AY. JANUARY 27, 1920 EAS T HAS.HEAVIES T SNOW IN YEARS 4 ' e.. :, "~E MICH4IGAN DAILY .PALL T1HRZEU : , the regular team, while two, not yet, decided upon., will, act; as ;alternates Half of the group will fire at 1 o'clockt, the other half at 3 o'clock? The scores (will then be mailed to Ohio State .uni- versity where they will be compared with, the scores made by members} of the Ohio State team While iring on their own, range. The; contests. with the University 01 Illinois and Corn~ell university, which Fwere to have taken _ plac.e slinultane- IOusly wi#th the Michigan-Ohlio Scat s match, have been postponed until Feb, 17, due to the' fact that , both Illinois andl Cornell requested National Rifle 'Association targets.' 1 Rifle practice will be held. on Wed- nesday evening, during the. two weeks .of examninations. Since there- will be} no firing on Monday or. Thursday, af-} ternoons during XLhis period Members screen-Today, k T Till TgRATIRS t E PORTIA.N SOCIETY 1 Verm out bail Oppose Waterway ELECT OFFCERSF Molntuelier, Vt., Jan. 2,5.-Thle state El .ECTSOFFIERScommiitteL. on commerce submitted a ----- I #report to the legislature Wednesday Members of Portia, Literary sobciety opposing the' St. Law renice waterway selcte ne oficrs or he omiigproject as .a menace to New England seete newa meingfr hecoaning railrc~ads, an expensive proposition semste ata metig hld astev-to the east and< of doubtful? value as a ening in Mason hall. Charlotte llag- powecr prowucer. don. '25, was elected president; Mari- Arcade-Jack Holt a Man;m" comedy review, In "Making anwf sport Majestic. - "When . Knighthood was In Flower.;" 9peci1al .ms ica~l ScOre fJor enlarged Males- tie -ochestra. Orpheum- H. B.; Warner in "The Sheik ot.- Araby;" comedy, "A Ranch Romeo." an Woodmansee, '23, vice-president; Elizabeth Lieberman, '25, seereta ry, andl Cornelia ShepherI, '25, treasur- er. No program was given at this meeting. Try outs for the society wvill be held at the second meeting of the Inew semester. Try a Classified Ad-it nxv.-Adv. Got Sornettling Lur satle? A Laly he D)aily will (Ind it.--AtlV, j I I LEARN TO DAiNCE HLSEY'S DANCE STUDIOS (fours, 1-5, 7-101i'Wiiertli Arcade . i y " vauaas uuca c -Lt, kaczy I i i j E -I Tlhe "filgr oliowi w sue ,v win cleraag cair }iil tr Ia.k s neoar Syracusel, N,<'Y. Sn #vcrmns extending over-a lperiodl or about three weeks have burieJ the since 1874. Railroads have-been exerting every effort to keep their tracks clear. village work'1men keep) the main highways toped. The photo <'bove show, olle of road tracks of the hLeavy snows. cast under the heaviest fall Citizens are helping city and, the plows used to cleal- rail- of the .classes: held-. on tliose after- Wuerth Marie }Prevost,' n."kIer noons may attend the Wednesday ev- Night of Nights;" Snub Pol- enring'ratcs lard. in "Newly Rich;" Pathe . anews. ie o at Ne Li e A r e e tNew York, Jan. 26.--Coal m ine own- ers in the Western Pennsylvania and Sa-hsWe southwest Ileld already have tarken iGric Dtot -"he lt, steps to negotiate new. agreem~ents( with Wagenhals and Kemper with the miners on t.he, ba;-is of thte I cmay agreement reached here in this week's hbr,,Mcia Dtot conference between union -off icials1. ShBA e - Mihian~ I (D Trot)-e and operators of the middle west, ( Riddle Woman." John L._ Lewis, ,,president, of; thle United Mine .Workers of America, an -______________ nounced tonight. - If it's worth advertising, at ill, it's Patronize. Daily Advertis'rs._-Adv. worth advertising In. the.Daily.-Adiv. ' "" ry ili L A ST T e r---E .7 c -- -r, M a i - , ' ,'. ,} .r t . ,'' t - _ _ _ _ i Il~a. haN -May Visit Ecuador Guayaiquil, Jan. 26---(ly .A.11.)---The m inister in Washington is instr uct d I W invite Secretary luglies to visit mcuadlor after the Saniiago parley in Patronize Daily advertisers.--Adv. WOMEN'S RIFLE TEAM MEETS 0. S. Do, TOA 0M: IN * 4, " HER NIGHT t . ti.' r r 1 I Js ,op } f, i Chapneronfes for the dances tonight ,we as follows: .Armory-Miss Mar- thla Mills; Union-MIrs. AT. Cake. ATCHES WITH CORNELL ILLINOIS SHIT FOR AND! OF NIGHT 919 The biking section of Sic Faculty Women's club w Nill m(eet at 2 o'clo~c !this afternoon, ait 629 Forest avenne. l3ikers Ire requnested to bring a cal) and. saud W i3ihes. Gynasiiumcilasses will meet at their regular hours beoginning twithi the firt-;day o-ofithe new semester. I eart anAd lung exai~nation 3 are required from all women who wish to play in the initerhlouse basketball tournament. The certificates. of the exanminations, also a list of all thhe, players on every house team, are re- (7§uested to Ise left for Marianna Small-1 cwin the office oI lBarbom- gynns-' All wvomen who wNish to take the eol'ses in playground -work or in, aes- f lhetic dancing for beginners 'as offer. 6dby tile department: of physical' e ~hication 40or 'next semester, are re- qunested to sign at once on the bulletinj" lloard in Bairbour gymnasiumn., Tho dancing course will be - given at 8,F o 'clocic on Monday and1 Wednesday ~~eing n il ar'{onr I'gyllmaSiil. Announcemlenit was made last nigh l F pat the Delta lDelta Del;ta house of tbe biar riage of'Ruth Gilbanms, '23, to (;hire Maddc:en, '23D), which took pl'ac,, -shortly be fore Christmasvaton M adden is a member of Psi Oiclg',, 'aternizty. ..- LAST TIME TODAY H. B. WARNER 'T I HiE "THE HEIK j ,O)UNV- SOON ' 7FEB. 17 INleiubmr of the women's- rifle team which will shoot against the team of Ohio State university at 1 and 3 0'- elock this afternoon in room 330 of~ the ;Eigineeving building have been chosen by Major Willis Sh1ippam zofl the local R.O.rP&. They are as fol- lows: Esther Willis, '23, Bernice Greg- ory, '24, La Beryl Smart, '24, Mida Abi- ' buttt, '24, Virginia Cronin, '25, Beryl 4Schafer, '25, Marian Lawless, '26, Leo- kayda Popowski, '26, Anna Wheeler) '26, Ingrid Alving, '26, Elizabeth Par- rott,- '26, and II. Hartwig.I Of the twelve women called-to re- p~ort for the match, ten will compose' Kentucky Egg and Lump West- Pocahontas and Coke IM1MEDIATE DELIVERY CORNWELL COAL Va. Egg and Luni SNUB PO~LLARD In""Newly sct COMMON "AND FACE BRICK CO RNWELL COAL PHON ES 81-41 and 2207 Office -- Cornwell Block. LAST TIES I'VO'r «v 0 _i I vwlieni istz Tliht ks ti) gla I I 0 Try WVillits', Fine Dinners 11l-30 A.M. to 2IP. M., 50c '5 P. M. to 7 P. MI., -60c x , ,. ! " ;' - .x t ". .. , '.. ._ _._, a I .. .- S ^' .. +1{ .- c . 1 "T i 't !:. .. ,. ,. i ... ,,, s r t' . y -- ; .; .r. ' , S t s +Jf . :. t , :, ' a.. , . 1 5 t ,. .." , a ;, i. } I F Special, Sunday Dinner 12 to v P. 31. Price 0.00 WILLITS 315 SOUTHL STATE STREET OF PHONE 173 ARAY" Y _.,. r,....,, _. _..., flid- Seasoan frl-iliner IS D 3 tinV yecom ing B RIMS that turn up in novel ways, long front pokes, noy- elty tricornes, .smart Russian turb~fis, and picturesque large types, all have thea-jr appeal aid place in mid-season millinery. These, modes developed in visca cloth, three-ply taff eta, timnbo, and other braids are the " most individual mil- inery creations seen for the'present season. 'Embroidered felts and felt-straw combinations,- are popular for street wear. Hat prices range from. $7.50 to. $25.00. Cosmopolitan Corporation presents a CosmopOlitan 9outo WE MAY ADD NO MORE SPECIAL SATURDAY AFTERNOON There is just 0 N E Chocolate For the Ja~op--Tklat's d too ield , - ALL CILDREN........ 10 CENTS AA- Veils of Chairm L ATE veiling broadcasts fea- ture a whimsical little veil to wear over. the brim of the new hat. It reaches nearly- to the shoulders in an uneven line and is a- tiny pattern veil the Parisien e. herself sponsors., It is of lace or of fine mesh :veiling with a novelty border. Priced from $1.50 to $5.00. A .lover for the Ebening Frock A' ORNA MENT for the even-. C.ing des to be really in vok-uo, should have a touch of silver. Thle color, may be deli- cate orci(ii, ])right orange, or, green, yet a touch of 'silver .qnak s it, cha Tingly stylish.! rho r yn,-l, flowers are priced 7.5c while the clusters range in p1 i c 11.011 $4.50 1ii). Due to the Insistence of Mr. W. S. Butterfield That Ann Arbor Folks be Able to Witness, at REASONABLE PR.IDES, This AM - sive Production That Is Selling in Other Cities at $2.00 Per et Admissions will be Every Evening .. ... ......0c Week Day Matinees. . . . 25c--35c (War Tax Included) PRESENTATIONS EVERY DAY 2:00 -3:40-- 7:09--8:45 Feature starts exactly at these hours. .Comie early! ORIGINAL M-BOX CHOCOLATES Put up in Pound, Tw o Pound, Three Pound and Five Pound' Boxps Second .Floor CQIPIJ'-( -TOIJ( iRIMV M-Boxes are'Particulafly Appropriate LATEST PRODUCTO W"Ir 77"7 T Kl7j?"k T,% VV-& n A r w 7 Afi 7,? 1-