OF .IINES FRANCE HOLDS p IN OCCUPATION OF RUHR SA~ iod1 of instructlon of limited duration". It is expected the, services of other UNtechnical groups will be utilized. Fran ce's determination to "carry on" in her :undertaking is. reaffirmed in the address. by President Miller- and to a- deputation from the. Leag;ue of Patriots. r "Victorious France demands from the conquered respect and the appli-' cation of the tre ntles. nothihg more"'. the president said. "She. has decided to obtain that. Her tenacity and calm will: overcome every .resista.nce"., A Dusseldorf dispatch to, the }batin C ITO fh 1 h XUL I ilivn-V "'Aiti A'An U tai i' i .......... YESERD Y IN WASHING TON I I WHL.L EY - The. nomination of Milo D. Camp-! bell, of Michigan, to thie federal re- serve board as the so called "dirt farmer" member was confirmed to- day by the Senate. 'Presidenit Harding, recovered from la grippe, returned to. his desk after more than a week's absence. ON DISPLAY, AT -.I :. i a general' strike" when they learned 'Te eaebgncnieaino that the mine directors had been fined ThnSntIea cnieaino another rural credit proposal-the at Mayence. The corre~pondent as-# Lenroot-Aiderson government aid serts ether workers' organizations bill. took imp~ortant action. Thle railway strike, the dispatch added, became ef- feciv ix/prt t p.inSen. Borali, republican, .Idaho,. an-, )Lore Troops Going nounced lie would reintroduce his, res-. Premier Peincaire is ;t te Rhineland corn- in February ndu unanii'nously electe(; Ie Avor con- ?1?ssion acts independently of M. ~ pcriassAdvi:ory J. J. IlerseChor, grad., to fill the va-. U livid~ dlle the fresh- ;CseadGn eote cancy.ItCos ton btan. a Deot .ths the irs Lie la4 nght After the lbushness, meeting, Prof Itito btnarertnths 1. he cy Coni,..r, 3"the10 A. EWocAdc'' the se oy eat-points tha~t M. Letrocqiuer and Gen. ilentine )planof ac- nct1 ae11ak oiooy eat veyganim liavp undertaken their mis- 11tg< Te z tllki which lhe outlined fsMon.Teprs enrlysue James l ffy, .'4, the principles for which hie believed, I Th prsgeralasu s the cohlmittee, recentt .7 that liberal stood'. The professor cit- 1e.Wyad~'l aecmado them I d 'or uinc~ple oflihealim. I the occupaztion as a whole, M. Louch- The necessity of concentrating the technical "fore9 and troops in the Taking, cognizance of reports tit Ruhir under one .commiand' is' felt. , "embassy° liquor" was reaching boot- leggers, treasury officials were uinder- * stood to have called the attention off Cosm poltan lub tho state department to certain "un- 14ill..Present Acs usual ship ents" of Intoxicants to1 em- Acts bassies and legations. Vaudeville acts,, given by members Secretary Hlughtes infotrmedl the Sen- of the Cosmopolitan, club-and'charact-} ate foreign relations committee that eist c of the nations represented in Roland W. Boyden, unofficial An en-I thne organization w1, make up the on- cane observer at the reparations cote- mission, lhad' been- instructed to' re- tertaintraent to be put on hi' the, club I rain from. expryssing expressions of. dulriln the second week of th e Nve- e opinions of iproposals before the coin- metrin 11111 auditoriumu. mission and in the absence of instruc-} An Argentine tango and a Chinese I tions not to offer suggestions. An- wod (ance will' Ir among th1e lanc-1 nouncemnent Was made that ElliotI inlg acts, and several musical nuns IWadswort'h, assistant. secretary. of the, hers have been arranged. Jfohan. Ro- treasury- would. represent the- United rich, '241), will sing a number of South! States at the interallied conference African songs and a Swviss yodielin ; whli :h will convene in Paris,., March act is also announced. Individuals 1, to 'onsider adjustment of, paymnent s frc-nm almost every nation. represented-i by Gfrmany for the maintenance of ; in the club' will lend their, aid to the l troop .' of cithei' government on the production. The closing act,.will be Rhine an ensemble of 'all' participants in na- tivo costume. The hlou'se by. a vote of 204 to 77 The exact date of the entertainment appriN d the action of its- judiciary has not been fixed but will be an- .comm: l..+e in giving, a clean bill of tounced 'shoertly. health toAttorney General Daugherty ___________________________-on the Keller imlpeachmient charges. T HE BAT risir Execute Two Fia 1 ik;t,t' el ,ThN eatn Wexford, Ireland',Jan. 2t--(By A. VI&IMOw E, A i' inroit at P ) -Two men, named' O'Reilly and ~O'U hA di~) ~Jii ~t v~i .; 4DJi~U si 15 iI~X*F'p -' ;;d *:ssa. ~? * I~ ~as i~'ij~ Li ~ ', i-.: K:I i , hoUno U> ttee reen' llf l met lfor t. he Uni'on o C iy ich '.;a]inia1 Co utfll-ned for I - NOW,'SHOWING Here's the Achiev ~mer t of Motion Pictuire Art Du f's a mrcs aktaI tefPs ,c h t bI 1 tr, i~th orninermiist~er- oriiuleratecu le Iguand :1other ath.lletic t ur~anilts stand,:;, not .for the d triuction of in- ! regions, is said to have declined to tin- tofolo tlebiktbalcnet h sftttions, bult rath~'r for their con-t; e hetask. firs. yer me hs'r~ k'e ivided xinto Istr uctive alt eration:; secondly, thrat a Ta rnc cneilae mei sevcen territorial dIi tics, the office rs liberal si-ancdl;for social control, IL j ate 1tep s ato strengthem her hand tin of t'vh±ich were ,,letcLa t therecent I hich conanect in's -c ^ir.taoaaed l c I-etu f'h rsmn onrlo osn nEgad the occupied area is seen in the an- - iouncement that 3,750 railway mnen Th1n0 e of lh1g1 s teSec-_(1y, tha'ta liberal stand., for' adapta- hvensn oteRh frapr iiona of the ((1: outry hih he.'P}?-fiwit' a id s5[3cialpr.: gress, wand' lastly.'- - ree8t, an'.l lt (nae;of 'the o0fiters5 'i tata i ra11 stanads for freedom of of 1. -1 rious ', nus follo: firtlis,cus .ion. At the conclusnion of theI . ...-..,.. . ...:.. r grup rhgrsof Detroit, G., fEt profeossor'sy talk a di.,cussion followoa ThIorne, }presid et, l ,, lctckc, vaice in vrhicji the qu~esti'on of howN far - pr-esident; vv'illiam *W'ason, secrtary, fre o£o speech :should be allowed E ^ clad C? .: 11. .t~ec angr; ; formed the center of the controversy. o r" grouP, "Indins" estern The (tiscasi(n was broughlt nearer Mc'a,1). T. Q;,i. t, pe sden1t, i.. home by the aplicaion of the 'l'inf- LC. Ofl, ahletiMc managerc,; thiird ciule-+ of liberalism to ca-mi pus con-' ;oup "n8" fw-tcsern iich1i<.an, j(ftjH5 . ud the Umpper Peninsula, E . C. GFama- TheLiberal club was organized lastz lq. presidIent, ad . . ondo, atih- fall in t interes ts of the promotionys I tic naniger; fourth group,. " Yankee and discussion of nolitie'al and, social club", R.. .K obler, 1 resident; fifth :qcupstiofla. cipecial-W these which + g ontt, "Big Fiv&, midle 'oto conern the University. " t . C. Nw. Ir nem pf. res de t. C..__ TriI ,l)ett,. c 'etary . andi A. IProl .1', Try a Classified ' A d--it pays-A dv. tli ii7Il(11 ; a:i1 r u h = -- noth M1,iddfe Western states, 11, N.' Patrconize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Sl~ne, resdetJ. 0. F'rederick- r~ou. vice presidlent, and J. T. Price, q ~tti A m~ Wae;st adevndth ;;1rou'p, WeUsiie he MstApproved JAZAE "i3er Cat " (WstrnamidSou 'h :'1 r, iHE staIte,,. .C. Tpp.preident, A. 13. teALL DTAcliinfART x> ~ovmma, vcepro idn'.11. Robin- AL D K 'onI :>'o. ~ n <1.1C J. N'evill , th- I I aIA 'S DANCE, STUDO Icti: m ag .. i ..M K ' 'k. I (_ u5? Prec ' k nd a.iIt $.0 e ctda h.Wfrfrhifnr a-ts $.50, to 50c racks this morning. Both had been SHU BERT. _ 5-1.O found guilty of possessing armns. Pik-605$-0 M [C 7 G A M~t~ttugs., Thurs. aiid . . "' fia.,25c and SCc 1 Wie G arantee- to Teach You BORSOTEiLLE O *PAN Y ! to: Deuce. All of the In IBertho Mlli'bGreat MODERN DANCELS Drsflm ic Tixnipi; In One Course THE REDDLE-WOMAN IIALSEY'S DANCE STIUDIOS A Play. o Intenst.e Emiotion, , . . : t:->i I MARION DAVIES And, a superb cast of principals and an army of supernumeraries. IF 0 R. H. Fyfe & C©., Djetroit . . i :, t:, ' _ .. .i 1 . ... , e . .._.. .7 _" '1 "When Dress Footwear for lien Was In, Rlwer" / "'ill 1 / F r~kjt: lt f I Y t ; : j'r .; . t ' 1 L , , ' 1 _!.1 f, ^ i= t TODA N TOMORROW ADlULTS 0,c huDDlES 1.0c YOU WILL SEE Settings anMl gowns of a. maguilicent beauty never ap~proached, before on the screen. Designed by Joseph, Ur- ban: Gxallantt knights cla'shing& upon the tourney field, wilile hundreds of fai-r women. applaud. Armor, jewels, tapestries of- priceless value, The "thrilling elopement of lthme -royal: heroine, in boy's clothing witm her lover, including' the leap for, life ou hlorseback from a hignh- bridge. Flashing swordplay, thme hitrigues' and passions of a profligate court laid bare. ,A 'Spectacular rmanc e of hot, imipet- uous youth - as old as tirt , as fresti as to-morrow. The, Pidure- they ; totalk- I ng abouit '1roniu to Port4land, Ore. Imt, AW I S/ p RA.-.4 AST Jf ~.TF D ISTINGUISHED m'nodels of patent.Colt and dull calf, lightly built for dancing, Tux.- edo and formal wear. r IN Oxfords, Shoes - - -- $9.00 up $10.00 f {1 td 4 _ F a :, fi . .s or Night of igt& A snappy, peppy story of, a beautiful little Cloak Model who renounced the Gay Life.. SEE URSPECIAL DISPLAY In the Arthur F. M'arquardt Tailor -Shop, 608 Efast Liberty Street. Mr. H. C. Mackt is in charge. Due to- the Insistence of Mr. W. S. Buitterfield That Ann Arb~or Folks' be Able to Witness, at REASONABLE PRICES, Thmls Mas- siv Pioduction Tfhat is Selling in Other Cities at $2.00 Per Scat, Admissions will be -Every Evening ...... ...0e Week Day MIatinees :. { . . 250-5c r(way Tax Included PRESENTATIONS EVERY DAY 2:00 -3:40 --- 7:00--8:45 Feature, starts exa-tly'at thiese ;tours. Come early! (AINGOSUN DAY .WM. DE MILLE'S - LATEST P11QI0trtTION THE WORLD'S APPLAUSE WITH 11. 111: iA\1ILS, LEWIS STONE AND 1e ATI7VN WILLIAMIS i ON THE SAM BILL Snub ' H rd in "Newly Rich" j .. _ t S I i '. i - i 1 - ALSO- BUST'ER KEATON I_'_- IN - a o.:...... s - m'v an eb's A.-t, It 7