THE I CF Paris Calls Him;1 Exposes FUND GEIS 'Most Haled Man'i YETERDAY IN Of, TOAN DAILY R I iu l ll l nY A "w IYWWi11Y Vices Paris PEPPER LAUDS LEAGUE STE WAR US MN ET T SENIOR LIT AFTERNOON DANCE, ARRANGE REGATTA od;a y at the Union. 2:30. Couple. A -c; stagf, 25c.-Acdv, "400 $] 0 N G r jiCarrying $ 12,600,000 the legislative ~ -x appropriatin bill framed by a sub-!C (Continued from Page One) jcoznmnitteaz, headed by uncle Joe C a to came ftroi-n txpyr Many rae- non, was reported to the House. t- coen , aund ite su~chenes H i audi I The Senate banking committee de- ,tic toriul, ad theneg.Clemnts lbr a t :cicled to make inquiry Into bankingxbi ar ~uta'L ay ICf 1~connections of James G. MeNary, Nrew I !f equipment, apparatus, books, to o« - I Mt-xico, ijoininated to be coniptrolle, e~ ships, increases in 5alary, and the of the currency. C publication of "e.;tlts of rese eth c an only come ro cilumd is ~ Union Pacific oppostion to continu- to su-pply t1_ ,c a ]ed tuat"'thLlJun ";":: : < r in of; the Southern Pacific Central tt has been estab'lic d l z Paceific morger was conditionally with- .iK. :F." 1d ?E<'. ',tJ:i_a d,.::.: crawnr at an inter--state coimerc. !*.:Wt "3c ondfly, to fu, achannel i c-omission hearing. Ia t ruj~vihthcnWo of alumnlzi .ar ry be felt more effeclivey in the lit . BRITON TO MEET PASHA of th'e . vAr; The grduteio voc ~s onro, s av aumiLausanne,.Jan. 13-(By AP)--Mar- In iL i. 1 , iisttia sae as quis Curzon, chief spokesman of Great It vtriitetaeof Michigan. 11%is BI itain, at the Near East conference fund, Iwhich has ltihe sympathretzc co- ifrme I>e asa oay th oper<< linof the Board iof lRegnts. thte aivst.g Cteiniiu.i rdi i as chairman of the conference'strn- the feeling that he has at direct inter-? to iazl cann..ission he was ready to Iv cs5t in the affairs of the University'. di-;cv, s next week the question fix- I Viclor fai gmeritte tl An hntensiv-e campaigna ung the lin ; the soruthrern boundaries of Tur- Sco~Mrunh Fec uhr alumn a~~rir tis fund i5 not expcted key. This means that the frontier IIukwot ok "aGrone"eps at thia, timge. The mm -imedlate aini of between Tcur.key proper: and Mosul, wrt ok,"pGrone"eps Iietutsistoz make known as with its olds fields, which England; ing the vices of the "Four Hundred" ~widely as pos;sible the fact that 'such cla.,ims, may come up for conshdera- of Paris to the vulgar gaze of the wil-.i a fund exi,;sas a mdiumn for the of- Lion. nd* 'Thpeasbcuete fetv r.eatonand admrrinistra-]fofsb h cneestdyt truth hurts, the Legion of honor, ofj tlo\ .of glsfrontlunito Univer- 1.mfteth dtil o te roec which Margueritte a commriandler, Sity Jobn Badburyconcerning exchange of population One Pcentors :1) rpoed i Sir John Bradbury, a Bmfitish mnem*- between Greece and Turkey failed, al- f writers have protested against' the T'he proposed esalsmeto h er of the reparations commission, th .ugh (further progress 'was made exLledn'atieauhr. Ohenr.c On~e Percenters; Clb, if it niaterializ- hlas been dtibbed "the mosc~t hated mian ccafidently through the mediation of _________________ (:s, will greatly add'to the total of the !if' Paris",b)ecause oi his athorslhin M. Delacroix of Belgium. j lund. th ies cbwoldinvlv oa f the British plan for settlement of!- agreemrent ayog t ebesI the reparations problemn, put forward! ('one to Aipear in Detroit laetthUnvriythrough suit- at the conference of premiers in that! Detroit, Jan. 19-(By A. P.) -Emlij able provisi!ons in etteir'wills one lnc r3city. tbitr tnts er elurle a t Conefowill iscuss is uo-sugs- cent ofl np lcadtruhtepes i omi w etrshere Feb.. Many other, Universities have site- ' 5, it was announced today. . Detroit fliar alumni funds. Yale's fund es- S OR,7TA 'T7' ' ,as not included in the Frenchman's i tablishe d in 1)'90 -rune up into mr-il.Lj > O I1.ASH original itinerary. lins. Last ye ar 7940 gradi ateM of 1_- -- this institution contributedi $506,532- e, okJn11-B AP1-e Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. 1 .74, not including $62,960 in bequests i1erler", Philadelphia light weight,, and $70,502 in interest. Of, this amiount wa ad ltejugs ecso o $474,758.90 was gven- to the univezrsit: ghit over, Pal Moran of New Orleans,f",VAS; to face the deficit of -var time co tdi ,. ina slashing 1 round baittle at Madi-' AE S M tions and the balance was added to the, son zar. Garn. principal. . .... Cornell, Brown and many otherj Newv Haven, Conn., Jan. 19-(By A. c zc colleges and universities have similar 'P.)-Yale defeated Cornell 32 to 2?7' _________________ unds. - in an intercolleglai e league basketbal'. &ti t ~ ~ ~ ~ gafuc hero tonight.- New York., .Jan. 19 -(fay A.P.)-l>,. g the example furnished by th(Ie resent reparations crisis Spud or 'orge Wharton Pepper, of Pennsyl- ania, dleclare(! in an adduress lbofore he Newv York~ state bar association ' .re tonight that the League of Na-j ins, originally conceived as a "corn- ination of states. to keep peace byj orce" has undergone a wholesome ~olution into a useful international )uncil of social welfare. Ilad the league followed out the trict provisions of' its covenant, sain he Senator, it would now be engaged nsteps preliminary to a concentra- on of actual force to comrpel Fran c, ad Germany to settle their quarrel amicably. Instead, lie added, the con- irence policy alone is now the mmn- say of the league, and no( conference ias been called by it because appar- mitly further conference would be fu- dis Army, Navy !-ell) Trenton, N. J., Jan. 19-(By A.P.)-=-- 'ho prohibition and~ enforcement con- ation held here yesterday under -h auspices of the New Jersey Anti- Saloon League, adopted a resolution urging use of the Army and, Navy to prevent ruin running. N(ev YORK. Jan. 19--(Biy A. P.) k- The boad o Etewards o, the Int'er- cc-l~cg:a":'' roi n its of iaion t) lovIr i xd- J un 2S as the dat :e for ; year's ref attla and id iacstcida (lc:;re to 1hold the event' on thec,(;udWson at Pcughkc epsie but ended their me:-1 ing in a (lc',dlock over the proposal to increaso the distance of the va,:sjuy race from 8 to 4 miles. No official word 'a}- to the attitudte of the stcwar'd- on the distance que-- tion was issued but it was announccU that anoxdher conference would h~e lpld in New York, Feb. 15, for far-, tiher discussion and possible dcis'.ion I of the issue. - Patronize Daily advertisers.- Adv. You Wll Larn Mre Rpidl I In a Few PRIVATE LESSONS H1ALSEY'S PA CE STUDIOS ". ° fit . 4. . ::' ... s r I ~' Fla Hits RNwvAAcademy Annapolis, Md., J1n. 190-- (By A.i P .)-bTmmluenza bas struclK the Unitedl States naval academy. It became known yester'day that 150 midplhip- Smen and 43 enliste'd men pare confin- ed In tie navial acaden.,y hospital. It is stated,, that the iustitutioui is vrowel- ed and that extra heln ha:: hen ern- rWYithiout a record vote the Sen,, k, passe d -and sent to the H-ouse the Crap- t per rural credit bill.3 LAST TIME TODAY VIOLA DANA IN"They r Like 'Em Rough" COMEDY NEWUS '. '' Il DI Lao *'RENNAN CUSTO M TAILOR jj:' 4 Tuxedos, Evening Clothes Golf Suits SATISFACTION .'-~ Nickels Arcade -Washington, Jan. 19--(13y A. P.) -?T Phe general health of the nation du r- Boston, Jan. 19-(13y A.P.) ---Join- n, 1922 was better. than during any ny Dundee, of New York, junior light rr in. the history of the country, weight champion, was awarded the Vith the exception of 1921, the De-I decision over "Pepper" Martin, of artmient of CJomm erce reported to- ;Brooklyn, at the close of their 10 ay. The death 'rate per 100,000 was round boutt here tonight. Dundee 2.5,as ompaed ith 2.1 duI weighed 131 1-2 and Martin 132 1-2. 921.E H-arding Still CIO-; Gen. 11ood Beeonies Gitrazdfatlwr Washington, Jan. 19--By A-P1.)-- Manila, Janl. 19--(By A.P.) -Gov. President Harding who =several day-, _en. Wood became the grandfather of? ago contracted a touch of the grippe i10-pound boy Wednesday, when a !was expected to remain away from his ;oil was born to, Lieut. Osborne Wood office today Oil the advice of his phy- ud Mrs. wood.' sician. PARCHMENT SHADES FRAMES BRAID Painting Outfits BRUSHES DESIGNS Parchment Paper Oils - Tube Colors Like to Meet lIe t THlE ARCADE THEATRE BIG'DOUTBLE PROGRAM BUSTER KEATON it "THE BLACK SMITH"9 *1 a .. " y Nzy 7Z) P, THE THEATRE WHFIN' P" N"I,'7ty N 1' LIKES TO G, 0 LAST TIME. T~ODAY LAST TIlME' TODAY BRONZE For Weed Decoration HOUSE PETERS IN .,The I NVIS1? L BRUSH ES vOW F9 ATOM~IZERS STARTING SUN~DAY Bronze Liquiuds 18 Imported Colors Metallics I I A I - GREATET fTORY EVER) TOLD IN MOTION , PICTUJREP --- r 1 i p, } PICTURE FRAME Made to Order i k ^S kirbO V/~ Ants no SPECIAL Swing Frames $1*50 PAUITING and DECO.UALLNG f F d A: c z I I' SHADOWS ARE DARKEST JUST BEFORE' DAWN TWO STORES II I ANN ARBORI YPSILAN TI , I If I " 1 -1 ---?-W-- V- a:as -- a --s . - lii , ;;E L.