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January 25, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-25

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. XXXIII., No. 90






"Unofficial Eye"
May Be Cause Of,
Senate Explosion

Sparkling Comedy Of Mozart
"Impresario" Wins Audience

t I*



Clash Occurs Over English Cemeteries
In Gallipoli; Turks Demand They
Be made Smaller
Lausanne, Jan. 24-(By A. P.)-
Great Britain's proposed- appeal to the
league of nations, against Turkey,
on the ground that the Turkish atti-
tude on the Mosul question threatens
to distuirb international peace was
tIhe subject of a long conference to-
day between Lord Curzon, the Brit-
islh foreign Secretary, and Sir Eric
Drummond, Secretary General of tho

ly Edgar 11. AIles
A unique and delightful innovation
in the Choral Union concert serie was
provided last nigl't when Mozart's
comedy, "The Impresario", was pre-
sented-the first opera ever given in
Ann Arbor with costumes and scenic
investiture. The audience, which oc-
upied every available seat in Hill
auditorium attested its enjoyment of
the performance with almost constant
laughter and insistent interruptionsj
of applause. Aside from its novelty,
the production was an admirable one
in many ways and fully merited the
approval with which it 'was received.
First honor: go unquestionably to
Percy Hemus, whose interpretation of
the part of Emanuel Schickaneder
was the high light of the evening.
Mr. Hemixs is extremely versatile, re-
vealing pronounced talent both as a
comic actor and as. a vocalist. His
role of the pompous impresario, liar-

ased by prima donna tantrums, is
one of extreme difficulty; for it de-
mnands a display of foolery of which
few are capable. Mr. Hemus is an
indefatigable comedian whose everyI
move is exquisitely ludicrous and in-
variably applause-producing. The,
inimitable absurdity with which he
acted aroused gales of laughter, es-
pecially when he <sought to execute
the cadenzas of the Queen of Night
and experienced a complete collapse.
When he turned, from comedy to song
he demonstrated that he is an ad-
mirable artist ,possessed of a baritone
voie of fine timbre. His rendition of
even so lugubrious an aria as Saras-
tro's was roundly applauded.
The other singers were adequate for
the parts to which they were assign4
ed, but did not manifest any remark-
able qualities. None of them was,
per seextraordinary, they formed a
well balanced cast and a satisfac-
tory background for the art of Mr.
Hemus. The two rival sopranos, Haz-
el Huntington and Lottice Howell,
fought valiantly with the odds decid-
edly in favor of the former. Neither
succeeded in scaling the heights of
F in alt. without considerable effortA.
Thomas McGranahan as Mozart dis-(
closed a lyric tenor of pleasing clar-
ity and sympsthy. In the absence of
an orchestra, the score was played
on the piano by Gladyk Craven wh j
did well in a trying sitnation but in-
evitably failed to realize the full
(Continued on Page Two)

Representative Suggests Preparation
of Budget for Several Years in
. Advance
Lansing, Jan. 24-(By A.P.)-The
University of Michigan mill tax rate
would be reduced from 3-5 to 3-8 of a
mill, under a bill introduced in the
House today by Representative Wal-,
ter Henze, of Iron Mountain. The
present rate is yielding the University
$3,000,000 annually on the state'q
equalized valuation of five billion dol-
Second University Bill
This is the second University bill
to be offered, the first proposing 2,-1
300,000 for completion of the hospital
The University committee returned1
fromi .Ann Arbor today but will note
meet to consider their report until al)
of the University appropriation bills'
are introduced. The completc budget
calls for about $7,250,000.
Expect Pruning of Budget
.While members of the committee
are non-commital on the probable
recommendation, ;it has been indi-
cated that most of the expected prun-
ing will be made on the new building
Representative Charles Culver, of
the House committee has suggested
that the University prepare a budget
covering all needs forseen for ser.i
eral years to come, and, that a refer-
endum be held on the question ol
bonding the state for that amount anO
giving the administrative board gen.
eral supervision over the expenditure.
This, it was pointed out, would put
the people of the state on .record on
the University expansion program.

Walpole Reputed
Capable Speaker
When Hugh Walpole comes here to
speak tomorrow night, he will talk
before a critical audience. His repu-
tation among English speakers, which
has preecded him here is an enviable
From reports that have come from
cities in this country where Mr. Wal-
pole has already spoken, it would ap-
pear that the audience may come pre-
pared for a good speech.
The author is said to have a rapid
fluent style and beautifully phrased
paragarphs that at times seem al-
most to tumble from his lips. The
manner in which they are spoken in-
dicate that they come from the lips
of a thorough literary student. In
addition to containing depth and sub-
tlety, Mr. Walpole's speeches thus far
in this country are said to have been
uncommonly informative and full of
little glints of humour and a deli-
cious clean-cut drollery.
Burpte Says Both U. S. and Canada
Should Back International
Governing Body

Expel Prussian Officials; Number Im.
prisoned Now Totals
Summary of Ruhr situation.
By Associated Press
Mayence is preparing to take
ovrer control of the railroads anid
for emergency purposes in mobil-
izing her own railway workers
who will be put into service in
the Ruhr, in case the Germansgo
on strike.
Premier Poincaire, of Paris, in
conference with the heads of his
technical departments, is prepar-
Ing to send reinforcements to the
occupied territory. At the same
time the French authorities have
in mind the cutting off of the
Ruhr regIon from all communi-
cation with outside sections of

Resistance Stubborn
Bath the British and the Turks were
holding tenaciously tonight to their
o'iginal positions. No compromise
appealas& possible, In the meantime
comnplete agreement was reached to-
day on 'e problem of the exchange
of population ,whereby the Turks in
,o'te wi Rlbe moved to Turkey, and
the Greeks in Turkey who are not
Ottoman subjects will be sent baclj
to Greece.
The Turks have consented not to
insist on the expulsion of the. Greeksi
who retain their Hellenic nationality
and have also withdrawn their claim
that the Western boundary of West-
ern Thrace should be the Struma in-7
stead of the Mesta. Western Thrace.
like Constantinople, is excluded fron'
the general exchange.
Argue Over Cemeteries
Another clash occurred today bet
tween the British and Turks over the
men buried in Gallipoli. The Turk{
announced that the cemeteries of thqj
British dead must be made smaller.;
they are willing, they said, to discuss
the laying out of new cemeteries else-'
where than in Gallipoli.
The British delegates characterizel
this demand as an insult, saying that
British forces now occupied Gallipoli
and would continue to occupy it what-
ever happened, until assurances werO
rnrx l -ta h ir c lin Acd dI

Roland W. Boyden
Demand by the "splendid isolation'
senators that Roland W. Boyden,
American "unofficial observer" on the
reparations commission, be recalled is
expected to cause a political explo-
sion in the senate within the next few
days. .

Frank Murphy, '15L, Also Speaks
Initial Gathering of


A special J-Hop number of Chimes'
will be published in time to be dis-
tributed to house parties Saturday
morning following the Hop, accord-
ing to an announcement of the edi-
tors of Chimes yesterday. Orders for
the party numbers will be taken in
On the frontispiece Miss J-Hop will
be shown capturing her date for the
dance. It is the work of a woman!
guest at the affair. John Lawton, '24,
chairman of the Hop committee tells
of the work of the committee and the
special features of the party. Leo J.
Hershdorfer, '23, will collaborate with
Thornton Sargent, Grad., on an arti-
cle entitled, "Good Behavior at the.
Two full pages of illustrations will
be given. . One of. them is a parody by
Hal Davidson, '25, on the activitieffof
the guests at the Hop and the other
a full page of skiing party photo-
House parties in general will be
reviewed in burlesque style by L. J.
Hershdorfer, '23. The cover design
by Hal Davidson, '25, will show a
couple dancing in the spotlight.
Campus sales on the J-Hop number.
will be conducted Feb. 14.

"A Better Michigan".
With the adoption of' the forego-
ing slogan last night the Booster club
of the University of Michigan opened
its first regular business session of
the year. More than 150 members of
the organization were present at thq


received that the r sorrer aeaa"nwteFcs
'ivould reflain undisturbed. "Know the Facts"
The allies have adapted their des "I believe in boosting," President
mands for the expenses of the occu Marion L. Burton declared. "When I
pation of Turkey and have reduced hear someone knocking the'Univer-
ation reparkeyandhavetumilliod sity, I wonder what his motive is. Us-
the reparation bill to 15 lnually , I believe, it is due to ignor-
ance. The only way in which a man
can really be a booster is to know the
'outing' Boosts facts and to know them so well that
he cannot be cornered when he talkq
Aeriat Attack about them".
After the facts have been ascertain-
ed, President Burton added, the next
"Outing", a magazine that boosts most important factor in boosting iq
all recognized forms of college sports, to believe in the truth of the cause
has devoted some of the space in is which is being promoted.
January issue to the advantages of Frank Murphy, '15L, Detroit,aeI
the orwad bas ovr th run idared that in a small body organiz,
the forward pass over the running ed as the Boosters are there is more
plays for advancing the ball, using potentiality than in 5,000 students a
the results of the forward passes that a mass meeting. "A real booster is'
Michigan tried in 1922's season as the one boosting for the things that
the basis for their argument. are right", he stated.
In showing the results of forward The Club Adopts reed
passes "Outing" says, "If you believe Ts s st e l etionrord
that the forward pass is an unfair . as sustaining the resolution of th,
play just consider these statistics Student Council in recommending that
from the University of Michigan rec- the new field house be named after
ords: Coach Fielding H. Yost.


In six games Michigan tried 84;
passes and completed 42-50 per cent;
is good enough for any play.
The total distance gained, 693 yards,
an average of sixteen and one-half
yards for the successful plays or
slightly over eight for all. .Where is
the running play that can match
The six opponents-four of them,
Conference teams-made sixty triesj
and completed twenty, which isn't so
The twenty completed gained a to-
tal of 199 yards. This means that the,
opposition was practically making 10
yards in three plays, instead of the I
four permitted by the rules. If the
other plays stood up as well ther
would be no kick about the lack of


In addition to the Motto, A Bette' 1
(Oontinued on Page Two)


Those wishing to try out for
the editorial staff of The Daily
are asked to report at 23y
o'clock. Friday afternoon at the
city editor's desk in the office of
the paper in the Press building.-
Underclassmen are particular-
ly desired at this time. Under a
University ruling freshmen who
have spent one semester on the
campus are eligible to work on
the paper, and those who intend
to work next semester are asked
to report Friday, when the work
will be explained.
The work is of competitive na-
ture, men having to spend a trial
period before receiving an ap-
pointment to the staff.j
Freshmen will also be eligible
for work in each of the depart-
ments. of the business side. Pros-
pective applicants are requested
to call at the business office in


Ehrendritstein, Jan. 24.-The last
Eof the American forces, nwhich have
been keeping a watch on the Rhine
since the signing of the Armistice
ending the World War, are homeward
The Stars -and Stripes were lower-
ned from the famous fortress of Eh-
rendritstein' at noon todhay and this
I afternoon the troops boarded trains
bound for Antwerp, where they will
t embark on the transport St. Miehel.
The eighth ..infantxri regiment,{
which formed the principal American
contingent, entrained at Coblenz in
two sections 'at 4 o'clock. The men were
saluted by all the high allied officials.
The 156th French Infantry furnished
the guard of honor, and its band play-
ed the American and French national
anthems as the trains pulled out. The
populace of the city of Coblenz were
at the station to say farewell to de-
parting friends.
Not alone were crowds present at
the station, but the railway tracks be-
yond for a mile were lined with
friends waving and tshouting fare-
well. ome of the townspeople went
to distant suburbs to pay their last
respects while others took the ordi-
nary train to Antwerp to renew their
farewells, Both trains of troops will
'reach Antwerp tomorrow afternoon.
Officers of the three freshmen'
groups which were recently formed
by the Upperclass Advisory committeqi
of the Union will -meet at 7:30 o'clock
this evening in room 302 of the Un-;
ion. This meeting is held because o.3
the desire of the first year men to be<
gin the program which the Upperclass
Advisory committee has outlined to

The Michigan Alumnus, in.its issue
of last week gave the greater part,
of its space to comments upon the
work of several alumni of national
prominence, chief of whom are Dr. W.
W. Campbell, '86, and Prof. James W,.
Glover, '92. In connection with the
article concerning Dr. Glover, which
contains a short biography in addi-
1tion to a few comments, a cut is pre-
sented showing Dr. Glover and Thom-
as A. Edison in a friendly confer-
A description of "United States Life
Tables", the book which has been
compiled by Prof. Glover during the
past eight years, is the subject matter
of 'an article entitled "Professor
James W. Glover's Great Work".
A letter from Dr. Carl E. Guthe, '17,
who is now at the head of a University
archaeological expedition in the Phil-
ippines, tells of the discoveries which
are being made by the party in thq
caves and burial mounds that they
are searching.
Frank L. Thomas, director of the
University Glee club and a member
of the faculty of the School of Music,
has severed his connections with the;
Uiversity by request, according to aI
statement issued yesterday by Charles
'A. Sink, secretary of, the School of.
Move to Quash Daugherty Charges:
Washington, Jan. 24-(By A. P.)-
The report of theJudiciary commit-
tee holding that there was no basis:
for the Keller charge that Attorney
General Daugherty had been guilty of
his crimesaand misdemeanos will be,
called up tomorrow in the house.
The report, put into the form of a
resolution also provides that the
committee be discharged from further
consideration of the case and that
the Keller impeachment resolution be
laid on the table.
Players' Club Social Tonight
Members of the Players' club, cam-
pus dramatic group, are giving an in-.
formal social at 8 o'clock this evening
in the Women's league room of Bar-
bour gymnasium to which all students
interested in the organization are in-
vited. The affair is being given in
order to better acquaint the club
members with one another. A pro-,
gram, partially musical and partially
dramatic, has been planned.


President Harding, who has beer}
ill with la grippe, remained away from
his office.
Favorable report on the Norbeck
bill which would extend $250,000,000
credit to Europe for the purchase o'f
American farm products was ordered
by the Senate agriculture committee,,
The Senate oil investigation comt
tee was informed that neither Johr!
D, Rockefeller, sr., or John D. Rocke-
feller, jr., owned any stock in the
Standard Oil compapy of Indiana.
Edward L. Sanford, of Tennessee,
a federal district judge since 1908, was
nominated by President Harding to be:
an associate justice of the Supreme
courtto fill the rvacancy caused by
Justice Pitney's retirement.
Senator Jones, republican, Wash-
ington,, in charge of the administra-
tion shipping bill, announced he would
attempt to have debate curbed in an
effort to bring about a Senate vote
on the measure in the near future.'
As a result of public reports that
police, attempting to stop "embassy
liquor leak", had seized supplies
said to have reached a bootlegger from
the Cuban legation the Cuban chargol
visited the state'department and 14t.
er stated he knew nothing of "alleg-
ed liquor selling" at the legation.
John A. Billings, '24E, was announc-
ed as the managing editor of the
Michigan Technic for the coming
year at the 35th annual banquet of the
editorial and business staffs of the
publication held last night at Willett's
cafe. H. M. Preston, '24, has been
chosen as the business manager for


FOR WORK IN 19fl9 TREATY Conditins inthe
Ruhr are improving for the .e
Stressing the assertion that persons cupation. The mines are in op-
in the United State, should support ,eration about $ per cent of their
the International joint commission be- capacity. The railroad sek+ices
tween the United States and Canada are reported to be vell up to the
w he standard and in general. there is
and should "remove all obstacles that less tension evident in the indus-
may lie in the way of its greater trial towns.
usefulness," Lawrence J. Burpee, sec- The trial at Mayence on a m -
rotary for Canada of the Internation- ber of Industrial leaders, Includ-
rary ss ing Fritz Thyssen has ende with-
al joint commission, addressed a out dramatic incident. The Ger-
small group of faculty men, students, mans were condemned to the p y
and townspeople yesterday afternoon ment of a comparatively small
in the law building. fine for disobedience of order.
Mr. Burpee discussed the articles Dr. Schlutus, of the state finance
of the treaty made between the Unit- department, aid Dr. von Raffes.
ed States and Canada in 1909 for the sen, president ofhe sta.ejMies
purpose of "preventing disputes re- administration, were each con
garding the use of boundary waters demned to a year imprisonment
and to settle all questions which are under a suspended sentence.
now pending between the United 'There are rumors that General
States and Canada involving the Weygand, Marshall Foch's chief
rights,' obligations or interests of both of staff will be appointed.high
countries along with settlement of commissioner for the Buhr. The
Iall such questions as may hereafter French president M. Milletnd, in
arise." an address ;torepUreisenaVtes a
The Commission composed of three the League of Patriots, announced
men chosen by the president of the that France is determined-to co!-
United States and three appointed by pel respect for treaties.
the king of England. It exists as a
judicial body and also as an investi- Dusselford, Jan. 24--(By A. P.) -
gatory body. "This treaty is the With their eyes turned toward the
fruit of wise, constructive and far- Mayence court Martial, the Germans
seeing statesmanship," said Mr. in the Ruhr today continued their po-
Burpee. "If James Bryce and Elihu icy of resistance by refusi to obey
Root had never achieved more than the orders of the forces of occupa-
the treaty of 1909, they would have tion, while the French pi-oceeded -to
earned the gratitude of the English- further repressive measures.
speaking world. The treaty puts into ( The number of expulsions ofoff-
tangible and practicable shape the cial? since midnight'of Ja.0ow
aspirations of Canadians and Ameri- totals 23. The director of Justomn 2 of
cans for the closet possible union con- the Dort .und district a tbeet a-
sistent with political independence." rested, thus recording their
According to Mr. Burpee, it is due arceration since the industrial mag-
to this treaty and the commission, nets were taken into custody last Sat-
that such amicable relations have uray and held for ial by cout
been kept between the United States maurtia. hl o ralb tu
and Canada. "The success of the The instructions received Inte'
commission as a means of settling Ruhr from the minister, of pst and
disputes and also of preventing them egaph inBeinteine to
-and perhaps the latter is the more ford any telephonic communications
important service-mnust depend to a ire y teFec r~
very eatservce nustdubic uderrequired by the French nilitary has
very great degree upon public under- o
standing amd support in the two coun- been countered by the French who
tris."He aid."ad ustia ndhiave taken charge of the Bochun,
s a d n an su p r in t e t o c u - h v ta e ch r e o th'trie s." H e said, . "H ad A ustria and or ti u d a d E snee e h nx
Serbia possessed such a tribunal, we Dortmund and Essen telephon ex-
might have escaped the World War". changes and are operating them.
______________ IMining operations throughout the
Ruhr yesterday reached 85 per cent. of
n~rr lhIRIN~ the normal output. The ralroAds re-
PUBLIC ceived requaits from various mines
for 18,675 empty coal cars to load the
day'sproduction, while the normal
demand is 22,000. Thegeea n.
I agement of the railroads had only
Madison, Wis., Jan. 24-10,826 "empties" available, IndIlcpting
--Backed by Gov. George G. Blaine that many cars previously loaded have
the La Follette forces in the senate not been returned nto the .Rur, 'and
today drew a resolution, introduced many empty cars had been rushed
across the frontier into Germany be-
by Sen. Henry Huber, which pcrposed fore the French could- get a complete
that the "round robin" denouncing check on the roads.
Senator La Folette, signed during the Meat has increased 60. per cent in
war by several hundred professors of price while fats and laid are gelttng
the University of Wisconsin, be pub-
licly burned, very scarce. ;General De Goutte has
The resolution proposes that the issued orders forbidding t e soldiers
"roundrroin" benremoved from the to buy milk except for hospitals.
round robin be removed from the":
records of the Wisconsin Historical '
societyand turned over to the superin- Barristers Honor
tendent of public property for de-
struction. .Law Faculty ManI- A
Senator Huber's proposal recites
that many members of the faculty Barristers, honorary senior, la so-
"were induced to sign the paper un- ciety, held its second initiation ban-
ier duress and intimidation and now quet of the year last night at the Un-
desire that the wrong done Senator ion. Prof. Herbert F. Goodrich, form-
La Follette be effaced from the public { er dean of the law school at the Unt-
records." C versity of Iowa, now a membr of


Boston, Jan. 24.-Frederick W.
Hamilton, Supreme Council dep-
uty of the Masonic order for
Massachusetts, has notified Scot-
tish Rite Masonic members that

are entertaining winter sports
extensively, but with all this
new snow Ann Arbor still has a
chance. Skiis, ice skates, etc.,
are in demand -- why not ad-

the same period. -
Other members of the upper staff
of the magazine were announcedsas
follows: F. A. Leisen, '25E. associate


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