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January 21, 1923 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-21

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RY 21,



If .il

Deto the lack of interest showni
bthe alumni recently in the Alumni 04 01L CAMPUS OPINI ON
E1ICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE Fund established some years ago, two________
U IVIYESITY OF MLICHIGAN of :Mchigan s prominent graduates 1U NVLI dtr h ihgnDiy
lhe eermrin ,ctModyhave seen fit to contribute a consid-HTI, S
g the University year by "the Board in erbl sm o his un fr hee I Since I have been in Ann Arbor
°d1 of .Student Publications. eabesmt hsfn o h x
___________-press purpose of increasing the ac- nothing has made me -- and a great
Inber of Western, Conference Edtorial tivity of the alumni in this reagrd. Out ]Damned Pot 1 number of other students3 that I know,
jainlelzn h getneso ni saw a co-ed fair- "sorer" than the over-charging of the
eAssociated Press. is exclusively en- stitution such as the Univers~ity asidle 1Her eyes just matched her hair. ! n ro ecat.Pie r n
to the use for republication of all. from those taken care of by appro-AnAromecat.Pcsaeu-
dispatches credited to it or not other. She passed me with a fleeting glance reasonably high here. Why is it? Is
credited in this paper and the local priatioas from the state, the futnd
published therein. was started with the idea of supply- I felt shte Saw my little pot - it because we are students and it is,
ing the University with means to pro- And I knew I had no chance. thouzglt that we have a great deal of '
tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, adIhvbenaSio
igan, as second class matter. Vide the students with "extra" ad- HdIhvaee eir money? It is a shame that we are
bscription by carrier or trail, $3. 50. vantgs. Or just a lousy Soph- Cl-oldt a rm1 o3 e
ices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May- uagscopeleatvey ro 1 o other1
Street. Of late the campus has owed con- She might have even looked at ire, !cent more for certain commodities
ones: Editorial, 204 and 176-M; Busi - derable expansion to bequests and Wtotta iteluh
-460ihottht.itl auh than elsewhere. WUe have no other ?t
gifts. A university cannot progrewsst And I could tell she liked me, convenient places to trade and for,
mmunications not to 'exceed 300 -words witbo';t these, and 'partlculariy a For it was plain to see, , that reason it seem~s as though we are
Igned, the signature not necessarily to BtI.mjs aFaladdm
ar in print, but 'as an eviden2ce of faith, state institution. For this reason I u mJus aFoh n a at their mercy. We are really the1
notices of events will be published inaoetefndwudb oty fIA .rswh shspor falrenmbro trs
Daily at the discretion of the Edtor, ifalnete un oud e orhyo At hoishe
at or- mailed to The Daily office. Un- whole-hearttd support but there is' an- and-Renlte sporth aresnumersofusdoret
d comnilcations$ will receive no con- ohroea el h lmibd
ation. No ma'nuscript will be returned ohroea el h lmibd fair and square prices.
ithe writer encloses postage] The Daily cannot maintain its loyalty tb the ITwo specific examples that I per-j
not necessarily endorse the sentiments
eased in the communications. school if its members have no definitec! sonally have had has been the charge!
interestr here. Contributors to thej of 16 and 17 cents for..tobaacco which
Telephones .414 and 176-31 bound more closely to the University charge of $1 is ma,e for one diozeni
and would feel more like part ciplat- Giliete' razor blades where only 79 I
MANAGING EDITOR ing in its affairs than had they not w cents is paid elsewhere.
MIARION B. STAHL created. this connection with the in- - - I Can't so~mething be ~dcne about this{
EdtrPb azlstitution, even though in a material Dear Sir: outrage? Couldn't thv student body '
sEditor ............J.. aul13.Yaug wy. e lst!
rtat ityEdior. ......ae .ariongern e os the debate the other night. as a wrhole get together and boycott
rilBoard Chairman ..... .EL. R. Meiss if the hoped for revival of inter- Js hn htfc vr What was some of these high financiers?
t Editors- est in the Alumni Fund, as fostered J .V
Rlph l.iersdorf r R. C. oriy by its two most recent donors, re- the reason? It. is simple for us; im -___________________
A. Donahue 3 E. Mack sailts in similar gifts upon. the part of ply lack -of student :support. We have I
is Editor........... ..... M. McPike j
1'sdir.......MioKohothe graduates, Michigan may at simply got to have more members ofj,
[erence Eiditor.......II. B.. Grundy some time not far distant be able to1 the student body turning out far EDITORIAL CO M N
0iial Editor.........Robert Tarr }
ic Editor .................. .E-.IH. Ailes gain 'through the aid of her alumni Ithsheeceaer.W rews0c ----
liditorial Board some needed thing which will help-
x ill Nerr Maurice Berm~an hradmirably in maintaining her cheer leaders? Where were tir i NOTIE S
Eugene Carmichael. hae as a leader of universities band? Where were the wavinigflags, }(Dailyr Illini)
ma Andrews Portia Goulder the arm bands, the gala spirit, the i *The college =an' note boo0k vies
t.facon Ronald Halgrirn mbnieeda sei with his leather jerkin for being col-
ieq" M. Baxter Franklin D .Hepburn SHIOULD) WIVES VISIT ICELANDw ". xr_ Ia -:%k-d-that - .. .__-1,___nr*T-- .T ?





:-: AT

" O





Lose something?
the Daily will find:

A classified

in I

Ann Arbor and JacksonF
(Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
a.m. arnd hourly to 9 :o5 P.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9 :47 a.m., and
every two hours to 9,:47 P"11.
Local Cars East :[ound--y :oo a.rm.
and every two hours to 9:o.00,..'in.,
i 1 :00 p.m. To Ypsilanti only-11 :40
P.m., 1 :15 a.ni.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bcund--7 :50 a.m.,
10 1 .It1.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo--Lim-
i-lcars 8:47 10:47 a.ll., 12:47: 2:47,
To ackonand Lansing--:,mited at
' 8:7 p in.

"'_ SO buys a brand
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portable type-
writer. Other makes
at attractive prices.,
See us before you buy.!


Schedule in Diect October :e. 1922
Central Time (Slow Time
D X ~D
v.U. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 .... Adrian .:..x2:45 8:45
3:a5 8:i5 ... Tecumnseh .. 12:15 8:15
4:30 8:30,.. Clinton .... 12:pc 8:oo
5:15 ,9:15 .,.. Saline *.. 11:1.57:15
5:4S 9:45 Ar kin ArborLv. 10 :45 65:4S
(Court ifos'e Square) A. M.
D---Daily. X-Daily except Snindays
and Ulolid~y s.'Friday and 'Saturday special
hus for stttdents leaves Adrian 1 :45, leaves

N igh

Dorothy Bennets" Winona A. H-ibbard
Sidney Bielfield ljdward J. Higgiis
K. A. Killington Elizabeth fLieberxnann
Htelen EBrown John McGinnis
11. C. Clark Samuel Aloore
A. B. C onnable N. ff. Pryor
leinadlette Core W. B, Rafferty
Evelyn 1. Coughlin, Robert G. Ramsay
Wallace F. Elliott Camnpbell Robertson
Joscph Epstein J. W. Ru~.itch
Mlaxwell Fead :lol3. Schnitz
T'. iE. Fiske W. [f. Stoneman
A. P'. Webb ink Frederic G. Telmos
J ohn Garlifighouse P'hilip AM. Wagner t
Walter S. Gdspeed -!_____
Telephone 960
Adverting....... ..John J. Hatnel, Jr.
A tvertuing............dward F. Conlin
Advertising....... ......WVtalter K. -Suherer
C opy,-writiiig........... .D.avidl J. M. Varic
I'ccounts..............Lawrence H. Favrot
C E,: uatiri...........ewrweuld L. W.olfe
Vublicatiou......... ....... L. Beaumont Parka

Hugh Walpole,, novelist and critic tVal to all our 'OTHE sports Riey'? it. Indeed these not books, in x el n e a i"o n uiq e W ee w r h y h y w r
p lan for swelling the coffers of the not there. Great beasiness we call it. ;waee odto h a e
publishers and inoculating some Intel- Can nothing b)e lone to remedy this iniaosoftepfsinofat-
lectual serum into a present apathet-1 here great evil? I am here for busi-! dent just As the little black hag is an
icpbi.It consists merely of ban- ness andI I m~ean it. Apparently there!i indication of the profession of inledi-
ishing all of the wives to Iceland for; aint another girl on the canmpus takes cine.
a few months each year, thereby giv- any interest in camrpus spirit and so-( Of course as you know, being a stu-
ing the husbands plenty of time to! cial evils like the weather I mention- denft yourself, there are notes and
remain at home and read by the fire-I ed yesterday. I remnain, 1 notes. There are the notes, in the
side from which they are lured away htelen s lcta yuke n h
Iapresent by the wiles of petulant notes that your neighbor keeps and(
wives, "mad votaries of society",. as ( Recenitly I noticed I noticed ' that you borrow, at times. You can-
Walpole terms them. As I'slowly walked around, flnot understand his notes, and he can-
The' plan, is simple but not con-j That the new Lit school at Ares- not understand yours, which proves
vincing. We shudder to think of tiheI enti nothing at all about the haidwritin
new born popularity among married Is just a hole in the ground. of students, but proves much of thiezr
men of the iniquitous poker and pi- f variance in personality. Or it does
Enochle parties, were the wives to be ( " 5"- not prove that at all.

19,23 JA'NUARtY 1923
1 2 3 4 J 6
S 1}9 10 11 12 13
I k 15 16 17 18 19 20)
21 -22 23 2t 25 26 27
28 29 39) 31
We (10 all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking ,of hats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
617 Packard Strect Phone 1792
Was that a
tornado or
TH a

JAMES r m.EI LIOTT, Proprietor
* ion11Z 26-M Atlri n. Mich.
t -
r Cup~ EFFORT is to give you QUALITY in Our
= is without doubt the best QUALIT Y of all known,'
- solvents for cleaning.
PhoneS tM
2508a Fourth
somit ~m 4&ril"
'.eeaaa- 'a~ i[~ta 1l lIi111ill11 1011ll!I HilIl01ni . "

5 '

Assistants'1 suddenly tucked away in a sequester-I LOOK OUT BEL~OW There are the notes that sorority; " -I1111 u~ uaauI li ijiaa.. aueuu
Kfenneth Seik Allan S. Morton edl part of the world. But mole shock- Iwith a sob of relief hie fell to the r irs keep upe ink.N n
George Rockwood lances A. Dryer ip purl in. ooe
Perry' M. 1-ayden Wn; i.I-. Good I rang~ would be the attacks of "grassI floor. It. had been an awful strain- knows why sorority girls keep notes
Eugene T.. Dunne Clyde L. Ilagermran1 widows" and chorus girls on gullible (he had been afraid throughout the (in upeik u ti nw ht
JonC.iiaslcf& 'i Herbert P. Bostic bald paes. and the ravages on theI whole night that it' would break; an hyd.Teei at o o! Z.
C. L. Putnam ID. L. Piece fanilyhexchequereresultingtfrforcab-!
HerberW.Copert - . . antonbPach f exhqer reprtisad ti from polte now at at the dlay was breaking. ology notes taken on pink paper with
WerllaceW.loer Clffrd. itsanebah aret prisadblsfo o i The candle, almost gutted, flickered silver crest and in purple ink. Is
Williamit -ivRid., r. Ralph lewright Ibolges lgtyin its tarnished brass holder; jther'e m -nngin it? IA sjar Lru t nh
Harold ,I. Hale Philip Newall f th dboo:W A oestnncleger. notihtoyleanen
tainIead otollimatically (thatofivngto eachlittle draught !therhe nisnothing ofe roance about° "
I but actually. The husband who os- (draf) or current of air. It cast a them Figures, clear, clean-cut fg- 3 t i e r ju c
ssses an intellectual ' curiosity will , huge flickering shadow on the fa- ures that have a subtle meaning, per-
SUDYtAUR 1 93 'aetm oeecs t vnwe thest wall, a grotesque one, vierd laps. Non of us cre to think of thlan
SUNDAI JANUARY 21, 1of3soe tost o f the othunerstwillabear and darting like the tongue of some those. There is nothing of gay irre-'ti "(,. thha
-- A ofsocety Mot o th oterswil ber isuper 'serpent. "I10 H," he cried, I sponsibiity about them, nothing that
ight Editor-ROBT. C. MORIARTY; watching twelve months in the year. i"tugig wt ii aoomreid n htortann eei
THsOTtOVMN OIN OTO romglthe_ yih of thed room redits oethtO taniserei rved ne e f r inne
THE YOUH M1FOVD__ N - that suddenly launched its elf unseenj college, is after al, one in the human-i 7-
BOIN CNTOLfrm hecorner o h raan ds
r.In direct connection with the move-' At last another step has been a- clasped him quietly yet. surely around jTe hr stera h osnt as's "
menit now, afoot in Europe to estnb- tempted, in the control of boxing as a'the dam's apple. te ntheis llthedmawshoudos;tod ay. Special at 30ci.
lish a reform in the educational sys- professional sport. The first step Without more ado he turned and pictures of flamigoes and headless
tem, path in the universities and mmi- wrrs control by state commissions, the with a savage snarl of bestial rage. -wnders that he has seen in some sc-
'~r'ntttosQ erig hz saappointment of the members of -Uis cast the body of his poor dead uce: ence course., Attentively he d aws,:
commission being mnadey the gov- from the window. It was the front with masterful gesture, through the
comparatively new organition oper- ernor. This system,,had its good ef- window of the top floor of a sky scrap-1 whole of a scholarly 'lecture and when
ating i in eeywthathe iea of fects and on the whole was decidedly ( er; consequently it was a long way the professor is done and the students
reomto nitleta ice sbenfcia. But then members of the from the ground. rise to go, he turns, this man who A c / ae
itscheai.Oraie unete commissions began to let their sepa- He went to the near by lavatory draws meaningless pictures, and ques-;/g
-I rate feelings and prejudices reep in- Iadwse his had. He stoppe r n temnaQhssd f h'lc
boaeoftexerothMvmetis and lit 'a cigarette froma the gas jet ture was not a most excellent one.Up a rsI iclsA
membersar stiigtintlth just penaltyk onn some of sutht ers in hlisbedro. tHe swa ked down-' What tcan he kcnowv of lthe leture
idls "of steadfast Pacifism and in- and in some cases boxers were given+ stairs in a slow, leisurely manner,! But at exaru time, we find, curously1
tetectaal''rIn-i.,rnstOnaism into the !undue eleewayanmayfvr.tppn atec flotogethe'outatewies d n te
spd fteyuie eeaiw ITeNational dBoxn ascatoaormny wih che ryeod. 1-Ic ar-' words noftthe lecturer in a large ar-
boardlistcomposed of threemembers, rived on the ground floor and left the tistic scrawl on his paper.
Whie te irs o thsQaim !all well known and influential. Per- building. Iec arrived at a point di- Notes, there are, and notes. If our I
"essentially reactionary after the cen- 1 haps the best known to the Univer- rectly belowhiwnd .Heeadaon otslay man ortan!--1115111f hisN window. I-he heard a own miotes always mean moi'e than I111itfiilllU111111
tuiles; of -strict militarism to which ity is Gutzon Borgum, famous sculp- pa' nt whistling as -of a high explo- those of our neighbors we should re-"
thbe ctizn fGra.aeben I tr .H iigr rmnn nsie shell and looked uip in order to member that they have meanilig only ,
sujcethey really feel that if the the east for public enterprises which inquire into the cause of it. lHe re- for us, that in egotism, we students "
moveent ontiuesto epandas i hehas supported, and Billy Gibson, ceived the body of his poor dead un- are curiously one and alike.
m~ CookinuaUtensilsthoffAll
has' .thus far, for it already nmbeys manager of Bennie Leonard, world's dcsuaeyinte ae
over 'two milions of young men ana lightweight king, complete the board. Well it is true. i told you it was PRESTIGE Ct ni s o
wome,' thisorgniztion wil beTheir work is as yet in its infancy, an nawful long distance from the win- (hoSaeLnen
able to infuence the policy of the but they can wield untold power ifj dow to the ground didn't I. M
decdetodo o.Thy cul pt Prestige is a wonderful thing, It
AGerman nation in future times of !i- they deiet os.Te-cudput'en,
pending war. The representative of Iboxing professionally on its feet for s * *l*ndsiallnimSeecsaloPriceswBeforeatnven
is ecnl v-tigtex~i good and do it insa clean ay. They 11~Y ROO.INATE1 carries im over barriers and spursl nSp ca P ies efr I1e
~this groupreetyvstgthIniIr
versity s*id that he believed the pa- have the experience of the several lie uses uap my toothpaste him on to greater heights of achieve-!
cifism o these Germans to be more state commissions as examples of' And shaving cream as well, anent. hr sn ndt h od2 MIR.RO Aluminur XW are ROYAL Graf
than a recoiling from the war god of Iwog jdmn n raiain n when I hide my powderoncaralzfompete
the Vfaterland. Expressing his own The greatest benefit from rightly ac He always raisesBubo one dislikli etoe prestige , E D W ie a d G a ieS V R t
leved if one nation should refuse to effect upon, amateur boxing in the He smioes 'up all my cigarettes-vatd Too often a reputation that d\are
fight,; no opponent would he vicious'I schools and amateur athletic clubs And never seems to Care, is gained by past efforts is relied upon t
enough to press war against he: This throughout the United States. ( He wears ns ry shirts .:nd colars, tclo fth individual higherinteAN T G a te W reolr
is a matter for personal opinon; but - too, - cale of sccessJTooToten'teW ade
what of the other aim? I With masons drawing sixteen do- I ask you is it fair?viulraosttsncheasmd
International education has been a Lars a day whenever they care to a name for himself he may let that' o n ht 1nCSt.Gtteest hl h et
mlatter of discussion for a long time. work, universities throughout the He keeps me up till late at nite,' nave fight for him his future a- NoIad2XhiePciSts Gethestsw lehegtr
Many systems of exchange profes- country might well follow the exam- I-I a date each week ies. In short, it is the old stunt of i have them when you eed them in the Sp~ing.
,sors and foreign scholarships have I pie of Detroit contractors in estab- - And always makes an awful noise resting omn laurels of the. past.
been inaugurated in various insttu- a ishing a bricklayer's school. When solitude I seek. Students on the campus are not free!~I E~D nto c
tions,.in fact at one time, the estab-; from this act. Many made names for y fllth
ulishment of an international univer- j The question of whether or not the lie takes my clothes I don't know themselves in activities and then x -_________________
siyw~ vncniee.Tm eyIgsln a il~epasse rests up-~ where ' I-eted their prestige to pass themi in w ---
fact tha ; these Gplan shave beenV in- I gaone x l whethe the number of car own- And sells them for a song, their scholastic work. Again, posi-'
stitnted or recognized gives proof ers and prospective ar owners ai For lie's my mighty roon-mate.;tions of respect and authority have PR ICIES R1.I H T "."PRO M\4P1T
sra i - :n.fn3r .A 1 Mi r4,ihean nn+mbth e c t'~nuta o" ! The Kin-- can dono wronr been gained and the owner has slack-

rite Ware "

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