d Section Two g itr VOL. XXXIII. No. 93 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY MN EXPERTS Clasic Languages Advisable IN METHODSMan Of The Hour In The Ruhr And Necessary To Education UN CESUM HER a~r of - ft a m MEET HERE FEBU 12 S nth Annual Conference Convention To Gatber For Weeks Session. PROMINENT SPEAKERS WILL AJDIIESS 600 DELEGATES Experts on all phases of highway engineering Iand highway transport will gather in Ann Arbor from Feb. 12 to 15 for the 9th annual Michigan Conference on Highway Engineering which will be held at that time under the auspices of the engineering col- lege and the Michigan State Highway department. More than 600 men in this field will be present for the dis- cussion. One of the features of the convention will be an exhibition in the Davis library of Highway Engineering and Highway Transport of 12 models of roads, pavements, and bridges- pre- pared 'by the United States Bureau of Public Roads, and a rubber exhibitl prepared by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. The first meeting of the convention will be held in the afternoon of Feb. 12. At this time P'rof. Arthur L. Blanchard, head of the department of highway engineering and highway transport, will speak on "Highway Transport Legislative Problems". Other speakers for the day will be Mr.. B. C. Tiney and G. C. Dillman, both of the state highway department. During the week the following pro- minent men.- will give addresses on their line of work Prof. Lewis M, Gram, of the civil engineering depart- ment; W. i. Connell of the Pennsyl- vani4 state highway department; A.. T. Goldbeck, testing engineer of the i f In Opinion Of Faculty Heads Classical languages are not only study of the classical languages corn- Registrar Demonstrates Means 0 i considered advisable, but the lack of bined with the mistaken assumption Compiling Fraternity them is. laid as one of the causes for that two instead of four years study Ciart. the low average of higher educational in a foreign language is adequate or institutions, in a census of the depart- desirable. Moreover this situation is ORGANIZATIONS CAN CLASS 1. ment heads of the faculty taken by reflecting itself in the colleges and OWN RECORDS WITH SYSTEM I Prof. F. W. Kelsey of the Latin de- universities. American educators are partment recently. The census by beginning to see the fundamental ser- Methods used in compiling the frat- Profe'ssor Kelsey was the resu't of a iousness of such tendencies. ernity scholastic chart were explained report by President Nicholas Butler "Apparently people in general do yesterday by Registrar Arthur G. Hall of Columbia university stating that not realize that the leading education- owing to the large nunbers of stu- "there is shortly to be a re-examna-al authorities in law, engineering, and dents requesting the information. The tion of the value of the ancient class science advocate, and with increasing method, as explained, may be used at ics as educational istruments." earnestness, the high value of classi- any time to test the relative diligence It is the general opinion of members cal studies. The broad liberalizing in- of students in any fraternity or group. of the faculty that the value, of the fluences and effects of Greek and Latin The oflicial fraternity scholarship classical languages is being entirely and the cultures which they represent chart is issued but once a year due to underemphasized. The lack of Greek need no defense with discriminating the great labor and expense involved. and Latin in high school, and the gen- persons. Our present situation has j By following the directions below any eral tendency of students to dodge the arisen largely from the attractiveness group may ascertain its standing on study of them in college is resulting 'f the newer disciplines and the mis- the basis of the first semester grades in the decline in the educational stan- take of taking for granted that a new as soon as they are known. dards of the country, according to generation understands and accepts First, collect and tabulate the grades tho average opinion. t )h- sndards in education so well es- of all members and add so as to obtain The opinions of President Marion L tablished by earlier generations. Our the total number of hours of each of!# Burton and of the Deans of the various sense of educational values must be the grades of A,B,C,D, and E. Dis- schools and colloges of the Unive- '1crutnized. Inaction and placid as- card hours of incoiplete and absent sity follow: sumption must be replaced by active from examination. Taking as an CX- vigorous advocacy of the worth of 4aa ne '1____ --s-dv y the h f ample an organization which totaled Hugo Stnne, left, discssmegdhr itation ith associate in Berlin PRESIDENT MARION L. BURTO classical studies." ' 50 hours of A, 70 hours of B, 90 hours "King of the Ruhr," Hugo Stinnes, Germany's financial wizard, is the "One of the really alarming tenden--- f C, 30 hours of D, and 10 hours of man of the hour in Germany as France holds the rich Ruhr valley in an ef- tiesOnemtercaneconarmyng Educa- HENRY M. BATES. DEAN OF THE E Multiplying these numbers of fort to collect from the mines and ind ustres of Stinnes and other chiefs. cies in American Secondary E LAW SCHOOL hours by the respective percentages Stinnes' vast wealth and his holdings in the mine, steel, dye, newspaper and tion is the continued decline in the "Greek and Latin unquestionably of the grades, A-1.00, B-.85, C-.70, jhipping industries make him financial dictator of Germany. i are among the most valuable of stud- D--.40 and E-0, the resulting num- Shows Advised For ies for the prospective lawyer and for hers are 50, the total precent of the these reasons, among others: A's, 59.50 of B's, 63.00 of C's, and 12.00 Exam Preparation "I. The successful lawyer must be of D's. The grand total of these num- I mb E TOCONDUCT PfA STUDENTS TO a man of broad culture, with a culti- bers is 184.50. rVl0 Theater owners of Ann Arbor state vated imagination and some familiar- Dividnig the total "weighted credittdr i", i LXR JDTION IN A MARE NEW LBORAIOR that there 'is a decided increase in the ity with the great literatures of thes18410, by the total hours completed,t3 r s patronage of their shows during the world. 250, the resulting 73.4 per cent shows exam period. The sedate senior is "2. A student cannot become pro- the standing of the group, well over MUSEUM CURATOR WILL CARRY To EQUIP ROOM IN N A T Ui A] well acquainted with the reason for ficient in these studies-le cannot ev- the C grade. ON RESEARCH WORK IN SCITNCE BUiLDING FOR this phenomenon, although the fresh- en pass his college courses in them- . "The process may obviously be ap- MANUFACTURING men is not apt as yet to be aware of without applying his mind with con- plied also to subdivisions of the the fact that a movie the night before centration and discrimination to his group," said Dr. Hall, "to freshmen1 Frederick M. Gaige, Curator of En- Expansion in the School of Phar the blue book gives the student the work. In this respect these studies for instance. or even to individuals. topnology in the Museum of Zoology macy has necessitated the equippin necessary sang froid to come through afford a gratifying contrast to many Thus Joe Gotoit, by earning 20 hours will sail for Cristobal, Panama, Feb. of room 140 in the Natural Scienc the hardest exam with flying colors of the lecture courses of the present 1 of A and 10 of B, with a resulting per. 6 to carry on exploration and research building as a special manufacturing as confidence is the key note to suc- day, in which the professor merely re- centage of 95, boosts the house stand- work within the canal zone and inter- loboratory in order to give the stu cess in any exam. cites predigested intellectual pabulum ing and is a fair coipetitor for, thie for regions of tho Republic. dents in manufacturing pharmac A noted psychologist has often de- to his students. The discipline of 'chapter. cup, -The greater portion of his work will practical training in that department clare that the surest way to acquire mind acquired in the study of thes "In the meaitime, Jack iite, who b done in the Chiriqui mountain dis- A compressed tablet machine, an oint this self satisfied attitude is to at- admirable languages and the acquisi- s 21 hours f D and 9..of E, with trnct at an altitude of 11,265 feet where ment mill, a drug mill and other ma tend 'a movie directlypriorto..the tion of the ability to concentrate and several volcanoes will be examined, chines that have formerhy been locat nd dr yhehp. a percentage- of 2, dras dwn the Mr. Gaige expects to find some valu- ed in three different laboratories,, ar examination. A movie diverts the the development of the will power in{ scholastic standing of the organiza- individual from any consideration of accomplishing difficult tasks, are of tion. lie should be "tubbed" eveni able specimens of ants, reptiles, and being assembled here. This arrange the utmost importance to the lawyer. amphibians, which will be brought ment conserves power in running th intellectual matters; it leaves one a. "t. uo iranc tthe ler though a junior and a B.M.O.C. His, back for exhibit here. machines and makes their operatio complete idiot with a mind that is 3. In translating either Greek or - light will soon be hid under a bushel!" pank; with regard to the weighty nrob- Latin into English, the student fre-__ _ _ Mrs. Gaige, assistant curatorithemoeefficient. bEbbIUN NfKU5KAM U. S. Bureau bf Public Roads; Clifford Older, chief highway engineer.of .the state of Illinois; Charles J. Bennett,' state highway commissioner of Con- necticutt; John N. Mackall, chairman and chief engineer of the Maryland state road coimmn5ission, and Frank F. Rogers, Michigan state commissioner of highways. On Thursday, February 15, the an-t nual meeting of the Michigan associa- tion of road commissioners and eng- ineers will be held. In -.the evening, Pres. Marion L. Burton will address the closing session of the association" at a banquet to be held in the ball- room of the union. He will talk on quently finds several more or less "The University and the State". lems apt to occur i the final synonymous English words for the -If a student is unable, financially or Greek or Latin word whichhe is look- otherwise to attend a show, he should ing up. He must determine from the notbe too downhearted as an ab- context and the other data which of URES sorbing game of solataire or a tour these is the correct meaning to give i U UO TI U I on the Boulevard will have the same the te corresttmannto giv[ to the term, in his translation. High Ppsychological effect There is one qualities of judgment, analysis and Students who have agreements with point tihat is so obvious that it is discrimination are called for. These their landladies for the first semestem hardly worth mentioning, that is, are the very qualities which the law- are held accountable for their rooms DEPARTURE MADE BY )1O)DELING iunder no circumstances should the lhe also must exercise much the same up until the evening of Feb. 9, the date CASS IN VILLAGE student be ,so unwise as to cram for faculties as those used in the process for the official closing of the first se- REPRODUCTION the fatal blue work. o translation. mesier of school, according to a state- "4. A great many of the technical ; ment issued yesterday by Prof. F. B.I A departure in landscape design terms in law are taken from the class- Wahr, director of the rooming bureauI modeling war, inaugurated in the class BAND S REUUEST (Continued on Page Eleven) 3located in the office of the Dean of in modeling in the department of land- )-Students. Many students have raised scape design during the past week,Ddrthe q"estion a towhthe or"nt tey when a reproduction of a New Eng- [VIPwould be held for room rent if their land village was made in sections and I Hand As Exams examination schedules were such as toj width and fiveoshrdlultardla;foETAO ! I permit their leaving at the end of the4 formed into a complete model four feet William Graulich, '24E, has issued Grip Students first week of examinations. in width and five feet in leng;th. a call for posters in the campaign In commenting on the situation, Dr. Th oe sta fa opeevl which has been launched by the Var- I I ometnrnnh iuain r The model is that of a complete vii- sity band in order to secure a design The dreaded hour is at hand. The Wahr said that since the semester lake built beside y small lake. The ich can be used on window cards day of reckoning at lait has come; in does not officially close until Feb. 9. lake is surrounded by a number of w an a word,-examinations! any obligations assumed by student~ homes, and the main problem pre-,awelsontepgrmtob sd see, ind the desin wsem cn- by the band on its spring trip. s You riffle your hair and twist the in regard to thei' rooms will be held' sented in the design was the con--y Posters should be in two colors, al- corners of what courtesy cannot but up to this date. struction and formation of these though a clever poster with more than call a mustache, Why hadn't you houses and their surrounding grounds.two colors will be acceptable. Stu given more attention to that dodgasted i Few Contagious Diseases Reported. The work is done on the scale of 20 dents with artistic ability will be able History course?- A few hours and you "No further cases of contagious dis- feet to the ich. A composition of to show their loyalty to the band by will be writhing in the toils of a death ease have appeared among the stu- cork and plaster-of-paris was turning in a poster that will lend a struggle with such questions as the dent body lately, with the exception in the ground work, and the model is unique touch'to the cover of the pr'o- I whyfor of the Reformation Parlia- of two cases of mumps which were re- assembled on a wooden base. gram. All contributions ii this con- ment; what' was the name of Henry ported last week", states Dr. Warren~ The advantage of such a modelas test must be turned into William Grau- VIII's fifth wife; and how did they E. Forsythe, Director of the, Univer- explained by the department, lies in lich at 735 Haven avenue. - get laundry done in the fourth cen- sity Health service. The two diph- the fact that it enables the owner of The programs are to be used on the tury. theria cases which broke out a short the property to see what the result concert tour which is to be taken dur- I What to do! What to do! time ago are both improving, accord- of work in lanscape designing will be ing the spring recess. At this time You rustle through the pages of ing to Dr. Forsythe. Smallpox has; before the work is done and that this the band plans to tour the most im- your notebook, but tie hodge-podge not made its appearance here despite means of illustration is much more portant cities in northern Michigan, of indecipherable hieroglyphics and the rather serious outbreaks in theI orctive than plans or sketches. after which it will go through the the margins muchly decorated with other parts of the state, and not much Mr G C. Come, of 0. C. Simonds & principal cities of Indiana and Ohio. ;what at the time seemed gems of wit, trouble is anticipated from this source. Company, Chicago, has been given, Several specialty numbers will be se- only serve to thicken the cloud of '__ special instructions in the course in cured to use in conjunction with the gloom that has fallen upon you. Prizes Offered For Albion Songs. modeling during the past three weeks. regular band concerts which are to be Aha, an idea! Arbe J O 7eAeF)-Ao The course is offered only during the the feature of the trip. A special You dash to the phone and call the Albion, Jan. t27.-(By As .- cas month of January andl is repeated each tr'ain is to be secured to convey the 'fraternity .of the chap who sits next collegfte et Senate col sers h year. band on its travels. to you in lecture. He's not a bad prizes for the best three school songs ., scout, really. Mebby if you talk to submitted by students and alumni. him right-"Oh hello. Brown?-thi= isI Higgins, yeh, sit next to you in His- T d In TC r si tory lecture, y'know. Say Higgins, DOWN AND OUT. .LVd$a4yIn Churches been studying up on the history exam, yet . . . tough stuff, eli . . . say, don't The world has done gone I your fraternity have copies of the ex- ' There are several outside speakers Methodist church has chosen for his aminations of Prof- for the lasth wrong! Theres a wrench in in the churches this morning. Dr. . sermon this morning. Five Bible ten years or so . . . good, well what :he machinery somewhere! What E. Tulles, president of Wittenberg Col- classes for students will meet at noon say we go over them together, pick is the trouble? lege will be at the Trinity Lutheran y in Wesley hall. Mr. Clair Searles will out the most likely questions-theys church, R. C. Hufstader, state director lead the Wesleyan Guild Devotional ones that recur frequently, y'know, Maybe you have lost some- of the Near East Relief, at the Presby- I meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Ralph Car- Jand then . . . you get the idea? . . . thing or that which you want is . ,C - 1941 . -il onal, at 7.2( 'rr1n 11r.h 71t ien n a q -i n -" - _ .,-- + - . , -- , muanutacturm~ng orancn 01 at sun- "Immigration" by, Professor Holmes, SCHURCH CONSIDERS ject. "Public Opinion" by Lowell Carr. BUILDING PLANS! "Social Evolution" by Powell Carr," A T THE THEA TERS "Criminology" by Prof. Arthur E. j___Wood, and "Community Problems" by Announcement has been made byrProfessor Wood. the (building committee of the First ARCADE Further details and a more com- Congregational church that it is ready "The Kentucky Derby," directed by plete list of courses may 'be found to take under consideration plans and King Baggot and starring Reginald in the preliminary announcement for models for a new building. Organiza- Denny, who has been appearing in the the Summer Session of 1923 of the tion of the available finances for the "Leather Pushers" series, opens this College of Literature, Science, and the project will not be attempted until week's program at the Arcade. The ac- Arts, the School of Education, and the some definate idea .is formed as to tion is of the romantic,' adveniurous Graduate School, which -will appear the structure of the new building. type with much excitement and many next week and may be 'obtained at It is possible that a thorough re- thrills to heighten the suspense of any of the registration offices. n, deling' of the, old building, at the '.the picture. ~o h eitainofcs corner of Williams and State streets, Denny takes the part of a young will take place, but it is more probable Kentucky boy who is thrown out of his IHop Features To that a new building will be erected, home because of his marriage with A p The committee is making a study of the daughter of a stableman, whom 'p earIn Chimes types of 'architecture, plans and spe- his father has educated out of charity. cifications, and will report to the The actual Kentucky Derby, annual j Special features that present.the J- congregation as soon as something is racing classic of the Blue Grass State, Hop in true and fantastic forms will agreed upon. It ;will prlobably be was filmed at Louisville as a part of be included in the J-Hop number of some time before the actual campaign this production. Chimes that will be distributed to fr.- for funds will be started. "The Dangerous Age," adapted from ternity houses on the campus the the popular novel by Frances Irene night after the Hop. Reels, will be shown the remainder of One of the principle articles will in- epo Y the week, beginning Wednesday. The crude a number of points on good be. story treats interestingly of the do- havior at a -Hop house party. "Perfect mestic problems and affairs of an av- Behavior at a Hop Party" by Leo erage American family and contains a Hershdorfer, '23, and Thornton Sar- iPublication of the annual :bulletin Pb t Uneriy unin near-tragedy and several melodramatic gent, '22, will give all th manners in of the American' Universityunion, thrills besides plenty of suspense and which a gentleman should verse him- shows that there were 1348 registra- humor. While many spectacular fea- self before attending such an affair. l tions of American students during the tures add greatly to the interest of A quantity of outside talent is used year at the Paris -office and over 1239 the film, the production's real strength in this issue. This is an igauguration at the London headquarters. Among lies in the human interest element of for Chimes, and results from an e'X- the visitors' was Prof. G. H. Nettleton 'the story. The picture has a splendid change of art work that is taking of Yale, now acting President of Vas- cast, comprising Lewis S. Stone, Ruth place between this magazine and oth- sar, who was there on behalf of the Clifford, Edith Roberts, Myrtle Sted- er college magazines of a similar na- school trustees. E man, James Morrison, Cleo Madison ture. The American University union, I and the exotic "Dellorice." Art work in, this issue that is under with which the University of Mich- "The Chickasla Bone Crusher," an- this new system includes a frontis- igan is a subscribing institution, cor- other comedy in the new "Leather piece by Ermina Stimson of Smith dially invites students and graduates Pushers" series, starring Reginald college and some decorations for one visiting Europe to make use of the Denny, will be shown with this attrac- of the stories by Ruby Hart of the facilities offered at the union offices tion. University of Wisconsin. Another art in Paris and London. Lists of pen- feature, not from outside the campus, sions and lodging are kept, and various MAJESTIC is a reproduction of a full page of sit- social opportunities are offered. Ac- e l u nnations that may arise during the 99The World s Applause, one of theia-44A.-T.,:J.-1« .I