7"1H4E MICHIGAN DAILY DATESANOCE FOR REGISTRA9TION, titerai y Cvllege Election IRlaiiks 'Must r 1t N(. lN EE R S'LIEMIT I,5 OP!E' NI OF SEMESTER Students inal colleges and schools of the university are. urged to com- plete their ren ,tration: and election of iiew courses At the earliest possi- ble (late. For z;tu2dents inl the College of Lit- erature, Science,, and the Arts, all clec~ion blanks 13ust, be handed in to the proper committee on elections, Mondlay , to Thursday, Febs. 5 to S. The1)e con _ ittce; will be found in the' fel lcwi ug roms: freshmen, room 205, (second floor north) U. H., soph- omnores, mrom208, (second floor south) U. IT., and for Juniors and seniors at the registrar's office. Students are re- questedl to consult members of the dlifferenit departmental faculties before Ja n. 28. The classificatiou of students in the literary college is base(] Upon the amnount ot' credit they possess on Oct. I, as follows: freshmen are those having less than 2 4hours credit, sc'ph,- omnores having from 24-33 hours cred,- it, julniors from 5to 87 ,hours credit, andl seniors, those having 83 or more 1,)(urs credit ,or those planning defi- nitoly to graduate in February or AugusEt of the current year. Flue for Late Registrafloui Studefnts cf illu Colleges of Engi- neering a;,d rchitiecture must en. tirelv coriilete I heir -reagiztration (including payment of fees, classi- fication.u and enrollm2ent) by the fi rsf tdaiy oft the semester,"rTuesdlay, Feb. 1l'. T'ihos faitiling to complete their r'egistration ind cl an, itcation by this 0 J0 atre qu11ired to pay a fee of five d1oI111a. Announcent las been ma de that thle office of the Schlool of -Educatior vi ll be open for second .sciester reg- i,-tration, from 9 to 12 and from 2 t( >, from Febl. 5 to 9 inclusive. If en- tire registration 1i3 not completed by- F Guide To Hop, With Firn Rules, Given By. Comua Final details: for the i924 J-Hoy securing their wraps2 have been announced by the flop coin- between the two gymn mittee, and are explained in order thatI The Hop committee those attending the H-op may have 1tr of of the dance thro clearer idea of the procedure for the ening, though much of annual affair.i will be done by the Dancing to Begin ait 9 1mWen. Those groups The Mason and Dixon orchestra wvil'1booths for the dance begin music for dancing promptly at their two signed pledgc 9 o'clock, although the grand march if they have not doner will not begin until 9 :30, in order that -- all guests may be given an opportun/, ai ity to be prs te as il OelPEN yDOR IN Tai n rvt aswl ne1uuthedrive around the gymnasium fron. annr East University avenue, stopping at BbfLED TO the wvest entrance of both gymnasiums! Cars will be allowed to Ipark orl Twelfth street and North University 1J)ECLAIIATION CLA but not on North University or Eas' j OT BOUND TO University in the vicinity of the gyn.i COJNC11 nasiums. Speelal Parlors Provided Lausanne, Jan. 2'. Trhe programs for the dance wili The policy of the ope be given out from 1 to 5 o'clock the Ikeasdvctdb afternoons of 'Feb. 6 and 7. Special aadote b parlors will be provided for those ;at- States at the Near I tending the dance and not havingi ence was ratified by booth room. Fraternities. will not b' night in the fortiof permitted to have flowers in thxel read by M. Bonpard t, booths, though they mnay have floor ence, declaring thatT lamps along with their furniture. N(, obliged to follow the wraps may be taken to booths. All, council oil the Otton. furniture must b~e removed fron-. matter of concessions booths by 12 o'clock Saturday morn- This declaration whi ing following the Hop. American representatii After entering, the mien will leav . goes on the official rea their dance partners near the en. at the last hour of ai trance and proceed up stairs wvherc' sion which only serve they will check their wraps. They' the large number ofr will meet their partners at the en the allies and Turks trance between Barbour and Water- Questien Arose 0 man gymnasiums. After the dancec The op-en door ques they will leave their partners at the connection with the stairs in the hallway of Barbour gym allies that Turkey pa nasium, and meet them again afte * .15,000,000 Turkish pouf arations to allied citiz( OABRILOWITSCll RECITAl. I Sustained during the DETROIT EVENT OV rJI', Ix' (allied draft of the p~r AIL hS for the det~ails of thi: key today absolutelyi Ann Arbor p~atrons of muisic wxr) in any form, reache have admired the genius of Ossi,)1(hildis yesterday, hef sabrilowitsch, conductor otf the De ci tinc~e that the Trkr should ask the opinici roit Symphony orchestra, will have on the Ottoman djefbt - ____---J n a yI~i se Library Open Domring Exams the morning until 10 o'clock at night Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. Janua imsie. . IRegular hours, from 7:45 o'clock in will be maintained1 by the general Ii-- - On Sale T1o0 or r'owl brary during the examination period. Try a Classified Ad--it pays.--Adiv. ~'iittee Enlarged in size and whimsically' 111111111111111111111 iIlII violating its own custom, the ;tradition - Week Beg.A I 11 O.MT.W), at the entrance of tardiness, the January Whimsie.- =,2 TONIGHT if I1 i ~ c to$15 nasiums. will be placed on~ sale tomorr'ow, An.. (Sanday) Jan. 28 Sat. NOt. Sc t o $ ilbeicogother innovation in the current issue(J -( ________________________-.________________________ Oughout the ev- 1IVV21G....- - the detail work; is that its contents win oca maceo11p sub-committee-. entirely of contributions by students -C r'LC whc etciwho are not .members, of the staff.TH M C , J SU CES.: must send in From its first mimeographed isNwsffrsasslet}injo 2--" the literary "hi-monthly" established=-IN THE- the custom of coming out tardily. The Ready-Made Gowns 2- saray. sale of the present issue commzzencing{=i addition to- HISTORY MUS111 ICAL CO E on time breaks effectively one of the n-O .'J rJI 2 iinrii University's ti-me-honored traditions. = -W UILIRegular subscribers' co-pies of the' Regular Designing =1111cVAND)ERBUILT PRIiQUCIM.4 (0 MVYIAY X Presenits Tmagaznuwerdesdi :ah:posts appear on the camnpus, but all nearb~y afternoon and Evening AIMS T RKiIS1 newstands will be suplied with cop Apparel-- FOLO es for general sale. _ .. Large Sum Raised \llGACVN 7-(By A. lP.)- Fo- 3"3[migofir . usc Y HryTierney. QR uJ ssianfA2d 230 nickels Arcade =--1n I* zzsfotottr. Tsibyllr.. mLrc dori ur 9AT A~~ y d os. McCarthy. Staged by Edwiard Royce. iy the United', rethn PIhone 75- Eastern confer- Voeta $900 haycve been raised !.iuItlu1II1;gill11#IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIII11##= _ in Ann Aroi ortecasefu-Te Greatest Girl in the World the allies to- 1.Sian relief. b Thre tloca conirnittee }A =_ ______ f a. declaration' while not giving nnuch publicity to LER'ODAC to the confer.,itswork: , has gatheredthisDsumE rukywsntthrough various chzannels, and, in ad- HALIE- advice of the -ditionz, has prepared for shipmzent, a DANCE STUDIOS .: SPECIA N R A E R H S R ~an ebtin te cns~erabe aoun of onaed coth Hors 15w -10Wuerh Acad an Turey. nheing. L0#!1iI#1##1q -ct~~lkllltII #I~~t11#111IIl11I11IIln ih +a~tJnq1dthe ,__________________ I ive and which1 ,cord, was madejNJj II I in amnazing ses- ,ed to bring out pointsi on which IW eRecOmIA are, divided.., hit of Debtteinaoe n the. Diver denya nd of the ay to the alliesI SHOWS 2:00 -13:3 - 7 :00.- 8:45 nds gold as rep, - :ens for damages I war. WXhen the -otocol providling ,S payment, Tur- refused to make ed Ambassador found in it a kish government; n of the councilof twith reference "' ' will t)e in-poSed. mleat is madePinl fn e- of five dolla-rr- F7urther announce- this school that all February s;eniors' who wish their-' namies pre,3ented for diploma% or cer. tificaltes should a ttend to this matter net later ta Feb. 14. Diploma and Life Certifica'e 2ees are playable at thle present time. Further information withi reference to reg-istration and classification may; be obtained at the var-ious regi.- tra- tion offices of the University. Got something Lcor salo? A "Daily" fh.p Dailyi will find it.-Adv. ,i opportunity to hear him in the- ,Tcld in which he first won interna- tional' distinction, in his annual D- troit pianoforte recital at 8: 15 0'- clock Thursday evening in -rchestra hall., Mr. Gabrilowitsch's program is conservative one and is p~ractically identica-l with that which won himt Z great ovation in New York. Ile wilP- open with a Bach fugue transcr ibed11 from the organ by. Tausig and follow-.' ing this will play Moart's V ariation.s in F major, Schumann's AufschNNunne.I Beethoven's "Moonlight" Sonata, Op.} 27, No. 2, a Chopin group, two orig- inal compositions and the Themel Varie of his colleague, Paderewski. to all contracts for new concessions or the extension of old conventions. M.Amb~assador Child~s bimedilately conferred with the allied leaders and pointed out that this provision col-- lied with the, open door. In conse- quence M. Bompard tonight read a dleclaration that it wa-s far from the- allies' intention to strike any blow at the sovereign rights, of Turkey, which were fully safeguarded, as Turkey need not follow the advice of the cuclon concessions. }Patronize D~aily advertisers.-Adv.} Trry a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv. =E SUCCESSFUL CLE~ANIAD PRESSING depends upon one wordw -SEmRVICE, .. We aim to ,give you the best SER VICE possible, from the - time we get the call for, to the time of the delivery. -SWISSILIZED. GARMENTS STAY CLEAN LONGER I SPhone Gawn'Cenn Suh - 25 ~Company. Fourth = -Ave. - - w' 4'1e Come of.&tcrgine" - WE CALL FOR. AND DELIVER - I111111.1111111 f 11fIIIIIIII____________IfIIIIIIIIf____________________________________IIIfllI _ t A WAIhisk Brooms. Always forgotten until you want them and want them badly- We have an exceptional- ly fine assortment from which to select and Your Opportunity We are offering SHORT %-LENGTHS. - FIMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CRETONNES at Very-. attractive prices 'at AT ,COST These are suitable for Aprons, Dresser Scarfs, Pillows, etc. if I WXe also offer some of our regular patterns at 1V4 Off the regular price. I "The Quarry" IDrag and Prescription Store WINDOW SHADES AND* DRAPERIES State and N. this. I Ilia nna f!17C S