- l E MICHIGAN OMEN 5AT TI IL MICHIGAN I)A1L'~ SAT] IYOFCAL BULLETIN TOMMIES AND ARMORED TRAINS SET YL O F FICA BLE lT O QUE LL T U RK DISTURB, ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of iversity. Copv received until 3:0 p. in (11-30 a. ni. aturdaY.) e 8 SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1923 Number F6 STUDENT WRITES TEXT DANCE ANCES ON BUSINESS LErRS TICKETS PUT ON SALE lic Tn unl _ . Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The January Faculty meeting will be he'd in Newberry Auditorium, oday, Jan. 22, at 4:10 p. in. The report of the Committee on Correspond- ence Course,3 will be presented at that time. JOHN R. EFFINGER. 4econd Semester Elections: A Preliminary Announceiment of the Summer Session of 1923 or the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, the School >f Education, and the Graduate School is now being printed so hat students in these unit, who are interested in summer study may prop- rly correlate their elections for the second isemester with those of the next Sumnar Session. This Announcement will contain detailed descrip- ions of all coui'ses given-in the units referred to and will be ready for dis- ribution on Mondlay, Jan. 29. Copies of the Announcement may be obtained it the various registration offices. EDWARD H. KRAUS. 'he Soils Prize in Natural Science: Notice is given that all applications or nominations for the Solis Prize or research in Natural Science (including Medicine) should be made at the >fflce of the Graduate School not later than March 1, 1923. Only women who are enrolled as graduate students, who are members of the teaching taff, or-if not now connected with the University-whose researches have een carried on here within three years, may compete. Detailed informa- ion can be had at University Hall, Room 9. seneral Library-Sunday Service: Students desiring to consult on Sunday books from the stacks or from he Study Halls are reminded that they may have such books reserved .for hem for Sunday use by application at the desk in the Main Reading Room ot later than 9 p. in. Saturday, WM. W. BISHOP, Librarian. Freshman Dental Students:. The freshman dental students will meet Dr. Whitman for a short con- erence at 1 o'clock on Tuesday, Jan. 23, in the lower amphitheatre of the dental Building. M. L. WARD. hen's Educational: The Men's Educational will meet on Monday, Jan. 22, at 7 p. in. in room 18 Michigan Union. President McKenny of Ypsilanti will speak. L. I-. BEACH, Secretary. Players Club: ,Tryouts for men only will be held in Room 205, Mason Hall, this morn- ng from 10 to 11:30. Two male parts in "Wurzel-Flummery" and one in The Goal" have not yet been filled. New members may enroll. GEORGE R. STEWART, JR. ~ngl" 30: Enb...h 30-The Age of Wordsworth-will be offered the Second Se- nester, M. W. F. Room 208, T. H., provided there are a sufficient number f applicants for it. This is a repetition of English 30, First Semester. My onsultation hours are M., W., F., 3 to 4 in Room 208, T. H. S. F. GINGERICH. Publication of a text "The Business Applications for tickets to the Ur.- Letter, its Principals and Problems" ion formal dance which will be held (D. Appleton & Co.) was recently an- the evening of the J-Hop, Feb. 9, may d be made now through Dennis Dono- nounced by the author, Carl A. Nae- van, house manager of the Union. The ther, grad. According to the author affair, which will be given in the Un- the book is principally a problem text, ion assembly hall, is designed to take containing both principals and prob- care of those who cannot attend the lems. It covers the whole field of Hop on account of inability to secur,, business letter writing and is intend- tickets. ed for use by college and university Special music will be furnished fo' students. the dance, as will also some specialty An interesting feature concerning numbers. The dancing hall will be the material contained in the text is decorated with palms and ferns. Reg- that the problems have been taken ular suppers will be furnished for the from the files of prominent business dancers at 12:30 o'clock in the main men throughout the country. Mr. dining room. Programs will be of Naether spent three years in collect- leather in an attractive design. ing them. The book is also based on Two hundred and twenty-five tick- four years of practical experience by ets will be sold for the dance. Tho the author as a business correspond- order of acceptance and preference of ent and salesman for several business tickets will be announced later. The concerns, dance Friday night will last from 9 to Mr. Naether has spent six years 2:30 o'clock and the tickets for i' teaching commercial subjects in sev- will cost $4 each. eral western colleges and universi- Smith's saxophone sextette, of Ken- ties. He is now doing graduate work tucky, will play for an informal dance, here in the University and is an as- which will be held from 2:30 to 5:3G sistant in the journalism department. o'clock Saturday afternoon in the ball room. The admission to this dance SENIOR LIT AFTERNOON DANCE, will be $1. today at the Union. 2:30. Couple,j- 35c; stag, 25c.-Adv. Try a Classified Ad-it payo.--Adv. {:.:. :- rKi.,~}:;$ . .+X f pj British armored train, Marborough, and its crew in Turkey The forces of General Harrington, allied commander-in-chief in the Near East are plentifully supplied with the latest machinery of war. Armoured motor trains mounting field pieces, are counted upon to overcome Turk superiority in numbers in case war breaks out. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. TRACK SQUAD WIL, HOLD 1 mile-Isbell, Davis Arndt, and Coch- TRIAL COMPETITION TODAY ran vs. Bowen,.Shenefield, Rearick, and Griffin; 2 mile-Hattendorff, R. (Continued from Page Six) Gibson, Polhamus and William Gibson the Windy City. The iaroons' best I vs. Reinke, Marsh, Carson, and Cush- men are her sprinters and middle dist- ing. ance men. They have an excellent man in the high jump by the name of "Day oy day, in every way, I am Russell who made 6 feet 2 inches in j at your service", JIMMIE, the ad tak- a meet last year. 1 er. Call 960.-Adv. Many .i Relays I The relay teams this afternoon will be composed of the following: Six LEARN TO DANCE lap-Burke, Goldwater, Higgins, and Thompson vs. Pury, Wittman, Aldrich, and Hubbard;' 12 lap-Thomas, Sei- DANCE STUDIOS mans, Joyner, and Roesser vs. Mafr- Hours 1-5, 7-10 Wuerth Arcade tin, Iulse, Spedding, and Loomis; 4 THEY CO LIKE LIGHTNING NESTOR JOHNSON "NORTH STAR" HOCKEY SKATES PRICE $11.00 WA H R S UNWIVERSITY BOOKSTOR E !U.NOTICES I All fraternities and sororities, and W H AT'S GO ING ON other campus organizations must have lists of members, and other copy for the 1923 Michiganensian in by Jan. 25. Copy should be turned OTICE~-Copy for this column should in 'as soon as possible at the 'En- be submitted by 5:30 o'clock of: sian office. the day before publication. All class officers must have their vic- tures for the Michiganensian taken SATURDAY at once as these must be in the hands of theengravers this week. :30-Players' club holds tryouts in ll group pictures for the 1923 MIch= TRINITY LUTHERAN' CHURCH Fifth Ave. and William St. REV. L. F. GUNMERMAN, Pastor iunaa~g Churcb services FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 S. Division Street What Others Say Sunday Morning Service, 10:30 Subject: Sacrament. Sunday School, 11:45. 9:30-Bible School. 11 16:30-"The Revelation of Glory". Christ'sl "Oh you whose hearts are bold and free; Oh you whose eyes with fire are lit; A whisper thrills-'The day shall be Whate'er you will to make of it!' Wednesday meeting, 7:30. Evening, testimony room 205, Tappan hall.- 12:30-Members of Students' Direct- ory staff meet at Dey's studio to have group picture taken for 'En- sign. 1:00-Freshman engineers basketball practice in Waterman gymnasium.) 2:30-Polonla Litex'ary circle meets at Rentschler's studio for 'Ensian pic- iganensian must be taken during the month of January. Allf rater- nities, sororities, house clubs, and campus organizations must pay for their space in the 'Enslan before these pictures can be taken. Ap- pointments should be made with photographers direct. Junior engineers can now secure their 6 : 30-Luthern League. "Christian Missions Around the World". "Tis yours to let the breaking light Against earth's smoke still strive in vain, Or bid, in undisputed right, The sun of love and peace to reign." --Gilbert Thomas. Reading Room, 236 Nickels Arcade., Open daily 12 to 5 except Sundays *nd Holidays. ALL ARE WELCOME. EVERYONE IS WELCOME ,ci.nj :30- official blouses at W uerth's clothing -Senior lit mixer in assembly store as a second shipment of 200 A, Union. I checkered blouses has been receiv- -S8ociety of American Foresters: ed. gets in room 318, Union. Sophomore class dues are payable. -Ex-staff of te' University lon-!They may be mailed to Ray Billing- -al meets in room 306, Union. ton, class treasurer at 1102 Oakland -li per Room Bible class meets avenue. Lane hball.. 1-MATINEE DANCE TO BE HEL) SUNDAY AT UNION THIS AFTERNOON -University Men's Bible class ets in Upper room, Lane hall. Kennedy's first orchestra will furnish ?-Comedy club picture will be the music at the afternoon dahee to :en at Rentschler's studio, be held from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock to- UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Streets SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister SUNDAY ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH. Fifth Ave. and Washington St. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Pastor's Bible Class. 10:30 A. M.-Sermon, (German) "The Confessional and Prophet Elements in the Lord's Supper. 5:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Topic: "The Relation of Christ- ians to Secret Orders". 7:30 P. M.-Sermon, "Jesus the Min- ister". All services in the English language. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) 4th Ave., near Packard G. A. NEUMANN, Pastor Sunday School at 9:00 a. m. Church Service 10:00 a. m. English. church Service 11:00 a. m. German. Subject "True Christian Progress." Students Cordially Welcomed ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. EDWARD SAYI,,ES, Minister. HOWARD R. CHAPMAN. Minister of University Students 10:30-"The Influence of Science on Religion".-Mr. Sayles. 12:00-Students' Class at Guild House. Mr. Chapman. 6:00-Students' Friendship Hour at Church. Q:30-Discussion Meeting, "T h e Law As a Christian Calling". Wilbur Seelye, '24L. leader. 7:30-"The Man Under Suspicion". (Based on experience of a Bonding Company), sermon by Mr. Sayles. Congregation joins in Hill Auditorium Service. AND "UPPER ROOM" BIBLE CLASSES LANE HALL. ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIR 10:40 A. M. class of the Church ofI Subject, "John the1 meet. ns." 30-Lutheran Student forum Zion Lutheran Parish Halls concerts by te High School Mandolin-Guitar club. :00-Student supper at Hartis hail. Mr. George D. Willner speaks. :30--Baptist gu.ild devotional meet- ing. Subject, "Law as a Christian Calling." :30--Annual meetIng of Hobart guild ir. Harris halli. :00.-Bapfist guild friendship hour in Baptist church parlors. day in the assembly room in the Un- ion. Tickets can be purchased at the door. The charge for couples is 35 cents. Although it is preferred that the attendance be in couples, single; members will be admitted for 25' cents. Adopt Polish Language Warsaw, Jan. 19-(By A.P.)-Polish is made the official language in a bill passed by the Silesian Diet. Try a Classified Ad-it pays.-Adv. REV. HAROLD E. B. SPEIGHT Minister King's Chapel, Boston Speaks on See "Upper Room" Bulletin and Printed Schedule Sunday Class for Men from 9:30 to 10:15 "THE LEADERSHIP WORLD" OF THE CHURCH JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE continues on FIRST METHODIST CHURCH REV. A. W. STALKER, D.D., Minister MISS ELLEN W. MOORE, Student Director 10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship. Pastor's subject: "FASHIONS OF FOLKS" 12:00 Noon-BIBLE CLASSES at WESLEY HALL. 4:30-6:30 P. M.-OPEN HOUSE AT WESLEY HALL' Miss Frances Gill will tell of her visit to Oberammergau this last summer. 6:30 P M.-Wesleyan Guild Devotional Meeting. Miss Lois Cochran, leader 7:30 P. M.-MR. EDWIN MARKHAM, Author of "THE MAN WITH A HOE" will be the speaker in the Wesleyan Guild Lecture Course. Special Music:-"Romanza" (Haydn), Mrs. Rhead; "Benedictus" (Gounod), the chorus choir; "Blessed He Who From Earth's Dream Awaking" (From the Beatitudes) (Franck), the chorus choir; "Dark Brooded Fear of the Earth" (Prologue from the Beati- tudes), (Franck), the chorus choir; March (Guilmant); Mrs. Rhead;i "Andante" (Wely), Mrs. Rhead; "Comest Thou Light df Gladness" (Herzogenberg), the chorus choir; "The Cross" (Words by Edwin Markham) (Music by Ware) Mrs. Wheeler; March (Wely), Mrs. Rhead. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH CARL A. BRAUER, Pastor SMissouri Synod) SERVICES 9:30--German. Corner Third and West Huron Sts. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DIVISION AND HURON REV. L. A. BARRETT, D.D., Minister LEWIS C. REIMANN, See'y Men Students MISS HELEN SHAW BROEKSMIT, Sec'y Women Students 10:30 MORNING WORSHIP "The Christ of the Gospels" 12:04 Prof. W. D. HENDERSON'S CLASS "THE HUMAN NATURE AND THE BIBLE" 5:30 SOCIAL HOUR 6:30 YOUNG PEOPLES MEETING Austin Wolfe leads, "Is Life Worth While; Does It Burden With Duties or Enrich With Privileges?" Thursday: "The Pill Bottle," the play describing fine dramatic scenes in Life of Dr. Ida Scudder of India, will be given in the church at 8 o'clock. Tickets will sell at twenty-five cents. The proceed will go to the seven Oriental Colleges for Women. ft. nmbew's Episcopal Church 10:30-Bible School. " 1:30-English. "M" Books - $1.75 Campus Snaps, White Pencils Artcorners Valentines Cards for all Occasions CHURCH OF CHRIST (DISCIPLES) S. UNIVERSITY F. P. ARTHUR, Pastor ible School at 9:30 A. M. (Prof. Barnhill, Supt,) 0:30 A. M.-Sermon, "Our Educa- tional Program". Novelties "THE STONE CHURCH WITH A WARM WELCOME" COR. CATHERINE AND DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector CHARLES T. WEBB, StudentPastor MISS RACHEL HATILAND, Secretary HERBERT ATCHINSON JUMP, Minister Still a few Pictures left E. KNOX MITCHELL, JR., Student Pastor Zilhlp VInacPC fnr ctvrlrnta n.t nnnn. i