--_________ ______________- I ~LI. IANAfA .- 7ANS WOMEN WORK ALONGSIDE MEN WITHtFIN RUHIR DISTRICT COAL MINES' innrai 1Httendorff's team lest In. the half fIR L iiP1.1rn T ie event to Reinke s team as trey' only rani 4 laps. Hiattendorff' was 8 to 10 yrdsTInadvanc when e stto INDO THuui ICKflI RES~ULTSIped because officals had not given him the correct nurmbr or laps~ he had (Coniniid fdm Pge Sven gone. The times for Reinke's team (Cotined ro Pae Sven Iwere as follows : Reinke 2:00 2-5, Higgins took second in both events,.!Marsh 2:03 3-5; Carson. 2:05 and W. Higgins has a world of speed and tGibson 2:08 3-5. when he becomep able to, take the In the match race~s for 440 yards hurdles in the correct manner he Martin's time of 53 2-5 seconds was should prove to he an unusual hurdler. the best. The othe~r times were as Aubrey took third in the high and follows Thomas 55 2-5, Joyner 55 2-5, fouth n te lw wileBarh tokLoomis 55 3-5, Roeser 54 4-5, and fourth in the high andn third in the Hulse 54 2-6. Hulse and Roesser are low., the ?pest men in this event to Martin. Is4bell and, Davis did not race in the I The freshman relay team defeated two mile event as both were - handi- the Varsity resrves 'with a low time cappedi by colds and were instructed of 3'.42 4-5. The time for the Var- by Coach Farrell to run a dead heat I sity reserves was 3:47 2-5. The fresh- In slow time. Their time was 10:07! man team WP43 comiposed of the fol- 4-5.j lowing men: Feinsinger, Fingerle, B~rooker cleared 12 feet in the pole snider, and Freyberg. Kruger. Propli- vault while Prcesser cleared 11 feet, et, Barger, and Spedding were on the 6 n p~ .P iz 91fat .ft ,2 w IVarsity reserves. MICHAEL B. HARRISON REPRESENTING THE Arthur M. Rosenberg COMPANY New ]Haven,GCn. Tailors Will, exhibit their Samples and Materdals for Spring and Summer wear i a inenes . .a .vin izLem. (iLer Lwo S tries, Presser tried for the gymna- sium record along with Brooker, but neither one was able to clear the re- quired height after making several good tries. Kelly 'went well today, {clearing the bar at 11 feet. rIn the handicap 50 yard dash Ald- rich won the finals and Captain Burke and Wit,tman tied for second and third. Kelly caine fourth. The hand- learp were as follows : Wittman scratch,' Burke_ 3 feet, Kelly 3, feet. Goldwater 4 feet, Aldrich 5 feet, and IKnox 6 feetL The time for the win- ner was 5 4-5 secondls: Commission Makes Plea For Cat$.j New York, Jan 27-(By A. P.)- The American relief administration today received a plea fromn its repre- : sentative in Kiev for funds to pur- chase cats, which are bringing ten million rubbles, with kittens at half price. Scanty food supplies are rapidly be- ing depleted by a hcard of invading t mice and there is a scarcity of cats: because or the number eaten duringj last winter's famine. FEBRUARY 7. ALLENEL HOTEL Read The Daily "Classified" Colum ns. 4 S. ! n=TT 11 t\ { ii ~ asn . ......".... ........ Toars's aly? Copyright Kadel and Herbert 1"1)r 0oto shows German %1omen lorries in wine at lWccdinglianscr. Low er photo shows miner; comngn up - fr.om some mines in lift at-.close of sh'ft TiiLese photos, taken inside the rich mines: seized by the French in the Ruhr district, show the type of workmen and the nature of the mines. Women work alongside their hush ands, brothers and sweethearts in 'the mines. They are employed at practically all, kinds of labor. The men and women in the Ruhir mines have been producing 7 0 per cent of .the coal. output turned over to the allies 'under the peace terms. The miners greet the French. with "passive resistance." II 1111 Il1111111111111MItltIIINUIIN1Mt11I11111111 IIIfill 11,I III III 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111fill IIIfill 11111111IIfill IIItlli11i111 OUR DAILY DOZEN: -w6::00--14ober guild sulpper at HarrisI I'S O IN ON ti -0-Baptist guild friendship hour I WHAT' 'GOI G V iBaptist church parlors. 6 :0-Mr. Lionel Crocker, freu in- aauniversity, Tokio, Japan, speaks NOTICE--Copiy for this column shoiuld l'on "Japanese Student Life in Blapt- b unte by63 o'lc'o iisChrh,1-;,11teday before publicati on. ; 6: --Christian' Endeavor meets in _____! Christian church. SUNDAY$ 6:130='Students' reside chat at Congre. Igational church.. 9:30-CongMgational Bible class 10°" 6:4-Mr. A. G. Proetor., only living men stu~dents conducted by Mit.AMit- member of convention that nomin- chell meets at Congregational atedl Lincoln, speaks to Hobart church.guild at Harris hall. 9 :$O--ivfrsity Aen's Bible class3 7 :00-Rabbi Hrace Wolfe speaks oil!n meets in tUpper room, Lane hall. "Who Are the Educated" at Jewish# 9 :30-Bible school of Church of Christi Student congregation meeting in 1 meets. Professor Darnhill spears. Lane halt. 12 ;90-Baptist gwild meets i Baptist x :30- lalh Carson speaks at MHeth- Guild -house. Mil. Chapman, leader. odist church.G 12 OO-#e~clas o Chrchof hr~t S:00-Pleasant Sunday evvening, fon-. mnees, ",hosen Men" is subject.:I gregational church, conducted by Y2:*30- oiag clib picture taken at . Mr. Jump for faculty meimbers and1. Renfsclei'r.graduato students.. 12 :0--46dent Bble classes 11m6e& in , wese hall, DTethod st' church. !. ){:.tlh DAYf1 4::0--Qpex~huseat Wesley ball. . 12 ' d- Delta Sigma Jt ,fl'o imeet at Sped-. {ding's studio to have picture taken. 1C-i *C: ophomor'e class dual; aepayable. They may be mailed to Ray Billin;- ton, class treasurer at 1102 Oakland .avenue.j The tmtab r the photographiug of the Delta Sigma Rho group picture for the Michiganensian has been chang- Ied from Thursday to 12 o'clock IMonday noon, Jan. 21, jLIBERTY TOGGERY AND SMOKE1 SHOP opened on the corner of Liber- ty and State Street, where good cigars: Cigarettes and tobaccos are sold cheap. They advertise in The Daily. -Adv. GPatronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. k--CAMPUS NEWS- 1 Campus Events. Union Activities. Social Items, of Interest. 2-PICTURES- 3-ASCAE Feature Service of Events and People from All Over the World. PRESS- Dispatches of international, National and State Items of Interest. fix 4-D.-IJ 0. B_.-. -All Students are Held Responsible for Notices Given in This Bulletin. 5-G--AM PUS OPINION-- Communications of Interest to the Campus, written by 'People of the Campus. 6-PORTi PAGES- Intramural Sports., The Outlook, for.Qur Basketball and Track Teams. Con- ference News. Items by Special Correspondents in Other Schools. Coyne to Our' Great 7-TOASTED ROLLS- Goes well with Your .Morning Coffee. 4 any College Publication. The Foremost Humor 'Columnk of Char m, grace, poise- allteeare clearly, bro3ught ogut ,in our photographs, of women SUIT AND CLEARANCE 8--EDITORIALS- Written by Men with Ideas. itorial. Comment from Oether +Campuis Problems Considered E lditorially. Ed- Universities and Colleges. 9---THE WOMEN'S PAGE- A Necessity for Every Woman on the Campus. League Items. Notices of Parties and Meetings for" University of M.,ichigan Women. 10--TH E SUNDAY MAGAZINE - Campus Literary Ability at. Its Best. Book Reviews, Music, Art. F T h e s e distinctive- portraits are not at all costly.; TIele- phone .60¢-:W today and set the time for an appointment- WE'VE no room for these suits and overcoats, they must go to make room for Spring stocks. That's why we're Offering them at this low price, right .at. the height of the season. These concessions are in ac- cordance with our fixed pol- 'icy of complete new stocks each season. 11--CLASSIFIED I. COLUMNS--- Filled with Live,-Wire Bargains of Every Description. Positions,. 12-ADVERTISING- When you read. the .ads 'in THE MICHIGAN DAILY you save money for yourself. Those who advertise in THE DAILY are progressive and up to date. LoQst and Fouind. I t Portraits Quality I KEEP YOURSELF INFORMED Subscribe todaj) y $2.00 for 'the *remainder of the year. Delivered to your door I I 3 I " ... the Acia .1vaiip Eli