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January 21, 1923 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-21

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University ofA

So'l. Mentioned For
lichigan League I Advocate P"osition


KLEER 9COM PE[T ITION !Albion College Not
ToBe Moved--laird
Albion, Mich., JTan. 20-(By A. P.) -
SHO N B CH RTSDr. Johnt W. Laird, president ofA1
Sorority Heads List InFrauds lRaised ,a variety of rumors that. have been in
For RIWlding of Woman's crcta
League House cication throughout the state re-
__ently to the effect that the college
LARGE CON~TRBUBTIONS S might be moved to some other M ichi-
B MANY ALUMNAE GOUP 'j 1gan. city. Dr. Laird, in a formal an-,!
nouncement, has stated positively that
Kappa Kappa Gamma heads the list sa change. in location for the Methodist
of women's houses on the campus in Episcopal institution is not being con-
the comrpetitive chart which has been cidered by those in authority at the
made out by the undergraduate 'sec- school.
retary for this semester.. A keen, One rumor that went the rounds a'
spirit of rivalry has been evidenced '.short time ago was that the college
since early fall and houses vie With might be 'moved to Owosso. lleport'l
one another to place their names at that the sc hool might be moved' to
the top of the list, some larger center than Albion
Alumnae groups have been organ- promnpted Bay City, Saginaw and Flint!
ized in practicially every large city to show a definite interest toward ob-
in the United States with the end in taining the college.
view of obtaining 100 percent life
mnemb~erships amo~ng the alumnae in i
theciyan o cmpetngth $50- TO HAVE MID-
000 which will constitute the endow- IUIII
ment fund. ~r
During the past semester the un- 19HM EI U ON
dergraduates here have attempted to iatM EICA NO
do their. share by giving benefits aindC
byohrmnyriigshms r.Ewr .Pmry 1Ci-Among these were a number of mat- cago, chairman of the Alumnae conai-
inee dances, a benefit movie given by cil of the Alumrni association, will pre-t
members of Martha Cook Building, side at the mid-year -meeting of the
and a rum~mage sale. Besides this a council, wvhich will take place ia;,ur-
number of houses have obtained the dlay, Jan. 27, with a luncheon at the
agency for commodities which they Michigan Union. Notices ofttle niee -n
have sold, a certain percent of the ing have been sent out by Mrs. Henry (
proceeds of which went to the league. Carter Adams, executive secretary.
The chart shows the averag~p amount A joint conference of the Alumn~aa I
raised per gipl in each of the houses. I ~uel dtht ~n~itv "hne f n

V . ..

P-sychology Gives NewTipA
1 To Best Ferry Field Grid Seats!
11 N o t t h e l e a s t p l e a s a n t o f o u r p r e - . e c o n d e a o n w a s t a t mio t o f t h e i
exam reveries are the lingering me- 'touchdontis wero made at that goaL.
!mories of the brisk autumn football This miado' the erstwvhile drowsy class
days of last fall. The latest of these set up and take notice. Here was a
was thrust upon the ears of an unsus- new one. Were tho,,e prized seats on
pecting class in a recent lecture in the 50 yardl line sio desirzablle after all?I
psychology. But the careful prof essor. dill not!
IThis psychology professor claimie( stop" there. In accent s slow andi
that in. the early games of the season, mcasurea, lhe explainecl that this was
when there was no reserved tick.et also due to two reasons. First, the
sale, that spectators tended to seat prevailing wind,., at Ferry held are
fthemselves in a curve very similar to from south-west to north-east and this
the mathematical curve of probability would tend to carry punts farther in,
(if you know what that is) but that that direction, giving the -tea ni using
there were "always more on L e east the east goal an advantage. Anid sec-
end of the stands than on the west. ond, that in the afternoon thne sun wr4
How was this accounted for? In'iusually in the wvest giving the team
these ways. First the east end is near- using that goal a disadvantage.
est the gates where most of the peoph'r Darned if it dlon't sound reasonable.
entered.. This sounded reasonable Maybe next year we had better notice.
enough. Eiven Edison admits that cal-E What wit! be the next field for psycho-
lege (students are lazy. andl you kntowE logy to conquer? Yes, Yes, Quick
how mucli lhe loves them.' But the Watson the psychology b)ook..
.. fixEASOS (iA E.N iORII STr'El
Cou ?s In Contest
-- Lansing, Jan. 20. (By A. P.)--Mich-
Who is Emuile Cone? A,(devout evan- igan rapidly is becoming one of the
gelist, if a journalismn student of the fotrn ors tts h ao
University of Wisconsin is to be cre-lietxsteonyanuthug
This startling, information concern- ;w hich11tie tourist can be reached and
ing the French "faith-healer" was one! lbe made to help pay part of the state's
oif the answers in a contest oiiducteo hghwy epese

, vmwAwwm

Dress, Footwear,

fR. fFyfe & Co., Detroit

D ISTINGUISHED mo 0d els of
p atent colIt and. dull "calf,
lightly built for dancing, Tux-
edo and formal wear.

C'ol,. .olhu A. 11ll, actin g .,iedge ad-I
vr%)(ld,~e general of the riry a y ue-I
coeed[ C'eieral Crowder, whin ay soon
a elire to liecoiiie the first: A ieriean
aatubassadlor to ('u*m..
D~etroit, JTan. 20 (By A. P.).--Com-
niordore Gar Wood, of the Detroit
Yacht cl uala, has entered his exprerss
cruiser Gar Jr. III., in the' Miami-
lavana, race scheduled for Marcia 3.
A.ccor~ding to powerboat authior ities
here, at least six cruisers are expected
to compete in tihe race whilcha will be
run over a course straight across the
gulf stream.


iio. girls average
in House anruldt per
.house girl.
Kappa Kap)a iGamma.19..$3
Waite Hall... ...8-....9.91
Delta Gamma .....20.....9.35
Jordan House...... 12....9.25
Alph2a Xi Delta....13....8.26
Alpha Phi.......14.... 7.64
Pi Bet,-. Phi.....23..... 5.84
Chi Omega ........ 17. ...4.60
Collegiate Sorosis... 14....: ~4.46
Alumnae liouso.... 16..... 4.43
Austin House'...... 12....3.33
Betsy Barbour House 80..... 3.21
Gamma Phi Beta... 20..... 2.06
Mann-Smallidge :...16. ...2.00
McClinton.........15: 1.96
Alpha Omicron P'i.. 21.....1.42
Kappa Delta ........ 36..... 1.06
Martha Cook Bdlg.. .119..... .79
Theta Phi Alpha. .26:......64
Mohler House......8......63
Newberry Residence., 79......56
Bazaar -Nets $21000
On Dec. 8 and 9 a general all-cam-
pus benefit was given for the League.
This provided an opportunity for' ev-
ery house to help in, some way, either
by donations or by personal service.
In this regard, Alpha Phi heads the
vanguardl with Adelia Cheever house
and Members of Pi Kappa following
a close second.
1No. girls Average
in house amount per

c~wci au e xeutive ooara orUI theIII
University of Michigan league wiiibie
held during the time when. T rs.
Pomneroy will be in Ann ArZhor. Site
wil arrive on Jan 25. During tiie
executive session plans for the com-
pletion of the $250,000 endowment
fund will be completgd.
Exchange Notes
Columbus--Members of Sigma Delta
Chi, national journalistic fraternity,
have extended an invitation to Presi-
(lent H~arding to attend a football ban-
quet which will tie givon on .Feb. 8.
This banquet is called the annual
Gridiron Dinner.


bry the Wisconsin school of journal-I
ism inanm effor't to discover thme typeI
of newspaper reatding lone by its
students. Twenty namves and places
were taken from the front page of re-
cent issues of ,a metropolitan journal,
and were submitted tp 78 students for
One student, obVjiuslv inot from
Illinois, asicerted that Hierrin is, a
forme'r president of.F rance. I-enry C.'
Wallace wa-,; elevated from the medi-
ocrity of a cabinet secretaryship to
the honor of being the originator of
"Get Thin To Music." '
Premier Bonar Law, one student in-
timated, had beeir "Passed by the in-
ternation al economy conference."
Hugh Walpole, Who is to speak in
Ann Arbor, this week, was made*
correspondent of the New York Tri-
bune. And, as a climatic touch, Chan-
cellor Cuno was expatriated to become
a Belgian minister!

Thle~ gasoline tax is the only equitable
imethod of assessing automobile own-
ers with their share of maintaining
adbuilding roads. The mran who
adie only 2,000 miles a year, would
Ivy es tax than the man wro drives
The gasoline tax would mne motor-
ists pay exactly in proportion to Ili()
amount of damage they (10 the high-
Those are the arguments of gasoline
tax p~roponents.
White House (Chimney Mhi Fles
Washington, D. C., JTan. 20._-A flurry
-if Cxcitement was caused at the White
House late toda~y when a chimney
caught fire. Flames shot into the
air, but before doorkeepers and at-I
tendants; who rushed to the roof could
reach the blaze it hiad subsided.
French Honor "IMrrying Chaplini"

-- - - 9. 00 UP
-~- $10. 00

In the Arthur F..'Mar quardi Tailor
Shop, 608 East Liberty; Street. Mr,
H. C. Mack is in charge,

Cash prizes totalling $10,000 have
been posted by the Comission National
Para el Fomento del Tourismo ofV
Cuba. Tho winner will receive $5,000,
while $3,000 and $2,000 respectively
will go second and third place -win-
ners. The only conditions attachied
to the award of prizes is that at
least four cruisers compete in the

At" Grand Circus Park
Wo odi'attrd _Adams - -Detroit

Edcain School
Gives Spelling :Bee

Chicago-For neglect of ;studies, 175 Students taking the special course
men, were dropped by the University of in spelling given by the School of
Chicago at the end of the first quarter. Education participated in a "spelling
This increase over-last year's figure bee" Friday night in Tappan hall.
mark~s a. new policy on the part of the This "bee" was the culmination of
faculty administration, in raising the seveal weeks of work of experiment-
standard of scholarship at. the univer- } ation with spellers.
sity. ! The work was the result of an in-
-- I quiry on the part of the rhetoric de-
Columbus-A resolution consuring I hartment as to why student s who
Prof. Raymond C. Osbrurn, of the de-'jwere average or ab~ove in most of their
partment of zoology and entomology work were sometimes far below aver-
of 'Ohio State university, for his attack age in spelling. Students were se-
against William ennings Bryans stand lected for the experiment and divided
against the theory of evolution, has into two groups. The control group
been introduced in the Ohio ;rouse ofi consisted of those who were good'
representatives, spellers and the experimental grup
oft those whose spelling was below
THnvr. N HDr nitmouth oll a I normal.

House girl.
Alpha Phi....... .,. 14..$5.00
Adelia Cheever...... 18.... ..05
Pi, Kappa ..........12 ..... 3.04
Chii Omega..........1'7..... 2.96
Austin house ........ 12...:.2.78
McClinton house .... 15..2.30
Reagh house........ 17..... 2.22
Alpha Omicron Pik..- 21....2.03
Gamma, Phi Beta.... 20.:.... 2.01
Martha Cook Bldg,. .118......1..90
Deha ,Gamma.:.......20..... 1.85
Delta Zete..,........14... .1.71
NNewberry Residence. 79..... 1.64
Alumnae house......°16..... 1.56
Collegiate, Sorosis ... 16..... 1.56
K~appa Kappa. Gamma 19..... 1.46
Alpha X~i Delta.... . 17... .. 1.40
Pi Beta Phi ........ 23.... 1.33
Betsy Marbour house. 80. , . 1.25
Alpha Chi Omega.... 30..1.22
Waito Hall........8.....1.12
Theta Phi Alpha .. 26..,... 11.11
Alan n-Sm allidge .....17..... .70
Alpha Epsilon Pi .. 16..... .67
Delta Delta Delta. . 32..... .63
Westminster. House .. 19..... .47
Goodrich house...... 15..... .31
Kappa Delta ........3....30
.Arrangements are being made by
the S. C. A. extension committee and
r inilar committees from the various
churches to held a combined :banquet
of all extension, service men at the
beginning of next semester. Tuesday,
Feb. 14, has been set for the date of
the affair.
Prof. William Henderson, of the
Univer-sity extension division, will be
the miain speaker of the evening. Men
irate: ested in this work and those who
ha, e gone out and spoken on extension
trips are invited to attend. Tickets
will be placed oan sale-and invitations
,en~t out for the affair at a later date.
Local Taxes Show High Figures
Coniparision of tax collections in
Ann Arbor and Lansing up to January
9, shows that out of $776,631.70 to be
collected, the'city treasury has receiv-
ca -$614,000, while in Lansing only

classes will begin at 8:30 instead oft
8 o'clock hereafter, it has been an-
Iowa City. Iowa-Prior to tMe Onio l
State basketball game yesterdlay the
'lowa quintet .seired to lbe in a slump. !,
Trhe effects of the Michigani game last'
Mondlay night had not entirely disap-i
pleared, but it was hoped that the team
would regain their fight by the timge
they meet the buck~eyes.

T3?e members of both of these
groupls were lout through a series of
tests to detinmine various abilities and
the results of the two groups com-
pared. Drill was also given along the
lines where the student was weakest-
j(Clothing found in the rooms of the
two students, Willard Bishinan, .'25,
andl Josephi S. IRotigel, '25, was identi-
fiedl as belonging to the clothing stores
of Van Boven andI Cress, and Clappt.
The clothing was found after. their
rooum ]fwd been searched.
lishiuan and Rotigel were arrested
Wednesday- morning at an early hourf
as an officer~ detected them comning
fromi IHazel's clothing store.

- .....[1fl ... i"AA11I u plenz, ,JanU. i (B, Y A. J.. )=enlir
PMexico City, JTan. 20-The senate 2hapin Easterbrook, known in the
yesterday passed a bill for the estab- I\merican forces in Germany as the
l ishment of a bank of Mexico. High "marrying person", dedicated with the I
sources assert the bank will begin op- French Legion of Honor yesterday at
erations in two months.' Fort Conistantine.
Week Beg. * i Nights 50c to $2.50 ~zPP.MA.WE.
STONIGHT A CSt l{ ~ to $.50
S(Sunday) .Tan. 21 U fl K St $1. 50 t -$
-~ -1
r.ENII1 4wiAERPesI
FThe Crashing, Smashing, Dramatic Sensation of the Centurpi! .J C
iN Etj RD OF O.)E WEEK A )
-it Annals of the Theater.....Itc
The Samie (ompainy and Prodction TIhat-JBroke All1 Dramatiic
(= Hecords Here This and I ast Season _ JInaat and ('onpiete .^V
TomorroN.-w M R IA AT IIEES NMr. Sam I
I (M1onday) I HI. Thursdayuneth
JAN. 22 Saturday HI NSHA
} SCE;


WTrite your name on the
other side of- this and .pin
it to your suit. It's worth

seventy-five cents.

University of Minesoti-Petrsistant}
rumors of organization (of chapter, ofI
the Klu Klux Klan here were airingj
in the. Minnesota Daily. Among other,
things. the Daily published a rumnor,
that the Klu KIlux Klan had "dens" In
every Big Teni university.I


raI U ni"On Concer
4ESD.AY, J ANUARY 24, 8 P. M-.
jimited number of tickets for .seats, and standing room
Icets are available at the University School: of Music.
;nglish Version by Henry Edward Krehbiel )
Musical Rendition created under the- direction of
F'ranko. The opera staged, 'mounted and produced
personal direction 'of MR. WILLIAM -WADE

- - --- ------


IE-1 791.
NE--Reception Salon of Schickaneder,
Vsienna Opera House.

ONLY ONE more 'week- in
which to advertise your J-Hlop
goods through


'%h.A v .ir i i i. A6 1 'N A.

- IN -


( e tr rtg rt Yt r

"The RiddieWm~~


)EL .SCHICKANE DER. . Percy Hemus
-tor Vienna Opexa House
his nephew, a young baritone . . . Francis Tyler
.T, the composer.....Thomas McGranahani
I HOFER....*... Hazel Huntington
art's prima donna sister-in-law
a~OROTHEA UHLIC. . . Lottice Hawll
ist to Schnickaneder ......Gladys Craven
nintermission of ten minutes will occur after
?"Locket" Trio; Curtain will be lowered,
tno "Time" Elapses.

A Play of Intenise Emotion - Dramatic Action


Publication suspended for exami-
nation period Sun~day, Jan. 28th.

Nights. 50c,- 75c, $1 Mats. Tue sy 25 -0
'Each Attraction Begins on Monday and Closes on Sunday


Gowns by Cesarine Thibaud, 795 Madison Ave., New York.
Men's costumes by Tams; New York.
Wigs, by Winters, New York.

I! I'll


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