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January 26, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-26

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LATIN.A~ DEEAEfoed ovel f g tUG WLPLE
N o S eaks Toni gt
;t Iii" FRIEN, SHIP"

French 2S'Ytra.StistE J..ICLEMENTri SMITH 9IIINI fhlnflriaUUI~
D ctator Of I uhrI
AT CHARLOTTE' flT Imfr ITnrl llITflATIflhI

Appearing in Hill Auditorium Under
Auspices of Oratorical As-
Hugh Walpole, famous English
novelist, arrived in Ann Arbor at
1A:30 o'clock last night over the
Michigan Central railroad. He,
went immediately to the home of
Prof. and Mrs. George W. Patter.
son, 2101 Hill street, where he
will be entertained during his vis-
it to the UnIversity.


ium. "Books and Friendship" will be the
disputed points.- subject of the lecture which will be
Both French and Italians rallied - sbet~ h etr hc ilb
rather relutantly to theprocedure delivered at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
laid down by the British and they Auditorium by Hugh Walpole, well-
were careful to say tonight that there known English novelist and literary
could be no question of a definite rap-
titre: which would leadl to renewcriticL~ 0
war, but all will depend on the nature T 1rAccording to reports that have come
of the answer the Turks give when 1fromcities where Mr. Walpole has
the allied treaty is definitely pre- spoken, the lecture is a highly enter-
sented. Prof. Edmund .E. Day to Fill Vacancy! taining and instructive Intellectual
Marquis Di Garroni, of laly, said to- Left by Death of Prof. Heniy achievement. The author comes to
night that the door to peace would be' A Ann Arbor under the auspices of the F
left open, even after the adjournment CarterAdaOratorical association.
of the conference without definite re- ELNeed Meetings of Authors
sultp, because the allies stand ready EXPANSION OF tfIbM1hA1Mr. Walpole in speaking to Ameri-t
to return tp Lausanne if there seems IN BUSINESS ANTICIPATEDU can audiences is putting into effect o
any chance of.-reaching an accord. the idea which he expressed recently _
Both the French and Italians are I Prof. Edmund E. Day, whose resig- when he declared; "In my opinion
striving to save the conference. nation at Harvard university takes ef- there is a great need for meetings1
The French have made many con- t between English and American au-
sessions i financial and economric -af-1 fet this week, will arrive in Ann Ar- thors, and it would be a distinct adi
fats which effect .them more than;bor Feb. ' to assume his duties as vantage to both. I wish that more
the other The Italians have work- chairman of the Economics depart- American writers would visit Eng-
ed out a more conciliatory formula ment and director of the curricula in land. Those who have visited us have
for judicial guarantees for foreigner business administration. Professor been given a most cordialtreception"
which they think the Tuff~s will ace-' In spite of the fact that Mr. Wa-
" Day, whose :appointment was p
ept n Tdee is great nerousnes and d ,hsnw an- pQle is itish by allegianice; much of '
some depression, however, in confer- nounced last May, will become a full 'his time has been spent in this coun-
ence circles generally. professor ,of economics and will ofi . try. During the formative period of
The British announced tonight that ially enter upon his career at the his life, his father was a professor in
all discussion before the commission the General Theological Seminary inI
will end Saturday night. The allied University with the coming semester. New York:. As a result of this early
draft ,treaty 'will 'be prOiented to the He will fill the vacancy left by the acquaintance with this country and
Turks Wednesday, the intervening late Prof. Henry C. Adams, who was of his subsequent studies of life here,
time being devsted to the cmpletiong head of the economics department un- it is thought possible that one of Mr.
of the draft.d ttil his death one year ago last Au- Walpole's futuresnovels' may have an 1
gust. IAmerican setting.
Is Leader In Profession kives Jequiremenis oi Writers f
Official opinion views this appoint- During an interview soon after his
ment as one significant for the eco- arrival in America on his present
tTu nomic department. Professor Day, at tour, Mr. Walpole explain'bd some ofb
present professor of economics at the things he believed necessary for
Harvard university, is becoming na- good writers to do. "A writer," he p
tionally recognized as a distinguished declared, "should go into the moun-,
Witnesses for the Board of Regents i economist and a leader in his pro- tains by himself for at least six a
were placed on the stand yesterday in . fession. months of the year. In London we t
the Washtenaw county circuit court Professor Day was born at Man writers are too much in a crowd.
in the con lemnation proceedings chester, N. H., Dec. 7, 1883. His early There is too much interchange of s
against the property situated where education was received in the publiq ideas and shop talk. Here in Ameri- a
the new Lawyers' club is to be erect- schools of the city of Worcester, ca you are more separated by dis- f
ed. Mass., and his undergraduate worl1 tance and each one can work out his
Those who testified were George J. was completed at Dartmouth college own conceptions. It is better forp
Mann, a member of the water com- in 1905 when he received his B.S. de- ,,". b
mission ;Thomas D. Kearney, fc-rniar gree. He received his A.M. the next yu.
member of the tax commission; C. M. year from that institution and his Ph. s In advising readers what books
rte they should select, Mr. Walpole has
?warner, a present member of the tax D. in economics from Harvard in advised people to read what they,
commission, and B. F. Bortless, sec- 1909. want. However, he has cautioned p
retary of the tax commission. For three years he served as inagainstthe reader condemning books
The witnesses testied to their op- structor in economics at Dartmouth aat he adert on-denin bos
inion of the value of the property bas- Since 1911 he has been on the faculn treadt
ed on a fair market value. Attorneys ty of the department of economics at __p
for the defense indicated that they Harvard university, serving success
will ask a valuation set on the cost of ively as instructor, assistant profes-In t
reproduction of the buildings and sor, and since 1919 as professor of ecc li;TICE FOr ourFN
their present revenue bearing valu- onomics and chairman of the depart- I
ation. ment of economics. During' 1921-22 he ItPT
Indications are that the case will i also served as professor of business
not be given to thes jury until some-| economics at the Harvard. Graduate e
time next week. sch of business administration. Special tickets for the address to be
Active During War given in Detroit by Miss Maude Roy-
WILL CHOOSE DEBATERS During the war period e served den, England's only woman preacher,
successively as Chief-a Statician of can still be obtained. Miss Royden is i
Two debating teams will be choser, Bureau of Planning and Statistics ito speak Monday evening, Feb. 12, ati
to represent Michigan in the annua of the War Industries Board, and as Orchestra hall, and arrangementsI
Mid-West debate with Illinois an'd Chief Statistician and Director of the have been made for a special block of
Wisconsin universities on March 1f Division of Planning and Statistics of seats ii the balcony to be reserved
in the final tryout which will be held , the United States Shipping Board. He for University students at 35 cents
at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning ir is now one of the editors of the Quar- each. 1b
room 302 of Mason hall. Twelve pera terly Journal of Economics, The Jour- Tickets may be obtained by callings
sons remain on the squad and the two :hal of the American Statistical Asso- at the Y. W. C. A. office at Newberry
teams with two alternates will be ciation, and of the Review of Econom- ball, 937-W, before tomorrow noon.
chosen from this group. ic Statistics. Seats on the main floor are priced ate
Each person will give a five minute During the second semester Pro- 75 cents and $1. Reports from the
constructive speech and three minutes, fessor Day will conduct courses in sale thus far indicate that the entire c
ef rebuttal. Members of the faculty economic cycles and in economic sta- block of seats will be sold. Arrange-
of the public speaking department will tistics. Both of these courses will be ments are being made for the charter-I
act as judges and choose eight of thq open to only seniors and graduate stu- ing of a special car for those who at--
sriakers dents. tend.

General Weygand
General Weygand; French strategist,
who has been given the lion's share of
he credit for the Polish defeat of the
oviet fo-ces when they were about
o take Warsaw, is the commander
f the'French in the Rhur district.
Photogaphs, Feature Series- and
Guest Listis-to .be Included in
Souvenir Paper
Two extras, commemorating the
924 J-Hop, will be issued by The
Daily the night when examinations are
orgotten in a maze of color at Water-
man gymnasium. {
The first issue, appearing at the'
all at midnight, will be distributed
o the guests there. It .will contain
ictures of the Hop leaders, feature'
tories, an account of the grand march,
list of guests, and cartoons befitting
he occasion.
The second extra will appear on the
treets the morning following the Hop
nd will be distributed to the various
raternity houses. Already a large'
umber of the extras that will be
rinted to appear in the morning have
een contracted for by the houses
where house parties are being held.
In addition to the features that ap-
ear in the first extra, the morning
aper will have a picture of the "M"
which will be taken at the finish of the
rand march. When the official pho-
ographer completes his work here a
icture will be rushed into Detroit
where the engraving will be done and
he cut brought back to, be run in the
orning extra.
Must Take 'Ensian Pictures Sow
All group pictures for the Michigan-
nsian must be arrangede and taken
uring the next two days- if they are
o appear in the year book,. according
:o the editors. 'Several groups have
iot yet had their petures taken, and
t will be necessary for them to do so
mmediately as no time limit will be
ranted in this case.
Rhine Boatmen lo On Strike
Duisburg, Jan. 25-(By A.P)-The
oatmen -on the 'Rhine have gone on
trike. River traffic is at a standstill.
Herr Haaser, director of the poa
ervice at Dusseldorf, has been arrest-
ed for refusal to obey the French oc-
upational authorities.
Suppose you had been playing a
card game with your friends, and
one day your bridge table disap.,
peared. Would you be foolish and
try to hunt for it yourself, or
would you be wise and

Charlotte, Mich., Jan. 25-(By A.P.AjUV I VIUL[titI V lfUl11iaI111411,01aI
-Judge Clement Smith, of the Fifth
judicial circuit, died tonight, from
Judge Smith was the father of Shir 01 OHIO STATE BASKETBALL TO PUT DOWN ACTIVE RE
hey Smith, secretary of the University TKETS SELLING FAsT SISTANCE
of Michigan.TI SE GA__
He was stricken in his room at a
hotel after a session today in which b h A thet as, been made GERMAN RAIL STRIKE
he appeared. in the best of health. y the tickets for the Ohio State- IS ALMOST COMPLETE
Judge Smith maintained his home at
Hasing, her hebean iscareer I Michigan basketball game to be
Hastings, where he began his played tomorrow night in Water- French Officials Assert They Wil Stay
in law. Thirty'years ago he was ap- man gymnasium are being sold Until Full Satisfaction Has
pointed by Governor John T. Rich to very fast and that only a limited Been Received
fill a vacancy on the circuit cour number are available.
1 bench and has been re-elected for,-fve
cecu ters. I Because of the natural rivalry BULLETIN
consecutiveterms.|between the two schools it is ex- I (By A.P.)-All of the eleents -
He had intended to retire in the pected that a large contingent of usually 'ited as contrtbutary
spring because of his advanced age, a Ohio State followers will accom- causes of -open war exist it the
f he had passed his 79th bir'thday. I pany the team. Euhr valley. The German popu7
The group ticket for the Ohio - lation, wrought up by the pres.
State game is in book number ence of the French and Belgiums,
two and individual tickets are their hatred accentuated by the ar-
sold .for 75 cents. Students desir- rest and conviction of te nds-
T IIing tickets should call at the trial leaders, have carried out
Athletic Association ticket of--( demonstrations of a violent na-
~ fee in the Press building as soon ture at various centers of the
SECOND PRESENTATION OF DA- as possible as the supply is quite Ruhr, andthe ocupying forces
SliOmiPESEdATONhFaveA-placed their machie guns,'
TA IN AMERICA TO BE GIVEN seventy fives and weapons of larg-
AT THEATER HERE er caliber at strategic points, fr
the purpose, if necessary, of over-
"The Cloister" which will have its ! coming resistance that appexrt
second presentation in America to- ly active.
night and -tomorrow night at the, n M INE -]The return of Fritz Thyssen to
Mimes theater, will be the first dra- .jDusseldorf and then to Essen was
ma produced by the Mimes Repertoire madethe occasion of remarkable
company to play outside of Ann Ard cavalry and footsoldlers were
bor. This play will play on Feb. 17 Congressional Action Endorsed by the called into action. There was
in Detroit in response to a request Resolution Introduced in some firing by the military, al-
from many interested people of that Legislature though the Freneth are uner or-
city. ders sot to use their rifles unless
Carr, Gaske,grad., who will play the FUEL ADMINISTRATION The railroad strike is reported
important role of Dom althazar, has ! to be almost complete; the road
shown his dramatic ability in several Lansing, Jan. 25-(By A. P)--Gov- are tied up for the present n4
other productions at the Mimes the- ernment control of coal mines, to be trafflc of all kinds is In a statof
ater as well as at the Little theater - brought about by congressional ac- ' suspension. eanwhlle t*e )reiek
at Ypsilanti. He was also a member tion, is endorsed in a concurrentres. are sending into the Ru railway
of the repertoire company with which olution introduced in the house today men and workers of dl kinds an .
HSam Iume worked while in Detroit by Representative Miles of Mecota, promise to havethe 011: Y b-
last year. Guske is also the author The resolution proposes that the leg- lIe services iii operaion wltbSit
of several plays, somne of which have islature memorialize congress to take great loss of time.
been produced at the Little theater the action. X. Le Trocquer, the French mini
in Ypsilanti. "In the Morgue," a one The author of the bill professed ig- Ister of public works and general
act play of his, was presented at the norance of the proposal made in the Weygand, Marshall Foch's cif
Mimes theater a short time ago. United States senate by Senator of staff, are on the spot, and l-.
Lauren B. Stokes erry, '24, who will uBrookhart, of Iowa The Miles reso- tary measures of a terner na.
take the part of Dom Mark, won lntion, it is understood, is endorsed ture are threatened If the recal-.
great praise for his interpretation of by the state fuel administration. citrant spirit of the Germans on.
the pat last year. Thomas I. Under- The placing of the excess condem- ties.
wood, '23L, will take the role of Fa- nation amendment on the spring bal-
ther Thomas, a scheming and ambition lot is proposed in a resolution offer- Essen, Jan. 25-(By A. P.)-Great
monk. ed by Representative Culver of De- crowds turned out this afternoon to
Special chants, sung by members troit. The purpose of the amend- greet'Fritz Thyssen and his fellow in-
of o the Glee club, will -be a special ment is to enable a community to dustrial leaders found guilty and- fin-
added feature of the performance this profit through any appreciation on ed yesterday at Mayence by a French
year. The- men who have been se- property values -occasioned by public court martial for refusing to aid in
lected for the singing are Harold E. improvements through condemning the delivery of reparation coal.
Belles, '23S. of M., W. W. Spanagel, ( more land than, is actually needed The attitude of the crowd toward
'25E, Harwood L. Bright, '25, W. J. and reselling it. the French occupatIonal force3 was.
Nichols.'23, E. W. Brownbridge, 25, at times threatening, a-nd at . the
George Qua, Jr., '25, W. C. Knox, guard house of the garrison, oppo-
24L, and Rolbert S. Tubbs, '24L. f !.FSIRD site 'the Recsbank branch, the
eats for the performance may now II UI Ut BUL BYFrench held off a. mob only at the
be reserved -at the box office of the' r ( point of bayonets. Two machine guns
Mimes theater. The admission price I.JO PIUF!IUMR were in readiness and it seemed ,that
is $1.50. Tickets may be ordered by OPEN 1 h1LTO B the order to fire would moinentaril' be
mail if a check and self addressed en- gives but quiet was fin-ally restored
velope accompanv the order. Tele- CONTENTS OF KING'S CHAMBER without shooting or other casualties.
phone orders will also be received. RETAINED IN GRAVE TO AT-
TRACT TOURISTS Paris, Jan. 25.-The departure of
1Gen. Weygand and M. Letrocquer,
Luxo, Egypt, Jan. 25-(By A.P.)- minister of public works, for the Ruhr
An air of suppressed excitement per- last night marks the opening of the
vaes the whole upper Nile valley ar) second phase of the occupation, it is
the day approaches for the opening of believed here.
IlAN [AR IEBATEthe da prmoa r b the When the French entered the Ruhr,
the inner mortuary chamber of the tePrsgvrmn sue h
tomb of King Tutenkanumt, recently the Paris government assaied the
Results received from the Univer- sctomb ed; KitgeTuaenkyanumthreKengsy Gertnans would accept the move as
sity of Northwestern show Northwest- 'discovered in the Valley of the Kingsi
esto berthewiner sof Nthetl Not since the American Egyptologist inevitable, but events have proved the
ern to be the winner of the Central Theodore Davis, unearthed more than contrary. Therefore, the rench, It
league debate which was held last sdeclared, are about to chage their
Friday night between the Universities half a dozen tombs in the same valley 'dcaeaeaou o-cag hi
of Chicago, Northwestern, and Michi- 'ihas the Egyptian population shown methods.
gan. heeba Nt was atrandu~ f such pronounced interest and curios- I In the, first place, the ccupatin
gun.Thedebae ws, atringulr a- iwill be put on a systematic basis.Te
fair and is held every year between Pity in the great past of their coun occupied territory will be practically
the three schools, this year's debate try cutoff from the rest 'of Geriay
being the twenty-sixth annual con-- Pressure is being exerted by the lo-~ Scondly, It is huderstod that n.
test. cal populace to have the money o Coste head of the occupoino hation
The Northwestern affirmative tean Tutenkanum, if it is found in the in- ote occpyg so
in- (Continued on ageo )
competed against the University of ner chamber, kept in the tomb instead
Chicago at Northwestern university of being removed to Cairo. They make
I and won by the unanimous decision of no secret of their motive in the mat-
three to nothing, while the negative ter, declaring that, if exhibited to the THE DAILY ASKS TRYUT
trio defeated the Michigan afirmative; public view in the tomb, the moneyI-

team by a two to one decision. The of the Pharaoh would attract thou- Those wishing to try out for
I Michigan negative met the Chicago af- ; sands of tourists to Luxor and stim- the editorial staff of The Dily
firmative -at Chicago and won by a ulate trade, the hotel business and t are asked to report at 2:30
judges' verdict of two to one.' Chica- the same of antiques. o'clock this afternoon at the
go was the only school to lose both At present in all the tombs of the city editor's desk in the office of
! contests. Imperial necropolic there remains on the paper in the Press building.
1 The question debated was: Resolv- ly one royal money that of Ameno- Underclassmen are particular-
ed, that the United States should ' phis the 2nd, which is on view in its jy desired at this time. Under a
adopt the British plan of unemploy-I original burial place. The whole Phe- . University ruling freshmen who i
ent insurance. Last year's contest ban burial area including the valleys have spent one semester on the
Th next Va of the Kings and Queens contains the campus are eligible to work on
sity debate will be held March 16 bodies of countless generations. Here the paper, and those who intend
when Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michi -all from the mighty Pharaos to the to work next semester are asked
gan meet in the annual Mid-West con- - humblest of citizens sought their final I to report today, when the work
itest. rest. will be explained.
f _The work is of competitive na-
VT Goddard to Have Leave of Absence ture, men having to spend a trial

.a, :cx. ii.a .


An opportunity will be' giv
at 3 o'clock this afternoon- to a
freshmen who desire to try o
for the business staff of TI

inrgerIcl Sneaks ir Detroi
1 URO AMRiDetroit, Jan. 25.-Prof. Solomon F.
UUILDUIIUGingerich, of the University of Mich-
igan, was the chief speaker at a ban-
que 1 lIII fl fllIO cut honoring Robert Burns at the
en Hotel Tuller tonight. Wreaths were
all 1 hung on the statue of the Scottish poet
ut Senator Harvey A. Penney of Sagi in Cass park, commemorating the
he I inaw, chairman of the senate univer. 164th anniversary of his birthday. i


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