MYMYY W W IM MI IPA 'JII IY bslowed up if hie is allowed to start CU'U T MIN_ -HIM19 ganst Ohio. Dirks is recovering from apolonged illness and although he playeda brilliant game against North- western Monday night, is hardly in shape to last all tile way through a' strenuous game. This leaves the de- Jnjunrles Play Havoc Wilth l)efeiise aInd fense, with Ely out, seems to be de- Offenise; Ely, Cappou Likely moralized. to Start OilState to be~ Fearedl IOhio state conies here with a team 1VISCO\SI\ HEREI FEB.~ 10 Y5 that has been beaten in most of its FIRST GAME ]NEXT SEMES I'ERIstarts this winter, but an aggrega- -- ~tion that commands the respect of ev- With Ohijo State looming up as the tery coach in the Big Ten nevertheless. only remaining obstacle in the " rst The *Puckeyes forced the fast Illi- semester half of the Big Ten basket-, nois five into overtime to break a tie' ball race, Coach Mather and his squad tlthat existed at iaf time a- r1 at the will enter the Buckeye tilt at W'atei'- closing of the regulation pe'riods.,, mian gyni at~ 7:30 toniprrepW night de They held Northwvestern to a one terinilned to keep the place theyn ioN point zwin even though handicapped ]Told in the Conference pel-centakO by the loss of their star forward, Dud.- table. ley, who broke this arma early in the Fortune Ias~ not favor~ed the 'Wo1- gamte. In their last start, 'against Verinles so far during the camiipaign; low a, the Columbus aggregatihon did- a one point defeat at the hands of n't look so strong and were~ snow ed Iowa may be- charged upi to a coni- under by the pace making Hlawcire. bination of a lucky minute, basket ] Mather is not ulirlerestimnating the froml the center of .the court and a' strength, of toniorrow night's goests food deal of over con~dence amiong; aliymiore thanI hi did of Iowa, and1 the players. Fate has dealt blows the team, having learned a lesson in, right and left to the squad in the mat- ( the Hawvkeye disaster,' is in the' pro- ter /o injuries; Captain Ely is laid per mental frame. up with a bad shoulder and mnay not f ~Ely is not ready tomhorrow night" be able to start the gamne tomorrowxv either Rice or Birks, will be ;tartefl night, Cappon has a badl heel and may (Continued on :tage 1iil Direct stellar hockey all through the class'; Church independ;ent, and societyi May izetRing, league season~ and was responsible for basketball leagu es w:ill open their Sea- ctviis Of Stateth atest victory of the engineers, ISons imnmediatelyafter the e iiw w~hen they defeated the all-laws, 4-1,, donts. whose team was composed of Steketee Final clean-up games i thecls and others of almost equal ability. ad faent aktbl ege Besides the mien mentioned, both $y e ru ntorfflast nigt. Tht e com pleteTM i a ~teams have other yplayers" who. have ,standings will be nublisbed i;totmor'- been improving as the season has ad ;row's Daily. E {leven frt ierti tyteams vanced and who are certain to give will conipete in thefrtniyemn- ' ~their last ounce of staminfa in an effort jtions and six cia :. teams xv;iiI i make upl to win for their schools. Fresh lits. ithe teams in the clam eliminais cl a f '5, wontay ahe class hockey Iw~ ci w l e of r d i m d a e y at tounaen the opening ofc the sec vond set3 er. t I - GOSH SAKES - Notice how spic and span every one on the campus is Gues 'They must be taking advantage of the 'White Swagl's spcia offer this week. rye ::'" _4 - In tramuiral: IItemis Theta Chi and Sinfonia rolled. their M r #sets in the Western Conferenuce bowl- ! s lug tournanient last night at the tin-!~ ion. both of the tennis rolledl fair ~V D hT A scores and might hanve been able tr-., AM'Aj t p t e l a e s h d 1g ha so e o .'tthe sensational Bieck th at h elpe6d carry i Phi Gammina Delta to fl togap.Sin- ' " T t~~ fonia, nosed ou~t.Theta Chi for hionors in the rollingl, the form'er scoriig 2,302 E- .,Oaf. ' ,, ethelatter was masing 2,1: 1i... all , matches in the Coiifereuce tournament ::B:kk .i. should be rolled by Feb.2, 'lie dead e nshi . "'okke"k' line set, by the Intramuural authorities _ at Ohio State' who -are in clar-ge f"-h resulta. eo h Fratern~ity thxletic muanagers should 11,ii ~ ~ see that thir houre is Efit~ered ithe!i w - . Comning Intranur,l hockey tot rna- ja' ,- nert. Mlore' 'tian 15, teapis lhave en- ST T AND WL AM STS. tered do(ate, but' na'ny more can bie :_ hiandled if they vtl l sgn up. ' rIlIzvt6uIIi1IilmwI pP11611111116!11illl~1iN1111 #Nt~tll M___________________________________l 7777--774 .e 4j cliill e' r ci i(- ap it111ttnflof A. J. Shiuner, ,a Afl i E air mkec sporting edior, ssstal-. bexii~ng tcoi rssioner o, AWIscoliiliaiie " ~that stale. 1S ex )eele'.Esoon," accord- LASIETHIS iijg to word fromt Milw aukee. Schin- '. LUMN ne", besidIes being a<,,boxing enthusiast CLOSES CLOSES i;:national handball chamnpion. AT 3 AT 3 P.Me H R 'IST _ __ HICUGAIN DILYI Clasulfled :Sates. Two Cents per word a day, pai1d In advance. Milk. imumi charge for first day,. 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Three cents per word per day if charged. White space charged, for at rate cat-5e per agate lire. Classified, chargedl only to thaose having phones, luer Rates: Twelve cents per line, without contract, paid, in advance. x PRONE 90 -NOTICE RepIiCs t~o the following boxes are at the Daily office: L.E.R.; .D. .. K.S, .D., C.D.S. F'OR REN1T MOST-I-n fronit ofArmory a couple of weeks ago a browvn and 'white beaded bag. Findeor please return to Betsy, Barbour House and receive reward. 91 STUDENTS,. you wan1t room~s for the o S-iv Tmon- pen, betweell second -semnester, wvell furnished;! 517 Last Ann and Tuttle's or U-1 good neighborhood, near restaur- ' Hall,. between 7 and S Tlhursday ants, shops, campus. You. want m1orning. Call 1314-W. Reward. 51 rooms? light and clean with a hot'- water shower you can use, any timcj LOST--=~Two five dollar bills' betNween and you. want these at reasonablq 0 l-Hall and Natural Science Build- rates, alriglit, call W. Formjan, 682 ngs. Call _1145-J or 452. Reward. Church. Team up with, thrxee or~ four - 91-2 friends and get special rates, same plae. - 9-3LQST-Leather note fook,: x6 in En- PLY [Fo CAM IO SHIP (creel wll met (Greekiwhen the free;h is oe gage thle fresh engineers foi the chamnpionship of the class hockey at 7 ('elock tonight ill Wine- berg's coliseul. fbi II of the teams have beenfl primed for the occasion and with tije, fresh engineers having taken tie liis scah) in the recent class bas- ketb~all gaine,> the contest should turn out to ire one that will be bitterly foughat every minute. Fresh lits seemingly have the edge on: their opponents with the two Quirk -brothers at forwards and. Neville at center. , The [orner have anl uncanny ability for puzshing' the puck down the ice and can be counted on to give the engineer defense Plenty of trouble. Neville is an experienced player. and4 in the past games. has been_ instru- nmentalili, breaking uh of many of the p~lays that the opposition had started. The fresh engineers are not ,to01) countedl as having lost the .game, how- ev )r, for in McDuff and Brinko they have two men who rate nearly X8s good as those that are holding down posi- tioiis on the Varsity. McDuff, broth-I er of Captain McDuf'f of the Varsity te ey amn, posseasest all of his brother's ability in the ninature and counted upon to hold up the colors of , the engineers. B3rinko has played ;t , ; LARGE FRONT -ROOM newly, fur- nished, for coent. Suitable for two, three, or four boys. Showers, steami heat, three quarter single~,beds, single desks., Price right and !nea r campus.. 523 Packard. ,91-2 TWO DOUBlLE STUDY rooms, sm11all dormitory, for rent. Light, clean, and exceptionally nice at reason-- able rates.- Must be seen to be ap- preciated~. 10J6 E. University. 21 SINGLE AND DOUBLE ROOM SUITES ONE HALF BLOCK F'ROM! CAMPUS., REDUCED, :PRICES.' CALL 643' TAPPAN ANY AFTER- NOON OR EVENING. 89 FOR RENT----Attractive. suite for girls, one block from campus. $10. Seniors- or -graduates preferred. Ap- ply 433 Maynard Street, phone. 270'7- J. 90-3 gineoring Builmnng. Cont~ents valu- able to owner. Call Smiith, 1015. 91 LOST-Fancy conib. Second balcony. Hill Auditoriu n Wednesday even- ing. Call 2516-M Reward." 91-2 LOST-Cheinistry note book and labc-I oratory manual. Call 179, Reward, 91! LOSTS'-Alpha Gamma Delta pin. Findl-1 or please notify Voa Byers, 304-Rl. LOST--Gold Wahl fountain pen1 and M1 pipe. Phone 1'727-J. 91 WANTED WANTE D-Young man, single to call on. retail trade selling wrapping pa- per and paper sundries. Write, giving age, experience, salary ex-j pected, and place of residence. B~ox C.S., Dily,9- C - ROO'M FOR BOYS-For rent, large front room'- in house of student. All WNANTED-Position as managing hiome privileges extended. Call, at liousekeeper or' matron. References,. 1327 Alinerva Rd. or phone 1542-Rl. Bo:; F.M.M., Daily. 91l Sa 10 :R CADBILLIARDS a IFighten atables on thOn a ground' floor for this. niosia. W lpolular recreatioln. 1Yo)11 11 are -missing part of the 2 *ple asipre of colloge life If m *E you do mot ijauke use of Rj Mein~j j 'g'ai'ly. PIE LUNCESSDAS p sk~ fry-r-o- eaa yo :ijt'2 I 91 'W ANTED-Porter for frater nityl. SUITES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE house. Permanent position. Box ROOMS for rent, comfortable and R.A.B. 903 reasonable in~ price. 330 E. Ann St. Phone 3041-VS.- 91-3 - - ANTED-A girl roommate in front __________________________________ room one-half block from campus. FOR RENT-Suite for two or thire(o 1225 Volland. Phone 710-W. 90-2- men. Bflock from camxpus. Steam;, heat. Call' 2927.2!. 618 E. Liberty. WANT ED-Student and family wash- 91- 31 ings. Phone 2873-M. 82-13 Correct tailoring, d-istinc. ti ve appearance make these. tuxedos best for J-Hop wear- ilt IR IT-Pleasant .front reasonable, also garage, 339 St. Plioue 2940-fl.- room, t-JHptikt.Cl Ki lEight rick. 1443-fit t.1 91O SL P'leasant rooins, for girls or married FOR SALE-Fuill dress suit, size people. iusekeeping privileges if abu 4-hssi ot$8 hx desired. Cull 1800-R. -9-20 a u 4.Tifui ot$10win _______________________________ new has been worn twice. The first Comfortable front suite for girls. Rend F $25 takes it. Can be seen at the reason~ae. Two blocks from cam-,- 1\1cigan Daily office. 91-3 pus. Call' 733-W'. 90-4 ''~)~TZ -~i -4 --~fi~,h~ P6'b RAT , P---A4j .i k4"ofJ4 in kPnt In*,t NLS $3 $35 $50 . d+'V t 7 3:,1..rtr-.E]. jlctit ut jJitLE;tiL 1t; Ltttf;t FOR RENT---Well heated, well fur- Oxfords. Worn once. H~alf price. nt-hed~ rooin, double or single, 815 Call 1057. 91-2 Arch I7~W~i.FOUR SALE-One now evening gown. FO)tRERNTl-Pleasant room. for. two ' Price reasonable. 216 So. Ingalls, boys, steam heat. Call 1008-R. 1211 Apt. I. 91 N. Divsion, 89-31 __________________________FOR -SALE-New Tuxedo, size 37. 906 Avery warmz comfortable . suite. Phlonie E. Huron . Saturday ten to noon. 2863-J. 939 Greerwgod. 90-3J 91-2 FOR RENT-Pleasant front suite for TYPEWRITING girls. 122-J. 90-2 Have your MANUSCRIPTS typewrit- DOUBLE ROOM for rent. Half-block ten by experienced TYPISTS. Bid- from camnpus. 631 Oakland. 91-3 dle's Book Store, 11 Nickels Arcade. _______________________________76-21 SINGLE ROOM for rent. Warm. 944 ~ Greenwood. 88,21 TYPEWRITING Wanted. Twelve cents a page for any work. 1852 Wihnot )JC~eLANEOIS St Phonei 1541-J1. 91 1 t O1HN WARD men' rememn- I)dress at leading Universities ran to corduroys and jerseys. The, undergraduate today is the best drest man in all the country.Tast'e in shoes, for instanse, is most exacting. The pattern ofthehohn Ward styles and the volume of the John Ward business prove; it, The John Ward representativ- displays in: GE YE' MIl Any good tailor would have to charge double-or more R ULECNLIN CO. Id ANNOUNCd.EMNT--Do you~ know lta Rider's 200 drop capacity Master- pen is the most popular pen on the campus? There is a reason. Call TYPEWRITING Wanted-Copying of k notes, thesis, etc. Mrs. Wisbiin, phone 586., 91-2 MAIN STREET AT WA SH I-NGTO. N II II