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January 26, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-26

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~ublished every morning except Monday
mtinsm the Iniverity year by the Board in
Ctontrol of Sude-t Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
J'he Associated Press is- exclusively en-
titled to, the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise creited in this paper and the local
news 'pubi.shed therein.
Ek.ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Af1chiien, as second class matter.
Subs~ription by carrier or mail, ,$350.
Offces Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
nes. oo
Communicatons not to exceed3ssawords
~ if igned, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices ofevents will be published in
TIhe Daily at the dicretion of the ~ditor, i
let at or. nai led to Thevily office. on-
signed comnunicAtions will receive no con-
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
untess the writer encloses postage. The Daily
does niot neessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
News Editor................Paul Watzel
'ity Editor...... ......James B. Young
Assistant City Editor.........Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman.......9. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
Ralp lr yers Barry Hoey
1. ershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
1. A. Donahue ,. EJ.E. Mack
° Sports Erditor.. ...............F. U. MPike
Woen's dir........ M.. arionKoch
nrllr:itlatiLgine 1 ditor.. 11. A. Donahue
aictorial Editor..... .......Robert Tarr
Music Editor...................E. H. Ailes
Sditorial Board
Lowell Kerr Maurice Berman
Eugene Carmichael
Thelma Andrew Portia Goulder
J. A. Bacon . Ronald Hagrim
Stanley M. Baxter Franklin D .Hepburn
Dorothy Bennetts Winona A Hibbard
Sidney Bielfield ldward 3J. Higgins
R. A. Billington Elizabeth Liebermann
Hlen olrowrr ]JohnIVMoGinnis
I-, C. Clark Samuel Moore
A. B. Connable M. I Pryor
Bernadette Cote W. Il. Rafferty
Evelyn 1. Coughlin Robert . Ramnsay
Joseph Epstein Campbell Robertson
Maxwell Fead J.W. Ruwitch
T. ]. Fiske 011 J . Shnitz~
A. P. Webbink W. . Stoneman
John Garltghouse Frederic G. Telmos
Walter S. Goodspeed Philip M. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising........John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising...............dward F. Conlin
Advetising.......... .Walter K. S aierer
Copywriting.............David J. M. ark
Accounts..............Lawrence H. Favrot
Cirujaion.... ....owrnend 14. Wolfe
Publication............ 'Beaumont Parks
Kenneth Seick Allan S. Morton
George Rockwood James A. Dryer
Perry MU IHayden W., A..Good
Eugene ?. Dunne Clyde L. Hlagermn
Wn . ralich. Jr. Henry Freud
john C. Haskin , Herbert P. Bostick {
C. L. Putnam D. L. Pierce
E. D. Armantrout Clayton Purdy
Herbert W. Cooper J. B. Sanenbacher
W liace Fower, Clifford Mitts
°k t i rl. Ralph Lewright
HaroldL. Male Philip Newall
Wm. D. Roesser
Night Editor-RALPH N. BYER,
After a student has been graduated
from the University his. chief prob-
lem is selecting the right employ-
ment. In his questfor a position he
is likely to take one which offers
good and immediate financial remu-
neration. Thus today we find a great
many college athletes accepting pos-
tions as coaches. They find such em-'
ployment offers a satisfactory mone-
tary reward as well as an opportu-
nity to be in the limelight.
The student's danger in accepting

sch positions was ably pointed out{
by Coach Fielding Hl. Yost when in-
terviewed recently on this topic. "Such!
work for ihe graduate," the coach said,'
"just takes so much time off from
etting started in whatever line of
work ho will eventually go into."
Cc ach Yost further pointed out
that the average life of a coach as
a coach is but three years. These
facts dceserve serious ponderance by
those who would obtain the bot po-;
sitions-those with a future.
Occasionally a college athlete goeri
into professional baseball. While he
is in the "big show" he receives an
excellent salary, but unless he is the
exceptional man, hip years in the "bWg
show"'are limited, and if lie remains
in professional baseball more than
ten - years he is a wonder.
The collegian who begins at thel
bottom of the ladder in some indus-
trial pursuit may find his beginning
salary meagre and unsatisfactory
Neverthel&3, if he has made sound
connections in an enterprise where
there is a future for him, he will
eventually land a position of respon-
sibility., providing, of course, he haF
shown ability.
The graduate is naturally tempted
to look toward immediate rewards.
but if he is far-sighted in the matter'
of selecting a position, he will prefer
to be .more moderately compensated}
at first with surer possibilities for the

i 1

of exams and rumors of exams, his
sad story of a wasted semester and
his total unpreparedness for the final
reckoning period of the examination
His is a sorry plight, as over his
cup of coffee or mid-afternoon malted-
milk he pours out the folly of his
being at college, his absolute inabil-
ity to grasp even the most elementary
rudiments of the most elementary
subject; a failure at twenty! Frag-
ments of philosophy escape him in his
mutterings on the vacuousness of life
in general. He knows the depths of
despair; the great cult of Pessimism
never had a more religious follower.
Truly a subject for pity!
And if out of compassion we were
to help him, though ourselves in a'
glass house and pressed for time,
lending him our neatest and most
comprehensive notes, lending him our!
ears for troubling questions and our
own pet secretsof success to supe-
rior grades, he would receive the
same like the. proverbial drowning
man, murmuring, however, about the
hopelessness of trying to master a
four hour course in a week He re-
marks that he thinks he will go to
work for his uncle in New York
will not even bother to wait for
But a omnth later, after the mad!
mental nightmare of trying to collect
and correlate straggling and Ifrag-
mentary ideas is over, and the calm
of the succeeding semester he, again
cast a roseate glow of peace and ease
over life, we run across our friend of
more tempestuous days, not in New
York but leaning against his favorite
soda counter inbibing a mid-after-
noon malted-milk as of yore. If then
we ask him regarding the seriousness
of his recent grades he will reply,
unashamedly, "Oh, two- A's, a B and
a C." That Is our cue t choke on
a swallow of ginger ale, and to con-
sider ourselves well introduced to this
type of disciple of pessimism.
One of the characteristic feature
of American life has been the gradual
trend towards informality. Most- of
the highly artificial standards of lv-
ing which were prevalent in the eigh-
teenth and nineeenth centuries have
been by degrees eliminated, and
whether or not this has been for the
best the influence -of the evolution
can be traced in practically every
phase of our existence. For instance,
witness the startling change in the
manner of formal dress that has taken
The full dress suit which not many
years ago was the only proper attire
for all formal dinners, parties, and
the like is now rarely seen except at
an evening wedding or at a dance to
!which more than ordinary formality is
attached. Men are more abashed
than ever about putting on the tra-
ditional "high hat", and the cutaway
when worn is almost always acom-
.panied by a derby.
This is the day of the tuxedo which
not long ago was frowned upon at
any occasion but an informal dinner
or at the theater. Yet now, it takes
precedence over the full dress suit at
most formal dances, is worn exclu-
sively at formal dinners, and is seen
extensively at grand opera. So di-
versified are the uses of the tuxedo
for evening wear that many a man
dispenses with the full dress suit' al--
together and still is properly groomed
on practically all occasions.
But at least one evil is apt to ac-
company this greater leeway afforded
to men in the wearing of formal at-
tire. The breaking down of old
standardis results in an influx of new
ideas, many of which are not eccepted.
Sby whatever authority we have to

SUNDAY NIHIT Editor, The Michigan Doily:
CRA1ILMINfG SE A- Your editorial "Money and Sal-
SON OPENS 0"' an'1 -_

i i







When now and then you smile at me
As I pass 'round the cake and tea,
I wonder-do you realize
The spell you cast with thoge blue

_ 1 i

Know you the reason why I blush
When I bring you your breakfast
A heart that knows your tastes by
Beats 'neath this berry-stained
white coat.
I sing to you a lover's ballad
Every time I serve you salad
The steaming soup-plate is to me
Incense at shrine of diety.
And as I hand you mashed potatoes
My mind is on the love of Plato.
While serving you the apple pie
I scarce repress my lovesick sigh.


ary is one to provoke refection, as
no doubt was intended. Some are in-
clined to question your thesis that
"social status" or "a position on the
ladder of recognition" either does or
should form a part of the payment of
an instructor. At least the terms are
ambiguous. Standing by, themselvesl
they suggest a touch of snobbishness
which ought to form no part of acad-
emic life. If by "high position in the
social order" you mean the right to ciety ifthey
mingle with the wealthy, of what avail g , and
is such a right to tho,;e who can't af- ciety if they
ford to go the pace? If you mean the live.
right to refuse to mingle with the
football coach and the window Try a Cla:
cleaner, the privilege is a pernicious
one. A football coach is either an DETRO
unscrupulous victory - manufacturer, Ann
in which case he doesn't belong in'Ti
college at all, or else a gentleman (East
with a real concern for the physical Detroit L
and moral welfare of the students, in 6:oo a.m.,
a.nm. and hots
which case he is on a par with any Jackson E
other man. I never heard of a col- every toI]t
lege instructor so foolish as to rank LocalCar
and everyt
himself on a higher plane than Pro- 1i:oo p.m.
fessor Yost. As for the window p- :a .
cleaner,,unless one knows him to be Local Car
personally inferior what right has one k .M.
To Jacks
to disparage him? Lincoln was a rail ited cars 8:
splitter, Paul a, tent maker, and Peter 4.7Jk
the Great of Russia a shipwright: - :47 P-m.
to make no mention, of the .divine -
Carpenter of the New Testament.. 1923
But there is one kind of respect 1
that we college instructors do de- 7
serve-and do not get. We have all 11 15
the personal social recognition and 21 22
courtesy that is good for anyone, but We do
the American public as a whole does and Reb]
misjudge the importance of our work. low pri
In every newspaper you can find
some gentle sneer at the college in- FACTO!
structor or professor as no doubt very 617 Packa
idealistic but "academic", "impracti-
cal" and "aloof from the affairs of


-f AT

.....re.r. .-

. . . . . . . . . . . --

are permitted to eat and
may, in time, benefit so-
are permitted to eat andI


Instructor :---
"Everyone who has sent
their clothes to the White
Swan "Cleaners this week
may be excused. You al-

ssified Ad-It pays.-Adv.

Schedule in Effect October se, tgas
Central Time (Slow Time)
D) X X D
bl. A.M.P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 Adrian ... 12:45 8:45
4 8:i5 .. Tecumseh . .. 12:58:5
i:30 8:30 .. Clinton ... 12:00 8:o0
5:15 9:15 .. Saline ... 11:15 7:5
5:45 9:45 Arknrm Arbor Lv. 10 :45 0:45
(Court HoA e Square) A. M
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
ud lolid ys. Friday and Saturday special
us. for -stddents leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
\ntir Arbor 445~.
JA1EES H : L LIOTT, Proprietor
'aorc 926-M Arian. Mich.

iArbor and Jackson.
ern Standard Time)
irnited and Express Cars-
7 :0o a.m,, 8:oo a. m., 9:0
nly to 9:05 P.M.
Express Cars (local stops
nn Arbor)-9:4. a.m., and
tours to 9:47 pjfm.
rs East Bound-7 00 a.,n,
two hours to 9.oo p.' in.,
To Ypsilanti ordy-txr:40
eChange at Ypsilanti.
rs West Bound-7:50 a.m.,
son and Kalamazoo--Lim-
47, 10:47 a.mn., 12:47, 2:47,
on and Lansing-Lmited at

ready know the p
And the class g

rrnciples of
ot a bolt.

ti j

To Goddcss, though your name be
To you-my loge-with every plate
'Though now I wait without Love's.
And merely wait., and wait, and
wait. diz.
A Sea (horse) Tale
The tiny sea horse was discourag-
ed. He wept salt tears;- but nobody
knew 'it because lie was at the bot-
tom of the sea, and, as all my read-
ers know, the sea is really nothing
but the age old accumulation of salt
tears shed by prehistoric seamonsters.
As I say he wept; and he was not
alone. About him were grouped hisI
harem of 8 sea-mares, and 42 sea-
colts ranging in size from little dap-
pled Nell, aged three weeks, to great
big roan Jimmy, who was already be-




and also of EBERBACH'S where Gilberts
are always fresh,

2 3 4 5 6
9 10 11 12 13
16 17 - 1S 19 20
23 2t 25 26 27
31) 31
all kinds of Cleaning
locking of hats at
ces for HIGH CLASS
ard Street Phone 1792



The Eberbach & Son CO.

ginning to shoulder a certain amount daily life". I recall an article in the
of the responsibility which the mainl- Saturday Evening Post (the most
tenance of so large a family en- typically American of all publications
tailed. and in many ways one of the best)
As I say he wept. For his once which actually urged as an argument
fertile sea-pasture was giving out The against the League of Nations that
once abundant sea-clover had all been those who favored it were mostly
eaten up; the little plot that he had "teachers and preachers"; contrast-
put under tillage had proven unfit big them with the "hard-headed busi-
to grow even the rankest of picle-el ness men" who opposed the plan. This
weed. Af is no isolated instance.
* * * But nonsense a thousand times re-
Contributions, c .ntrilufiosw peated is still nonsense. An individ-
* * * ual instructor may be impractical orI
inefficient, just as an individaul bond-
salosman or furniture manufacturer
may be inefficient. But college folkI
as a class 'are engaged in the most
practical and important of trades.1
Like everyone else they are sales-
men; they sell services rather than
HURRY goods, it is true, but so does the law-
* * yer, the banker, the broker, the physt-
IF you want to cian. They are not "aloof" from life;
on the contrary they have intimate
HAVE a girl for daily contact with hundreds of the
* * * romost wide-awake and alert young men
J-HOP or all thj of America, a different set each year.
. * * The Wall street magnate leads al
BEST material will cloistered life in comparison with the
* * * instructor in a big university. That
BE gone before you the particular services rendered by
* * * the instructor are of value is proved
HAVE a chance to get by the fact that hundreds of millions
* * * of dollars are given by the business
EVEN a refusal. Also men of America in endowing private
* * universities or supporting public uni-
lIURRY up and study versities through taxes. Without the
* * * research work in the laboratories, the
SO you will be here whole fabric of modern industry and
* * * commerce would disappear, or, rather
FOR the Ilop. would never have existed.
* * * Why then ,should not the college in-
We notice that Bebe Daniels is cor- structor, be admitted to an equal place
ing to Ann. Arbor-Sunday--in a film. with the other "hard-headed, practi-
Wep. cal business men"? We are not fool-
* * * ish enough to claim the social su-
"Roomers are strange things," said periority which The Daily would im-

and drik
E5- Eti E

IN For the widest and most appetiz-
ing choice of confections.
- }
114 East Huron Street
'1l Idai~ i0 11 poittli11111tI1l IIIUI~ l~l i i lil 11 111611 llllittllll




go by.I
This perplexes the average man in
his quest to ascertain what is cor-
rect, and give, haberdashers an op-
portunity frequently taken to sell
nmerchandise that is not recognizedI
as being suitable for evening wear.
Though formal dress is becoming
more and more informal it. is still
governed by certain norms, and when
any doubt exists as to what is right
one would do well to shun the average
chart found in a haberdashery store,i
and refer to the authority of some
prominent specialist who is in a po-
sition to know the facts.

the landlady S s
tle out the windo
Coach Tom R a
Purple tanksters=
-Daily Northwest
A leopard can'

he threw a gin bot- pose on us, but we would like an end
,w. to the incessant disparagement of the
* * practical utility of our craft. Once
TAN COACH this sort of "social recognition" were
binson throws his granted us, the wages question would
into action tonight. settle itself. If it is true that we
ern. are underpaid it is because the im-
* * portance of our work is undervalued.
contributlons. Respect for the college instructor's
* trade he does demand, bo h as part,
t hide-it's always his wages and as the sound basis for
I it, but he will accept no part of his
*k * pay in the counterfeit coinage of "so-
knife," I dropped itIcial prestige
dreaded enemy, ripe __

It is rumored that President Hard-
ing was invited to a dinner at Colum-
bus, Ohio, and asked to speak on one
of several subjects, among which was
this one: "If you went to a certain"
city and got lost, where would you
be?" The President must have smil-
ed at the invitation.
- One professor on our campus has
advised his students not, to dance all
night the night preceding the final
examination. He has thereby shown
himself to have a rare knowledge of!
collegiate habits.
An eating house advertising in the
Ohio State Lantern gives its location
as "Down the alley by the Chamber?
of "rdVMM~ra" Tlha ri ,. n-ia o- nrp

"Drop that there
in dismay.
There stood myc

for fray.
Words passed, a blow, a scuffle, LlJ EDITORIAL COMMENT
was still.
Outside the twilight deepened stark


was not lost, however, as would (Daily Northwestern)
seem. University of Chicago students who
tat knife' did not some deed of dismissed a plea in behalf of stare-
murder mean, ing Russians, by announcing that the
merely that I sought to swipe a afflicted are "not worth saving," rep-
bit resent the attitude which is under-
cake and our cook caught me mining the influence of the American
doing it. college. Such statements emphasize
DIZZY. the well known fact that our univer-
* * * sities are turning out many supercil-
you have heard any rumors ious, self-centered individuals in ad-
* '3 * Ail"*n o r- - n~al a





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