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January 28, 1923 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-28
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Ckanliness is Next.to Godliness
Not all people can be religious,
but all of 'em can be clean. The
way is simple. Call the Trojan


THE SECRET GLORY, by Arthur most important factois in its completei
Nachei. Alfred Knopf. success. Machen has written and
Reviwedby BronSbanrin studied, for many years-never until,
Reviewed by Baron Shandrin lately receiving his deserved notice.
In reviewing The Secret Glory by James Branch Cabell says that the
Arthur Machen, one of the writers of obscurity in which Machen was allow-
England's most beautiful prose, I am ied to remain is the kind of crime that
should be denounced from the house-;
tempted to copy the whole of the tops. But during these years he has
author's pireface. But since I can see developed a style which is not only
no hope of finishing the review without worthy of much praise but insures
several other excerpts I will simply him much favor among those who
* - ~have -learned to appreciate adlv
recommend that everyone read it for the learny of thepEnciat and love
the beauty of the English language4
himself as, when I have finished, I will as sung by the poets.
commend the reading of the wholej
book to all of you.
boo toallof ou.DRIDA, by ,Jhn T. Frederick. Knopf.
This book might easily be placed at
the side of Marcel Proust's, "Swann's Reviewed by F. L. T. Filden.
Way" and James Joyce's "Portrait of Mr. John T rcaer:;t, gave himself
the Artist as a Young Man", in an excellent opportunity to overcapitalize
attempt to show the psychological upon the Epots of dried soup spilled
path some of our modern novelists aredown e font of Oscar orsfal'vest
taking. This influence seems to givean seard i.LdeDum
conception to the pet theory that;addrgre i.LueDun
books such as these are autobiograph- This story is a biographical one and
ica!. This I imagine its more or less therefore strongly dependiant upon
true but not to the extrent which most fnnesse of characterization. For this
of us believe. Proust's work may be a necessary conconurittant is adept
more autobiographical than I suspect, psycho-analysis, at the mention of
but I believe that Machen's book is which my cold gorge rises. We have
much more from his fancy than from been surfeitel, with this till we shy
his memory. at its nan:e as a reviewer would shy
The book has only a negligible plot, at an ooze-bound book of poems; but
but it has a character-a common the cerebral dissection is, in this case,
trait in all three of these books. Am- an excellent and skillful bit of mani-
brose. Meyrick, the boy, found that he Ipulation.
gained more pleasure from intellec- Druida is the only daughter of Oscar
tual than physical exercisa and hay- jHorsfall and his wife who live on a
ing exercised his intellect found that small, ill-kept farm in the northern I
his thoughts and ideas did not run middle-west. Oscar Horsfall is drunk-
t-', h cf tne masters in-. his en nd worthless, but the- girl, whose
schooL Because of these differences, paternity remains more or less. mys-
be had become a despised enigma to terious, patently from her native en-
most of them. The book takes him dowments, is not Oscar's daughter.
through several years of this life and She early shows signs of surprizing
finaly to London with the maid-of-all- attractiveness. notwithstanding t h e I
work. This is what the author says wearing grinds of being a combination
about him: "It is emphatically a his- of hired-man, slaver and valet t o
tory of an unfortunate fellow who ran i Oscar in his more vinous moods. Her
hs head aa"nstrstone walls from the father left her a sole legacy of a small
beginning to the'end. He could think booishelf which contained lKeats,
nothing and do nothing after thecom- Matthew Arnold and some others from
non fashion of the world; even whenj whom she has her first nibble of lit-
he went wrong; he did se in a highly rature and finds it good. When she
unusual and eccentric- manner." And finishes the -eight grade. Horfall is
in defense; "In every age, there are persuaded to let her enter the state
people great and small for whom the iorntal school, chiefly through the in-
time are out of joint, for when every- teres of Professor Willoughby of that
thing is, somehow- wrong and askew. institution. w.o is. Attracted to the
Consider Hamlet; an amiable man and girl when lecturing near the Horsfall
an intelligent man. But what a mess farm and Dr. Thompson, who attended
he made of it!" Mr, Horsfall at the time of Druida'sf
But in this book what has seemed birth, gives the necessary financial aid
of as much importance as Meyrick are The charm of the girl had always
Several theories of life and lettersI awakened a response in him._
which he hangs on convenient hook.'.a Although Druida was possessed of
He says that he was somewhat dis- an extraordinary appeal to men, of
turbed by a "Life" of an eminent old which she was unconscious, this idenj
schoolmaster, which Wxas puiblished tial charm is' the ruin of her two
one year and that someofhthe old benefactors. Theshrivelled a n
man's ideas causedl hime much irrita-'wrdwoaoftecuryisrc
tion. "In a word the''Life' of this tively recognize her dangerous pro-
excellent man got my back up." And clivities, Dr. Thompson, through his
it is upon this "Life" and the old Eng- misinterpreted efforts to help her, is
lish school system that it stands for, driven from his home and he steadily
that he covertly developes. . deteriorates from the night that he
As a haven for Meyrick, to which he is seen in Riverton with Druida by two
can return for peace, Machen has town gossips. Willoughby's career is
given us the spirit of the old Celtic cut short: he is expelled from his
church. These passages shed a dim position at the normal school by the
haze over the whole book, so mystic efforts of th jealous Riverton school-
is the subject, and so beautifully writ- teachers. This is not direct jealousy,f
ten. He says of his researches in a tangible emotion which is the out-
connection with the Celtic cliurh and 'come of a sort of Shavian competi-
the Grail Legend," . . . . it was a tion, but it is something to which
voyage on perilous seas, a journey to the women are insensible. Druida is
faery lands forlorn . . . " too attractive, too magnetic to men;I
Other theories expounded and hung, she spoke of something young and
each on their convenient hookk arej laughing, something which had been
sfh as Re.lkm vs. Romanticism, driven from their natures for genera-
Progress and even Prohibition. This tions by the little meanneses of a
latter is in Connection with the dis- small isolated town, by the narrow
cussion of the Grail; and he ex- religious suppressions of their stilt-
presses one thought. which has been ed lives. A fear subty stirred them
so clearly proven, in such a unique' and. without understanding it, they
manner that I cannot refrain from hated her.
copying it for you, just in passing; "If In my opinion, Mr. Frederick has
the clear wells and fountains of the done admirably with the subordinate'
magic wood ?be buried out of sight, the characters and the setting. T h e
men (who must have Drink) will be- "saleslady", Bella, at the "drygoods
take them to the Slime Ponds and Poi- emporium" of Stablesburg, large of
son Pools." girth, slangy, generous and of facile
EThe style of the book is one of the vhrue; the dried up school teachers



PHONE 1981-R



lgutinnnnti4N11{!lt'111111 ttliltltlituilltllfl1Iflluttl1nfiltit11l#iltti1il~l li ittli1t111flllllul iilitlltttni
Distinctive Attire for the Juni
The Fan {2 T
The fan-'tis sure to be of os- As for
trich feathrs-and 'tis sure to ii frock
add a tovcei of allurement to plete i
e costui if its carefuly:" by a
chosen. . The m iU5:ery depart- s / '" °'" stones
ment as mkang c, specialty of r ?° Via. " nize n
supplying fans to match or ha- the go
monize with thG gown. They beauti
mpill obtain a fan in the exact #1' N' !i. d T"dazli
shade desired. The price is x' -f:.ts z 4 -. '. tyof
very moderate-$ 10. . extrer
Oaks Second Floor)}s
Ah. - the all-important question of the hour! The frocks
ior-Hop and for the other affairs that cluster about that in
casion! The Hop-Frock must, of course, assume the poin
interest, yet the other costumes are of almost equal impor
for the many details that combine with the gown -they;
not be neglected if Milady is to appear at her very'best.
The Evening Frock The Semi-Dr
Shimmering gowns-soft of color hue or brilliant in tone And for the other occasions tha
-how much they add to the beauty of a formal dance as there are crisp little taffetas th
they flutter against the background of carefully planned in their simple style and refresh
decorations! Frocks of enchanting beauty that gain their ticated affairs of softer materia
effectiveness in many original ways are ready to be chosen in sports-like styles for the infor
for the momentous occasion of the J-Hop. Spring attire will surely prove a
perience. (Uack's Main Floor)
q rFootwear to Match
Foot-wear that follows the frock mode-and equ
must be chosen to accompany the evening frock a
sories. Satin pumps, perhaps, with glitter buck
5 PAM, hose, will be needed for the J-Hop.
- The Hosiery I T
- $Hosiery needs may be met with the chif- Silver pump
fon hose or with hose that have fancy formal wea
clocks or lace stripes. The slipper-heel plain silver+
hose are most popular for evening wear, in a combi
- cloth that is
(=k'sack's Main Floor)
_ The Beauty Shop is prepared to
give special attention to J-Hop -
guests. A permanent wave will
prove the most satisfactory way of
caring for the hair. Marceling,
shampooing, manicuring, facial

pacts, and other forms of service
that beautify are also furnished.
Appointments should be arranged
for at once.
-'(Macek's Third Floor)--
M 111IIul fil l ligl1lilnitill!## !!ll tiil iullill ulit1E~l il!1#l t11tifl!!t t##~ill#l ilil!ilttltllH lllillilN11111111 11

he C(
r the comb-


would indee
f 'twere not
sparkling co
that contra,
with the col
In. High s
fully_ carved
ng stones in,
styles are to
rely modera
(Mack's Maui


for the
t of gre

., ---- ;

No danger of germs in the
clothing cleaned here, for


garment is sterilized

tance an
simply r
ess Fie
I cluster abou
at are unusu&
ing manner, r
As, and still o
mal occasions
an exhilarating
the G
als it in smar
and all of its a
les, the shecre
ie Pun
s will be the
r. They may
cloth in a one-
[nation brocad
very attractive

We call for and deliver

Unlueky for Spots


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