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January 20, 1923 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-20

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r Planninug to 1,Mart Reserves rapidly rounding into mid-season
Aganst Farmers andal Sake shape, and the Farmer coach has
First Team drilled his squad, continually on the
_______ Iold plays besides adding new ones,
C. E~XPECTED TO fGIVE 'Which have been especially madoe
WQI.,1VEBINES HARD B.3 M~T .F to, meet the ferocious attack and de-1
______fense of the WAolverines. The M. A.
ch M-then sent leisVairsity bas-f sometime Ouring the game by 1Kress-
I squad through the last prac- bach. and Kipke. Nutilla and rmcMil-
£ the week last night and the j an are statcd to :start at forwards
will leave at 9:3o) o'clock thisj for M. A. C.j
ng for East Lansing where to-' This afternoon Coach Mather will
they face the Aggio five in a attend a meeting that has been called
game. by the State Physical Education Di-
her expects to run11 up against'; rector,. for the purpose of helpinf~j
ual hard gam1e which the Far_ standardize the various interpret
have always given Mic:higan fore tions5 that have been given the new
gh the Wolverines already hold basketball rules througlhout hte state.
gory over AM. A. C., the Aggie :C". squad has been instilled with a
t has been prined for Michi- [wvonderfl fighting spirit and the stu-
.d is deterinined to give the ldent body voices "beat Michigan" ev-
and B3lue team a decidedly hiardl ery time the, subject of basketball i>.
W1alker Shapes Teain Coach' Mather has selected a tefita-
,b. Walker's green proteges are tive lineup with which to start the
-game but expects to let each Man get
a chance to play before the final
DIV I whistle is blown, for a vctory or deC-
(EY TEAM W l L AY teat at the hands of the Farmers i,4,
Snot as much a loss as a Conferenc1I
NIESOT NEXT WVLLK backzset. and the men on the reserve
squad need more experience unde;I
fire so as to be able to take the place
.SQU AD WILL GO TO GOPilEI of the regulars should more of them
'2HOOL 1')i QI T tMORROW FOR tall 'under; the wiles of the jinx that
GAMES seems to be pursuing Michigan's bas-
_____ketball squad.
4 Renders on, _McGregor Lt Forivirdrs
iganl's Varsity hockey team.j (-Hend erson and McGregor will start
o direct' from Madison where at forwards and are expected to of-
Le engaging the Badgers in a fer much opposition to the M. A. C,
me series to Minneapolis where guards, Eva and Hultnman, who were
ill meet the Gophers in anoth- II of considerable value to the Farmers
agame set Monday and Tues I in their victory over the University
ights according to word-.given' o Toronto. Rice will. engage Captain
m the Athletic office yesterday, Fessendon at center when the start-
s and his squiad will leave Trad-41 ing whistle is sounded and will beM
ome~ time tomorrow and arrivo ,aided by McWood, who will alternate
nneapolis Monday morning iq : with Rice at the pivot position. Piper
r a workout in the HippodromeI and :Landre will get the first call for
the games will be played. the guard berths and will be replaced

Cach Bownapidly " UTraiin Ttir50 DL
Tank Squad Into, Condition HUflW
S i m n pr ci e u d rt e(i e -Ihs w r . Co di th 10 ya d f e1iTtion of Coach; Brown is rapidly get- i style in . 59 reconds and gave excel-
ting into a Systematized formi with thej lent promise of beating this time. SoI Conicht Fazrril l sn1 ourzlL Ur4
(aily workouts at the Y.M.-C.A. pol. f~ it seems there are only two men in ~~l~~4A~oc i]
pol the Big Ten who will be able to holdi
The ggis <1. b me her on Jan their own with the W\olverines and
26 and .as the time app roaches the
coach is taking no chances in con di they are Cap tain Breyer,, of North wes -V ?I Ti.l:' ,)'I
tioning and training his men. trd iCpanWnso hcg. ST ilT(R1~Y-
Both these men are doing the 100 yard ~ 1LLlNW~~iA
Although the number of candidates fe tl ntenihoho f5
remains the same there is a possibil-;In view of the rehi liyio 10~
ity hata ct wll e anoucedseconds and it is, likely that Gow will
somethtme net wilvee. anothe rstozcFrrl e doing the same time when either Cal'Firelgvc all li;;r,~r
time the team which will meet 1M.A.i of- the two tennins are met.. rteserdy h twilor'nL i
C. wilh eetd.Teei owa egzr ufesIiuyese races. The races; wilt l ar. alnifrsbjr
C. wivingestocktetookhaitumbleo when? 3o'clock this afternoon in Watrv~
of (letermining just who will face the ,Dingsoktkatubew n,
Agsasmsofte(rkpefr-it was learned- that Seagears, one of' gymnasium. There will be four ~cs
ers are ineligible at present. Brown! the b~est (livers in" the Conference, had,5Xlp wlelp w ieadtu
doe no le th eigiiliy qestonsuffered an injury to his knee, while mile. Teams were chosen two (ays
worry hm too mch howeer for skiing, which would keep him out at ag n aehdcnieal rc
worrleasttthreemweeks.weverefaressome tice together in passing the baron.
farhe s hghl plase wih te wrk w~r Coach Farrell has taken pains in,
fof the sqjuad as a whole. While therc !good men in this event left ho ever selecting the men tat will co te in
is nt a ovrabndane o strs he( in 'aupre, Papenguth, and Mildner.1
material is slightly better than aver-,Te ivr are receiving a good share!tevrosrcsi oe ~mkn
p)f the attention these days and ari the races as close as possible iand
age and compares favorably with that for this reason more interesting. It
of most Conference schools, getting inextra timeafor pzx facticeinlisepcdththeukow erf.:
The organization work and attitude lord~her -that this departmenlt oftheoisoexpetefttthe e uon wmerigt to
of everyone are other factors that l p r ill not suiffer any thiroughilc light in these races.
please the coach and lie feels that of form. ; Varrell Coaches Field '3lcn
with conditions the way they are, as. Coach Farrell sp~ent his tinge yes
niuch will be (derived from the team as C4OURT TICKETS ON SALE'terday in coaching his high. juimzpers.
is. possilie. Hle showed the need for shot putter's and pole vaulters. Van
the completion 'of the Union pool and : Tickets for the Northwestern bask- Orden and H-indes appear to be the
i sate tht henthepoo i fiislqetball game are on sale today at the 1 ny likely point. winners i., the shop,
4teintroduction of soft water sports, ;pta hstm.V'e ne h
intn iownafr ngkp~itha)11 of whic'h!Athletic association ticket office. They stain f ontition they shoulid be

Toniht May Change
A;- - _7 O fu °nB igl,'. numems111ber o vie- Thouz even in basket shooting ability,
Ii(S u~idea i i the Confer:enlce the result probably depending upon
Sheablt of the foul shooters, in
tvil u t ,e y te whichx Illinois is reported to have the
;~ie'2eof tie ..T. (Cga:. ,follow-' edgy:.


'N ,'WLLO t; (a(Ir e ('ut es

Thie first break of the season' came:
when Northwestern took Purdue into
camip in their opening Conference bat-
tl.This first victory over a highly
touitedti mnent hai-hasimbud thePur'-

men, h4a-; rc 4/x~lt mU 1 ;lh. 111 l1fl h th.le menl
F ple and White players with an abund-
ance of confidence which will be hard
thepa Ah~ii~t~i - iw eleointr ndto beat and will probably spell defeat
Kin U ~ ben (angr o thir g(- for Indiana,; who journeys to Fvan-
ir.~Kal. Th I aw~ecs ameston tonight. Indiana has a green
tiarugh ihL Lii Cnfaene batleteam this year and little is expected
I njir an wi hr o hahly Ire of them. as they have, already drop-
:1 i'n fa Prtoi zthe lo IPed two of their' games to lightly
I~ucce 'esco~" totheiow'1on sidered eopponents.
Ci 1 r ~ !k evcsOttheir stary_____-_______
ib~ley. who l~a,?'t a brok-en leg Gek hn ilsoii
u- .Li( lydNorthlwestern. IresT111 usln
t'iv i;v , liiii. apent the! Naples, .Ian, 19-(By A.P.)-Tile
we nton ehing lip the , iassing G reek colony forwarded Mussolini =a
ircl u Suck8neers ini pre..aratioil foir thanks vote for honors paid ex-Kiup_
th1 ilc7g1lil ii w th ll ine ielConstantine, who is termed "our idol-'
1 ;nihi . ' rtie112;a e(nw l ized King;".
snbfltL' m1 as ee' (licaed SENIORTAT AFTERNOON' DANCE,
twie Ihi~ir ca31 c'C at'ehnso todlay at the Union. 2: 30. Couplex
hashnra]Ac c hertim :at hi- 15c ; stag,-25c.-'Adv.
hascNrtwLVn.They a1ppear -i
to i1?s aftE'iug fit aEtrea,-
(7d(£_.: i,: - 1 iosnI cnI the Q-11i
t£ night 'IO 'N;,1t1e tlliiratiof n . J\PREi
Confere rnce race.t'c Wiby wit- W~ooJ L, IH SE
th £.,d e L l£ '?2) ' 1"i (lft kt
and.La ait- I~ Pd tat 1)1 Pt~':in re


he spoke withi favor, will be sure to
appeal to the students.
Rearits Breaks " recordI
several performances of the swivi-
mners this week deserve mention. Jack
fKearns broke the pool recordl for the
plunge when he dide the 60 feet in 4A 1
seconds. The -former. record was
held by Yerkes, '22, who did the same
distance in-something like 52 seconds.
Belknap is also showing good form)
in the plunge, and is slowly bettering

sell for 75 cents apiece and may be
obtained at--the office as long as they
The ticket for this gamze is the first
one in set. two of, the season ticket
groups. The second set tickets con-
taining four stubs each are also. ob-
tainable at this time. They admit the
bearer to the four remaining court
games here and the Cornell trackl
meet. The price of the season tick-
et is $2.

able to put the shot more than 40
feet. Van Orden managed to make 42
feet yesterday.
McEllven and Smith are the besti
prospects that Farrell has at present
in the high jump. McEilven went 5
feet 11 inches yesterday with ease.
Smith is not far behind McElivenan
may, with practice, beat hinm.
Coach Farrell; does not, believe thlat.
Chicago will have a strong team whi ,
the Wolverines meet. them n'V-1, "0 ill
(Continued on- Pages, Egght)] -


A °-' ,tT""

a'"- . . A

: -

We ( ~ma~tidcc t Thcli You
an EL ICPAl Rth


ymm"I m a'I'amm-1



I am NOW


GophierS LUnusually iFast-
nesota has an unusually fast
yam this year with several vet-
from . last year and two or1
stars from the 1922 all-fresh ag-f.
tion. The teami has already play-
val games with: small collegO
in the ?Minnesota state confer-
institutions which make hock-
e of their biggest spurts and as
ilt have strong teams year after
nsey Tech fell before the Go-
'in the first game of the season
ia battle in which the victors
d a big margin of superiority.
omas college also was defeated

Douglas Roby, '23, halfback of last
year's football team, has signed a con-
tract as assistant coach at AlabamaI
Polytech. Roby will be the second
Michigan mant on the coaching staff of
this school as "Gob" Wilson, '22, start-
ed last year as line coach and will re-
turn again next year.

1flrrl UtLIs

Stralvhlef r gip, ' .

- 25c

ONLY ONE more week in
wh ich to advertise your J-Hop
goods through


Ne a oiIc c
Slice n Ieapple
ip~ CreananCa

eMaroon and° Gold
,d fought session.
runners-up 'in the
ence last year and
7a veteran team w]
strength of the Mini

squad afteWl
Th-e Cad et~
e Minnesota
1have prac-
hich attester
neapolis ag- I,

actice Started in "Novemiber 1
h MacDonald has been working
,tis squad- sitee late in- Novenv-
gutting the candidates through
Nvees of gym work ajidl train-
xercises, ".ice-less" hockey he
t, before they were able to do'I
gal practicing. The squad took
ice- Dec. 5 and have been work- J.
eadily since then so that it is'
ibetter condition than either of
,her two teams in the Western
ollegiate league.
nson, at center, is said, to be-
the bwst collegiate hockey play-
thfe middle- west and has been
rig a brilliant game so far tli.
i.Graham in goal is the only
man' on the jsquad- who has
d his position as the competi-
rstrong between last years' var-'
layers and the new mten who,#
-yng- out. Wyatt. and lliggan.I 4
w orked better on the defense;
mfy other combination and are i
holces to start against Michi- -
hile Bartlett andl Pond may getI
all for the wing, jobs: Otherp
-contenders for places are De- f
Ott, 3acobson, Bros, FriedlI
and~ Langford.
Hard Test for Michigani
iiganT will receive its hardest
' the year oan the tripl now under,
playing four hard games ini fiveI
AWisconsin has been practicing,~
ly all week in preparation for
esent series and are probably
ch bett(er'shape than when they I
dI here last week. Mlinnesota
e on edge for her first two
games. If the Wolverines can
rwith three victories' out of the
encounters they will be well for-
in top lace with a. big oppor-L
to. outaistance the opposition.
onize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.3

TRADC MARK RcG. u. s ,PAT. o
Look for the name EZ.
when you buy a wide-web
It identifies the geiuine.-the
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Real luxury and solid comfort.
.15c to $1, cve?'ywhere, in single-grv and the
E. Z2..Grip. and the E. Z. Sport Garter. Made
stlely by The Thos. P. Taylor Co., Bridgeport, Coon.
Student Supplies Stores-
Featured by - leading






'Publication suspended for exam-
nation period Sunday, Jan. 28th.




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1 Lb. Boxedn





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qu u waom iif



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