ID 7 TT ' 7 l a Bessakaboff and Claude Bragdo W oofLW riVVters-A p s philosophy based on the fourthd EXPERIENCES OF A YIOLIMST mensional theory. Knopf. The Master-Mistress, by R Edward Normanton Bilbie O'Neill. A book of verse by the w Edward Normanton Bilpie's book known artist. Knopf. on "Experiences of a Violinist," writ- When Winter Comes to Main Stre ten, in his own words, for "those who by Grant Overton. Intimate sketch play the violin or who are interested with portraits of a number of mode in it and its music" is partly an ac- authors, playwrights and poe count of the writer's musical life, his Doran. own experiences of studying the vio- Gerinie Lacertex, by Edmond a lin both abroad and in America and Jules de Goncourt. A story of t of teaching it in later years, together downfall of a good woman who with his impressions of the many vio- great heart was more fatal to her ha lin artists he has heard, and partly a piness than the worst vices. Knopf. treatise on advice to violin students. The Collected Novels and Stories Mr. Bilbie's -purpose in writing this Guy de laupassnt, translated a little book seems to be one of help edited by Ernest Boyd. Includ and encouragement to those who are many stories never before publishe attempting the mastery of the violin. The first two volumes to be publish Evidences of the author's wide October 6. Knopf. musical experience are seen in the Ascent, by Frances Rumsey. chapter called "Hints to Young Play- soulless quest for experience. Boni ers," in which he very adequately Liveright. points out definite ways of overcom- Babbit, by Sinclair Lewis. A n ing difficulties in violin technique, novel by the author of "Main Stree and gives sound advice as to methods Harcourt Brace & Co. of practice, besides recommending Young People's Pride, by Steph lists of the best violin exercises and Vincent Benet. Another book by t solos with descriptions of each, and author of "The Beginning of Wisdom suggesting many books on violin play- Henry Holt. ing, for the benefit of students of this NRh, by Emile Zola.sTranslatl art This particular section of, his from the French, A story of t book is extremely instructive, though theatrical underworld in Paris at t rather too technical to be of interest time of the Franco-Prussian War. to others than thpse who have some be published October 6. Knopf. knowledge of the violin and its prob- lems. THE ABRAMS THEORY As a whole, the entire account seems to me somewhat dry and lack- (Continued from Page One) ing in vitality. The impressions here Abrams has stated that the exa presented of the appearances and ination of the planets through a sp characteristics of such great violin troscope is radioanalysis. Such artists as Joachim, Sauret, Kreisler, examination, according to Prof. He Spalding and others are enlightening brunn has nothing to do with ra to those who understand all the tech- analysis. 'It is spectro analys nicalities of actual violin playing, but Dozens of flagrant errors were poi are somewhat monotonous and too de- ed out by the scientist during the f tailed to hold the' attention of even moments he spent inspecting some students of the instrument for any the Abrams literature that I h length of time. The manner of ap- brought with me. He saw little < proach to each account of an artist re- cept comedy in the theory. minds one of a text book, at least, it To Dean Cabot one of Abras undoubtedly would if it were not for theories was downright offensi the frequency of the singular pro. "Abrams' assertion," he declar noun, to lend relief,. However, in the "that every human being is infec sense:that they show a real apprecia- with syphilis, and his slogan, tion and understanding on the part of syphilis, no diseasel' would appi a violinist for his brother musicians too silly to deerve comment if who have attained the peak of suc- were not so wicked. It is an uns cess in their art, these short descrip- ported, unsupportable assertion in tions, founded on conscientious ob- fiance of all known facts. servation, deserve commendation. . "If, as Abrams maintains, the wh In one of the chapters the author race without exception has syphili if everyone has it, how can it be digresses from his main channel in iryn? itow can i gvnusashort sketch of the life quired Re-infection with thisd giving us aoshthe skpsyhpeopth, with ease is exceedingly rare, The first and habits of the gypsy people, with fection is an almost certain sa little anecdotes about his own con- guard against succeeding infectic tact with them, especially mentioning And still it is most notoriously t their love for music. There seems to that the disease can be acquired." be, in this particular section, a freer Prof. Heilbrunn declared that1 expression and a wider appeal in the "outburst" of freak ideas which treatment of these little known yet rams has broadcast is not unus fascinating people. "The vast majority of flagrant sci Those who are at the beginning or tific errors are made by physicia in the midst of the study. of the violin The 'sex determining machine,' a will find parts of the book of assist- other contrivances equally as s ance in improving their playing, but were in the main, the products for the general public it is on the some physician in his dotage, or whole too technical. Except for the work of a downright swindler." chapters on the author's life and the Both Dr. Cabot and Professor H gypsies, the book may be classed as brunn agreed that the fact that n a reasonably adequate text book on of Dr. Abrams' articles have appea the violin. JOSEPHINE CONNABLE. n. in scientific publications, would seem HEALING POWER OF BOORS 3i- to cast suspicion upon the theory and upon Dr. Abrams himself. Publica- Selected books aid in cures as se tion of an article in such a magazine nothing else can do, reports Caroline ell is considered the first step toward the Webster, librarian'specialist in charge recognition of the theory which it ex- of hospital work of the United States et, pounds. Dr. Abrams' one attempt to Public Health Service among wound- es have the theory examined by the ed ex-service men, in making her an- rn Rockefeller institute recently, met nual report to the American Library ts. with a point-blank refusal. association. Sir James Barr the British physi- "They swing the pendulum from nd clan who supports Abrams, cannot be the tendency to constant consider- lhe said to be among Britain's greatest ation of the physical condition of life se medical men. He appears to have to the more important condition-the p- been more interested in politics than mental attitude," she stated. in medicine, and is certainly much "A refreshed mind can much more of less important than Upton Sinclair, successfully meet the repeated pain of nd in his excitement, would have us be- hemhorrage than one worn and tired es lieve. He is probably going the way with the dread of thinking of the next ed. of Sir Oliver Lodge, A. Conan Doyle attack. Hence, the distinct thearpeu- ed and other men who, as Dr. Cabot puts tic value of the lightest fiction, plus it, "have just burned out a bearing, the other more '- - nile things in A that's all." their curs power." ew en Don't be he 3 Late!! ." t A SILVERSMRH~S- - - ed he S. & S. Alarm Clocks bring people around on time in the he morning. They prevent starting the day wrong by starting To it right. Spend $1.50, $2.50 or $5 getting a real S. & S. Alarm that is always accurate as a timepiece and reliable as a morning warning. We guarantee them. mn- SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED an JEWELERS il- 113 East Liberty Street dio is5. nt- I 106 5. Main, Special Sunday Dinner Open 11 to 11 Dancing 6:00 to 7:30 American Management red The NEWER BOOKS One of Ours, by Willa Catber, au- thor of "My Antonia," "Youth and the Bright Medusa." The intimate story of a young man's life. Knopf. This Freedom, by A, S. H, Hutchin- son, author of "If Winter Conies.' A story of married women and business careers:. Little, .Brown ,&, Co. ForRIicher, For Poorer, by Harold H. Armstrong (Henry G. Aikman) au- thor of "Zell." The story of a young man who goes through life filling the role of the usual and longing for the unusual. Knopf. One Thing Is Certain, by Sophie Kerr. A frank novel of marriage re- lations written in the style of ten years .ago. Doran. The Pivot of Civilization, by Mar- garet Sanger. A thought-provoking argument for birth control by its lead- ing advocate. Brentano's. Tertium Organum (The Third Or. gan of Thought), by P. D. Ouspensky, translated from the Russian by Nich- AN INTRODUCTION We take this means of introducing ourselves to the new girls at Michigan. We cordially invite you to come to our shop at your earli- est convenience and become acquainted with us. Having returned from an ex- tended visit at the Fashion Show, we are now prepared to tell you about the most ad- vanced styles of the season. We are looking forward to this opportunity. MRS. VAN SCHOICK 230.Nickels Arcade Phone 795-W