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January 28, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-28

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T T ___________

_. ,-..

i _ ___ -

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year-by the Board in
CsjntroI of Stude-t Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the usefor republication of all
news disipatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
Emrr~ d he tc{ fie ~ n An Arbor.

aesthetic self prostrate before the
monstrosity which flaunts itaelf along
the State street front of the campus,
under the very nose of University
w Hall. Mammoth holes in the ground,
acres of piled lumber, twisted iron
strips, cylindrical pipe, brick, etc.,
etc.; confront the gaze in nearly all
directions, while gaunt skeletons of
steel or concrete rise to thwart even
one's recourse to the restful sky.
Chaos has come, compared with which
some still tranquil section of the cam-
pus, though enmeshed with a spider's1
web of cement sidewalks, is to the lov-




Editor, The Michigan Daily:



I wandered with a friend around tht
Of 'brick and stones
We call our campws 'midst st'ately
. ~ 1

I- wonder f your undergraduate
readers would. welcome a few obser-
vations on the subject of examina-
tions by a person who has suffered
much at their hands. "When I was
an undergraduate in Harvard unver-
sity." wrote the famous historian1




#n-ere b at the postot ce at jn mo,
Michigar as second class matter. er of order and beauty like a little
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3.b50.
Oflices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May. bit of Paradise Lost.
nard Street. Even the bold utilitarian, clamor-
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; EBus vba
ness. oto: ing always for more sidewalks to meet

Commnunications not to exceed Soo words
if i +ned the si nature not necessarily to

7P'5gliu ,n ignanetc=;bt~a
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and1 notices of events will be published in
11-e Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
lift at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed communication will receive no con-
sideration. No manuecript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily'
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Telephones 2414 and 176-N1
N'ews Editor........... ..Paul Watzel
City ditor... .........James B. Young
A-sistant City Editor..........Mariot Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman.......E. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
Ralph JByers Harry Hoey
L. J. lershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
H. A. Donahue J. E. Mack
voorts Editor..................F. 4. McPike
Women's Editor...............Marion Koch
Sundaiy Magazie Editor..1.. . A. Donanue
P ictrial 3Editor................ Robert Tavr
usic Editor................... II. .Ailes
Editorial Board
LowelU Herr. Maurioe Berman
E ugene Carmichael

Thelma Andrews
. A. Bacon
Stanley M. Baxter
Dorothy Bennetts
Sidney ]ielfleld
R. A. Billington
Helen Brown
I'. C. Clark
A. B. Connable
Bernadette Cote
Evelyn I. Coughlin
seph 1Epstein
ax w ellead
T. E. Fiske
A. P. Webbink
John Garlinghouse
Walter S.. Goodspeed

Portia Goulder
Eonald Haigrim
Franklin D .Hepbur.
Winona A. Hibbard
L dward 3. Higgins
Elizabeth Liebermann
John M-oGinnis
Samuel Moore
M. 1-1. Pryor
W. B. Raferty.
Robert G. Ramsay
Cam pbell 'obertson
Sol J. Schnitz
W. 1i. Stoneman
Frederic G. Telmos
Philip M. Wagner

his haste-driven convenience, is now
thwarted by great gaping areas which'
his strident energy can't abridge; and
he no longer clamors for convenient
highways, direct from his here to his
there, but with humbled spirit is con-
tent to walk around, and by some
improvised narrow passageway to
sling into a mocking rear entrance.
His former bee-line path has become
a kind of delirious concentric curve,,
with occasional features along the
way which suggest a thoughtfully plan-
ned course for an obstacle race. What
would he not give now for a mod-I
est little forty-five degree angle to
walk leisurely and respectfully
around? And though once he peti-
tioned the gods for wider walks, to
circumvent the social proclivities of
the co-ed, what would he not give now!
for a demure eight-foot istraight-away,
however peopled, if only unobstructed
by detour bars and unmenaced by
lurching motor trucks?!
Either the aesthete or the untilitar-
ian would welcome now, by prefer-
ence, the remote days when the side-
walks were mere gravelled strips,
with a pair of boardwalk inlays to ac-
commodate single-file traffic in each
direction -- devices which certainly
were not adornment,3 to the campus,!
however much of the cherished plot
I they left undisturbed in its native
beauty-or barrenness.
Looking to the future, it is a ques-
tion which of the two contestants Ali
finally come' into his own. If recent
student growths ratios are maintain-I
ed, the campus traffic problem will)
become acute in a fairly short time,l
and not only a hetwork of broad side-
walks, but double-deck viaducts, even
overhead bridges between skyscraper
buildings, underground arcades for
automobiles, and elaborate aerial sta-
tions, nay ke expected in time to
complicate the =beauty-lover'.s view.
Probably the old sidewalk conten-
tion will presently be resumed, and
will go on, as before, seemingly with-
out end. Meanwhile, however, .there is
a notable recess in the familiar con-
troversy-a lull in which the old an-
tagonists are for the time made com-
panions in misery. A wistful longing
for the comparative paradise of old-
en days almost makes' them sympa-
thetic friends. No fear of future in-
convenience or aesthetic pain pene-
trates the present gloom. From the1
point of view of either, the past was

Of trees. John Fiske, "a good recitation was!
The breeze"
called a squirt'. What uncouth or
Blew briskly as we passed a build- opprobrious epithet is applied to that -
ing grey.
A noise! "Wat's that?" I shouted, ktid of recitation today I do notf
"Hasten! Say!" know, but I am certain it is surely;Is
"'Tis nought but one the a medic i as offensive." Adv.
styles In Ann Arbor as in Cambridge,
I ~Shaking the bones." I
there is a notion somewhat current, Tr
W pI on the campus that working for a
We passed a redl-magnificence, brick---
fdced high grade is a piece of pitiful mid-
Book-shelved to eaves - Victorian conservatism. An excellent
eB:ak-sheo papedis ccasinallytak.
Enormous shadows played about and e.andnation paper is occasionally tak-
paced en as tragic evidence that the studen't'
The walls- who wrote it is a pathetic grind. Nor
are the undergraduates always the
Twin balls ., a.
Of fire before the portal's yawning main sinners in thl.s regard. Parents a.
too often misconceive the real pur-l
Sound&s indescribable came from pose of a college education and pass e
1 Iinon their misconceptions to their sons
.nwithind heas
My friend: "Be calm; 'tis sighing and daughters.
grinds encased When Woodrow Wilson was presi- r
Amrnong the leaves" dent of Princeton he had on one oc- 1
casion to write an influential alumnu,4
We passed a ,skeleton steclfraned, asking for money. He received in it,
whose piers reply a small check but a long letter. 4
st s oIn that letter the graduate vented his s
i So stark sent storms
Of fright to-chill my spine. And then ndignation i the following son-
tence: "I am sending you a chee .
but I want you to understand that I '
A bird don't syn::pathize at all in what youl
A birdare trying to (10 You are trying to
Perhaps ,wing-flapping through the
ghostly place change our dear old college unto a
A cold sweat dan'd my bloodless, blamed educational institution!" 2
And of equally shallow mind was
wh itened face.
"Come ,courage, lad; t'is naught. No that mother who informed her card
club one afternoon that Maude was
Those hastlyform.,,not going to Wellesley after all but F
T h f "to Vassar. When asked why the 6
change of plans had been determined,1
We sees the girl the the . 4. she answered, "I have looked into the
being in e turrible hurry w. .ak to matter and I find that the Vassar -
colors become Maude tar better than
her "We can't stop now but 'we'll ring the Wellesley colons."
you after supper." And then she In spite sof parents with twisted
1howls, "Oh this ts too much of a rush ideas and of campus traditions that
and does :~a s ive into the mail look askance on intellectual inspira-
box. This makes it all the berries'.tion, it yet remains true that the
(the post man takes her home and main business of a university Is to
uore we save time, tl bng in a give an education. And periodic ex-
r aminations are not at all artificial'
CONN. YANK. tortures sent by the faculty to perse-
* * *
cute undergraduates. They are ,sim-
It seems very strange that we have ply necessary reminders of what col-
heard nothing of the plan to elimin- lege really is for. Undergraduate life
ate final examinations so a.r this affords pleasure, t.o be sure. It offers
semester for every other semester varied opportunity. It furnishes mul-
there have been plenty of chaps go- titudinous entertainment. I't helps
ing around the campus with the latest kill time. And it may be depended
news and inside dope to the effect upon to use up some money. But'
that finaWl have been abolished for- the underlying object of the huge in-
ever, vestment of money represented by
* * * university campuses of America and
Contributions, Cntributions. the vast aggregation of trained lead-
* * * ership in our university faculties is
"Four hours of study are better than to help boys and girls to develop their
four hours of E". minds.
*u* * s Prof. -Galey of California who
We heard a guy say wrote our Michigan song, "The Yel-
yesterdaylow and Blue", decalred a few years
"One more class and;ago that college students uually
then hurrah for the worshipped the idols of Incidental Is,
Holidays.", sues. And too many youths come to

serving a splendid steak and
supper every evening, $1.25.--
'y a Classified Ad--it pays.-Adv.
A:in Arbor and Jackson i
(Eastern Stl'ndard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
.:00 a.M., 7 :oo a.m., 8 :00 a.mu., 9.o
im. and hourly to 9:05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops I
est of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and.
very two hours to 9:47 P.11.
Local Cars East .Bound--7 :oo a.'fl.
nd every two hours to 9.oo p. m.,
1:oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-11:40
.m., 1:15 a.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-7:50 a.m.,
2:10 o.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lim-
ted cars 8:47,, 10:47 a.m., 12:47, 2 :47,
:47 p.m.
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
:47 P.m.
928 JANU ARY 1923
1 2 3 4 5 6
S 8 9 10 11 12 13
f 13 1 17 18 19 20.
22 23 24 25 26 27
is 29 30 31'
We do all kinds of Cleaning
nd Reblocking of hats at
low prices for 111H CLASS
617 Packard Street Phone 1792 1
E 3
e t

Schedule in Effect October xe, z922
Central Time (Slow Time) D
t'L.. A.M. P.M. P.M
3:45 7*45 .... Adrian .... :4s 8:45
"s 15 S ... Tecumseh ... 12:Js 8:1s5
308:30 C.... linton ... .12 :oo :oo
5:15 9:15 .. Saline . .. 11:15 7:15
3:45 9:45 Ar Ann ArborLv. 10:45 6:45
(Court foe Square) A. M.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
ud diolid.vs. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45. leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. E1LLIOTT, Proprietor I
'.io n ;, 9 6 44 A rian , M ich , 1
A 1ilil i l11i11111 i!i 1 111111tt11t1i111111 I
606 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Hours, 1-6 p.m. Phone 401-
"r111111 i 11 t Eiiti E11 111itl t9113 1"-.

Telephone 960
Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising...............Edward F. Conlin
Adver tising..............Walter K. Seherer
Copywriting...D..........avid J. , .Park
Accounts..............Lawrence H. Favrot1
Circuaation...j...........Towrwend H. Wolfe
Publication..............,. Beaumont Parks
Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton
George Rockwood James A. Dryer
perry M. hayden Win. 11. Good j
Eugene -r Dunne Clyde L.-Hagerman
-Win. Graulich, Jr. Henry Freud
John C. Haskin Herbert P. Bostick
C. L. Putnam-F D. L. Pierce.
E. D. Armantrout Clayton Purdy
Herbert W. Cooper J. B. Sanzenbacher
Wallace flower Clifford Mitts I
Wilium i. heil. Jr. Ralph Lewright
Harold L. Hale Philip Newall
Win. D. Roesser
Night Editor-HARRY D. HOEY
In February, at the close of one se-
mester, comes the brief respite before
the beginning of another. With it ar-
rive thoughts of the future, and usu-
ally regrets for the past. Mistakes
made will not recur; energies unused
will be applied; and time wasted will,
be a thing bygone; diligence will mark
the road ahead.
These, and other equally haloed in,-'
tentions inspire the student to start
out anew, to.make his college life
worth while,-or more worth while.
Then comes the new semester A
pound of notebook filler and freshly
sharpened pencils escort the student
to his classes. His professor lectures.
He listens intently; writes furiously;
absorbs splendidly. At night he stud-j
ies conscientiously; sits in quizz ex-
ultantly; knows his assignment thor-
oughly. -
But as the pencils wear down, soj
does his epthusiasm; and the end of
the semester finds him again with
thoughts of the future, and again withI
It h V t


You Will Learn ore Rapidly
In a Few
j712 Arbor Street' J
Near Sltt and Packard Streets'
Try Our Business Men's Le -
11:80-2:00 -- -65c
K"edy's Orchestra' '
1:30 - 4:00
Cornwell Coal Bldg.

He Reached the To
HE Vice-President of a great life insurance:'
company who began his career as an agent
has this to say to seniors who are about to.
graduate from college:
"If you love work and desire to pursue an honorable,
useful and lucrative mission in life this is the Business
for you to take up. Life insurance salesmanship offers
a fine field for the energies of the splendid young men
in our colleges.
"That this is true is demonstrated by those college men - >
who have taken up life insurance for they have shown
that the college man is fit for this kind of a job and ,
that the job also is fit for the college man.
"The work of the life insurance salesman is distinguished
-by independence and opportunityfor directing his own. -
It gives all posiAble opportunity for individual initiative
and a chansce to make an ample income at an age when
most fellows are struggling on a wage pittance." '
That is the story of one who began at the bottom an
reached the top without the help of a college educa-
tion. The advantages are with you who graduate
from college. Before deciding your career make in-
quiries of the "Agency Department."
Largest Fiduciary Institution in New England.



acrid dr*


B0 L T

bad enough; the future may be
fraught with disquieting possibilities;
but this - the present -- THIS, both
are agreed, is diabolical, not to use
a shorter and even handsomer wo'd.I
That erudite psychologist, femur, ofI
the humor column, ha, discovered that
no man is a hero to his room-mate.
This news is momentous, but not as
d&1tructive of our faith in human na-j
ture as a cursory reading might lead
gne to believe. In fact, a careful
analysis of femur's startling state-
ment proves him to have shown that,
humor is based on love. Those whom
we laugh at we are often fond of, fond
even of their foibles and errors.
Of no one is this more true than
of the much-reviled room-mate. Be-{
neath our numerous josts at his ex-I
pense, may easily be seen the real
regard in which we hold him. The
student, expresses his deeper feelings
j in indirect fashion; lie is afraid-per-
haps too much afarid-of sentiment.
His love-pat is a K. O. punch. Butt let


A mid-winter treat! Straw-
berry shortcake made with
big' luscous berries hurried



' Y'.k , a ,

* * *
Last night..Into my room-
And..seated myself--At my
I know not..How muc
But I know..That I read..v
The mid-night oil. .I bu
It was.. a subject..of great
The room..was filling..wit
'Twas the..Paper..from mt

t.i college for th ncientals of college
rather than its essentials. However
at this approach of mid-year exams a
-I went.. wave of seriousness seems to roil over
the college town, and this is altogeth-
hi time..I
er wholesome. Unfortunately it
I won't last long. But while it stays, it
provokes to earnest use of brain-
power, and nobody ever suffered per-
mrned last manently from using his brains.
. Meanwhile the statistics of success
renown.. in the world give great encourage-
:h morning ment to the odd student who still
y. .IOME seems to want to study while in col-
Jr lege. In the crop of college' grads
JoKi-.-who get their degrees next June the
1first quarter in rank will gain as
IND much recognition and conspicuous
sucecos in the life of the world in the
folks?" subsequent half century as all the
other three-quarters put together who
for?" secured only mediocre rank. They
will come to the top; will be men-
offence, tioned in "Who's Who"; will exert
influence on their fellow Americans.
The college mortar board is not al-
- Ex. ways a thinking cap, as one child in
a college town called it, seeing it on
Contest a' college graduate's head. But in

here from Florida.


forSundaydiner. Only20-
A rcde Csafete ria
Upstairs, Nickels' 14 rcade



i"What will I tell the f
*c "1,: :


"What was he
"Selling canal



regreL s or te pasc. .
In the interval between semesters, none doubt that the sentiment exists. ' "Tht isn't a criminal
when the outcome of the last is still So. here's to friend femur for his 1s it?"
impending and the next has not yet re-affirmation of a noble truth; here's "The canal is on Mars.'"
opened,-.then is the time to make a to our campus quips when they wax
mental budget of interest and enthu- witty over the roomr-mate; and here's I
siasm;-Not. one which on a graph to the room-mate that swipes all our Sounds like a- Pie Eating
would start. higl-0, at the left and trail- stuff and bawls us out, and finally Dje see the news in T
to nothingness towards the right, but proves his real love for us by drag- Daily) that "eats for the pe
a line of endeavor which would tray- ging his best girl's dumb and cross- 'may now be reserved at ti
erse the graph of accomplishment eyed friend out to the date we had ie of the Mimes theater"?
evenly from start to finish. I forced on us. Vive le room-mate!
These are thoughts for the future.

. D. (The
ie box of-


The announcement from Antwerp Ke
REAUTY ANI) WALKS that the last contingent of American The
Do you remember all the discussion troops had sailed slowly down the top.
.hat used to be devoted to the cam- Sheldt on their way home embodied a
ms sidewalks? Do you recall the re- great deal in its few words.

eep smiling all through exams.
optimist generally comes out on
Contributions, Contributions.
* i. .1
Examinations are unfair," said the
dent(?) as he looked over his E

proportion as it doe-s become a think- I
ing cap is the wearer' thereof likely
to be heard of in history later on.
Po stalreceipts of the local kffice for
the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1922,
show an increase cf more than $7,000
over the' receipts of the correspond-
ing period of the previous year.
A marked increase in .special deliv-
ery service is also noted, 37,012 spe-
cial deliveryletters and parcels, or
an average of more than 400 a daya
hav.ing been delivered from the city
office during the recent quarter.

&~-...Z, ---~--' -..
OCn of these Un
the family comfortab
ru tes very little po'
Watch our,



peated demends for more and morej
walks, to replace the ugly paths cut At least seven hundred students
across the lawn by the streams of will traverse the storm:, just ahead 3
student traffic? And then the usual with one eye on the ship and the
outcries to toe effect that there were other on the approaching fair weather'
already too many walks, that the of J-Hoa time.
campus was beoming a veritable


iversal electric heaters will help greatly to keep
Ae these cold days-heats a room readily yet con-
wer-can be moved about wherever needed.
Ntain Street Windo is for Specials

There is nothing
good grades.

like wishing for



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