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January 23, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-23

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Sapir Gives Graphic Account BOR90 GIJIEIILT
Of Indian Lore And Customs. AITIICkS FRFNICI,


More than 200 people heard Dr,{
Edward Sapir, anthropologist of they
Victoria Memorial museum, Ottawa,
Canada, speak on "The West Coast In-

dians of Canada'in Natural Science
auditorium last night. His talky dealt'
with the curious legends, folk- lore,
and customs of tes particular Indi-
lHe' read, in part, and explained two
of these o1ld legendls which have b~een
h -nndp~lrlnnO+nwn ,,inii, .-r O I'I PSs; man --

think of going on any trip or perform-
ing any dangerous feat without go-
ing through a set of ceremonies,
which diiffer in the case of each fam-
ily and are inherited from their an-
cestors who in turn are supposed to
haxve derived them from the ancient
I gods of mythological times.
Di. Sapir first began his work with
the Indians in 1905 in investigations
firi the government andl for the Smith-
i so L&ii ini~,ttnt'. S SC, IhpU dtu ion

erations, becoming the legal proper-
ty of certain families. it is from these
Legal A. tion Seen NeeeS~iry when! old stories that the family derives its
Rie'idents of Reii;ired Ground name,,crest and distinctive privileges
Refivu;e to rove lHe told the story o: the exciting
3whale hunts, in which these Indians+
Condemnation proceedings to ob- i have become extremely skillful and,
tai, a site for the new Lawyers clubi fearless, how they prepare for 'the cex-
to be erected on South University I peditions with many ceremonies, spe-
avenue between State and Tappan J vcial rites, and feastings. The Indi-I
str eets, were s;tarted <yesterday c in the auns are superstitious and would not
circuit cour-t of 0,aahte+11w county by
the Board, of Regents, through their'
attorneys, Cavanaugh and1 Burke.
bYotraee n tte-ah alfland tenuloc'ILS W L
bournSt and n-aklatnd thenbloc
and eight Gild ono-half lots in the ra
block betw een Oakland avenue and
condemnation proceedings. There is a PPLl I ETV L
totl f 32pieces of property in both
these blocks, more than half of which Inio and i)aliia," Saant.Saents ;
arc, already owned by the University. BiiclOeto10Ieend
Defendant,; Reduced to 1:3 Finial Concert Niiht
At the present time there are 13
defendants remnaining out of the prig- IIOLST'S "IIYfN TO JIESUS"
inal number of 65 at the Institution of TO INTRODITC1, NEW F"IGURIE
the suit. Of these. 65, many were -
joint owners of the same pieces of Announcement that Benjamin Gig-'
property,' which brought the number ' li, he distinguished young tenor of
of real defendants down to 32. Of the Metropolitan Opera company, will
these 19 have been settledl with since be soloist with the Chicago Symphony i
the opening of'the suit, leaving 'a re- orchestra at the first 1923 May Festi-S
mainder of 13. val concert, that Gustav I-oist, noted
The Regents, in a resolution adopted English composer, will appear with'
Nov. 24, 1922, stated that they were his "Hymn to Jesus", May 17, and that
un able to. agree with the owners. Saint-Saens biblical opera, "Samson et1
heirs, representatives and assigns of LDalila" will be presented the. fintal
the property on the matter of cois- 1 night of the Festival with a cast of
pensation, claiming that the owners eminent artists, indicates that a gala
demanded sums largely in ex-cess of week is in store for all who plan to
the actual value. The petition forI attend Ann Arbor's annual music
condemnat"ion 'was filed on Dec. 18, fete. -
71922, by MNerlin Wiley formner state at- Other works scheduled for per-
torney-gener al. formance at the Festival_ include th(Ij
Regents ( '1linn i Rht Sanctus andl Hosanna from Bach',,1
The right to condemn. the land' is, Mass in B minor, the Chorale and
claimed by tiel e fvents because theyt Finale from Wagner's "Die Meister-
are "vested with authorlty and charg- } inger", 'Cesar Franck's 150th Psalm,
cd withi the duties of gener~aI l pelXi- and the march from Goldnark's "Kon-
sion, management and control of the 1 gin von Saba."
University and are especially author- Especial interest attaches to Holst's
'ized by law to secure land as a site for = work, because it will be conducted by
any public use".j the composer who as a result of a long
A special jury has been drawn' by{ series of cabled negotiations is mak-
Sheriff James W. Robison on an or- .ng his first trip to the United States
der from the court for thle purpose of, this year. Hoist is of Swedish des~
deciding 'whether the University is ; ent. He was born in Cheltenhanm,
Justified in condemning the proper ty. England, in 1874. He is now teacher
The jury is also to 'fix the amount of composition and niusical director
which the defendants are to receive at Morley college, London.
for their holdings from the University. "Hymn to Jesus", composed in 1917,
is an elaborate work requiring the
iir irFnrIT services of two choruses, a semi-chlor-
MK S Wll fus, orchestra, pianoforte and organ.
Mr'. Hoist's visit here will introduce
TUIP one of the most conspicuous figures
[1 E t TO-s !in modern music, one who promises
to become better known to Amperica~nfil

'tific work among the Indians for
the University of California and
versity of Pennsylvania. In :191
began his wvork among the 'Westt
Indians of Canada. an~d since then
been a constant student of their
legends and art, spending mnuchl
time living among them.
D~r. Salir will talk on "The A~
the Canadian Indians" this after
in Natural Science auditoriumi.
lecture will he illustrated with
tern slides of the Indlians ands
inens of their peculiar arts.
He w~ill speak .upon the Indianl
uages at 8 o'clock tonight in
205, Mason hall. 'T'h~ohgh the le
will deal p~articularly with the '
uag;es of the North American mI
Dr. Sap~ir xwillstress lparticu
those points which are of i
to language students in general.

10 hea
M has
of his!
Art of
i lan-
:lian, I

t! I 1~tI 1 t U 1l LI V 1 Coaching is not what it is cracked1
Rup to be, not if we take what one says
INVASON O RUM who has been in the business for 221
1N19 10N0rH HR years anyway, and we have every rea-
son for believing that what he says;
TERM STP "FFESE G AINS is so. This is what Coach FieldingI
IIVMA-N1TY" AND) "RUTHLESS "We never advise our boys to go
_BARB 41182111' into the coaching game. In almost
every case it is a waste 'of time, in as
SNATOR DECLARE S U. S. much as the average life of a coach
SHOULD PR OTEST ACT ! as a coach is only three year s in'
' __ duration and one just takes this much
i { time off from getting started in wxhat-
Amzzeriea's Duty, He Saysf, to Intervenei ever line of work he will eventually
at Once and Show Justice to 1 go into."
Fallen Fo'e As to the stability of a coaching job
' the coach said, "A coaching position
W "Iashing ton, Jan. 22-(By A. P.) .-1 isn't like that of a professor or an-
*French policy in the Ruhr was attack- other instructor. For a coach to keep
'ed as "ruthless militarism", a viola- a job he has to turn out winning;
Con of the armistice terms and the= teams, and it's a physical impossibil-
treaty of Versailles, and an "offenfse ity for every coach to do this. Yes, I
against humanity" in a' statement is-; would say it is all right for,, a ,young
sued tonight 'by Senator Borah, of fellow to go into physical education
Idaho, a Re-pubican member of the schools, but coaching, No."
senate foreign relations committee. --
ISenator Borah also criticised) the stateni
.department in what he said was its ;I~
policy of silence and inactivity and 4t
*declar'ed the Unitedc States should at! D i ALO T U-
least declare its attitude by formals
*yprotesting against the French I.A IIr F IIRD

" This is a situation,". said Senator
D B Lorah, "In which the United States
cannot with honor remain silent. Thee
first duty of a nation is to protect its
honor and glory in victory is to be JustI
to a fallen foe. It is this rule which
disftingu sthes the savage- from the civ-

"The Cloister",a four act play by
Emile Verhaeren, will be -presente&
for the 'second time next Friday andj
Saturday nights at the MPirms theater.1
Mimes was the fir,-t organization in+
America to produce thisr play, gi~iing
it for the first timue here list spring.
The drama is written in blark verse!
throughout, and is replete wvith dra-
matic situations. It has a. religious
background, the four acts being set in
a religious cloister of the Middle
Ages. The characters are all monks.
Onhe of' the monks confesses- to a

as the years roll by.1
Negotiations for the artists who will
be heard at the Festival are now un-
der way, according to Charles A. Sink,j
secretary of the School of Music. Mr.
Sink will be in New York next week,
for the purpose of making such' ar-
rangenments, and announcements will
be made from time to time of the re-
suits of his work.

il~dnation." ' '1 6'n 22(ByA.moren i starj6 Ilooped four ofL, JUhi+1 l"U Mt
i oesa~oOe aro i t'JOrg'allizat:on ('annot Be Indicted as ,a; The statement conitinued, in pat: cation of the effect Germany's pas- urging only a radical form~ of goen Iet Miller counted one, and the r
Whole. States Louisina "It was :Americani principles an-, sine resistance" is having on the coal ,eni the Wolverines went scoreless, .
torney-Genieral nounced h by residentWu isondupan rd auscthi s' nctaie nt nthe ctwas successful six times -out .o
wh' h ritcewssge n tht ic h rec etIt h r IjXfljJ i attempts from the' foul linewh
OR LAJ-. I ESPNSIBLE OC it was upon thiese' principles that ! Ruhr, 11 days ago, only about one- i A tersoni got the same number
"It wa~s our soldiers that,-made pos-! ously received has been taken out of ; Michigan played a waitln6
BtrpL.Jn22-(yAP) sible the defeat-and. disarming of Ger- that territory by the French engl- :trehu h is afalw
ing tfrm murder to assault and bat- According to these announcements Iatal reached Fr Ench INNEtrieOTAo, tl as they stayed .near tii
tery wilisl rm h aiha of these, principles we 'declared Off owing to transportation and other, de-iYGpes ter of 'the floor. Notwet
crdig titforn ey-e r a.co- cially and 'matey times, that wit h lays., Pond anid Wyant Star for opeshllssw n tc eto- ,
cincrgeothinsigin German' people, ss a people, we had' in order to meet reparation demands? Scoring in Second a nd Third the ball 'into scering aerd',r
"Ti ci o he investigation.. eahe ntc uarrl but a feling ofwsyniweth the Ruhri must'produce about 0,000i Periods; ever. This was th'e'bg.$a
stage 'where it is a settled fact that !and friendship. In other Wods, wetons daily, seven days a week. Al-1 - upeatcaantawa
the ill Klux is responsible for dis-1 furnished the soldiers, the principles ready the deficit from- the Ruhr hasI EODMI EA LSGME ?fnieagratothsotp
udlSECONDicINtEAAPOLISicAMEafensedvesadgFrgnth usinhessto plac
order, and lawlessness in the Paris, tOlwihteAmsiews a~ ~ue nh bsns op~e'WIL E PLAYED TO=NIGHTi game" with its bewildering vari
breigo rvouinadcmm which resulted in disarming and ren-i largely increased orders in England.,____should be a powerful weapon
Fr xet e nteating in the murder of Watt ianiels dein temn epless,toande we a-so tFrenh expets seean te rpresnf lt d Special fronm the Minneapolis Trib-~ fast forward who could break t1
and T. F. Richard" the attorney-gen- ; edfiiepege stuhetet staina bgavntg o) and score as soon as the' Opp(
eral said today. He added that it also ment of Ger-many. After all that and serious difficulty for France until une)wag upset.
had been developed that 'a sixpergov- takes place and at a time when Ger- the French engineers can assure sub- Minneapolis, Jan. 22.-M4innesota Half Ends 6 to 4
ment virtually had supplanted the+ many has been disarmred and rendered statial production of Ruhr coal. tonight defeated the Michigan hockey H'aggerty started the scoring
constituted authorities. powerless, heer territory is invaded, - tear=, 2 to 0, in one of the best played evening with a beautiful shot
Wall Daniels and T. F. Richard military rule is established, all, of Report Coal Strikes at End game enb oa asti esn well down the left side of tir
were haled on the Mere Rouge :high- '; which will bring in its wake rde- I London, Jan, 22--(By A. P.)---Ail odad ynwh crd;h ol and 'was followed shortly t'~q
wytomlsfotEtrpoAu.scribable suffering ,anhluntol.msr fiIiF't ttmn suda;by Holmes,'thie bespectae' i
2* w by a band of masked men and were, to the German people, its a 'people and DortIr:upd, according to Reuters Essen for the victors, wvere the outstanding who tied the score with, a nice
neve se alv agithiniti in addition to that great' financial and eorrespondent, asserts that the strike ; stars for the home team. * fo erteho.Hgqt
lated bodies being found' in Lake LeI economic loss to our own people. - I is 'ende ttnd that the whole district -in the second period Pond took a repeatedby streakingtloig
Fourche osn Dec. 22. I "The action of France is in my dudd;, is. peceful, but"-strikes are threaten- pass from Lindstrom in front' of the closely, knit Purple offensiv,
The attorney-general head' been mnettot-athrt ne h d~.j h 1t iesa pe.Gv and shot the puck high into thel the ball on. the fly and dropini
oute a satngtht heKl KuxVersailles treaty; I ~adfac o ergor Henokolberg, of Spier, and thene
Kla intheParshwoud b inictd international order- aild peace. It is governor of'the Weldaden have both net. In the third period Wyatt skat- Ibfr h poiin*sut
Klannoffenshe'aaiist hwoulniby.iWhdtcbedn{frefslotattedethrough the Michigan defense and For the rest of the halt the p la
as an organiezgation. Upona his returnenexpelled o rfsl t tas iaoecutdteseodadfnl tered for the mostpati li
hrrthisza~tenon. from la 4confer- she is doing will not bring conipen- Frenh' order:. galn ofteforwt ilt n
ecwih ovroPakraBao saonbu iwl bring lnri~ Beresford and Combs starred fork son ec etn w t~m.
Rogehwvr eeplaneMhaihecrhgintgolatntGemnsbt othe latter making 24 stops. Itefu ie h afe4
corortio isel culdno beii th popl ti-oghut urpe aan ; NEVI HIS lUll!C SEIn the first period 6, in the second per- gan 6, Northwestern 4. '
chalcul pable loss to ourown pol
dicted, but that true bills against off!- 1rod 10 and 8 in the third. Mann, aj With the openinig ofthte
cers~ and miember s could be found.A I Mh~Pf m iiiio 'innesota star, was injured and car- ( half M4ichigan shtowed' a col
Library Exhibzt C 0 0s u m pIVIril ed from the ice. -tertogm change of fastien and assume~
I r R p od cio sThe teams finish',tertogm offensive for the first (line~ P
ANSTRUCTORS ALLPEO SEVE~RAJ PJ OFESSOR S FROM schedule tomorrow. wark inetted niihterous hk
OTHER ISCHOOL S WILL (ONC0 The largest crowd that has ever at- near the basket and if Miller 4;
nov anigs aenw nehb-:- -tngtscnts.Tesmay form the count would hiJe bee
10! IE CLS GAESkMoethn45rprdctos fwelDUCT WORK.' tendedt'a.gamewhere was presentwat! per had beenntinttheir ssmaary
;L__ ion in the.,lower corridor of the Li. eea e ore ae be The score by periods:j higher. riageri scoredtw
P e m s ioeoa c u i t st d n sea yrheaopr m slas l c io pnd e 'hic o r ye s h a e eM in n e so ta 0 1 1 0 - 2 b a sk ets d u rin g thiseptyo 4, -w o
with the results of their work in chiefly from the 'works. of sixteenth 1 y i-deatet osihialop! - teo aln as rmi
cussateth grdshv benand 'seventeenth century artists, dnd the Summer' Session of .1923. They The lineup Michigan basket which Ele too]
coursofaHispanicgrade hcvegben )Llnnesotp d his shoulder on a dead run, be
turned in to, the office of the regis- eaprtoacolcinfmreha nlu "eHsoy Anderson ..., L.'Wing ...... Bartlett most brilliant piee of ifilitlJ
trar, was granted to the instructors j we yteLnvriy America," Church. and State in the Beresford.. R.Wing.....Pond E of the game.
of the literary college at a meeting of All these portraits are reproduced 'oa miead"eivl..Cnti....asi ihfv ~ue o~"
it aut etra.Iby the Art Appr-eciation Publishiing i Early Utta ~iie, n Mdea indstrom Ce1J&UsnWt fv iutst aJ
Tinsutr action is to be optional with; conmpany of Akron, Ohio. Th ey' will Cfiiain.Va~f . .ees....yn l a etit h ame 'e
the .Howevr, noinsturof.remaw ondehibiioTurneabotfor.dthe I ir str- R ahn ...... R.Deffense ...Higgins inurehule rPpe'
the intutrwoeen ntut~rmilon e"tiforedbut sirda-stdme in many years will conduct :bombs ........ Gcal.......Sead in bandages. Cappon replIaced
for will issue grades to individual cnduwiletheubeifolowedbyc'aiin- summer.'____ and K ipie went in for Paper~.
students. A system whereby all th i lar exhibition selected Efrn' later ar- cBsds dPrf.WA.t aeromindsmmr.' h lpp~
tists.Theniegopcnan=o- kesjhbsliroLiW
students will be acquainted with thei~ iesUf.heBntrePropicntinsscp-of the FrernsadPf, h OPinr OWiichign li
grdsa h aetm ilb ok e fwork by the more famous ar-- hliB -h rsn tftefI~lllA
grdsa h aetm ilb ok followring' men from other, institutions UIIIU I NK Miller, L. F. ...... ....1.
ed out by toe instructor if he so de- lisits from the primitives to 'content- will, conduct courses: Prof. Thomas
of ma l npra eoho gh t e m a s iT e s. cikn o xh b t o o l n er ~ ~ u i e st , r f P~o T IH aggerty, IR . F..... ....4
sires. Either a system of posting or Teslcin o neClaie fQensuiestPo.PpI~ihIN Rice, C.........0
dividedinintoasevenhsectionseaccordigsAugust C. Krey, :of the,-University of ILIIIIUI, L!Paper, R. G.............0
of post cards will be employed by the j ocutis n agsinteefo Minnesota, and- Prof.' Jam-es G. John-'fo th Birks, L.G.,. .... .....
intesanscpeuctorens. heMa Ison of the 'University of' Georgia. Applications frteJ-Hap over-;'Northwestern
It is thought that some such plan donso'apalad ;uhli n The courses to be: offered during the flow dance to 'be held the evening of' Stegman, L. P.F.........0
of thes confusiinat tea breinnin o asatheR haseel ndropsreresen-'coming Summer are; "A General IHis- Feb. 9 in the assembly hall of the Franzen, R. F.......'0
ofthe con'fes tbeiins ofa ;i (wrPfFrnh pnsh e-try ofEngland, 40 Jayes' 1", by Prof. ;Union are to be made'thIs weed by Holmes, C...... ....2'
tth h edsitaiomheastur n lo dena, ucFlmsawa1aynd 'Turnefr,four 'hours credit. "United special printed sheets obtainable John son, R. 0.......
Englishrniaster respecivelytates in Recent Decades" and "Sem, i through Dennis Donovan, house man- Patterson, L. G..
has failed in a previous course forEnlsmatrreptily - itary 'in American History" by Prof.' ager of the Union. No more reserva-+ Summfary: Scoring, Michigan,
graduation and makes a new election - Phillips, , hours= .credit 'each. "The tions for the Hop breakfast at the:i gerty 4, Miller 1; Nortw
~o te ecndseeser -- Fentch .Ite olution and the Period ofi Union may be made, .as all possible{ Holmies" 2.
Auhrzto fteapite4HOMELESSi Napoleon, 1789-1815" and "EuropeI room at the breakfast has been spok-1 Free throws: Miller 6 in 9,
of a committee for recording attend- ;Since the Franco Prussian War", by an for. son 6iAn 10.
ance to consist of Pi'of. W. R. Hl-umph- STARVED Pro~f. rayer, 2 hours credit. "Church Unique decorations and music have Substitutions: Michigan, Bir'
reys, assistant dean of the literary 'I and State -"in the Early Roman Eim- been provided for the dance. The Rie Cappon for Birks, l i
college, Dean Jean Hamilton ance will be the condition: of 600 en- p ire", -' by Prof. Collander, 2 hours, dance hall will be, surrounded with Paper, Ely foir Birits. N1 r
three other members to be appointeh t ingstudents if they don't s& - credrit "Medieval 'Civilization" anid palnms and other green,. The meal of I ern: Hawes for Johnson..
lay themrwas granted at this time. r uero n or.Hl. 'Al-si ldvlHsoy yPo. h vnn iltk lc einig;Rfre onIlni e
Sso the ie raryn colegnednc u'he utycalng Krey, .2 hours ,credit each.. "Ameirican; at 12:30 o'clock in .the dining room.1
esfo iliear olee rwe pI Colonial History"~ and "History of His= Dancing,-Which will Begin at 9 o'clock,? Decorators at Work flu Alumn

crime, committed some years previ- 'BOWEN " WILL DIRECT MULSICIANS'4
ous, and, w aiving the protection of the IN FIRST OF NEXT SE.RES-
church, gives himself up to the civil - TEL.'S TRIPS
Carl Guske, grad, will play the lead-. All Varsity Glee club members will
ing role. Nea scenery for the produe- ' take part in the concert to be held
tion has been painted by Otto Schil- this evening in Jackson, under the
ler, of Detroit, 'who designed the scen- auspices of the women's club of Jack=
ery for the opera. 'The cast has -been' son. The men will leave at 4:47 o'-
reheairsing the 'play for several months; clock 'this afternoon in a special in-;
past, and permission has 'been obtain-, terurban car from tihe Huron street
ed to take the production to Detroit station.
after its appearance here. The program to be given before the
_________________Jackson people will consist of practic-
NOTEDCOLLE TION ally the sanme numbers as those of-j
fered at the concert given Nov. 16 in
REACH S NEW~ YORKI Hill auditorium. Some of the nm
bers to be offered this evening are: a~
New York, Jan. 22-(By A. P.)-I solo by George Qua, '25D, three selec-;
The famtous Roederer collection of tions by the Varsity banjo quintette,
eighteenth century' illustrated books; "Michigan Mentories" by the saxo-
a nd drawings wvhich was remtoved phone sextette, and two numbers by
front a Rheinis chateau unider a hot! the Midnight Sons quartette.
hombardme~cnt of the city by the Ger-r The trip this evening is the last to b
mans in 1914 has arrived it New! made this sentester. The first of the
York, it"was annountced today by Dr'. trips planned for the second semester
A. S. W. Rosendach, its new owner. will be made under the direction of
eh 'will soon vlace 'the collection on George Oscar Bowen, of the School ofI

,LLG ...wait avvLl. laacaaru vaav .t..,............,, .... 3

nn....._~, new.. 7'f ,.. <.:11 .......« ...<. . .,., t I

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