbers of NEW and SECOND* AND TEXT BUOI is Best Cash or Trade Allowances for your Second-hand Books WE HAVE ON ]RAND AN ENORMOUS SUPPLY OF AW LOOP r, N D ,1(AT' JURY NOMINAL FRICEr 'O' If you are unable to d1IS1. pose of your old books elsewhere, bring them to us* WThich wae have purchased froin bookstores at various college towns throughout the country Be Sure ad Try Us Before Purchasing br etSeeer Books