THE MICHIGAN DAILY R. SATURDAY -JAI' GARY>2i, r ( awti ' ' c r Aii o"'.- f .;.. . .... , , ." ..... / ,r.." ..... r.. r.,........ ., ...- 'E WILD MA. NFBORNEO HdAD NOTHING ON MR. EHMKEJ I, L '4 ! f he all-fresh team have not as yet; ,TRACK TEAM TO HOLD, COMPETITIVE More than 100 people saw the Var- [n~aI rsityre as lat 1 oped that more wil turn out for t,1e coret this afternoon as it will h1tw Ohi :ifli - , --° Tire time for the vairious evn~ (oae Trr1Wil(i his en tuHard echo xil compo; tec=arc ata~< in lurke, sclidulcel is3 a:,follows: at 2: 30,shot Workout s ilore Let1 Up For ; Wittrtian, .laamuels, Coldkw ter, Knox. put; at 2:95, 50 yard hnia ras Examinations Aldrich aad I Kelly. at 2:,50, high jump); at. :,:00, 50 yardt handicap trials; at t3::10, inile team IMel~i ven, Smiith, INufer, Neish, rc;a :5 ihhrl ~ ' I,,NT RW14 l tiE9 1''O V Y Bernmer, Gunn, Valentine, and An- 3:20,two3.mile race; at3:udlerhalfI EVENT EC(LIT IWOA t) ,Jt'lIP (erson will takie care of the high. 'rr20,teamiraceand3polevallfa ---izni). McElivon and Smiil h are fav- 4, lwhude.3t4:0,40.a~ Practically the host men oil thce j o(1 inl this (event, bo~th hazving (lone 1ac ae;a :5 n ieica .astytakem ilase i hs ix tetn this season.btwe Vrsy rsresad ll a rt y noon act oa wl se beti'1blvon V xiy rsre. n terman Watr n gmnnasiun r The first team in the mile will b e sheam composed of Bowen, Cochran. Shrene-__________ 1Pope Aids IRelI4e4Work Rome, Jan. 26;-(LBy A.1T)-Phe' Pope gave Col. H-askell- $10,000 for .Asia, inor relief work. f ( A ND $ O nh eUT IDATrQ WH ctD'BSN' QSG A Ls-rTLr PRF2CAJTIQOJ WlyW~ H~-Mz om to run off the first interssqua1 track field, and Kr'zyminski, !meet of the season. Although this ; n team is made up1)of meet will mark the end of serious? icl , Grifin, and Nicholsc work for this semester the track can- j Iubbard in Hu I (ildates will practice to some extent Hubbard, FHiggins, Si during the examination weeks. iI rey andze Barth will het The performance thils aft.ernoon will 1t1e high hu-dies whlice least two hlours and should he full o'od and the winner; action every minute. The shot put nilf~s ie opens the program at 2:30 o'clock,, Davis and Isbell and a relay, between the Varsity re < against each other in serge anid an all-fresh team wil mark tpu11ese men are the :Sole fthe end of the affair at ,b~out 4 :1 5 o'- (li, and are fairly clock. while the sec-i Df Arndlt, Rear- j Turi's Flay Y. 31. C. A. Ton. Contttantinople, .Tan. 26--(By. A.P.) undies --The Turkish press attacks the Y. 41 ip~sn, Ailh- M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. for "religiouts pro- the entries for I p)aganda" among faithful Moslems. iwill be for -6GS is expected to Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv. will Compete the two, mile. College men like low - shoes. Your socks will look best if supported ""E Z-2-GRIP" equally on both sides, with the E. Z. 2-Grip Garter. Easiest On and Off- -no right -9r left to think of. 3Sc to $1, everywhere, 'in single-grip and the E. Z. 2-Grip', and the E.sZ.,Sport Garter. Made solety by The Thos. P.Taylor Co,., Bridgeport, Coat. Featured by Leading Student Supplies Stores e entries in this revenly match-,! lircid IHIp Onit;'dcdU. keProsseir, Kelly and Lal- lWith the exception ai the broad icarthliedfrhepevut )julflj every event wii be run off'. Thle which will he run off at the sae timeG men who will comprete ill the x-aritou! u the race' betwVen the half mile e' ents arein excellent shape as they t m.Tatnof Csig olai heha tety o1ietoPatc us am( Robert C ibson vwill be on thIe for their events since the season op-,;t7s't~r ntelte vn hl enfir.tAseamein the lattenyevent while cue. A thre rc o mny oodfliilReinke, Aiarsh, Carson, andI Willian, Conl the squad it is iinl)o.ssihle to state isnaenIlescod which part of the program slrou- ji A 65vyad low udlhrae ~will be . ; W EVIERY MEMBER OF" THEF AMILY car enCljoy, thea novehiy and entertain- moy(nt of the^ radioph on , when you at- o cinox of our Ma:~ov. >ud speak- o to your receiving set., TJhe miusic and speecs xwill come in good and clear. Th'lere is something hi- every I ' 3Y ;t s 3 f . . ; u Hloward l hmke, le, fght handed hurler,I ltroit (swIaped B Elm Zg to Bostonz for RipI il Pratt. For -the rnhfieation ans who are often my nd wherefore of t ades, we axe prepa, 1I in cn the group. linke (1e41. There's nothing lad tebing. He broke inning 17 gamnes and unmber, lHe struck ( ld. Very good, so here the shoe begin elson en.' the instep. atsmen in various se( omy last/ season. I ore customers than at bird on th-e "Hit imps and groans we~ ie day after Howard . vie 1"j, A "I rove the most interesting to watch.eto iepormadwl aey_ r N~ <3G T l'l However, there are at eat two events tesm nre stehg ude.rdol --- the calibre of work, these are- the pole' F4our^eel matched 410 yard race(s jp / A yq gp rtu. rt ,T~N vaul an vheiiomheerrunbetoen and lshould be qP(tAPBPA'1'fI1V AE-vlASAm Tc4 isbll n oderto 1 if-ast. The following men will coor-n S146-112a4lI M ~AN (nd Floor) ~ ~ ~ y .. .lice to tie other menx these will beo pet: Martin vs. Seimons, Joyner vs.i t F rti _far f'romi the only events that will I mls, Roesser vs. Loomis, and Pur-!I ....'prove iteresting. dy vs. Thomas. ~l~~tI~Ilt~~IIIIU~Il~ll~l~lll~~lllIlllhllhI~l 14hot fret IirIi I The entries for th~e trto betxeenI: anl and lanky The first event that willtfake place the Varsity rsere one mle team ndlI_ has been tradled. slab. Arnica and witcl-hazel flowed ticians. Anyway, Ehxmke goes to Bos-i will be the shot put. Van Orden. z~ .e and Carl ~H-a over the opposing team like a pocket ton, so there you are. I tindes, Hunter, Price, andl SoderanI- W'TY? -IR IO CollinThed rert eofiothef Americanlls.eague WlIngptei hseet.VnO-i~iftUL i ChellinsofanedAmrec-nl wil timpteofntNiagarat.VFalls. Mcircuit HAgRSntstearerutakings ae tarewelfarellln(and an 11idess lookththestl s thte Sevral o yefetsl the UsMost o Atproroed t eea fteby h ettelt look at the old home town before freisdng aron 3fe.i- d System of Teachiny g of law abiding tie, leather bountd pellet smash t up starting south anid with the exception Ilhines is doing etweenf 4 0 andltIIll BALLR 11f M DlAN1IN9G REPRESENTING zzaled t the why against a leg or sink io between a - 0 the Bostbn Red Sex, the boyt willtfeet. HALSEY'S DANCE S3TUdJIO)S :he numerous couple of ribs played with Boston and soon have a petition before ther re In the 50 yardl handicap the nirn red to let thema returning to the flub city, were forced spechve managers demanding galvan T' HE\y i n arcund the hotel lobbies xhich Ake is pitching. -b~e I about Ehintke's wecre generally filed with good 10oo- - @ven last year, ing tourists or gals from tihe stage. icesoSl Td3 - Elosing the same Something had to be dne andl from BaktllTceso a odCO P N out 104 ment, all all appearances they did it.? Tickets for the Ohio State-Michigan-CO AN far ,gt here is iHowever, this may be enirely {-bsktbllgame tonight will be plalic- T-os - r deC n is to. get a half wrong. We're not asking yoifto take ed on sale at 9 o'clock this moring ' Tior ewH veCo - Ehimke hit 23 our word for it. Howard may have at the Athletic association ticket of -=A etons of the an- been intensely fond of baked :beans flee. They will sell for 75 cents eahdi'vt ti soaked, eight aril brought the whole thingahotI- Wlexbt theirsStpls ad -ateial the next' high- by his own mtaneuvering or it may Try a Classified Ad-it pays.---dv WilehbtterSmlsad-aeil the balter"List, have heen one of those deals whichI- for Spring and Summer wear re the order of the Moguls pull- off in the fIot room!(l~~ - I had been on the when not arguing with official static- " 6.9aUle ® nmM Ua a I N 3Ua W ' I C CRena.szusibr We are offering at the most attrac-AL ELHOL - etl-tmls sbr ( of complletition. you inuy a tive prices our entire stock of over- = lYa find yoursel lacking the 0 llI~~l~I~~I~I~IIIIlll~I~lh~Illl'IIhIl~llIl~h~lI 1cm -or wok! teilool whenthe minghw WE coats and a lmited number 0f suits = ____________________________ Connor's Sunday Special-some-asbe tyn.4etr 0 ewYr b thnnoeea~ llciu ahived energy wii-tchi conics ^-*NwYrklo thig ove ad eliios ach I wih a game of billiards _ -In sac and sport models week the year around - takes at - care of that. R-ae the Connor way, ice creama :4 is the most wholesome and pu- as w -I= t o od swl sadlgt '_II I~ 55 values now as iow as $32.50-_ DlBETcnecio._ -IT_ -- very ~ieek-Alway's 1enuiandlL COQ NO R'S ICE fCREAi3 mw'' 9' - tiding order, i for its purity rI fILLTAE WD CIGARS CANDE - 1107 S. University - EN~ e e N P ~~WE H AVE WHi AT YOU WVANT AT PRICESNL YOU HAVEN'T SEEN FOR YEARS! Just take a look at this list 4 I I I * r* NEXT SUNDA SPECIAL RICK CARAMEL SCE CREAM A'ND LEMON SHEI A different treat ei enad. Place .a star with your dealer. Co,,As C mmmm 4 CUSTOM. TAILOR Tuxedos Evening Clothes Golf Suits CAMELS Wl am OID S Al2 o HESTERFIELDS Al2 o LUCKY STRIKES OMIARS, 1FA IVINA'S20 for I1, lIILI 4I)S, 'L1FLACIHRIN't (. iw PIPE TOBACCO mIr #um -in % DISCOUNT on our j / ENTIRE STOCK. Don't Miss It! A61 .highest grade. Footwear for Mien SATISFACTION and Women.