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January 28, 1923 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-28
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tuxedo we sll; qulitystyle
~3O - $35 - ~5
Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx
tuxedos we sell; quality, stle,
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It there is any one thing that an
aspiring young writer desires more l Ate.
than any other, it is the opportunity
to have a real heart-to-heart talk with
a man who has "arrived," so to speak,
in the field of letters and who is grac-
ious enough to answer the inevitable {
questions with the sympathetic com-
placency of one who has gone throughI
the same experience and who, in a fra-
ternal spirit, listens to his inquisitor
and answers him without a scowl.
Hugh Walpole auring his visit to
the University last Friday, left some
excellent thoughts with those to whom
he talked. It is a bit of advice that
hits at the center of many of the puz-
zles which confront our ambitious men
of letters. It is just a wee glimpse
into the mind and the heart and the
soul of a true literary artist and car-
ries with it bright encouragement to,
those struggling minds that are con-
stantly striving to express their
thoughts and feelings in beautiful and
expressive words.
There are just three types of writ-
ers, Mr. Walpole tells us. The first
includes all those persons who write
from, a purely creative impulse, who
are so completely absorbed in the idea ?1
that they must write that they do so
without regard for financial or appre-
ciatory reward. The second type com-
prises that group of individuals which
feels that to be an author is a pretty
nice calling, that it gives prestige and
social position which are worth striv-
ing for. The third type is a rather
large circle of persons who have no
genuine artistic sense, but who are

Interview With Hugh Walpole




deeply impressed with the idea that ....\:,
they must present some great moral -:.: 4... - ....v.?',:;;:},:.:..
issue or a definite phase of political, *
social or economic propaganda. I *
"In the first group," Mr. Walpole
said, "we find the true artists of the }
type of Dostoevsky. These persons do'
not need any suggestions or advice in -:
order to feel the impulse to write. It
is a part of them. They express them- .... ..
selves regardless of whether they will I . L..........,...<:..:?.-.......:.:.:.. :: :.
ever receive a cent of compensation or
a word of praise or nothing. They >
write for the love of writing.
"recivean dea it row upn tem;HUGH WALPLE
and they must put it into definite
brains. They receive an idea from an the day. "To writers in this category," touch, that they thoroughly under-
brain through months of conscious! gest that they do not lose the comnmon fin as beautiful a style as possible."
and sub-conscious pondering; and it -
is boru into the world a work of art."
"Such artists," eredced nee
they fail to continue their work long . A LF E RN
enough. I have found it a general C R .G H IG
truth that artists who continue to
wr'ie ae away fond nd anrei-A return .to the music of Wolfgang wonld also be cut out in square blocks
ated Thoe wh donot ucchopae Amadeus Mozart is like coming back cubist, if you will. Paul Rosenfeld
either not artists or have lost hoeto nature. 'Whiceh rather puts me in calls this progress. I doubt it myself.
too early in their careers" mind of a conversation I hadwith Although we seem to be doing it at
On the other hand, in Mr. Walpole's;
opiion inivduas o th scon cls-one of our pianists, Jan Sickesz by present, we cannot get away from na-
sfcato utawasb nteaert name. He seemed inclined to believe tmre for any great length of time. As
lest they lose the faculty which will the cubist art, the impressionistic, and we are creatures of the soil, so must
makether wrtins poula andsuc al the rest of the modern schools, was we return to it.
cesful Te pofssina srblrte result of our getting too far away Thus the utter relaxation afforded
with one eye on tea purse and the oth- froin nature. Whereas in the days of he audence which crowded 111 au-
e'r on fame, must keep In constant Mozart the typical artist 'was one 'ditorium to capacity Wednesday even-
touch with the latest developrnpnts in glorifying the great otutdoors as the iug could hatrdly escape Comment.
poular forms of writing, especially work of God, today our modern crea- Mozart; is eas iy covrprehnde due
the novel, according to Mr. Walpole. tors tend tosit apart drinking whisy to hs sipricity of style; there he is
He must understand thoronihvd, andsmoking cigarettes sublim". His advent into the field &
subjects which are challenging non - I ree;HUmbAPLr sitting in a machine in mnsicae posIton definitely ended
lar sentiment and bhigH n c~w the downtown sectIon of Cleveland a period Of poiyphonlic writing prob-
around these necessarily more or les .yng Over a copy of Shadowland b havjng its inCpt'on wih PoleS
transient sentiments, discovaries no which iustrated some of this futuris- tri a nd rpechin its pck during the
oninions. ae art, I 'oud not help reflecting as time of Bach.
Arin. members of the than d gronn !I genced up and down Euclid Avene One of the most remarkable child
Mr. W ipole ncud s nwarvhi, shut in by massive buildings on either n isical prodigies the world has ever
bgandists, moulmth f +cn srit- d tat this art must of needs be knowns b upreay in this respect
irs who are absorbed in theidea t. of the new life performing bore is only thratene by Schubert and
" + u ai,"hep cn t1 "nturty. Granted this life possily Bethven. At the age of
didactic veti about the t'iws they was artificial, so It mst follow the three he oht thirds upon thekeys
coneive to bethe ew crt reresenting a period of this sort Cniued on Page Four)

Another of ti
tions which or
minds of the as
story writer cc
a plot. On th
Mr. Walpole, t
conception on
the art of stor
"One of the
said, "is that he
on the plot. I
whole story wil
sonality of his
his came on the
ing rather tha
"Here is an
plot should be
"Take a woms
room with tw
think of the s
of conditions n
want one of th
she could be al
again, she migi
remain in ord
have to be alo
or the other of
might be marr
and be in love
and numerous
the starting pC
"Now," the
"when once th
simple way, w
of the particip
come real live
beings living
way the plot
a,"ound the c
having the lat
set of circums
lineation of th
for great writ;
brands other o:
Mr. Walpole'
aginative. Th
in his stories
less skillful w
Imagination, w
story, remains
istic presenta
and setting.
In that con
plained how it
the imaginatio
ists, but is vi
"Oner of the
Imagination is
k"That is why!
erican authors
business whe
England and o
Incidentally, t
why I came t-
all authors
should spend
large numbers
h _-onts in
other quiet pe
time to think
tions to run r
"Another ws
agination," he
some close fr
love. The a
mind is alway
whie a great
feelings and
stimulated in
greatest hind
imagination c
inhibitions an
general i a. 0
ive imaginatio
"The best t
tht it is done
The q nn
a despverri
th ore."

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