:IHE MICHIGAN DAILY f ALL CIT MANTAINS RINS SOUTHPA WS ARE GR0WING SCARC7E l I ILL If you have something lost, found, make sure that it is so with a Dt for sale, for rent, misplaced or" stolen, classified. Call 960--Adv. CLAS~5 N CMN~IUM Ice-skating rinks' are now being~ M maintained by the city at Burnslpr.;es park, ado t tet h Classes are being held in AWaterman' rinks have been kept in good condi- gymnasium on Mondlays, Wednesdlays. tion and are frequented by large And Fridays for the proeofke-crowds: purpse o kee- 1At Burns park, which its situated at ing footb~all prospects in cnd(ition for,: the end of Lincoln street, the tennis spring and fall practice. Coach Little I courts have been flooded. Formerly is inistructing thiese classes and hi,,: only the tennis courts had been flood-- work so far has been mostly ,itV ed at' Whest park, located at West Hur- on and. Chapin, but this year the small freshmien that have been taken out of !creek has been dammenpd and over anI the gym classes. acre was flooded'. At er the flaw these Coach Little has so far found morej rinks froze spnoothly and werei than 30 men that look like possible good condfl ion ycceterday. football material and is working then, - along various lines of calisthenics ad boxinpg, wrestling, and somne workin the weight events. 1IMPORTED Little hopes to discover sonic mien Wx that would make footbal players, wlic W GO L HOS in the ordnary course of events Iwould . A not of their own accord turn out for 45'A AR this sport because they thoughtite, PS FR$27 were not..good.enough or had+1 no: "P aF $.5 played football. in -1ic past. - D NALDS N SENIOR LIT AFTERNOON -DANCE .2424 SOT 'i 11 ATE today at the Union. 2,.30. Couple, 35e; stag, 25c.-.Adv. IT3P .ADVIERTISING AT 3 P.M. FINAL CLEARANCE SALE {on ,all Winter Hats $3.75 - 2- 14 i i i I THE POPULAR PRICE HAT SHOP 333 So. Main: St.,-. I WA10 44 0040%0% ^4^1 ,v w~nut ""U, - STEAM FITTING 11 215 E. HURON, PHONE 214_F1 -, r I nionCGncert HILL zAUDITORIUM WEDNESDAY, JANUAR'Y''24, 8P. M. A limited number of tickets for seats, -and standin~g room tickets are available at the Univereity School of Music I MICHIIGAN DAILY Classified Rates. Two Cents per word 'a day, paid In advanice. Min- imum charge for first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. 'three cents per, word per day. it charged. White space charged for at ratei of 5c per agate linie. Classified', charged only to tho+'.e having phones. Liner Rates: Twelve cents per liane, withiojt contract, paid in adva'Ce PhONE 960 1'iVO (of c i,- w Iraiv5 WhJo ,slarrc(1 jtl ('antp;; Art -Nehf. At rI ,ht t 'Ke.Q.V4' I 'i I t'vo; ge Ao 2 lo ,!id'o ' - ,,I rd i&U'(o cn Iullc-~r a~ove, and ulrtPruc-it. below, H,. IPRESARIO, NOTICE - WANTED REPLIES to the following boxes are; WANTlD-By young lady cntering inl in the Daily Office: J.M., C.S., Tib- " February, pleasant room for second1 son, WV.L.V., K.D.,_ D., W.I.L., X.Y., semester. ' Statelparticulars. _ A- M.C.B. - dress Box L.Ea.B;., D~aily ofiice. 8- FOR RENT, ONE DOUBLE AND ONE' SINGLE; room; for rent. Convenient ,to ,thle, campus and- car line. Comfortable and-. well furnishied}...720 Arbor St. 86 WANTED-Bass soloist, for Church choir, one Sunday service. ;alary. Address "Choir" care M~ichigal? Daily. 84--4 WANTED-Sewing. Dresses, blouses haned made, lingerie work guaran- teed. 4183Thompson Street. Phone :32-J.3- FOR RENT-A large comfortable._________________ j-__ room with large sleeping porch ad-' WANTED-Typewriting-, copying of joining. Suitable for two or three! theses, letters etc. Mrs. Wisbin. persons, for the coming semester. Phone 58G. 85-3 Phone 21.72-M1. 85-2- ~ 'WANTED-Tw~o students to roonm anO) ROOMS FOR BOYS. Two large, well board. $8 per week. 109 No. Thay'- heated double rooms with twin beds,, er St.. 85-2 pleasant surroun~dings. House just completed. Call at 1049 Olivia or 'W'tANTEI,-A Rider Pen which fadls ,Phone 1751-J. 85-2- to write at touch. Rider's Pen Shop. 21 DOUB~LE AND SINGLE ROOM for rent,. Students. Medics preferred,. WHITE COOK wanted for fraternity, Refined home, quiet and orderly. 122;? Call 1680-R and ask for steward. No. Thayer. References. 85-3 55-21 FOR RENT-SUITE AND DOUBLE!I ONE J-HOP TICKET wanted. Call ROOM. ONE-HALF BLOCK FROMI Frank Dougall, 1869-J. 85! CAMPUS. REDUCED PRICES. 043 W4ANTED-J-Hop ticket. Call 2106- TAPNR8- after eight p. mn. 85- s FOR RENT-Newly furnished,- well WA EDSuetadamlws- heated, conveniently located rooms. 1iWNTED-StuPhone 2amil-M. 82l- Prices reasonable. Cal7 l 2866-M. ___________________ 84-3 WANTED-Cooking like mother's. Try DOUBLE AND SINGLE ROOMS for f4 E. University. 86-21 rent, for. second semnester, near; YERTN campus. 1115 So. University Ave.'TP RTN 85-2 iHav yor'MANUSFCRPTS typewrit- I (ilk' Norman E. flrowiii) Xamgo Senator's They were fLurIs21hing some~ of the roo(st icturesl 1- Every (lay and in every sway the j )(harty, 2' o , J ge and young Ray ,(clue and. unique charactc-rs of the dia- - enutliws are becona"rog scarceri ncl(21 *5 acur won 15 and lost 1.0 :rcnd the ranks of the south~aws alsoi bi'~sluw a ewt ~il~l :5. c&'~(dgeYon 1I8 and lo;t 12, lproduced stellar pitching. ;flrc!.. i the -' -~ unityoungFrahci- opped 7 while_______ _______________ A glneover thc.922 resards r e- r i .. - vf'lsth fct ha olyfou lftesl osingl,18. . erb) Pennock of the .lZoo pied tr tt hatoi ()more cop' ete es 0ox was the only)1 othker lefty oi'n int the.e ri can 'icagac and only eight ia t et1. Prokwn1 ae;M aigutred prcominently° in the N:olal be 1 _________________________ - Lfl han~ apag. ld ubert Priuett, Brown r ookiean- Coma c hee te ur- the sosuthpaw sensationi of the seasonX, her egage )n he Iick f th pen won 7 -,amses wvhile losing that nui-n- r~~ nn el , o 3, whn hesoth er for e FohI, but did not break siders were in the=_r glory. Thirteeninote1-aecs. lEFies figurud 'in the National leagsue InteNioalage pa ie- r~rAnru : an al ost hat m an in the led all the p itchers, right-handers in-. i n r _i(lleih.scrutit25vcoe.i FieAmerican-----a total o!' 214 or 25. i lat but13 games while piugg;iitnFin in er In 1913 "Reb" Russell was one of i the leading hurlers of the league. I-3e lngfo ie ed.iamltn ri Cooper of the Pirates. Nehf of the 11:34 A. M. t6 2 P. M., 50c b)rok'e into 1. games an(d allowed an Giants, R-u~t)Ier of the Dodgers, Sher-- 5 PM.o7P.M, -60C ENV average of only 1.85 runs a game. i (del of the Cardinals, Weinert of the the National league boasted of Robin- 1I son, among others. Robinson, then j lllis and Jones of the Cubs were the -p only other- offside hurlers to gain - pitching, for the Pirates,-broke into 43 ; roinienteplaesngtoS eciC games,and while he wasnI'tas stilly IIis ineetin- note that three y -i whhi sasRselheal edof thest' Stan.- of 191' are now pe s-'" n e but 2.39 runs a g ae. re ' n"tin; the total elimaination of the ' ij nv D i n er I \A -~~~~~~~ son hI,,Ild h unthpaw., in the pitehring records -of Ingu adtosto Ru.elat e oug e lbig lealgues. Wilbur Cooper, eEarl I 12 to. . P.1M. Price $1.00 leagu boated hat earTf suh Hailton ..and Eppa Rixey are the trio. A southpaws as l+. rl Hamilton, Carl, Feb i eliis inowv oitfjelding for the i Ac W'eilman and Leverenz of t::e frownS; iPlirates. afst ,: a sojourn in the minors. Nik(ulp enGegadWli he, present scarcity of southpaws r Mitchell, of the Indians ; Plank ,V"y-is ergetd.I diint ceoft with the' Maekmen; Schultz of IXstVergrte.I1ddto oM LLITS the Yanke ,qJoe oebling of the Sen- 3hS(WtJL STATE STRfiEETi stors 9ndIlutch Leonard anft Ray Col- t' '.ygt )i,111-BusiImes', Me)N'Lunc h pgy 1;n s othelRed sox. G 11)C :9 - -- - (c PhNE 173 The Natonalleage, in additio-n to JOE P FC.E"' Rtobinson, had Slim Sallce with the! SPECIAL SUf AY-IN1 I-- ."trdlinals. Tyler of the B~raves, Mar- !iA.x3i1 i qluard and WViitse under McGraw's 11e:ed'3f rcie~t~ watchful eye, Wilbur Cooper of the l Voniell Coal B1dg. I 7-rates', Nam Rucker and Earl Yingl- . inn with tihe Iodgers. Ea Th xey and ®i, -MM.-- 1 B3y WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (English Version by- Henry Edward ,Krehbiel), Tile Musical Rendition created. under the direction of iSam Franko. The opera staged, mounted and produced ler the persornal direction of MR.. Wit-LIAM WADE [NSHAW. f TIME-I1791. . SC ENE--Reception Salon of- Schickaneder, Vienna Opera House. CAST OF CHARACTERS8 OANUEL SCHICKANEDER. Percy Hemnus Director Vienna Opera House' - IILIP, his nephew, a young baritone .,. 'Francis Tyler O~ZART, the composer.. ...Thomas McGranahan ADAM HOFER...........Hazel- Huntington Mozart's prima donrna sister-in-law LLE. DOROTHEA UHLIC.....Lottice Howell Singer of Linz ;companist to Schnickaneder .. ......Gladys Craven An intermission 'of ten minutes will occur after the "Locket" Trio; Curtain will' be lowered, but no "Time" Elapses.--- Gowns by Cesarino Thibaurl, 795 MAadison Ave:, New Yore. Mden's, costumnes by Tains, N ewv York. Wigs, by Winters,. New York. Scenery and draperies by Bumpus and Lewis. New Yo'rk. Official Photographer, (.1. M. Ksslere, New York.- r AN OPERA COMIQUE FOR TRENT-Three double rooms. $2.50 each student. Two meal s per day if desired,. '1005 Packard St. 86-3 FOR RENT-For second semester, large room. for one or two. Five (ollars for two. 1114 Prospect. 84-'" SINVGLE °ROOM for renlt to girl stu- dent.- Southeast section. Quiet louse. $4. Box J.M., Daily. 85-2 SINGLE' A .ND . DOUBLE ROOM for rent. Half block troin campus.° 631 Oakland. 85--3 FRONT SUITE for rent to girl stu- dlent. Ideal location. Phone 904-H. - 85-3 IebyeprecdTYIT.Bdfie's Book Store, 11 Nickels Arcade. 76-21 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Law Library, 100 vol- nines, splendid condition, reasonable j price. - Bargain for :student or law-' yer. George Nichols, '1006 Soutl- Milw~aukee St., Jackson, Michigan. 84-;3 Brennan a iultL3' heI lllsa .)a Oi arni a e ,ck"It dwith ithe Reds. It is an odtt{act lOatt I ll c,{of I he four A. L. suhaw who turneini records for tea or more C(7,1")1--ej Ysit: last sea:.,0, ',were with the Ve Use the .'Thcst ApprovedI r t tof Tea chingi BALLROOM DANCING HASEY'S DA NCE' ST~UDIOS For Skating, Skiing, oCaSting and other Winter Spzorts you winlneed,. 04. FOR SALE-Complete :Dress suit fit. Size 38. Phone 2927-R. boardI $8 per week. 109 No. Stre~et. Out- 86-:' 1 tt. 8Ski-2 FOR RENT-Attractive front .no other roomers.- 1458-WtV,. suite, 84-3 FOR RENT-Warm, comfortable suite, 93:3 Greenwood. 2863-J. 84-3 PQRI RENT-Large room. Steam heat, Call 261-J. >G-2 LOST-Thursday p. in., fsmall goldl watch with black ribbon bracelet. Between northwest corner campus ' and Oxford Road. Reward. Phone' ?42-J.X5- GOLD ELGI1 ATCH lost, on Mainj Street between Cadillac Garage and Williams Steet. Call 2295.. Bkward, LOST--One man's brown kid glove,$ between -Union ai 1 200 block. on. Hill 'Street. Telephone 3104. 86 DRESS SUIT for J-Hop ' "r sale: Call 936-W. 723 Oakland Ave., sec- ond floor. 85--2 E, FLAT ALTO SAXOPHONE for sale. Call Gulbransen, 435-R. 85-J FOR. SALE -A real meal., Try 644 E, University. -86-21 TYPEWVRITEIRS A few. Corona Typiewriters at $30.00 each. Other makes excepted as part payment. Easy terms ift(de- sired. Renting and repairing a specialty. 0, D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. -85-3 fTRADE your old typewriter in on a Remington Portable.. Machines called for and delivered. to any patt of the city. Stacy H. Black, 432 Thompson. 1128-J. -80-21 RUG CLEANING -V ((r. Tuxedos, Dress Suits n esre Evr~tin mnned t b oretl resd0o dance, inner, heatre or sta - adifyuaei Evoubthiasma odsth e correctlthigdtwesse lldlyo inform you of Fashion's latest dictation. ~ - TUXEDOSITS_$37,50 to $70 ci metWN Kose K it Cloats. Sweaters* Wte have them for ladies and men. All .Overcoats, Sheepskins, Corduroys, and. Leather Coats now at Clearance Prices. Wol I Inkets, Auto Robes Shawis "Weed" Tire Chains, all sizes at Lowest Prices GLASSES-'Tortoise shell rims, -lost' hear Quarry's Drug Store. Finder:, Rugs shampooed or dust cleansed, Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. ?G-21 FOUND BLACK, self-filling Rider fountain T4'Y something different in chop suet' pen near Physical labaoratory. Find- atVriyInSudyine,8c er please call -1206-R. 86-2452E ilan t 6 s 1hi Qin~~~-~s ~1 'A ~I