TflrIE MICHIA4Lr_______________S~)Y *. .P" .."p-40 LYPublication In the I Uletin is constructive notice to all members o4 the University. Copy received until 3:-20 D. tn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) Vclume .. SU:NDAY, JANUARY 21, 1923 'tuiuhcr P,7 GIANT LOGS ON FLOOD RAMPA GE KILL THREE AND WRECK CAMP; t I i 'loathe ]Deans: There 'will be a conference of the Deans in the President's Office at 10 o'clock Wedneday, Jan. 24. M. L. BlURTON. Vniversity Senate: ~'The second regular meeting of the University Senate for the year wil be :held in Room C, Law Building, on Monday, January 29, at 8:00 p. tn. O)rder of business: Report,.of Board in Control of Athletics Memorial. to Dr. Van Zwaluwenberg Report of committee appointed to formulate a plan for Mid-week Vespers. JOHN BRADSHAW, Secretary of the Senate. Inalty,'Colege of Literature, Science, andi the Arts: The January Faculty meeting will be hed in Newberry Auditorium, Monday, Jan. 22, at 4:10 The report of the Committee nCorespond- ence Coursn will be present~ed at that time. JOHN R, EFINGER. University Lectures: The University lectures by Dar. Edward Sapir, Anthropologist of th Vitoria Memorial ,mseum, ttawa, Canada. which were unavoidably ost- poned are now'scheduled to be given at 8 p.i. on Monday, Jan. 22, and at 4;10 p. m-. Tuesday, Jan. 23, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The ;ubjects of the twe~leeiturea are ""The-West Cast Indians of Canaa" and "The Art ol! the Indians of Canada"., The public is cordially invited. F. E. ROBBINS. -University Lectures: Mr. L.Awrence J. Burpee, Secretary for Canada, International Joint ~Commission, Ottawa, Canada, will deliver a University lecture at 4: 15 p. M. oba Q desday,'Jan. 24, in Room BB, Law Building. His subject will be "An International Experiment" and the lecture. Will deal with the International Joint Commission and its influence upon the relations between the United 'st0.te0and Canada. The public is cordially invited. F. E. ROBBINS. Seean4 Seumes r;Eections: A Preliminary Announcement of the Summer Session of 1923 fbr° the College, of Lterature, Science, and the Arts, the School of E~acation, and the Graduate School is now being printed so tlhat stadents In these unit's who are interested in summer study may prop- eyw correlate their elections for the second semester with those of the net Session. This Announcement wil contain detailed descrip- tiains of all coures given in the units referred to and will be ready for dis- trtbutloh ou DMonday, Jan. 29. Copies of the Announcement may be obtained at tbe> varltbis.'registration offices. EDWARD 1.,IRAUS. English 80: English $-The Age cif Wordsworth-will be offered the Second Se- mneste M W. F. at 1, room 208, T. 1., 'provided there are a sufficient number Of'. ,pld.c _ rts for it. This is a repetition of English 30, First Semester. My conisultatiofl hours are M, W., F., 3 to 4 in Room 208, T. H. S. F. GINGERICII. Te;tihe Members of the Chcral Unilon: I A special rehearsal will be held this afternoon a-t 2:30 at the School of &iusic, E. V. MOORE, Acting Conductor. Rhetoric Staff: Rhetoric staff luncheon Monday at the Michigan Union 12:15, Main din iirg r~ u W.ABBOT. ;*}ptinlh F'n cuaty:, , On Monday, Jan..22, at 5 p. i., in Room 305 S. W., there will be a meeting-of all Instructors who are teaching Spanish 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the College of 'Literature, Science, and the Arts. CHARLE~S P. WAGNE. }rduta~e Engaish Club: .The graduate English Club will meet on Monday, Jan. 22, at 8 o'clock, in ;the ~parlors of the Helen Newebrry Residence. Dr. Bredvold will talk on the', arly. Poerrj of John Donne. Please notice the change of date from Tu~edAy to Monday evening. MARIAN STUDLY. Men'a s Educational: The Men's Educational will meet on Monday, Jan. 22, -at 7 p. in. in room 318. Michigan'Union. President Mc~enny of Ypsilanti will speak. L. 11. BEACH, Secretary. Cer c = rne als Play :r ' outs Mnday at 4:15-5:00, Room 202SW. Good parts remain to be U'lverslty'f lflchtgan Varsity Band: ~34met at Waterman Gymnasium on Monday, Jan. 22, at 7:15 . in. WILFRED WILSON, Director. Perpetuate the friend- shpsof your college days with ,photographls 4 r a 1 L i 3 i I } 1 j: You ' 11 be surprised tat the small expense. Tie.,- p ho ne 6o¢- W and ar- range your apf ontment 0 fWdeelied logginig cainp* at Morton, in western WashingtonJ It took a cloudburst but a few minutes to wreck this little logging can persons were mnangled to death among the great timbers, some of them five about in the ra ging torrent like toothpicks and which helped make kindlin; which. are shown. I .......-. .. . ---- by Prof. and Mrs,. A. W. Smith at 1008 Oakland. W IIATI S GO01N G ON . :34)-L~uthieran Stuident forum Zioll SLutheran Parish Halls concerts by j ____________________ the High School Mandolin .Guitar Iclub. (OTiC F -C opy for tlis column should 5:30-Social hiour, Presbyterlai Young be submintted by 5 :30 o'clock of Peoples' society. the day b4;f)re pubicationi. +6:0-Studenst supper 4. Harris hall. ( --- ;Mr. George D. Willner speaks. SUNIJV ;6:31- Baptlst guild, devotional mweet- 9:17A--1niversity Men's Bile class ing. Subject, "Law as a Christian Imeets in Upper room, Lane hal. Calling." 9 :30-E-vangsiellst band meets in llapi- '6G:30-Regular meeting of Presbyter- jist Guild house. ian Young Peoples', society.- 1I :40-M3ichigin IDan es maet at Rent- 7:30-Annual meeting of Hobart guild sehler's studio to have picture takenI in Hiarris hall. for'Dnian 4 :0)-Iaptlst guild friendshlp hour 11:161-4 omdy lto ictulrewilb< in Baptist, church parlors. taken at Rent 'chier's studio. MONDCiVTAY ,11:00--Studeiit class of the Church of 7 :00-Wklayfarers' club mneets in room Christ meet. Subject, "John the 306, Union. { fAmbitious." 7 :00-Men's Educational club meets inf 112:04-Prof. 11. l). Hecndersoni speaks! room 318, Union. at. Pres byteriain church. '7 :00i-Jewish Student congregation 2 :134-- SCalp )nd Blade club meets ins meets in Lane hall. u Union.j 7 :40--ehratreka meets in room 302, 3 :00-Booth N1o. 14) meets in room 302. Union. Union. 9 :00-7Wasamna club meets In roosts 1 :00--Narsity (lee 0l0) meets in read- 303, Union. ing room, Union. U-NOTICES 4:06D--t.smooiiclatrt club enf,-rtained All fraternities and sororities, and YO'U'VE BEEN THINKING, ' About Having One Mande - Yor orrat ry PHOTOGRAPHER , after flood passed nip at Morton, Wash., recently. 'three feet in diainater, which were tossed rg of the fourteen cabins, some of Jother campus organizations Must 1have lists of members, and other copy for the 1923 Michiganensian in jby Jan. 25. Copy should be turned tin as soon as possible at the 'Tn- scan office. Ill class officers must have their lt- jtures for the Michiganensian taken Iat once as these must be in the bands of the engravers this week. hinlor engineers can now seeuretheir} 4official blouses at Wuerth's clothing store as a second shipme~nt of 200 checkered blouses has been receiv- ed.4 Sophonmore class dues are payable. They may be mailed to Ray Billing-! ton, class treasurer at 1102 Oaklandj avenue.; Portraits 6 19 East Liberty Street sI f f Ix w9 17 4 I s _... " t .. !f BLUE BOOKS All Sizes and Kinds Watormain Conkin Prkr Wahr's Specia I wwftHR S IERIT F 1- , t ' 1 . '_ WF JHOP EXTRA IC1AL DRECTOR TO EQUIP ISLAND FOR REFUGEE WORK )r: Mabel Elliott, formerly. of Ben- i arbor, Mich., and director of the, ierlean women's hospitals has ar-f ged with the Greek government to ,e over the entire island of Macron- and equip' It with facilities for ,dii 10,000 refugees. Phe 'larg est -medical quarantine sta-! n in the world is on the island and financed. and directed by American mnin~ an effort to cope with the preceilented outbreak of diseas~e among Near East refugees in Greece. Dr. Elliott recently was appointed general medical director of all Amer- ican relief work in Greece. Patronize Daily advertisers.--Adv. Try Our Rn shies Men's Lunch~e 1 1 J %f J1 0-2 P . . . Kennedy's rhta 11:30) - 40 Cornwell Coal Alidg. I Imp, I now I !, . STATE STREET Call 303-W for appointment THE MVICHIGAN DAILY will issue a J-HOPE EX- I 'i { .i I REMEMBER " l. , 'TRA, Saturday morning, February 10th, Thi s Extra will contain a group picture of. those at- tending the Hop, rlists of booths and guests pres- ent, and a complete 're- sume of the previous night's gaieties. Reservations for c opi e s may bem a d e by calling the Business Delpartment, of the Daily, 960x. ! ° I OI24dNALCHOCOLATES, TFAMSBLOO MFIELD In mking J-Hop I ORIGINAL M.BOX I ...... . ......_....._ e...a., ..,. ,.,... ..., 1 I 1 ,