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October 01, 1922 - Image 23

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-01

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Why Turks Kill Christians
(j * Ti Other orders covered the destruc-
EDITOR'S NOTE: The article j By Fra ck 't . K l ytion of all Armenian books, manu-
which follows is the result of a scripts and papers in order that the
comprehensive study of the prob-- Armenian, jealous of his mental sa- extermination first of the Armenians, very language might become non-
lem of the relations existing be- periority, of his thrift and business then of the Greeks, and perhaps also existent within the borders of the
tween the Turks and subject Chris- enterprise. He has, therefore, re- of other non-Turkish races. A fair Turkish Empire. Dispatch after dis-
tian peoples, made by a man who sorted to oppression, example is the dispatch from Con- patch concerned itself with the dis-
is pre-eminently fitted for the task. "The Turk will do all he can to stantinople to Jemal Bey, at Adana in position of Armenian orphans who
It is especially significant i view drive Armenians out of the country, Cilicia, dated November 18, 1915. This had been saved by Turks. In herei-
of the present crisis in the Near aInd though there is, at the present has been made public since the War ber, 1915, the minister of the Interior,
East, and also in view of the fact moment, a lull in the storm, the storm by Naim Bey, an official charged with Talaat, sent to the Government of Al-
that the writer advances the theo- is not over by any means. The hand its execution, and is published in fa- eppo the following telegram in
ry, based upon thorough research, of Turkey has been restrained for simile. It is *o long to quote in cipher:
that the hatred existing between resn of df1 I 'tpsasintn-
Turk and ChristiansingthetN reasons of expediency, but it is the roll, -ut significant passages in trans- "Collect and keep only those or-
East is due not to difference in re- and it has not lst its cn lio are: phans who cannot remember the tor-
ligon but to economic causes ning. If the Turk could have his own It is the duty of all of us to effect lures to which their parents have been
way, unhampered by the publi spin- on the broadest lines the realization subjected. Send the rest away with
ion of Europe, there would be neither of the noble project of wiping out of the caravans"-that is, to the desert,
In southeastern Asia inor inl lt an Armenian nor a missionary in existence the Armenians who have for to certain death.
I asked a long-time American resident Anatolia at the end of twenty years,empoyed tocarry
fof the country whether T oslerI s ever for oth ap equally obnoxiom." centuries been constituting a barrior Of the metods e'pyd 'ocar
b . . e'. t the Empire's progress in civiliza- out these and similar instrs'sctlons we
became Christians. His reply was in Hr. Hepworth's conditional pro- tion." .. . "The Jemiet has decided to cannot here sneak, yet after two years
the affirmative; and as a recent - phecy came near being completely uprootand annihilate the various so many Armenians survived that on
stance he mentioned the name of, fulfilled even earlier than lis had an forces which have for centuries been February 27, 1918, the minister of War
Mohammedan Turk who had becoine ticipated. At the outbreak of the an obstacle in its way, and to this end forwarded to all commanding officers
convinced of the superiority of Chris-- Great War the Turkish Government it is obliged to resort to very bloody of the Turkish Army a cipher dispatch
tianuty and had made open acknow- with German ,backing felt strong methods." . . . "We are criticised and which must be quoted in full:
edgment. enough to undertake "to Turkify Tur- called upon to be merciful; such sim-
A short time ago I learned the key" without scruple or restraint. plicity is nothing short of stupidity. "In view of present circumstances,
sequel. So long as the French policed Official dispatches make it clear For those who will not co-operate the Imperial Government has issued
Cilicia the convert was boycotted by that the ruling powers in Constanti- with us we will find a place that will an order for the extermination of the
his Turkish neighbors and relatives nople aimed at nothing less than the, wring their delicate heart-strings." whole Armenian race. The following
but not harmed. After the French
withdrew, in 1921, his fellow-Turks
first cut out his tongue and then tor-
tured him till he died.
The killing of an apostate from
Islam is in accord with the teachings
of the Koran. In the words of a com-
mentator: "The crimes for which a
man may justly be put to. death areru
these-apostacy, adultery and mur-
der." It is apparently not by accident to the end of reckoning "
that apostacy stands first in the list.
The case of native born Christians is
different. -Shakespeare
In Constantinople in 1919 a Turk
who was said to be a prince, and had
had the advantages of a European
education, himself brought up in con-
versation with me the destruction of
the Christian populations in Asia- And it is the truth, undeniably the truth, that we are displaying by far the largest and most
Minor' in the years since 1914. He
apologetically explained that this was complete stock of COA TS ever shown in this city. There are all the best numbers of
justified, in fact necessitated, by the the famous "WOOLTEX" line, combined with a half dozen other nationally known makes.
frequent attempts at revolt from
Turkish rule.
The plea of putting down revolu- There are heavy, rough COA TS in the popular SPORT MODELS, with and
tions has long been urged by Turkish
officials as a justification of the without fur collars, from $25 to $59.50, just the thing for college wear. Then in the
slaughter of Christians. It was pti dressy models you can choose from literally dozens of the latest WRAPS fashioned of
the massacres of Armenians in 1894 GERONA, RUBADRE, FASHONA, DELYSIA and other new cloths. Many of
and the following years, under the..
rule of the infamous Abdul Hamid. these have elegant Fur Collars which add to their beauty, and-incidentally-to their price.
From time to time no doubt efforts
have been made to foment rebellion
among Christian subjects of Turkish These beautiful Wraps run from $49.50 to $165. Then there are FUR COATS
misrule. But suppose a population
of Englishor Americans weretunder from the CONEY at $44.50 to the superb HUDSON SEAL at $395, with many prices
the misrule of a less intelligent mi- between.
nority; would occasional plottings or
revolts be deemed a sufficiently
weighty reason for the indiscriminate - i
slaughter not merely of belligerents Of course youl need a coat, and it may iterest you to know that we have sold near-
but of women and children with every ly a dozen fine coats to Detroit ladies the past two weeks.
imaginable cruelty?
The Turkish pretext was set forth
in its true light by George Hepworth, We almost forgot to say that SILK GO WNS and WOOL DRESSES are so pop-
a trained. and impartial observer
who was sent through Armenia by thef ular that we have to have shipments daily to supply the demand. WOOL DRESSES
New York Herald after the massacres $9.75 to $50; SILK GOWNS $19.75 to $90.
of the middle nineties in order to de-
termine the truth about them. In
the concluding chapter o his book,
"Tbrough Armenia on Horseback,"
published in 1898, he.says:
"When I say that the Armenian
massacres were caused by Armenian
revolutionists, I tell a truth, and a-
very important truth, but it is not
the whole truth. It would be more
correct to say that the presence of
the revolutionists gave occasion and
excuse for the massacres. That the
Turks were looking for an occasion
and an excuse, no one can doubt whotreredlon ra nn
las iraversed that country."- I

The underlying causes are far S
deeper. The view of Mr. Hepworth is 118 Mi)t
thus stated in the same chapter:
"Way down in tie bottom of his
heart, the Turk hates the Armenian. TheS o of d tsfgcfior fr o earTs.
He will swear to the contrary, but I
am convinced that the statement is
true nevertheless. The reasons for
this are abundant, as I have, tried to
show in other chapters of this book.
The Turk is extremely jealous of the


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