TH-E M IC H IGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;,: ,, ,Q j i 4ny A li'3 i {. 1 'IVomen Plan LTPiqvc Costumes British Woman's GOES 0 ROMM, To B o 0' Startles. Fo r To n ig h t's' Masquerade a SPEK HERE IONESRY will be taken closed doors in. tlar- vern: societies are planning features. v tc;,:,L3, Dey s ")cur come, the sounds 0j: The judges of the stunts are to he Lawrence J. Burlree Canadian sec- , t,,; ., f7,-op II)TI'lA = nnAl thn Om -' T enxi lnnn T-Inmilton. Mrs_ T. R. F .ffin- r' ....., ... ...... ...... ,..... ..<... ? rrt #°v nF' a. rrnnrnitte err the fitl i PROFESSORS LEC TURE IInstructors in the publl'c speakin: department -will act a s Judges. The .,.vo t aniQ will be chose~z n neat wee' Th, Mlle a pica, at ll : t--J O is atu iu. Five TUniversity Extensioni ecture >' k ______nil_________, ivc x we r e g Ce n in t hle s tate y es t e r d a y.A h n1"t R f g e P7ro. lRobert W e l y of the phi l-as il I-. " e losop h y (dep>art m en t, nart the G r and R? a lp - t e s a , 1 - 1 y A T ) iris li bra ry ;?]se h q e t o n " ~ O r e refu gees ar 2~, U ) U - kJ k IU A,. 5, L ). 1 '.tU.tL j# 44fl a 1 tL. 1L O Ut* A , 1Y1 1 '. . 0 . i6.. L' 11111- i:1? V: 1; 'rm ith1in the middle ger, :lr;;. ,. 1R. Tlunmphreys, Mrs. T. pane' ce hare an einphatic dliree- .1 Diekhoff, and Mrs. rT. . Rankin~. im"7,c:,7 rat exaggerate that move- . Prizc willibeoa yarded for the pret- nwn rPInc _ eccy is mystifying. No, tiest costuime, the ugliest, the most in- pr~~e~ hvenot hegun for the JIuh - dixrid al, and for the most cleverly 1crspla:, ,t the seniors, Juniors, dressed group. Those who attend the eohio-'erind Ire,;hmn are ever-I party will be charged only 10 cents tgcacti1i rehcarsing stunts in hopes admission, while a penalty admnission Of w,,jjainr the prize which is offer- of 25 cents wil be required from those ed fcr thl e st ,tunt/to 1)e given at not in costume. Spectators wvill be the fancy dross party of the Women':;s admitted for G0 cents. league at 8 o'clock this evening irl After the grand march and the 1 arbour gynasium. In addition tol stunts, dancing will continue until 12 tine .stunts to be presented by each o, o'clock to music played by a Ted tlthe ciw .c,'-. Mortarboard and NWy- Rhodes' orchestra. lf 1 (.,utA Ay U.L La ut...t.J e 10 L 1JA t Vtt. *jc.!Ltlu- men* of international boundaries wiches. Mrs. Annings will lead the " r ii~ m sc o he J no Grs walk. play are requested to meet at '4I Th~ ann al anc dr ss art ofthe o'clock jMonday in Sarah Ca swell An- Women's league will be given from 8 el al to 12 o'clock this evening in Bar- bo rgymnasium. Admission will be ~ (ii 1 ~ )e T~rhP Pu 10 cents for those who come in cos- Membership pins are being secured tume, 25 cents for those without cos- by the present Freshman Girls' Glee tumes, and 50 cents for spectators. chlb for the first timesicitfr- ate h cu splanning neto sobtain All houses wishinga to enter the in- a dlesign which' will 'be appropriate, terhousae basketball tournament and for use in the future, the custom ofj have not yet signed up are requested having pins to become traditional. to notify Marianna Smalley at 334-R; A miniature lyre on which will be the as soon as possible. letters F. G. G. C. and a bloek "M" 1 ;Will be the design used. In addition to the University tele-j Among various affairs which are be- phone number 16, the office of the' ing planned for this club is a party dean of women may be reached byf which is to be given by the University' calling 3026- on the city line. ! Girls' Glee club in their honor Imn- mediately after the beginning of the All Y. W. C. A. pledges for the first new semester. semester must be paid before the close1 of the present semester. Pledges may 1eii Charts to Show Coxtributiolls be paid at the. office of Newberry hall.C Competitive charts of Women's leag ue activities are b~eing made out . Chaperones for the dances tonight and will appear in tomorrow's Daily. are, as follows: Union-Mrs. Mabel! The averages of each league and sor- f I Cake; Armory- Mrs. H. G. Berger. '!ority house for both b~azaar and other{ league activities are to be shown. Members of the University Girls'" The charts will be posted in Univer-I Glee club will meet at 11 o'clock this sity hall and Borbour gymnasium. Imriga etche' tdot m orn ng a Ren sch er's stud o I have a picture taken for the 'Ensian.I SENIOR LIT AFTERNOON DANCE,j All girls who were notified of second today at the Union. 2:30. Couple,I semester ,membership are also asked 35c; stag, 25c.-Adv. , to be present at that time. ----- - Lost Something? Let a "Daily's aeass- All junior women who are interested i ified ad find it for Yoni.-Adv. 1 I ATC T E THEATERS I questions" has been secured as the next University lecturer. He will talk at .4:15 o'clock next Wednesday aft- -mnoon In roe-m B of the Law build- ing, his subject being: "An Interna- tional Experiment." {His talk will consist of an explana- tion of the work of the committee of which he is Canadian secretary. The talk will be of particular interest to students of political science' and' gov- ernment, as it will deal with what is considered' to be one the most im- iportant innovations in international diplomacy in recent years. Iii addition to his work on this com- mittee, Mr. Bur pee is well known as a historian, having published several books in this field. He is particularly Iwell. known as a student of Canadian history. He has also held numerous responsible political positions in tboi Canadian government. EDWIN MARX1IAitI, POET AND WRITER, TO TALK TOMORROW1 Edwin. Markham, of Brighton, N: +Y., poet, writer, and lecturer, will be the speaker at the fifth of th6 Wes, j leyan Guild lectures to be hield to- morrow night in the Methodist Ichurch. 11 the Markham became prominent aN teauthor of "The Man. With the! IHoe", published in .1899.I }All of these lectures are free to thc , public, and are arranged by a special fund of the Wesleyan Guild of the lthodist church.1 tabohut "Why a Par.ent Teacher 's club?" Prof. Ma r ion C. ';-e of th: e rhetoric dlepartm nt, gave the fifth "Cello Lec-. ture Recital" at Tenomn,,-ee. Prof. 3ruce MV. Donaldson, of the (depart- mont of fine arts, delivered the3 third of a secries, of eight lectures on "Amen-° aa Sculipture" before the Lansing, woman's club. The Manstee Prnt Teacher's as- ociation: heard Dr. E~.13. Pierce, of the joint comminttece on public healthi, talk about "The Prevention and Cure J Tuberculosis".' i 0A E (M ' I W4 ST cD E TS An establ ished, paying typewriter, business for sale. I hlone 866 Tr 1'" s. L'l a i vw.. 3+5 ALL we.Evw WTILL MEET TIS MORNIMG Sereen-To4ay J '1iar TII,'' o N i ghts $2 _.>1) to 50c ~~ G A M Z y 3 a l i T .' s . i u a t E ISTE LLE COPANY "THE rk'UNTAIM AN51 As, Played by Sydney Blackmer Arcade-Peter B. Kyne's° "The Pride of Palomar;" and the new "Leather Pushers," feat- uring Reginald Denny in "He Raised Kane." Majestic - Shirley Masonr in. "Shirley of the Circus"; Uni- versal comedy, "Just Dogs." Orpheum-Viola Dana in "They Like 'Em Rough" comedy and news. Wuerth-House Peters in "The Man from Lost River"; Paul Parrott comedy, "Mr. Hippo." I MrsMrs.iTibi. Howar,HoBrditsau Mr.Hla oad rts uthor, better known M sH. Glynn-'Ward; ,recently arrived in Los Angeles 'for her First visit from hier Vancouver home. Her hook, "The Writing on the Wall," caused a stir in Canadian business and political circles. It is an expe'mre relative to Japanese and i;Chinese in 'British Columbia and the Ipresence of a powerful drug ring close to America's doors is much, stressed. ALPHIA, NUDEBATERS ELECT OFFICERS FOR NEXT'SEXESTER. Officers of Alpha Nu, campus 'debat, ing society, for the coming :-semester were elected at the meeting 'of the so- ciety held Thursday night in the so- ciety rooms in University. hill. They are as followvs: president, J. K. Brum- j baugh, '25Lj; vice-president, Elmer Salzmnan, '25; secretary, Adolph Big- Ige, '25; and treasurer, E. C. Prophet. '24. Ralph D. Harper, '24, was chosen i 1as' marshal. Mlembers of the Mid-West debating squad will meet this morning in room '302, Mason hall to give six-minutq talks oil any phase of the question that is to be used this year. TPh'j present squad of 22 men will be reduc-" ed 0 14. SMART ANDCfIARMING STY,.ES -IN- NEW BERING MILLINERY Puyear and He tz 328 SOUTH vtAtN a f :C _ r Lose somethine' " A a if. classified ad' will sell it for you-Adv. Stage-T.his Week Garrick (Detroit) - "To Love," with Grace George, Norman Trevor and Robert Warwick Shubert-Michigan (Detroit) - Bqnstelle company in "The Mountain Man." I ,l i r '4 iv I I I LAST TIMES TOCNIGHT 7:00 p 8:0 -,mpg an _' J Accimed B All Ann Arbor as COMING, SUNDAY PEYER io, KNEES Undeniably the Sup*reme Achlievement. o x 4 .. Motion Picture Art I n lilt y 1 ON wmkAL y , ,^^,- fir -"\ = : _ _._-----_ _ 1 I GR IEATEST STORiY Htere: is I pictulre that simp ly-gets under the shir wih its realism aird afrds y )u enrter tahu neu t tlmtis sntlsfiug: 0to.tlbe last , ene. M Amr~c '...O *R W D~e A W ce raep °As N D Pr_ u R Es"snY.T I A N LE.._Y A D D ED yp 4 P E C I 1. l TNHZ fLEATHEDPUSHERS" \ .I _ r >: -- . +cr . +r^:A"+n + ". .sr+ -:+v-n-+reF en.. ++ren ^.m...--c+".Tm.^-"+'ner T nTar+x sziue THE° TWIN SUPER FEATURES, STARTING SUNDAY 1i'a 1 a x N wE KNvplkIGHTHOAD t , ) I IMx , WAS Iv FLOWE--IC-', a . . .: al Cosmropot it an Product ioni . sC G with action, radiant with beauty, ,-edro- lll th the warm flavor cf romance -- here's the a about picture ever made. The enchantinq C11 r 9Y7 n t~ i 3,F, J , -xp_ ", A y :., i F, tl i -lJi;. ' J ' gp tl1. ' } r :+ " -r Y ., q.. _ ff°4 t+ i Q7 tsl-^l ''' . __ u 'Gy itt ;-/ II- ='tl -/ . U .t C/ J '! '' " x s' ti _ It y.' fi[1- 11n=..'i'L'_ Ip '1 / "'' a _ l KIM V ,- 1 + "' ' j yy y! T t !'t - is {i. _ft 7::q '~11 , }1 .f r . 1 i tit Sao 744 e r P ------- ------ a - s If only MIDnie could have strutted thins. Instead she waited for ro- -- irauce by rthe lval?--and t12e:z was ...-........, (tri yen out to vin it.' e c a Living F' TEMIP kent.wi mo st talkcd-; fChuckle I lR M I